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DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2017



  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Member Posts: 110
    edited August 2017

    They did give me some long q-tip things and I'm to use the stick end to get it in there. I wish they had let me do it while they watched, but they squeezed me in and were very busy, so she just told me what to do. They were on the fence about admitting me for treatment. Now I wish they had just done that.

    The nurse called back and said to do the best I can until Wed (when I see them again) and call on Monday if anything happens over the weekend. I told her I cannot find the pocket that needs to be filled and poking around with the stick is causing even more bleeding. So she said to keep trying but if Ionly get it to cover the opening that will have to do.

  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2017

    cdv4251992, I hope this issue resolves quickly for you. It's frustrating and frightening. I had a minor issue recently and knew that I would not go to an ER fearing they would not be experts in DIEP flap and could make matters worse (no offense to any ER personnel intended). It seems that every plastic surgeon has a different protocol too. Anyway, just wanted to send support.

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited August 2017

    CDV: I would insist on meeting with the PA at a minimum on Monday. The last thing you need is the wound opening to get bigger. Maybe a course of antibiotics to be proactive about infection. Be calm. Sending calming thoughts.

    Big sister: All I can say is WOW! You look fabulous!

    I was scheduled for Stage 2 on 8/17, but plans have changed. Instead of Stage 2 at surgical center based on other medical issues i.e. Severe asthma, only 1adrenal gland and partially collapsed right lung, it must be done at hospital. Now scheduled for 10/2. All breathing issues result of radiation.

    It took me 3yrs to decide on Stage 2-and mine will involve multiple procedures--you would think someone read my file before scheduling 8/17 surgery. Now scared once again

  • deni1661
    deni1661 Member Posts: 425
    edited August 2017
    cdv so sorry to hear about your troubles, that sounds terrible. Crazy that this would happen after 5 months! I would be frustrated too. Hang in there, sending prayers your way that this clears up quickly and you can get back to complete healing. Take care
  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Member Posts: 110
    edited August 2017

    Thank you everyone. I was able to get some more of the packing material in yesterday, so I feel a little more like I'm doing something helpful. I was on Kefex last week and they put me on Bactrim when I was in the office Thursday.

    I am trying to stay positive that this will fix everything. I don't want to lose the reconstruction that was done. This is a one shot thing and I have no other options for reconstruction dueto all the damage from radiation last time around.

  • suburbs
    suburbs Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2017

    Hi all. I am still mulling over and researching stage two revisions. I am not sure I am asking in the right thread. Anyway, I will try again and be more specific. I am seven weeks out from surgery so I am not sure how much of my issues are due to swelling. I started physical therapy and also reiki/onco massage three to 4 times per week.

    My belly button and my waist are now about an inch or two higher than where they were. I have hips sticking out on my sides where I never had hips before. Basically about two inches above my hips I have pads of flesh sticking out that look like an extra set of hips. I have an hourglass shape the stops above my hips which is a big change as I was never an hourglass, more like a surfboard. Under my arms, there is more flesh than before which is uncomfortable like a big knot. And finally there is the dreaded ken doll effect which makes me want to cry

    Any advice or comments would be most appreciated. Also, recently someone posted a link for a tummy tuck website that had a lot of info. I've searched for it and can't seem to locate it again.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    suburbs - go to the website Go to the anatomy part which I thought was very interesting explaining the different kinds of fat. I'm pretty sure we only have subcutaneous fat removed, not visceral fat which is around your organs. It appears if we gain weight it turns into visceral fat which is very dangerous for our body and organs. The visceral fat can cause our bodies to produce too much estrogen.

    I just had stage 2 surgery on August 4 and the doctor said he found several cavities in my abdomen area which were full of fluid. I too had weird bulges in different areas after my first surgery back in March 8 but I think some of that was due to chemo treatments, I have not gained weight in fact I've lost 10 pounds. I have a drain now and he said he'll probably have to leave it in place for four weeks or more to make sure the fluid keeps draining. What concerns me is the fluid is very red and it looks like blood, rather than turning a light orange color 8 days after my surgery. In addition, I read our bodies do not learn how to manage the fluid as long as the drains are in. I've noticed that I have a bulge right under the breast and above the bellybutton. Once I recover from the surgery I'm going to really learn some key exercises and continue to change my diet. Sugar is not our friend.

