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DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2017



  • suzzyq
    suzzyq Posts: 11
    edited May 2017

    Thanks Tpralph & big sister! I will definitely talk it over with my PS.

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Posts: 39
    edited May 2017


    What's "fat grafting" vs the other names such as DIEP , TRAM, etc?

    I told my PS I wanted to reduce size from a DDD to about a C. Right now after BMX with TE they look perfect to me, but he still wanted to add before reconstruction. Currently I"m not letting him. I believe I am still swollen but don't want to be big again, I was too self-conscious. I don't know how to tell.

    I see many ladies had DIEP at the same time as the first BMX. My surgeon wouldn't do that, he said insurance (mine is Cigna) wouldn't cover it for 90 days, and now I have to wait even longer until Sept because he can't fit me in before that. Others love my PS so I do believe him, but does anyone have that issue with insurance, make you wait? Can you change PS to someone who will do it sooner or is that verboten? I just want it over with.

  • Ali84
    Ali84 Posts: 9
    edited May 2017

    Thanks Jiffig, I will double check but the doctors at NOLA (Center for Restorative Breast Surgery) told me it would take about 6 hours. There are three surgeons present. Oncologist who does the mastectomy while two microsurgeons harvest the flaps. I also had an appointment with a San Francisco microsurgery group and there are 3 surgeons operating as well and that doctor said it takes 6-8 hours. The reason the one in w.c. took 11 is because there are only two doctors, the oncologist doing the mastectomy and the one microsurgeon.

  • Ali84
    Ali84 Posts: 9
    edited May 2017

    Thanks Lula73, Glad to hear you are happy with your results! My surgery is May 25. Was doing fine with my decision but as it gets closer am now a little anxious. Your post gave me some much needed reassurance - a relief to hear someone who just gone through it and with the same doctors I'll be seeing! Your post about recovery very helpful also. Thanks!

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Posts: 705
    edited May 2017

    tnd22- fat grafting is typically done in the phase following the actual tissue transfer with DIEP or SGAP, etc. it's used to fill any hollows, help with symmetry and/or to increase size. I was told resizing would also occur at a later phase if desired (I'd be reducing). For those of us whose docs did immediate recon after MX fat grafting takes place in phase 2.

    Ali84- I'm glad my post was helpful. They will take very good care of you in NOLA. 😀

  • suzzyq
    suzzyq Posts: 11
    edited May 2017

    I have a question. I've seen other pics of women that had BMX and it looks like their incision was vertical but mine was horizontal. Can someone tell me why they are different. Personally the vertical seems to look better then the horizontal, to me its going to look somewhat strange when the nipple is made. Am I missing or not seeing something? Singing

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    My original incision from my BMX was horizontal. It was replaced with the football shaped skin flap during the DIEP. The nipples are centered in the football shaped areaand the flap scars are starting to fade significantly.

  • Kali44
    Kali44 Posts: 30
    edited May 2017

    Hello everyone,

    A quick hello and check in ....a lot has happened and I am now home now and recovering. Initial diep was April 18th and I was sent home on the 21st then things took a turn for the worse and I was re-admitted on Sunday and taken into the OR..... second surgery due to blood clot and hematoma. The race was on to save my flap. Between the first and second surgery I spent app 2 weeks in the hospital.

    Released again and I am home keeping careful watch of this flap yet again. I am thankful for being here but definitely stressed until I feel I am well on my way to healing. I did see my PS yesterday and all drains and staples removed but I am on 1 aspirin per day and enoxaxaprin injections twice daily for at leasr 1 month. I am quite tired but able to walk upright although it feels really strange with the tightness in the tummy area.

    Stressed and not sleeping well because I am still worried about anything happening. I see PS in a week. Please keep me in your prayers and I will continue praying for us all. I am still so surprised that things went so bad soooo quickly.

    Thanks for being here 😘

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Posts: 281
    edited May 2017

    kali sorry that you have had a tough time but glad you seem to be finally on the mend. prayers for you and thoughts are with you.

  • Okiemomof4
    Okiemomof4 Posts: 10
    edited May 2017


    I had my DIEP one day before you. My recovery has gone so very well. I am really sorry that you had so much trouble. I will pray that everything keeps healing well and you will have no more issues.


  • Ali84
    Ali84 Posts: 9
    edited May 2017

    Kali44, I am sorry you've had such an ordeal. Hoping for smooth sailing from here on out. Will keep you in my thoughts. Hang in there.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Kali44-- I understand how stressed you feel but can you try to find some ways to help you relax? Rest and relaxation- good old r and r are so important to the healing process. Just tell yourself you're through the worst of it and everything will be all right. Everything will be all right. Hugs.
  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    Kali I am so sorry to hear of your complications. I definitely will keep praying for your healing and mental strength. I can relate I had a couple of major setbacks and was able to come out of this process with results I can live with. I remember the hardest part was trying to rationalize the "Why Me" question. Keep the faith and follow the instructions of your PS as long as it makes sense.

  • Beckyb2016
    Beckyb2016 Posts: 12
    edited May 2017

    hi ladies! Had my surgery on Monday and except for a little scare with a fever everything has been smoothe sailing. I do not have much of an appetite, I was just curious if this has been the case for any of you?

