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DIEP Flap Reconstruction 2017



  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248
    edited May 2017

    jbdayton, I don't know if I forgot to mention or just what, but I never did have my DIEP. My 82yo mother has been very ill since Thanksgiving. I've had to go down and take care of her off and on, about 10 weeks total. She actually rallied just about the time my DIEP was scheduled, but it was too late. I had already cancelled it. Since then, my left knee decided to fail and I ended up having knee replacement instead. I'm about 11 days post-op from knee replacement and everything is going well. Unfortunately mother has taken another downturn. I don't expect her to live more than another month or so. I'm just going to wait until she passes. The restrictions after DIEP are so much more involved than the restrictions after knee replacement. There's no point in me getting that DIEP right now.

  • FreeYourMelons1
    FreeYourMelons1 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    can they do flap and fat graphing at same time

  • Kali44
    Kali44 Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2017

    Hi everyone, and good luck to all with upcoming surgeries. May it be as uneventful as possible. And for all those recovering, I hope you are doing well...

    Well I saw my ps yesterday and he says things are looking good. All except the fact that I have a pretty deep opening and now I need to have some packing done 😯 I have to say that my nurse, a very nice young lady, took a very long q tip to check app how deep it was and she said about 2 cm 😮 so anyway, she then proceeded to pack it. Was this painful/uncomfortable for anyone else? Yikes! I felt a lot of discomfort for sure 😔 like hours later...

    Anyway, I am in the process of either getting a nurse to come in to help me for a bit or I will have to drive to a Hospital that treats wounds. Anyone have any experience with this Issue?

    Well ladies I am running off to get rest. I am not sleeping well and have had some extremely long days as I am sure u all also experience as well. I wish u all a great night and sending healing thoughts to all.

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Kali, sorry to hear that the wound packing was painful! Where is it? Abdomen or breast?
  • Kali44
    Kali44 Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2017

    Hi falconer, breast. Different nurse came today and it was not as bad as the first time... I guess it depends on the nurse.....? Hopefully the others are as gentle 🙄

  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    mustlovepoodles I have changed your date to TBD (to be determined).

    I am so sorry for your set backs. I am happy your recovery from the knee surgery is going good

    A special prayer for you and your mother as you deal with her illness. Enjoy every minute you can with her even if it is hard minutes.

  • mama_green
    mama_green Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2017

    Mama_Green BMX with DIEP flap May 15 IU University Indianapolis with Dr. Socas and Korff

  • mama_green
    mama_green Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2017

    My ps said no, the fat grafting comes later.

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2017

    Hi mama_green. I had my DIEP at IU in Indy 12/2015with Dr. Chu. It is a great facility! They'll take great care of you.

  • Icietla
    Icietla Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2017

    Kali44, I have done wound packing for many animals. You can have the Nurse train you to do it. You can do it! Prayers for your recovery.

  • songbird72
    songbird72 Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2017

    After having surgery Monday I'm finally ready to break out of here. Tuesday I had a reaction to the iv Benadryl push/pain meds. Very freaky. I felt as if I were having a stroke. I couldn't get out the words I wanted to say and according to my husband, was randomly jumping back and forth between subjects I thought IThe was a very strange feeling.

    I was supposed to go home Thursday but had low hemoglobin so had to get blood overnight.

    Thankfully I'm out of here as soon as they get transport up here.

    I hope everyone is healing well and those of you waiting for surgery have a good experience!


  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    songbird72, sorry to hear of your delay getting out the hospital but new blood should give you more energy. Now, congrats on getting out today. Remember to rest as much as possible and move slowly and deliberately while you are awake.

    Thank you for checking in. Many blessings as you heal andadjust to your new life.

  • WGraf
    WGraf Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2017

    Kali44 - best of luck with your wound packing? Is it in your abdomen? Mine opened up as well in my abdomen. I did have to eventually get a wound vac to aid in closing it. But I later developed sepsis and spent 4 days in the hospital. While I was hospitalized, my infectious disease doc and wound care doc sent me home with silver gel and Mepolex pads. Crazy how fast it healed. In 2 days it was 50% better and in 1 week it was closed. I was really furious with my PS for not giving me the silver gel initially bc I it delayed me starting chemo for 2 months. Good luck to you!!

    Hope the photos are not too scary or icky for everyone but this what I started with, then after the wound vac, then after the silver gel.





    Im on chemo now so this is where my scar stands but will likely get better once I'm done in September 😜

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Well W
    It is startling to see how deep the wound is. I am grateful you've shared so we can know what to expect should we encounter problems. I'm so glad that you have healed and are continuing the treatment you need to restore your health. Hugs to you for your strength.
  • songbird72
    songbird72 Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2017

    Has anyone else had a seroma develop? I have one right above my belly button. I'm getting my compression garments Tuesday so I hope that helps with it. My ps is thinking that it will resolve on its own.

    I'm home but still kind of feel like I've been run over by a truck. I'm hoping to feel better soon. 🙄🙄

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2017

    Songbird, do you still have your drains in? Their purpose is to prevent seromas.

    Nevertheless, they do happen. Some people are just juicier tanothers. I hope your garments help. Sometimes they need to be drained

    I hope yours resolves!