  • StillBlessed72
    StillBlessed72 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017

    Hi Suburbs-

    I just had my stage 2 revisions on 8/9 so it is too early for me to see everything that was done. It is very difficult to really give good advice as everyone's stage 1 experience and any treatments are so different. Those extra folds of fat are supposed to be addressed during stage 2. Make sure you trust your ps and feel comfortable addressing all of your concerns. They are supposed to be there to listen advise and help you. I still feel stuff at the back of my underarm/ back but I am not sure if that is swelling which will go away over the next few weeks or just fat I have to work on. My post op appointment is Thursday 8/17 so I guess I can have my questions answered. I was overweight going into Stage 1 and came out 17 pounds lighter (my pre surgery breasts were HUGE!) I lost an additional 9 pounds before stage 2 but right now even in this binder I feel bigger. Has any one else felt like that after stage 2 revisions

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited August 2017

    suburbs- all that you have going on is 100% normal following stage 1. In stage 2 they will sculpt your hips and that area under your arms/upper side. They can lower your belly button too. When they do stage 1 that area under the arms is part of where they attach the flap. More flesh is better than less flesh for stage 1 as that's the foundation they have to work with for stage 2 and beyond. So our breasts are often a little bigger and our sides under the arm a little thicker. Fat grafting will come later to fill in but not all of it stays as some gets reabsorbed by the body and it's not as predictable. It's easier to take away than it is to add.

    Your chest to waist to hip ratio will be evened out too. Remember they basically just took out a 6-8" section of your tummy only and pulled the upper part down to cover the gap (the lower part gets pulled up a little too-how much higher depends on location of the incision and how much flesh they took). That in itself has a significant effect on making you appear shorter waisted, hips that are extremely pronounced (making waist look even smaller), and breasts that are lower than before (not the droop factor but physically on the underside where they start and where your bra band sits. They can do a lift for this if needed.) Why don't they just go ahead and take that extra flesh from the hips during stage 1 to avoid this look? Because they will likely need it for stage 2 fat grafting.

    With the Ken doll-it seems that with lower incisions it's less pronounced. It can also go away over time. On its own. I'm 6 months out from stage 1 (haven't had stage 2 yet) and mine finally looks normal again. A lot of it can just be swelling-swelling from the surgery and swelling from lymph drainage not draining as well as it did pre-surgery. If yours doesn't go down on its own, they can lower the incision line during stage 2 and/or do lipo in the area to help correct it. They say it takes 18 months for everything to settle down and go back to 'normal' (or the new version of normal with new ta-tas!)My only issue now in that area is that the hair line is slightly higher than it was-back to the laser hair removal place, I guess!

    Hope this helps answer your questions!

  • StillBlessed72
    StillBlessed72 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017

    I went back full time after 8 weeks but probably should have done part time for the first 4 weeks as my job is very mentally and physically taxing and I was squeezing in physical therapy twice a week and handling a very active 3 year old. Surgeons offered to have me out for 10-12 but the superwoman complex took over. No matter how long you are out, give yourself time to transition back into your routine and don't beat yourself up if you can't do things or move around as quickly as before

  • grateful99
    grateful99 Member Posts: 180
    edited August 2017

    At two weeks post DIEP 2, I went for a check up and had my sutures removed (the non-dissolving ones around the nipples). A few days later, I noticed that there was one sharp thread left, right in the middle of my left nipple. During the check up, there had been some dried blood there, so it covered the nipple, but later, the scab fell off and there it was: a tiny piece of black nylon thread. I went back to see a nurse who happily pulled it out. I asked her if it would have worked itself out, like a sliver, but she said no. Good thing I noticed it - it could have become infected. So, ladies, check yourselves carefully post both DIEP and DIEP2. I still haven't decided on the tattoos, but the earliest I can have them is 12 weeks post surgery, so no need to decide right now.

    Wishing you all the best in your recoveries.

  • StillBlessed72
    StillBlessed72 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017


    Thanks for sharing. I am only 5 days out from stage 2. I have my 1 week check up on Thursday. What can I expect to happen at that time? Are you sore around the back of your underarm area?

  • grateful99
    grateful99 Member Posts: 180
    edited August 2017

    Hi StillBlessed, at the check up, the PS just checked his work to see if he was happy with it and a resident pulled out the stitches. I asked about the tatts and about the possibility of having more lipofilling with just a local anesthetic (one breast is still bigger than the other one). The answer to that one was yes, it's possible. And no, I am/was not sore around the breasts.

  • StillBlessed72
    StillBlessed72 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017

    Thanks for the information Grateful! I know my ps drew a big purple oval around the back fat bra roll area and that is where I am sore the most so I figure he did lots of work there.

  • kcmc
    kcmc Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2017

    I have a question for you ladies, I had my DIEP Flap on May 22nd. I am happy with the results but healing is very slow. Started with Silvadene, then they tried meda honey now tomorrow I start Santyl Cream. I am going to Jamaica on vacation, slow to get travel insurance and called one day too late to cancel for pre existing conditions. My oncologist is happy with my blood work and didn't bat an eye when I asked if I could go or not. I will be leaving in a month and will be going after chemo 3 during my "good week". I asked the plastic surgeon what are the chances of me swimming and he said 50/50 - doesn't sound good. I am eating a lot of protein for healing not lifting still and taking it quite easy. I had two C sections and this is the area that is not healing and under my left breast. I have a huge hole in my abdomen about 3 inches wide a 1/4 inch deep. Left breast has a hole and raw skin. So disappointed wasn't going to take a chance with the ocean but really wanted to go in the pool. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts? Really appreciate it!


