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Starting Radiation April 2017



  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2017

    Nayda, my MO wouldn't let me start my Tamoxifen until after my radiation was completed, he said it was due to possible skin irritation. My BC navigator told me my MO will give me my Tamoxifen prescription tomorrow when I see him but he would advise me against taking it until my skin issues are resolved. We'll see

    Ruby, your new position sounds very uncomfortable indeed!

    Butterfly, will the coconut oil be hard to wash off completely? I think a lot of my skin problems wouldn't have gotten so bad if the A&D ointment hadn't been petroleum based and didn't leave residues behind. I wish I had stopped using it a lot sooner than I did but my RO says it wasn't what caused my skin issues. I still don't agree with him on that.

    Thank you everyone, my skin feels so much more better 😊

    Waving hello to everyone 👋

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Posts: 2,038
    edited April 2017

    The coconut oil soaks right in. I don't find it greasy at all. A little goes a long way.I bought it at Walgreens and it's by Shea Moisture. It's a soft solid in the jar and when you rub your fingers together it liquifies. I'm going to show my RO on Thursday and will let you all know what he says. I can't believe it's bad for the skin when it's so pure.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2017

    🦋, please let us know what your MO says as Shea is a very good product I have the Shea Coco Butter but I wasn't allowed to use it. Kinda wish I had anyway lol

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Posts: 2,038
    edited April 2017

    Will do!

  • amw5
    amw5 Posts: 74
    edited April 2017


  • rlk58
    rlk58 Posts: 150
    edited April 2017

    I am going to do Xeloda for triple negative.It used to be used just for metastatic cancer.I think 6 months is the duration and it's a pill.


  • nayda985
    nayda985 Posts: 270
    edited April 2017

    It must be protocol huh...thanks Lori and Ruby for the infoNerdy

  • njnative
    njnative Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    I have been told that I will have to do 6 weeks radiation every day. I am wondering how you all manage that with work? I will have to ask for some flexibility because the radiation is 45 minutes each way traveling and I don't know how much it takes. How do you manage this with a full time job or can you? I would love some feedback about the whole experience. Thank you.

  • PattyHorner54
    PattyHorner54 Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    Well Good Morning All, start my rad treatment this wen April 19. I'm excited too to get this started and moving forward. Not sure as yet total number of treatments, will get a booster at the end. 4 to 6 weeks is all i know now. The surgery was done on the top of my breast but the bottom of my breast is discolored, red/brown. Doesn't hurt just looks a bit odd, drs think it may be lymphedema. Anyone have this same experience? Good luck, my heart is with you all

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Posts: 66
    edited April 2017

    Oh wow! I did not realize we could get lymphedema so soon and in the breast. I hope they are wrong in your case. I think the healing process takes some time. I have some skin puckering along the incision line. Hope it flattens out but after 6 weeks I am beginning to doubt it will.

  • Ruby3813
    Ruby3813 Posts: 27
    edited April 2017

    njnative - I've managed 2.5 weeks of radiation while working a full time job, but my boss has been extremely generous about me taking time off. For the first 2 weeks, my appts were late in the date - 4:15 or 4:30 - so I was able to work, drive 25 mins to the facility, have the treatment, then go home from there. The time that I requested initially just became available this week, so now I'm scheduled for 1:30 this week and next week (I'm done next Friday). I kind of wish now that I would have stayed with later in the day because fatigue has seemingly set in this week and I was especially tired / drained after my appts.

    So, it's doable, however, with you living further away from the facility, you're definitely going to have to ask your boss for some leeway. Unless YOU are the boss, then you can do whatever you want! LOL

    Also, the actual treatment doesn't take all that long. It's just the driving there, getting changed, hoping the appts aren't backed up, etc.

    Good luck!

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    My rad treatment was 15 mins from office & then another 6 mins to home, so I was at the office prior to treatment and then home to apply cream. Appointments were initially as late as 6:45 pm and then after the first week were all at the time I requested, around 4:30 pm. Worked for me - liked being at the office as much as possible during the day and allowed me to conserve FMLA time off. Actual treatment took around 15 mins, except on days when they do additional films to check progress or setup for boosts, and 1 day a week when had RO visit. Takes more time almost to "align" than it does for treatment. I skipped changing into a gown (they would have pulled it down to the waist anyway) - just went to treatment room, peeled off above the waist, hopped on the "table", & then dressed and out. There were several occasions when appointments were backed up, but there were always cold drinks, warm drinks, magazines to occupy the time & the Rad Techs were always apologetic.

  • amw5
    amw5 Posts: 74
    edited April 2017


  • njnative
    njnative Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    thank you, this is helpful!

  • Elizabeth7
    Elizabeth7 Posts: 21
    edited May 2017

    Hi guys

    I had my mapping done yesterday - breath hold machine. Found the positioning very difficult. My arm on the side being treated kept going completely numb - like happens when you fall asleep with your hand over your head and wake up with pins and needles . Therapist said it was either lack of blood to my arm or resting on a nerve and didn't seem too concerned - said it would go away. Doesn't feel 100% today though. Anyone any tips or solutions or advice?? Lined up for 33 sessions so bit worried I'll end up with weak arm.