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Posts: 705
    edited May 2017

    Beckyb- between the stress our bodies just been put through & the pain meds you do tend to not have much of an appetite. Additionally if you had a DIEP or TRAM flap the tummy area is tighter against your stomach and you won't be able to eat as much. At least that was my experience.

    Kali- prayers for continued healing for you!

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    Beckyb so glad to hear everything went well. I was not hungry for several days. I only ate a few bites several times throughout the day. Rest and take care.

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    DawnLee I hope your surgery today went well. Let us know how you are when you are able. Prayers for great healing.

  • Beckyb2016
    Beckyb2016 Posts: 12
    edited May 2017

    hey ladies! I had surgery Monday and am still not feeling great? I'm jittery like, possibly the meds? I'm starting to feel some deep soreness in my left arm and arm pit( they took 24 nodes). Still don't have much energy? Is this all pretty normal

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Hi Becky,
    I had UMX last August, and my left arm is still sore and numb and tingly in places. You need lots and lots of time. And yes, the jitters could be any of the meds you were exposed to. 24 nodes. When you're ready the dr will give you arm exercises that will help you eliminate some of the discomfort. Good luck, girl. You'll get through this.
  • songbird72
    songbird72 Posts: 22
    edited May 2017

    Okiemomof4---I just saw your message and sent you a private message. Thanks for reaching out to me! Less than 48 hours to surgery. I'm excited but very nervous. I'm not ready to be a patient again but want to get the process started.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Posts: 281
    edited May 2017

    good luck songbird I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes for a successful surgery and quick recovery

  • songbird72
    songbird72 Posts: 22
    edited May 2017

    Thank you so much Tpralph! I haven't been able to follow the ladies on here as much as I would like--I've been so busy trying to get everything ready for surgery--getting kids situated, work finished up, the house clean, etc. I'm sure you all know what I mean!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Holding you in the light songbird. Let us know how you feel when you're ready to check the boards again.
  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    songbird I am praying for a successful surgery and quick healing.

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    Welcome to BlackBear and Cheri444 who arejoining our group. I am so sorry you had to join us but I hope we can help with questions. We will support you with answers or sharing our experiences.

    BlackBear is having a second (prophylactic) mastectomy and bilateral DIEP on May 11.

    Cheri444is scheduled for a BMX and immediateDIEP on May 22.

    As I have seen quoted before, all you have to do is show up, the team will take over from there.

    Feel free to ask any question you want. There are no dumb questions.

  • BlackBear
    BlackBear Posts: 5
    edited May 2017

    Thank you, jbdayton. I've been counting down the days and now that it's so close, I'm starting to get a little nervous! I want to do everything I can to heal quickly and get back to my normal routine. After the first mastectomy, which didn't heal properly, it took me a long time to stop feeling like a sick person. I sure don't want to take so long this time. I think the restriction to lifting only 5 pounds will be the most difficult thing to put up with. It strikes me that there ought to be a sliding increase in that limit, say 5 pounds for 2 weeks, 10 pounds for another 2 weeks, etc. But to go from this ridiculous restriction (everything weighs more than 5 pounds!!!) for a full six weeks then magically everything is normal again seems silly. I wonder how well women obey this after a couple of weeks have passed. Of course, I definitely don't want to encourage a hernia!

  • suzzyq
    suzzyq Posts: 11
    edited May 2017

    Welcome BlackBear & Cheri444! This is a great source of info.

    Hi everyone I had my pre-admission testing today! The more questions the more reality started sinking in. 7 more days!!! Im getting really nervous now. I cant wait to hear from .songbird72 to hear how everything went. Well I'm just going to try and relax my self now snd try and stay calm.

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    Welcome Okiemomof4 she had a unilateral DIEP on April 17. I hope your healing has gone well.

    Suzzyq I am sending good thoughts for a smooth surgery and quick healing.

    BlackBear I had one surgery with a major healing complication but I also had 6 with great healing results. I am praying this surgery goes perfect. I was allowed to increase my weight limit after 4 weeks to 10 lbs and 15 lbs at 6 weeks. After that my instructions were to begin increasing weight but if I felt any pulling to stop. After 12 weeks I had no restrictions at all. This was on my first flap surgery. My second flap had healing complications so I was not back to normal for over 4 months. You do what ever you have to do. The last thing you want to do is to push your limits too early and interrupt your healing progress.

  • cheri444
    cheri444 Posts: 9
    edited May 2017

    Thank you, jbdayton and suzzyq. I really appreciate all of the support, wisdom, compassion and camaraderie here.


  • Hammie28
    Hammie28 Posts: 29
    edited May 2017

    Good Morning,

    I am ten weeks out from my DIEP surgery and doing ok. Back to work and normal actives, but I tire easily. Not excising just yet but hopefully I can get back to that soon. My Phase 2 is scheduled for June so I'm happy to be moving through this process. I'm a bit lopsided right now, so I'll be glad to have that remedied.

    I would be curious to hear from those of you who have had augmentation to your natural breast to achieve symmetry. I'm considering fat grafting on the natural breast to improve the "shallow" shape of my breast. Has anyone been through a similar process?