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Someone here survived triple Negative ?

CecyRev Member Posts: 1
edited November 2019 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

At last I have the result of pathology, it has been worse than we expected, I have been diagnosed with triple negative, I'm considering not doing chemo or radiotherapy, because I think they'll be userving. Someone here survived triple Negative



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,785
    edited March 2017
    Hi CecyRev,

    First, yes, there are many, many here who have survived and are thriving after being diagnosed with Triple-Negative breast cancer. You're sure to hear from some of them soon!

    Great news that you now have more information about your diagnosis, which can help you make treatment decisions. You may want to check out the main site's following pages:

    As well, you may want to pop into the blog's corresponding discussion board thread, as well as meet new friends in the Calling All TNs thread.

    We hope this helps and you find lots of great answers and support here. We're all here for you!

    --The Mods

  • BG46TN
    BG46TN Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2017

    You can definitely survive triple negative bc....I was diagnosed in Oct and have been doing chemo since Nov, my tumor has completely shrunk away...chemo and radiation are your only please don't skip those. It is not a death sentence. My sister also had triple negative bc and has been cancer free for over 3 years....

    Talk to your doctors, they will find the best plan for you...and DO NOT GOOGLE! most of the triple negative information you find online is not up to date.

  • littleblueflowers
    littleblueflowers Member Posts: 391
    edited March 2017

    Yes of course you can survive! I get the fear, but carry on. So many of us on here are many years out from a TN diagnosis. Hit it hard and be done with it. Xoxoxo-

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943
    edited March 2017

    Hello CecyRev,

    I have just read your post and the additional information and I understand what you are going through with this breast cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed with TNBC twelve and a half years ago and I am alive and well and living normally. You have started your treatment with surgery and I want to encourage you to continue the treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On diagnosis I was told it was a poor prognosis but I know this was based solely on the fact that my cancer was not hormonal and that drugs such as tamoxifen would serve no purpose. I ignored this as well as all the doom and gloom about TNBC.

    The two threads here, Calling all TNs and Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK (Anyone is welcome to join. We have women from all over the world), are living proof that you can survive TNBC. You might like to join either or both of these threads where you will find lots of great people who can help and support you during your breast cancer journey.

    Do not go surfing the internet, as it is not always vetted. Those of us who have completed this journey know from personal experience all you need to know.

    Wishing you well and know that we are all here for you.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Kat1984
    Kat1984 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017

    I'm 1.5 years out from a triple negative diagnosis and doing just fine. Chemo is super important with triple negative as hormone therapy won't work on us. While it's no walk in the park it's not as bad as I thought. I had a complete response to my first round of chemo, then mastectomy, the more chemo, no radiation required. Hit it with everything you've got, dig deep and you'll get through it. Remember most women never have a recurrence, I still tell myself that's every day

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited March 2017

    I'm more than 6 years from TN diagnosis. I'm doing well, with not even a hint of a problem. Please don't give up.

  • Alex517
    Alex517 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017

    It's almost 10 years since diagnosis and I'm feeling fantastic! The first few years were worrisome, but time and distance givea much more optimistic perspective. Good luck to you and your decision-making!

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited March 2017

    hi , I totally agree with Sylvia and the others to hit that sh*t with everything you've got. In the 3 weeks I waited to get into my first appt...after realizing that my lump was not a hematoma from my dog(rott) stepping on my lump actually doubled in size(maybe more)...this just tells me that this is an aggressive beast... but we are fortunate that it responds very well to chemo...(I'm 5 days from my 2 year cancervarsy)..chemo shrunk everything into inactivity, breast tumors disappeared,rad killed the rest.please use everything modern medicine can throw at is not the time to give up..imho ...wishing you all the best with whatever you decide.

  • JJ62
    JJ62 Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2017

    Hi CecyRev,

    Breath, take care of yourself, enjoy all the good things. And hit it with all the tools in the box. You are at the right place with so much support and information here. I am 8 years out and loving life!

  • RTChris
    RTChris Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2017

    I am creeping up on my 3rd anniversary. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I no longer think about my breast cancer all day long.
    When my cancer was discovered it grew from 2 cm to 8 cm in 9 weeks. I blasted it with massive doses of chemo, followed by a mastectomy and then 5 weeks of radiation therapy (25 fractions). I followed every bit of advice my doctors gave me.
    I work as a radiation therapist in the cancer hospital in my home town, so I knew my odds were not the greatest.
    My mantra now is 'no regrets'. I did everything that modern medical science recommends, what happens now is out of my hands.