  • Pambc010417
    Pambc010417 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    KCMC - I would not risk getting in the pool, hot tub or ocean, at all. But you could dangle your feet on the side of the pool or walk the beach. Just do not submerge your body. I know it is hard not to do things we love but I just would not risk it, especially since you already had an infection at one time. Please enjoy yourself in every other way! What about the sun? Protect your skin too from the chemo reaction

  • kcmc
    kcmc Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2017

    I belong to a pool club and sitting in shade with 75 SPF and have been lucky no burn or reactions at all. I go down at least 4 times a week no sunburn set up my lounge chair in complete shade and sometimes nap lol! Your definitely right no swimming for me this summer oh well not the worst thing in the world. Time is flying fast and next summer will be here before I know it. The time is flying since I was diagnosed on March 1st. These last 5 months flew by. So summer 2018 here I come!

    Thank you for answering :)


  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited August 2017

    wonder if you could place telfa pads over the open wounds and then lay a tegaderm over it making sure to have enough clearance on all sides so it adheres to the skin and it's water tight? Don't know that I would risk it, but if I did I think that would be the best option. Sitting in the beach under an umbrella in front of the ocean with a nice cross breeze and a waiter who keeps your glass full of tasty frozen drinks isn't such a bad thing either (although I might worry about sand getting in the wounds)! Whether you get in the water or not some type of covering that will keep out sand and water is a good idea. I'd keep it covered and water tight even in the shower too-I'd cleanse the area with bottled water only.

    I hope you have a good time and are able to relax and just forget for a little while. And if you need to do a redo on the trip to get the full experience once everything's healed, PM me tolet me know and I'll help you out with a really good deal in Jamaica or Mexico!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited August 2017
    Hi Monica,
    I too am a beach bum, so after my DIEP on May 29, I spent a lot of time recovering at the ocean's edge. The best I could do tho was get my ankles wet. My PS said no swimming until all scabs were absolutely healed. Too many microorganisms to worry about so I didn't risk it! Hope your healing comes along a little faster.
  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705
    edited August 2017

    a lot CAN happen in 4 weeks before the trip. I know you can't get all the money back for the trip thru insurance, but what about just changing the dates with the resort and airline to a later date? Most resorts will do that for no fee. of course airlines will charge a change fee (except southwest) and the difference in airfare (if any) for the rebooked flight. usually you can do both types of reschedule up to 1 or 2 weeks out from arrival depending on the reservation policies. So that would also give you some time to see how the healing is progressing

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited August 2017

    Monica, you will have a great time even without the pool/hot tub! lots to see and do but don't over do it. I found chemo 3 most fatiguing. the first two were no sweat, but third one I acted the same way and then became wiped out.


  • kcmc
    kcmc Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2017

    Thank you for all the great advice. I want my children to go on vacation so as long as the Dr. says its a go, he already did but is going to run my blood numbers before I go. I am going to do it. I really doubt I will be healed by then. Oh and by the way I am going to Jamaica lol! Got a great deal for $2,900 including non stop airfare to Jewel Runaway bay for the four of us and if for some reason the Oncologist changes his mind I am going to just send the hubby and children they deserve a vacation during all this mess. Plastic surgeon also agreed on the vacation but said 50/50 chance on swimming so I read into that as a no. At that price for a week I feel it is even a fair price for the three of them. I am going to take a long weekend trip to Bermuda just hubby and I in late spring next year so that should make up for no swimming. Chemo one was brutal I had two bad weeks with terrible fatigue and nausea and just one good one. During this trip it will be right after chemo 3 and I am going to go after the second week. I get chemo number 4 two days after I get back. Doctor says it will be a good distraction for me and will be sending me with prophylactic anti biotics just in case. Do have insurance if I do get sick down there and they will fly me home no extra charge. So we shall see, I imagine I will still have a good time with the change of scenery. I do have a very good friend a sister of a very famous Jamican singer who died, won't mention his name but I am sure you know who I am talking about so if I run into trouble she said to give her a call and she will help out so I know I have support from her too. Just can't wait to go in the water and Bermuda has much nicer water so something to look forward to too.

    Even after all this I am extremely pleased with my DIEP Flap. Best decision I ever made so so pleased with the results.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited August 2017

    So abdominal wound from Diep infected again! Back on antibiotics and delayed last AC dose! Have to see the ps tomorrow. May have to be opened up and cleaned out. Frustrating

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248
    edited August 2017

    KCMC, I would NOT submerge in any body of water, including the tub in your own bathroom.  Once you're scars are fully healed, with no scabbing, you'll be ready to swim. But given how much difficulty you've had healing I think you'd really be courting trouble if you take a dip.

