Stage IV MBC Fitness



  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited December 2018

    Great news on the scans, Illimae! New Orleans is beautiful and I hope you two have a wonderful time.

    Katy- So sounds try about the cold. Healing takes soooo long these days. The skate skiing sounds like fun.

    Hi DG! Gloomy weather does make it harder to get motivated. Congratulations on the work out.

    Philly- Hope the kick boxing was fun as well as good for you.

    Lori- So good to hear you are feeling better and treatment feels like it’s working! Hope your strength returns soon.

    I went for a 5,000 step hike in Cheyenne Canyon yesterday. It was 53 degrees in town and 30 degrees up on the trail. The sun and fresh air made it comfortable and all worthwhile. Also began lifting light weights again. Starting from scratch after being down with a cold for three weeks. Old age + cancer=💩

    Today it’s 11 degrees with 40 mph wind. Making soup :)

    I saw clinical trials are starting on “exercise as a treatment.”I’ll look for the link if anyone is interested.

    Happy New Year!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited December 2018

    Dang my cold turned sinus infection! Wasn’t sure what to do so called cancer center and actually got a person and a plan. Had to go in for blood test, picking up antibiotics and stop last two Ibrance pills - I was at end of my cycle. Going home to crawl into bed! Was hoping to ski today and hike tomorrow. Alas, this shall pass.

  • dghoff
    dghoff Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2018

    KatyK, I came down with a cold too a few days ago so I've done limited exercise the past few days. A little yoga, a short 40 minute walk yesterday, and I'll probably try to get out for another walk today. we were supposed to go up north to our cabin for New Year's but just didn't have the energy to do it. i find that, with lung mets, I get out of breath a lot easier. My mets are small and not active, but I think I have a lot of scar tissue in there. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but throw in the freezing temps and a minor cold, and it sure does a number on me. I'll get back to it, but gotta be gentle with myself.

    Happy New Year to all! May 2019 be a year of feeling good for all of us!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019
    Hope you’re feeling better DGHoff. I am glad I was able to get on the antibiotics so quickly after my cold become a sinus infection. I was feeling well enough today to get in a walk. Hope I can go try skiing again soon.
  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2019

    Happy New Year!

    Illimae, great news on the scans!

    Hope any bugs circulating are on the way to oblivion. DGHoff, maybe some steam would help? I used to regularly steam up the bathroom when scar tissue on my lungs and chest from radiation needed "loosening" May not be science-based but it sure helped my skin. 

    KatyK, took some inspiration from you and tried Nordic cross country skiing while DH tried skate skiing. Now I've got a painful butt from not seeing an obstacle on the tracks. I'll have to find a flatter trail.

    Iwrite, yes, please on those links just out of curiosity as to what type of exercise, duration, intensity, etc. they are thinking of as treatment.

  • BellaTassie15
    BellaTassie15 Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    Great to hear what others do. Yes I'd love to know what exercise as treatment involves. I keep hoping there is a trial involving low carb that I could join.

    My gym classes recommenced today, I haven't done anything since mid December. I caught a cold, which is rare for me, and it took a fortnight before I felt better 🤧. Today I did Polarity, which is like aerobics, very high energy. I stood out a few reps here and there but sweat so much, it's summer and the aircon just doesn't cut it. Then I did Stretch and Tone, which I enjoyed. My weight is abominable, my fat gut gets in the way all the time, I'm carrying an extra 20 kg. I'm not motivated to fast and lose weight again just yet but I'm hoping the return to regular gym classes will change that soon. Keep moving and keep posting 😊.

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited January 2019

    Good morning,

    Here is the link to the two current trials...evidently one is for the impact of exercise on neuropathy in the hands and feet. The other is for the impact of walking for stage IV folks.

    Our gang lifts weights, skis, hikes, and does yoga and aerobics (among other things)! Maybe we should do our own little clinical appears we are ahead of the curve on exercise!

    Hope everyone can avoid, or recover quickly, from the seasonal colds that are going around in the northern hemisphere. Feeling envious of our friends in Australia and NZ right now :) Even pictures of the beach would help!

    I did some weight lifting this morning and have hikes planned for the rest of the week as it warms up into the 40s.

    Keep moving friends!

  • shazzakelly
    shazzakelly Member Posts: 620
    edited January 2019

    Checking in from New Zealand it’s been a long time since I visited this site. I used to post on this thread when it first started. While I haven’t been posting I’ve still been exercising but like most I’ve had my ups and downs. After 4 years of weekly Taxol I had some progression and switched to Letrozole about a year ago. I have had a lot more energy and have been able to up my exercise game a bit. I’ve been struggling a bit with joint pain and fatigue recently but am trying to push through.