    My advice is listen to your doctors and follow all their advice - and stay off GOOGLE (that is a scary place)

  • Red_R
    Red_R Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2017

    Hi Cecy,

    It's scary. It's so scary that after I was diagnosed I couldn't post again here until today. I was 39 when I found the lump- which grew from golf-ball to soft-ball size in 2 months and presented as inflammatory although they didn't officially diagnose that.

    Here I am- almost 4 years later. Chemo sucked, surgery sucked, radiation sucked but guess what? I'm still here. Had a bit of a scare and a few months of abnormal tests that turned out to be nothing. NOTHING. NORMAL.

    I'm really glad that I threw the kitchen sink at it because life is good. <3 hang in there my dear

  • Goincrzy8
    Goincrzy8 Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2017

    I have 2 friends who both were TN they are both here after 10 yrs with no issues. Both had lumpectomy, Chemo and rad. My one friend was only 34 at time of dx with two kids under 6 yrs old. So don;t give up. hugs to you

  • Danja
    Danja Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2017

    Hi i am so sorry about your news i was in your exact position in july last year and it was terrifying. I chose to have adjounal chemotherapy than a bileteral mastectomy then radiation and i have to be honest I was dreading each one but you will get through it you have to give yourself a fighting chance and it has been proven that Triple Negative responds better to chemo than any other type of breast cancer. I write a blog about TNBC and I am also a member of a group on facebook called Triple Negative Survivors sisters all women who have survived and I know you can too if you use the treatment available to you. If you want to PM me and have a chat i might be able to help

  • yellowdoglady
    yellowdoglady Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2017

    I was there over 8 years ago, but lost 4 lymph nodes. Today, I am totally fine. You can do this!

  • yodez75
    yodez75 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2017

    I was diagnosed last year at age 40 with TNBC. Tumor was 4.5 cm. I took 16 rounds of was tough, but I did it. I finished chemo on 1/12/17. Today I feel great. You can do this. This is beatable.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2017

    Hit it with all you can right out of the gate - you only get this one chance. It will stink and not be the best year of your life, but we all have to do it, go through it and survive it. Eight years later with no problems whatsoever and never ever, when initially diagnosed, thought I would still be here. You will be too. God bless and may your treatment journey be a gentle one.

  • TN9065
    TN9065 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Hello everyone. I just got diagnosed triple naggive as well. I have a lumpectomy scheduled for the 9th. Then I will start chemo and radiation. My pathology came back with possible metaplastic components so I am hoping after the lumpectomy the metaplastic will be negative. I am an ICU nurse an drew I thought I pulled a muscle in my chest wall after feeling some pain and a sudden nodule. So after a bad mammogram and ultrasound here i am new diagnosed

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,785
    edited May 2017

    Welcome TN9065 to the community.

    We're glad you decided to join and reach out to others in a similar situation as yourself.

    Others should be along soon to offer their support and if you have any questions for us, feel free to private message us.

    Well wishes,

    The Mods.

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2017

    It is not the death sentence so many articles say it is. There are many, many survivors of TNBC. I was diagnosed 4 1/2 years ago and am doing well. TNBC is fast growing, but that means it responds very well to chemo -- better than other cancers. Yes, the chemo is difficult to go through, but you can do it. I had a lumpectomy, 20 weeks of chemo and 37 radiation treatments. They started with the most aggressive chemo to get it out of the way, so treatments got progressively easier (or the side effects anyway). Another good thing I have read many times is that after 5 years, recurrence is very slim, which is better than other types of cancers. Hang in there. These forums here are life savers since these women are going through all the same things you will be going through. Hope you find some peace and encouragement from the women here.

  • Zekesmom18
    Zekesmom18 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    My sister had bilateral, high grade, triple negative breast cancer. She had 1 year of treatment including double mastectomy, Chemo and radiation. She had tumor’s in both breast and her chest wall.

    That was 13 years ago. She is healthy, happy, strong and most importantly 100% cancer free!

    Now it’s my turn to kick it’s ass. Don’t think it’s a death sentence, that’s ridiculous!

