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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • RoseRN1
    RoseRN1 Member Posts: 44

    ShelleyBeans, hope you are having a good weekend. They should never had done a group tour. Something like this is so personal and everyone reacts differently. I know you 'll regroup. You got this girl!

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161
    Cowboy up-- same here. My braca test took 3 weeks. I was shocked that it came back negative. My mother was diagnosed at 47, just like me.
  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    I also had the genetic test done and was also the hold up and part of which surgery I was going to go with. Mine also came back negative for any known genes. Mine took 2 weeks to come back and was not a blood test but I had to fill a tube with my saliva!

    Prayers for the 💩 fairy varga!

    Bevmomduck, enjoy that sunshine!

    Lisbeth, HUGE prayers you're able to get to your surgery soon! Hang in there and don't worry about being"down" on judgement!. ❤️

    You have all probably experienced people who've told you how amazing and brave you are going through this as I have but this morning after I had my own little fit I had a little talk with myself. I didn't feel or think that way at all, but you know what?? We are all gosh darned super heroes! No matter what each woman here has dealt with an incredible amount of unknowns and decisions we never imagined. Getting up and getting on each day with the options and decisions, maybe holding a job, and doing our best to keep up with whatever else we have going on is amazing! In one moment we were suddenly thrust into an alternate universe learning cancer lingo and statistics etc...we've been scared shitless probably most of the while so I say believe it ladies....I know I read these posts everyday and I admire all of your strength and courage but I never believed that about myself. I'd rather be a super hero that can walk through walls or something cool like that but today I'm a superhero that managed to wash my hair and dirty robe! You are all superheroes too even if you just manage a good poop today, it's amazing!!!

    Lve you from the bottom of my heart!

  • LisbethS
    LisbethS Member Posts: 88

    My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer, my aunt from breast cancer and my father aggressive prostate cancer, all part of the BRCA group of cancers but my insurance wouldn't cover the BRCA test until recently because they all got cancer when they were older, in their mid 70s. I procrastinated and didn't get it done until I got cancer. My doctor did tell me that even if I don't test positive there is obviously a genetic component to my cancer and they just haven't discovered the gene yet.

    I used Ambry Genetics and it only took 10 days for the results. I refused to use Myriad because they discovered the BRCA gene and then tried to patent it so they would be the only ones that could test for it. The Supreme Court stopped them thank goodness. Prices have come down since other companies are testing now.

    I found out I was BRCA2 positive the evening before my uni mastectomy surgery so it was too late to change it to a double mastectomy. Being part of the BRCA club is not a club I want to belong to nor do I want anyone else to belong to. Going from the sucker punch of cancer dx and wondering if I'll be around to raise my kids and see them grow up to the horror of wondering if I passed this awful BRCA gene on to my children, has been unbearable at times. I pray and pray I didn't pass this gene on to them. My brother and sister got tested after me and both tested positive, makes me so sad. I feel like I gave it to them even though I didn't and I'm the youngest. Don't know why I got cancer 25 years younger than my relatives did. Probably because I am a worry wart.

    I always feel like I post nothing but depressing things. Sorry for being such a downer. Trying to think of something positive to say and coming up blank.

    Anyway, my whole reason for this rant is to say that it took 10 days for my results. The wait is awful.

    Well you ladies are an inspiration to me with all your positive thoughts, wish I could be more positive today.

    Love you all. Thanks for sharing so much.

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    lisbeth, don't ever be sorry. You feel what you feel today and I respect your're still a freaking superhero! The burdens of this disease get to the very best so don't be too hard on yourself my friend. Hugs

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    lisbeth -- be good to yourself... give yourself permission to be down. Yesterday I was a wreck, spent the whole day in bed, and came close to wallowing (ok, let's be honest... I was wallowing). Today, I got , made myself shower, and asked my husband if we could go out for a walk... we ended up on a 40 minute hike... I have been dreaming of my hikes for weeks! Feeling like fightingirl' superhero today! All,that to say, tomorrow... or the next day... you will have a great day.

    I always tell my children. 'You get what you get'... these days I tell myself that quite a lot. Your children now have the power of information... they can have the genetic test when it's appropriate, they can have early screening when it's appropriate.... you are able to,give them that information. Better to know. Information is power, a gift, despite the news.

    Feel better soon!

  • LisbethS
    LisbethS Member Posts: 88

    Thanks Fightingirl, you always cheer me up. We have got to get together once I'm over this stupid illness. We could go to Paradise Bakery over by you and chat, play games, whatever. Maybe DCISinAZ can meet us and we can meet somewhere in between.