    With the holidays my boot camp and yoga classes haven’t been happening but I’ve managed to get in a walk most days and when the weather has allowed I’ve got out on my paddle board. I’ve just started an online 30 day yoga challenge so we will see how we go with that. Off for a walk now. I’d forgotten how motivating reading everyone’s exercise is. I’ll try and get on more often. A wee picture from yesterday’s walk to leave you with


  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited January 2019

    It’s good time see you Shazza! Paddle boarding sounds like fun. Congrats on staying active!!And thank you for the summer picture!

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Beautiful picture, Shazza! And so the opposite of my scenery today. Went up skate skiing today. Very nice conditions but it was a rough day for me, maybe too soon after my sinus infection. I may need another rest day or two. But it was still nice to be up there and even though it was hard, I just love the motion of skate skiing so glad I went.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2019

    So gorgeous, Shazza!

    You can "rest" on your laurels, KatyK. Getting out there earns you a Prize!

    Zumba yesterday.

  • BellaTassie15
    BellaTassie15 Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    Body Pump yesterday with very light weights and RPM today. Feels good to be getting back into it 😎.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited January 2019

    DH and I took a mid day bike ride through a local park, followed by a lot of walking at an outdoor swap meet, then some housework.

    Nice to see so many of you out and about 😀


  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Looks pretty nice, Illimae. You did a lot today! Awesome! I did a longer walk yesterday and a short one today! Feeling sinus infection getting better, will go try skiing again in the next day or two

  • gingersnaps15
    gingersnaps15 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2019

    For those who don't want or can't get to a gym I recommend the FItness Blender website. The videos are free and for all fitness levels. You can also buy their fitness programs designed for specific fitness goals. I purchased the booty workout and it definitely helped. It took a little time before i was able to complete an entire workout without pausing it but I was happy with the results.

    Throughout the past 18 months of treatment I have mainly been hiking and walking to stay active and keep fit (including walking over 2.5 miles to the hospital and back for radiation treatments). I'm slowly adding back in weights and HIIT workouts with Fitness Blender. My expander exchange surgery is next month. After that I should, hopefully, be finished with all of my treatments besides the continuous Herceptin/Perjeta routine. Looking forward to getting my body back into tip top shape for 2019.

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Gingersnaps, that’s an awesome suggestion. There really are many good videos out there. I have used some yoga ones that have been good. Yesterday instead of the gym I ended up doing an at home work out with some dumbbells, BOSU ball, and a hula hoop! Also did some stretching and yoga. Feeling better from sinus infection so ventured up to the ski area to skate skiagain. I was very happy with how I felt and got in 10k with long hills. I’m not like I used to be, slower and need some rests but I thoroughly enjoyed skiing and being outside. Then DH and I enjoyed a little lunch we brought in the Nordic lodge. Hope others got in some good movement today.

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Went to a yoga class this morning offered by the cancer center. It was awesome and just what I needed today! It felt really good after the ski yesterday. Glad I went, it’s a six week session and I’m looking forward to it. I’ve done yoga in the past but stopped due to my schedule and then diagnosis but time for it to come back in my life

  • BellaTassie15
    BellaTassie15 Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    RPM and Pilates Saturday. Circuit and yoga Monday. RPM yesterday. Pleased to be back into it 😎. Keep posting ladies.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited January 2019

    greetings fitness friends!!

    KatyK I am sorry to hear you got sick but sounds like you’re on the mend thank goodness! Colds and sinus infections can really take it out of a person, energetically. I always need way more rest than I typically can admit to!

    Gingersnapa - i too use Fitness Blender and it is what helped me get my arse into gear and exercising on a different level. I even ordered the weight block sets they use, which I love!

    I just got back from an amazing and restorative trip to Jamaica where I was visiting some very dear friends. Yesterday, we went to work out with my friends personal trainer Mike, aka Mr. Jamaica! I am so so sore today I am still in bed and can feel how sore my tushie muscles are 😂 here’s a couple pics of me and this beautiful gentle kind strong man!!! What a gift this workout was!!!



  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Feeling much better, Philly after that stinkin’ sinus infection. Nice pictures, glad you a fun restorative trip! Just what ya need sometimes. Enjoyed a nice gym workout today and then had an acupuncture session. It was great and really helped my back - not related to cancer, I hope! Now going to spend some time sitting and go watch the movie Bohemian Rhapsody.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited January 2019

    Today was a 3 mile bike ride with DH followed by my weekly Silver Sneakers class.

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Illimae, we live in Idaho and skied in the mountains today but in the valley you could bike and we just enjoyed a glass of wine on the patio until the sun disappeared. Are you enjoying your class?

    Did a skate ski today and I’m so excited because it was the best ski I’ve had this year and I almost felt normal! The sun was out and very pretty up there. Enjoyed a nice lunch with DH and friends after the ski. I’m excited to ski more but we do need more snow.

    Philly, I wanted to ask do you find your medical background helps when getting information and reading reports? What is your medical background? I find I can’t handle too much medical information, I got very depressed once after reading a report even though the news was basically good. Now I mostly want basics. I either think I need to become an oncologist or be ignorant! I guess there is the middle path.....