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2018

    Zekesmom18 - thanks for sharing! So happy for your sister

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2018

    Zekesmom, - Thank you for that post! Wishing you and your sister (and all here) GOOD HEALTH!!

  • ventureval
    ventureval Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2018

    Hi Everyone,

    I just finished my 6h chemo of the taxol. Hands and feet and legs hurt but hanging in there. I just have 2 more chemo's then done. So I saw the PS yesterday for the first time. I have decided to do the Lumpectomy and reconstruction and lift and radiation. I tell you I was shocked. I new about the lumpectomy removal, however I was super shocked about the reconstruction and lift. I have always been very large chested and very lop sided to say the least. So, I am an overweight person this will really help my back from going out and the weight off my shoulders will be a good thing too. I am 60 years old and I don't know this just really has upset me. I guess maybe because of another process, more pain to go through. Another body image to deal with. My adult daughters and daughter-in-law think this is awesome and are telling me to go for it. Which I am it just scares me. When we went into the Drs office and I started to take off my clothes I started to cry. I don't even know why. My husband even asked me why are you crying? I said I don't know. The Dr talked to me about mastectomy verses the lumpectomy reconstruction and lift. So we decided to do the lumpectomy reconstruction and lift. It just was so overwhelming. So am I just being silly to be upset about this?

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited February 2018

    No, ventureval, you're not being silly. Having breast cancer is a very traumatic experience. The treatments are scary and sometimes the whole process can be very intimidating. Talk to your oncologist and your surgeon. Let them know what your concerns are, and don't hesitate to tell them that you are afraid. Part of their job is to explain things, and to do everything in their power to help you get through this ordeal.

    You'll get through this. Sending hugs and well wishes.


  • xxxgggyyy
    xxxgggyyy Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2018

    My TN tumor was 4.5 cm and invasive, but it had not spread to my lymph nodes. I went to one of the most famous medical facilities in the world. My surgeon removed my breast, but I needed no chemo or radiation in follow-up, and I have been declared cancer-free

  • kinda1990
    kinda1990 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    Hello XXXGGGYYY , if you don't mind me asking which medical center did you go to ? The cancer I had sounds similar TN and almost exact size with no lymph nodes involved but my oncologist said I need chemotherapy and radiation. Thanks

  • mitzi458
    mitzi458 Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2018

    Please listen to my story-it’s important. I may have come to this thread too late for the original poster, but hopefully I can help someone else.

    I was dx’d with Stage 3 Triple Negative IDC in Feb. 2005. Like many others, it popped up overnight with no warning. My oncologist started me on chemo IMMEDIATELY, literally within days of my positive biopsy. Them a mastectomy, then more chemo, then rads, then another mastectomy and having my ovaries removed. He said if I could stay cancer free for 5 years, the chances of having a recurrence were less than 1%. My mother was already being treated for ovarian cancer. In May 2005, three months after I was dx’d, my older sister was also dx’d, also TN, but Stage one. However, she was the owner of an alternative medical clinic. (We lived in different states). She did not believe in traditional cancer treatment. She had a lumpectomy and tried a million different things, even though my oncologist begged her to be more aggressive. In Dec. 2006 she’s had a recurrence. She finally gave in and started doing chemo and a mastectomy in 2007, but it was too late. She passed away in April of 2008, with me by her side. She was my best friend in the whole world, and I miss her every single day. As do her children, her friends, the rest of the many people.

    So please, while you still have time, do whatever you can. You only have to make it 5 years. I have been happy and healthy and have lived a wonderful life for the past 12 years. I’ve traveled and seen the world. I adore my husband. And I always think that my best friend could have been here with me if she had just realized that you have to fight fire with fire.

  • xxxgggyyy
    xxxgggyyy Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2018

    Kinda1990– I was treated at Mayo

  • TraceyLou
    TraceyLou Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2018

    Hi - wonderful news for your sister and i'm with you...kick it's ass!! Sending warm wishes and hugs your way!

  • TraceyLou
    TraceyLou Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2018

    my heart goes out to you for your loss but happy you are still with us. My best friend passed away last year and it's been heartbreaking. she would be so mad to now see me going through this but I know she would tell me to fight like hell and that's what i'm doing. these stories and all of these amazing women really do help me because at times, even with family around I feel so alone. so thank you to all the women who's a wonderful support network.