    Thanks everyone for posting about your PIA daughters. I thought I was the only one and was so ashamed. Mine is 13 and I thought for sure I was the worst mom in the world to have created such a self centered brat. I swear she cares more about her fingernails than my cancer. But my 11 year old son has been wonderful, so caring and loving. When my daughter makes me mad, he tries to calm me down and he keeps checking my heart rate on my Fitbit and then patting my head, rubbing my feet and seeing if he can get my heart rate down. I worry that he worries too much and I worry that my daughter doesn't worry at all, LOL! What a relief to know I am not alone in the self-centered daughter syndrome.

    Pugsmama, I see that you're BRCA2+ also, would love to chat about it sometime. Haven't found many others in the same boat on this forum.

    First concert The Cars, 1979 or 1980, St. Paul Civic Center I think.

    Love you all to pieces!!!!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    lisbeth, would love nothing more than to meet up sometime with you and DCISinAZ! That gives me something really nice to look forward to.

  • LisbethS
    LisbethS Member Posts: 88

    Thanks Dcbc for the support. Loved your picture! Very hot. I had triple Ds but not skinny like you, now I have only one. I thought it would be nice to have some time to say good bye to at least one of my boobs since my first MX happened so fast, I was so wrong, one boob is completely useless! What a bother, I'm surprised I can walk in a straight line and don't just walk in circles LOL! and I keep forgetting to put in my prosthetic boob when I go out. My kids are always saying, did you remember your boob? Weird conversations around our house since the cancer hit. Can't wait to get it removed and everything reconstructed so I'm symmetrical and evenly weighted again. But scared to death of the surgery and the TEs, will I be able to swim this summer? Ugh, I need to talk to my PS and BS.

    For those of you having trouble with the poop fairy not visiting, I'll send her your way, she's been visiting me waaaayyy too much with my c. diff. But you have to keep her, please don't send her back to me. LOL, you guys are too funny!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    chemo girls - I found that link with pics of hair growing in -

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    Hi Ladies ,

    Just popping in to say hello . I have been down with a nasty cough again. I guess from all the BC drama , my immune system is not at the top of it's game.

    I found a thread on here called member for over 10 years. Thete are some amazing stories of women just like us who have been on this site since their breast cancer journeys began and this site was started 12 yrs ago . If you are feeling down or stressed , these stories are most Uplifting. I thought I would share that since we will all have those ups and downs .

    Once again , you ladies have been a lifesaver to me . I have never felt aline through and this thread . Love and hugs


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Ok ladies! A trip to Walmart thus evening and a big bottle of fiber gummies was purchased. Those things are so yummy! I ate 4. Let's hope it works!

    LisbethS- I have a fitbit! Do you ever do Amy of the challenges? We could be fitbit friends! Any others withat fitbits?

    Have relaxing night! Send that poop fairy to the mountains!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    A poop superhero to the rescue for our vargadoll!


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    hahaha! Excellent! Figthingirl!

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Great day visiting relatives. Figured it's my last hurrah for a while. Too tired to catch up but lifted this inspiration from the chemo board. You are all my superheroes!


  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    LOVE that Pugsmama! Thank you for sharing and I hope you had a great day with the family. ❤️❤️

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    powerful stuff -

    about a young brca+ girl who did a preventive bmx and instagrams her journey, scars included - 'paige previvor'.

    the openness and willingness to share of all of us and her and everyone going through this is humbling.xx

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    this is from her site:imagehappy Sunday queens!!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    Love that quote! I saw Elizabeth Gilbert when I was in Texas last year - I laughed and cried through her talk. She's so inspiring.

    Varga - i have to tell you something I tried for the constipation which worked - was recommended by the MO nurse. Mixture of 1/2 prune juice and 1/2 orange juice. The orange juice cuts the prune juice and while it's pretty sweet it's not bad at all. Just a cup - worked overnight for me. I had warm prune juice while recovering from BMX and it was pretty good (again, my mom who knows all) but the cold version with the OJ was really good. I'll be drinking it through chemo for sure.

    It's in the 80's in FL today - have to go outside and enjoy. You'd think that being on recovery from surgery I'd by lying around and sleeping all the time, but today was the first day I got to sleep in! Made it to 7:00! I'm accustomed to being up at 5:00 every day so this is a nice change.

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126

    Happy Sunday to all my Princesses here on this page! I hope the day is full of family time and relaxation. I love all the inspirational quotes and pics everyone has posted, what a great way to start the day!

    annoyingboob, thank you for that link - great article. I had never heard the term "Previvor"

    LisabethS and Vargadoll, I have a fitbit too. If anyone wants to be fitbit friends, count me in!!

    It's warm down here too Shellybeans. Going out for a "boozy brunch" at Himmarshee Village in downtown Ft. Lauderdale with my 2 sisters later to celebrate birthdays, boobs and foobs. One of my sisters had her Lumpectomy last Friday, missed work Monday and was back to work Tuesday. The other one had an MRI of her breasts and the BRCA spit test last week - what a warrior tribe we are in my family!