  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338
    edited January 2019

    Illimae, I see you have bone mets. Mine is in my lower back and severely limits activity. Do you mind sharing where your bone mets are and do you have any advice. I was originally in a wheelchair but treatment and radiation got me up and walking but from the waist up I have no problems. J

  • BellaTassie15
    BellaTassie15 Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    RPM yesterday. Intended doing it again today but not feeling great. Ah well. 😎

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,746
    edited January 2019

    Katyk, yes, I am enjoying the class. It’s a moderate 1 hour workout including warm up. We do some slow aerobic moves, bounce balls and lots of resistance band work, I’m the youngest by at least 20 years but everyone is very nice. Our instructor plays a lot of Michael Jackson and Motown remixes, I like both, so it’s cool for me.

    JoE, I wish I had some advice but although I have a few bone mets (left hip, right scapula and a lumbar), they’ve never caused pain or discomfort. The hip bone was the only one present at dx and although confirmed as mets by biopsy, it was already healing. I do stretch every night, touch my toes, etc., I know that helps my joints at least, I get really stiff after sitting too long. Are you doing any post radiation exercises?

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2019

    Philly, Jamaica sounds wonderful. I need a trip like that too! But maybe not as tough a workout, especially around the tuschi with my still bruised tailbone.

    Katyk, way to go,! I will have to try skate skiing. That patch of grass on the Nordic track would have been easier to avoid.

    Jo, congratulations on being up and walking!! That is a great achievement and is very promising! I had mets on my upper spine which was very painful. After treatment I still had residual muscular pain. Exercise helped a lot with that but it took a long time before I gained flexibility. Are you seeing a physiotherapist?

    Shoveling snow today.

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited January 2019
    hi all! Woke up with a cold :( I was on full flight on the airplane stuck next to an woman who was coughing her head off. I tried to protect myself but sometimes these things happen. Also going back and forth from the cold to the hot sun to the cold again may have done me in this time.

    I am totally sore from the workouts and now recognizing once again that the soreness is related to coming down with something. It is the weirdest thing! The difficulty in telling the difference between muscle soreness from a workout vs muscle soreness from illness. The workout soreness usually resides in a day and the illness achines doesn’t...

    KatyK - I am licensed in Chinese medicine and nutrition. My training was very integrative as I went to school in Oregon, where they have to prepare you to be a primary care provider (in Oregon and California , acupuncturists are considered primary care providers so are supposed to understand a lot of conventional medicine. It’s ALWAYS a work in progress and I am first to admit that I am no expert but I can speak “medical jargon” pretty well. The thing that’s very different with oncology lab/scan results is that our lab work and scans (which show lots of out of range numbers and wordy discussions and perhaps scary to see to a non-diagnosed with cancer individual), are typically considered normal. Unless there’s clear cancerous activity (or some other serious issue), the oncologists are like: you’re doing great!

    My spine has degenerated over the last 1.5 years on these meds. Not fun to see :( my MO simply said: “welcome to middle age.” I don’t buy it!!!
  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    Feel better soon, Philly. I mentioned how my cold became a sinus infection. So annoying but I’m better now and I wish you a speedy recovery. I am finding my way on what medical information is helpful - not trying to bury my head in the sand but I can’t handle every little bit of information. I do need a bit of denial to just keep going! I like the quote, “ She believed she could, so she did.” I’m a bit familiar with licensing in OR for naturopaths and acupuncturists as I live in Idaho and they don’t require licensing, it’s been an issue here. The naturopath I have seen went to school in OR. I had an acupuncture appointment this last Thursday ( offered at the cancer center) and it was amazing! I’ve been before and good experience but for some reason this one was awesome! I had some back pain it really helped and it had a huge positive impact on my emotions. I made an appointment for next week too! Decided a rest day was in order after a busy week and my ski yesterday. Have a retirement party in the afternoon and dinner at a friends house in the evening. I’ll save my energy to be social!

    Illimae, sounds like a good class for you. I enjoyed the yoga class offered by my cancer center even though it was quite mellow it was just right!

    Hope you all had a good day!❤️

  • KatyK
    KatyK Member Posts: 206
    edited January 2019

    DH and I met good friends for a nice long walk along the river. It started out cold (25) and cloudy from an inversion but the clouds did break up an we got some sunshine. Was a nice time to visit and walk. Was hoping to see bald eagles but not today. Did see a muskrat and mergansers. Always fun to see a little wildlife.

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited January 2019

    So good to see everyone moving :)

    I did a 2.5 mike hike with another BC survivor this afternoon. Wonderful lady who Just finished treatment. 38 degreesand sunny. Afterwards I stopped at an Irish pub for music, wine, dinner, and a decadent bread pudding dessert. Ahhhh. Life is good.