    I do empathize with you. I had a terrible time healing from my BMX.  A huge 6" seroma on one side and an enormous amount of tissue necrosis on the other.  It took 16 weeks of treatment, including a wound vac, before it was completely healed. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

  • cdv4251992
    cdv4251992 Member Posts: 110
    edited August 2017

    Tpralph, I'm so sorry about the infection. It is unbelievably frustrating.

    I was supposed to follow up with my ps on my infection in the reconstructed breast on Wed, but he had a death in the family, so I saw a nurse for a check. She took a picture and repacked it and said the doctor would be in touch today.

    I called my mo when they first started treating the infection on8/4 to keep her advised. Her office said it would not be a problem to continue to receive Herceptin because, at that time, I was supposed to be done with the antibiotic by 8/11, well before my next treatment. When the wound broke open and they put me on the stronger med, I called back and was told they would probably have to delay treatment but that they would call me on Monday (8/14) if that is the case. I got no call, so I went for treatment today. They seemed to have no idea about any of this, nothing in my file. After 2 hours (my doctor was not in this morning, her nurse is on vacation, the person I spoke to on the 4th and the 11th was out), they decided they did not feel comfortable going through with the treatment. They said they would wait to see what the ps noted in my file and call me this afternoon. The ps was supposed to call me this afternoon. No calls.

    I'm so over this, frustrated with everyone involved, and feel like I'm getting the run around.

  • Kali44
    Kali44 Member Posts: 30
    edited August 2017

    Vacation was grt but just one problem....not long enough 😆

    Cdv I am sorry to hear about packing. I had to do that as well but it was just after my surgery but I had a nurse come in to do it for me. It was everyday for app 1 Month. Sucked but healed really well. The nurses used the end of a q tip to get it in for me as the opening was small and they started taking off some of the q tip when it also became too big and then I was left to do it over the last weekend. Nurse came out just to confirm that it was closed enough. Best day ever!!!

    Anyway, my abcess popped on it's own before I even left. Called the nurse back and she said that was OK but just to keep some compress on it as it might need to drain for a while and sometimes it can accumulate again and need draining again. Well, so far so good. Yay!!!!

  • 2brandy
    2brandy Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2017

    Hi Ladies, I am new to using this forum so not sure I am in the right place... Dx with DCIS with mirco invasion stage 1 and need mastectomy on rt side and plan to keep left breast as biopsy was normal. I am leaning toward the DIEP surgery but am scared to make that final decision. I had a C-section about 19 years ago and wonder will he use my c-section scar and it will just be longer? I am 59 and scared about all these decisions. Any advice would be much appreciated on the reconstruction, recovery, thoughts to compare implant vs DIEP and ways to prepare.

    Thank you.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited August 2017

    cdv right back at you, sorry what you also are going through. will be glad when this part is over!

  • Dunes
    Dunes Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2017

    HI all. I have never posted here, but have been following your successes and challenges for months. I thank you all so much for sharing and have learned tons from you! A quick shout out to 2brandy. Welcome. This group is so supportive. I too opted for unilateral mastectomy. I had that with a diep on May 30. at 62. I have been amazed at how manageable things have been, and that is with a few complications. Haven't had the implants, nor the a C section so I can't speak to that. My noob (is that what you all call it?) feels like me and that is wonderful. Having said that, I have had skin necrosis where the breast skin did not get enough oxygen during surgery (12 hours). The actual flap was healthy from the beginning (the PS seemed so proud). The breast still is healing from a huge wound and it seems way to small, and is weird shaped. Not a great endorsement, but everyone seems to rave about the magic of "stage 2". All in all I'm glad I did it. (oh and the tummy tuck was a great bonus). Those of you who had open wounds - please let me know how stage 2 went. JBDayton, it seems you survived a lot of trauma and remain positive about the experience.

  • StillBlessed72
    StillBlessed72 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2017

    Welcome 2Brandy! My ps used my csection scar and just extended from hip to hip. After the surgery he said that I actually had a lot of scar tissue from the csection and so he had to address that during the surgery. I had a bilateral mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction following a DCIS diagnosis in my right breast and some other non cancerous findings in my left breast which had to be removed as well. I had a fairly uneventful recovery from stage 1 surgery although my drains were in for 5 weeks! My surgery was on March 14. I returned to work May 15 and had stage 2 revisions on August 9. I recommend physical therapy with therapists who specialize in breast surgeries and reconstruction as soon as your ps clears you.

    This is a great place to get real information and experiences. I just caution you not to expect your experience to be exactly like anyone else's. Good luck with your decisions and surgery