  • Beckyb2016
    Beckyb2016 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2017

    hi ladies! I am 2 weeks out from surgery and healing is going pretty smoothly. I am experiencing quite a bit of swelling, especially by the end of the day? I'm doing some walking but that was something the doctor told me to do. Thank you all so much for always being willing to answer questions and give encouragement. I've been praying for all anticipating surgery, and healing from surgery.

  • suzzyq
    suzzyq Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2017

    Hi everyone! Tommorows the big day!!! Keep me in your prayers..... I'm somewhat nervous, well maybe thats an understatement.

    Thanks for all your support! I will come back and ley you all know how everything goes.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited May 2017

    Good luck, suzyq! We'll be there in your pocket keeping you company.

    You got this. I'm six weeks out, and feeling pretty good. For me, the anticipation of the surgery wss worse than the surgery itself. Just take it easy afterward, and focus on healing.


  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2017

    good luck suzyq I go the next day after you.

    sending positive warm vibes!

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2017
    Thinking of you suzzyq
  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited May 2017

    I'll be thinking of you, too, tpralph. Hope all goes well for you on Thursday, and you have a smooth, uneventful recovery.


  • jbdayton
    jbdayton Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2017

    Sending prayers to suzzyq and Tpralph for their upcoming surgeries. We will be waiting to hear your stories. Just show up and let yourteam take care of you.

  • BigSister-2015
    BigSister-2015 Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2017

    Beckyb, I remember swelling as the day went on and then everything resetting itself over night. It seemed to go on for weeks, but got better incrementally over time.

    Keep walking like you are supposed to, but don't over do. A little swelling over the course of the day is normal.

    After all, your body has to refigure what to do with everything after your complete front end alignment. It does eventually settle in. I remember feeling really funky for months. I am now 18 months out and almost feel normal.

    The swelling has been resolved for a long time. Now my stomach muscles are figuring out how to work together. I'll occasionally get a muscle group spasming when I use those belly muscles. It isn't painful--just weird. I suppose I should be doing something to exercise them more consistently. Lol

  • Beckyb2016
    Beckyb2016 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2017

    big sister 2015 thank you so much! I guess I'm just so anxious to close this chapter but you're right after a complete front end alignment ( Bahaha) it will take time! It's amazing how much it goes down by morning. So have you finished your 2nd stage( fat grafting and nipple construction)? I'm curious what that is like? Also my breasts very much feel like a small elephant sitting on my chest? Like numb lumps of skin? Will they ever soften?!

  • MariH
    MariH Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    Hi ladies, I am 2 1/2 weeks out from my umx with immediate DIEP free-flap reconstruction. My healing has gone very well, even it seemed slow and aggravating while going through it. It finally occurred to me that I needed to focus on how things are going to turn out, rather than how they are today. Being in the moment is good for most times, but it can make this journey feel interminable. I have just been going along with whatever they told me to do. (Except that I chose to leave town for care at a much better healthcare system.) It really has felt like almost nothing is under our control. The pathology reports can bring surprises at any time. I think I need to focus on how my resuls will be several months forward, in order to feel like I have control of the process. And to feel like I have the disease on the run.

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2017

    you are so right Meril, it does seem like a lot of this is out of our control. I'm only two days out. still at hospital, will be here another two days. things are going ok, in a fair bit of pain but controlled with Tylenol 3s every 4-5 hours, also giving me gabapentin which makes me dizzy. up moving around today, very slowly and hunched over. eating very small portions no appetite and no room. really want this part to be over but very worried about the pathology.... they took out two nodes. what happens if they are positive, will they take out more?  I know I should just stay in the moment and focus on the day ahead, but does seem so long..........cant wait to be back to as much normal as possible. don't thing I ever will be now...

  • Falconer
    Falconer Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2017

    Holding you in the light, Tpralph

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited May 2017

    thank you Falknor😀

    MAPBB Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2017

    Hello Group,

    I did a prophylactic double BMX with immediate DIEP reconstruction at NOLA in early February. Surgery was a bit longer for me because they also pulled the stomach muscles together (forgot the surgical name for that) and the whole operation ran about 8 hours. They used one doctor for tissue removal and then 2 for reconstruction and they worked simultaneously. I'm 60 years old and 25 pounds overweight and came through it easily.

    I am now scheduled for Stage 2 in NOLA on June 15th. I could probably live the rest of my life quite happily without Stage 2 but there are definitely a few items that I'd like cleaned up. They will do liposuction to even out the torso. i have these weird fat flaps where the stomach surgery lines ends and I assume they will take care of those. They also will do a breast lift and I'd like a reduction. I'm now a large C or small D and they are symmetrical. But they are heavy and running is not comfortable. Hubby says they are the same size as before but running was fine before. Has anyone had that experience? I'm hoping to reduce them by 25-33% of their current size. has anyone received a reduction during Stage 2? I'm wondering if that is easy to accomplish? Also, I have too much breast in the area underneath the armpit and I'm hoping they can get rid of that.

    Also, any suggestions about what else I should ask for at Stage 2? It will probably be the last surgery needed and the nurse told me to "be specific" in what I request in the per surgery visit.

    I found the surgical and recovery team at NOLA to be almost perfect. I had a great experience there and was super, super nervous until after I met with the doctors the day before surgery. I had never spoken to them prior to the day before surgery but once I got there, I realized that they did this daily and were very experienced and meticulous.