  • Bevmomduck
    Bevmomduck Member Posts: 91

    Score! Just snagged a nice looking recliner for $50 from a neighborhood selling site. Just hope we can fit it in my Scion B (it can fit timpani so surely....). I had researched rentals and this will be far cheaper, it looks like it will actually compliment our colors and maybe can resell afterward.

    Still in serious nesting/ countdown mode but I am totally in a good place (qualify: at this moment 😉) Thanks to all my superhero friends right here! (Love that quote).Hope you can each one experience happy moments today.❤️

  • lisabekind
    lisabekind Member Posts: 55

    Constipation cure- walking, and lots of water. Gotta get things moving. Everyone have a blessed day!

  • Fightingirl
    Fightingirl Member Posts: 328

    good morning friends and happy Sunday!

    Quick suggestion for anyone on pain meds or will need them for procedures coming up....for my brachy procedure I was prescribed a pain med called nucynta. I had never heard of it but it's supposedly similar to Percocet minus the nausea and constipation. It has worked great for me. The only downside is there is no generic and my co-pay was $25. The pharmacy said that was really good as they've seen the co-pay up to $200!!! If you have great insurance it might be worth checking into.

    That's a great score bevmomduck!

    Shellybeans I slept until 7:30!! I'm always up at 5:30 so it felt great! We must have needed that extra sleep.

    My husband has suggested going out for Mexican food tonight and I'm thinking I just may do it to get out of the house! These catheters are uncomfortable and my boob is itchy but I can't scratch it but it's going to be that way whether I'm home or out so thinking it might be good for my soul to get out and try to enjoy myself. More than 1/2 way through today and I believe 9 appts to tackle between tomorrow and Wednesday so it should go by fast.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • Pamela_2016
    Pamela_2016 Member Posts: 23

    I am in countdown mode with Bevmomduck with surgery this Wed. Someone sent me this TED talk which gives some tips for coming out of all this with "Post Traumatic Growth" and greater happiness versus PTSD. Speaker has created a game SuperBetterwith actions to build mental, emotional, physical, social resilience. This discussion board is definitely helping with that last category. Best to you all!

  • Shellybeans
    Shellybeans Member Posts: 147

    thank you Pamela 2016! I love TED talks. Have the app on my phone. How have I not seen this one! Will watch it today. Retail therapy with my mom and daughter. No heels during chemo = reason to shoe shop (like I need one! 👠

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    lisbethS you crack me up with the one ddd! I have hated carrying those around for years... but still,tried the lumpectomy first... once the path report came back w/out clean margins, I knew I was in for mastectomy for my left breast... but I'm an ILC girl, and it is such a sneaky bastard... hard to diagnose/find/see.... and since There was no way in hell I was going to build a new a ddd to replace my left breast, seemed like a no brained to do BMX rather than reduce the right side and then have to live with scans and fears of false negatives going forward... but ha d second thoughts all the way into the surgical suite. TBH, if I'd had IDC not sure I would have done it.

    Re: skinny, lost 18 lbs right before my dx. Im on the short side so before thwt was definitely NOT skinny! ;0. Can't wait to find out how much I lost on the operating table... the first thing I asked in recovery was how much they weighed.... but was too loopy to remember the answer! Will have to find out when I see the bs thisweek!

  • Hello, ladies!

    Sorry it has been such a long time since I have been back on, but there has been so much going on. Hope you ladies are all doing well, and best wishes to those who have upcoming surgeries. I am still trying to make some very needed adjustments and waiting for my Knitted Knockers to come in. I sure don't feel very good about myself, but in time, I know that I will learn to live with it. Last week was my first week back to work. It was a little difficult, but I got through it.

    I just want to say that as hard as the mastectomy was to have done, I am very grateful and blessed to be alive.

  • kroop73
    kroop73 Member Posts: 6

    Hello ladies and sisters,

    I had my second surgery this past Friday 2/10. I had a lumpectomy on 12/8/16 (thinking the lump was benign). It wasn't and they didn't get a clear margin. So this past Friday, I had more breast tissue removed to obtain a clear margin and one lymph node removed. It appears from initial pathology done in the operating room that the node is clear of cancer. However, they have sent the tissue and node off for further testing. I have two incisions, one in the exact same place the lump was removed (bottom of my left breast) and another incision under my left armpit. I am doing well, holding my own with some soreness and little pain. I should know my pathology results by Tuesday 2/14. My surgeon did tell me that my oncotype dx number is 16 which is low and good. If the lymph node has no cancer cells, I will get to skip chemo. We are planning on brachyradiation (aka balloon radiation). I might be ready to start that in the next week or two. I thank God for every little piece of good news! Thanks for sharing your stories ladies! Its nice to be here to encourage and simply be here for one another. God Bless!

  • kroop73
    kroop73 Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for sharing your story RosaRosa.... you are a brave warrior! God bless you!