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Elizabeth7 - On the side being treating, had similar issue during mapping, when they did "trial" and several times during lengthier treatment sessions due to additional films being taken/setting up for boosts. However, never as serious as what you described. Would recommend you call the treatment center and perhaps speak to Rad Nurse or RO. Techs told me it could be due to range of motion in surgical arm not being up to par yet and recommended an exercise where you "walk" your arm up the wall. Hope you find some relief. Gentle hugs and healing thoughts.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2017

    Hi ladies, my MO kicked me out of the nest yesterday. I had blood work done this morning and everything is back to normal no signs of lingering chemo or radiation SEs. My skin is improving a lot faster than I thought it would. All that bothers me is a lot of itching, I'm using cortisone cream and it works great! My skin is still a nice tan and MO feels that it'll go back to its usual color soon. I'm kinda nervous about being told to go away but he assured me that everything is gone. He said with the size, type and location of the tumor I shouldn't need any further treatments. He reminded me that the reason I had a DBMX was to be done and not have to go through this again. I sure hope he knows what he's talking about!

    If I remember right someone asked about why our MOs wait to start the Tamoxifen? He said its due to the skin damage caused by radiation. They try to keep any SEs of Tamoxifen separate from our radiation SEs. Tamoxifen can cause rashes etc also. I'll go back in 6 weeks for a skin check and script for that wonder drug Tamoxifen.

    Good luck ladies, I'll be back to see how you are all doing so your not rid of me just yet.

    Healing hugs to All

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Lori - Yippee for a 6 week break! Glad to hear you will have time for your skin to recover before moving onto the next treatment phase. Still thinking about a possible meet up in Indianapolis sometime? Perhaps in May?

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Posts: 66
    edited April 2017

    I went in today for my 6th radiation treatment. Session began with several x-rays. When I asked about this I was told that Thursdays are x-ray day. What in the crap does that mean? Makes me wonder if something suspicious is going on. Anybody else have these weekly x-rays during radiation. Hate being so paranoid about everything. Guess that is what a cancer diagnosis does to us.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Posts: 2,038
    edited April 2017

    Lori - my RO gave me the ok to use the Shea Moisture coconut oil. I completed my 3rd treatment today and showing some redness around the incision area. Itchy too, You may want to check with your RO first. Though you may not need it now. I have really sensitive skin and this seems to help. Great news - good for you!!!!

    My RO wants me to wait as well to start Arimidex. My MO is fine with that.

    Golf - I'll ask about X-rays tomorrow. I know they told me they were continually taking pictures. Will get more definitive information. It's normal to be paranoid, I am too. You wouldn't believe the questions I ask!

    Elizabeth7 - good advice from Celia. Don't suffer in silence. Ask the RO team what they can fo to to help you. Sending comforting thoughts and prayers.

    Love to all and gentle 🤗 to all,

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2017

    Golf, I had X-rays done on every Wednesday as that was my day to see my RO. I was told it's to check your lung and heart health and nothing to worry about. I hope this helps 😊

    Celia, thank you, it's definitely different with no place to be every day. Yes, I'm still very interested in a meet up in Indy. May should work for me unless DH has other hidden surprise plans besides taking me on an exotic vacation. The poor guy had so many questions when I told him I was done with my BC treatments and turned loose.

    🦋, I think I'll use it anyway as it can't hurt and maybe it will give more elasticity to my skin. It's be nice if my whole body were as tanned as my left foob. 😜

    Love and gentle hugs to everyone

  • Elizabeth7
    Elizabeth7 Posts: 21
    edited May 2017

    Thanks CeliaC and Butterfly. Good advice. I will phone the Rad Nurse who gave me her name next week as I've been worrying about it all day. Phoned my physio and she said they need to position my arm so it's not in a fully rotated position. Not starting for another 10 days so will let you know how I get on.

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Golf - I did have some additional xrays during treatment - something to do with checking alignment, as I recollect. With what we are going through, believe we should ask any and all questions & that there is no such thing as a "bad" question. It's our bodies!

    Lori - Please let me know when your big vacay is planned. We can work in a meet up in Indy around that. You and your DH deserve the trip of a lifetime!

  • Nicwin
    Nicwin Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    I started 33 treatments on 4/10. I am completely freaked out as I already feel sunburn symptoms. I am slathering myself in Miaderm every couple hours. My concern is my breast implants that I chose to chance leaving in.

    Almost done with my first week!! Hooray!

    Anyone have luck with any other creams and lotions? Can anyone else taste the radiation? I have a metal taste in my mouth all day!

  • Bdagal
    Bdagal Posts: 29
    edited April 2017

    hi ladies - I started my treatments yesterday, so 1 down and 17 to go. Found the actual treatment rather uneventful, since you don't actually feel anything happening. However, I already have discomfort (won't call it pain per se) right at the top of the breast (about a palm's length from the nipple) and feel it in the corresponding part of my back. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced anything so soon? I'm a bit irritated to be noticing this already and just praying it doesn't get any more pronounced. Sigh!!

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Posts: 2,038
    edited April 2017

    Badagal/Nicwin - I'm on rad 4/16 today. I'm getting a little redness around the incision. As noted in earlier post, RO ok'd Shea Moisture coconut butter 2x a day. Just not 4 hours before treatment. I also have itching that comes and goes which I was told was part of the healing process. I'm going to ask today if I can use cortaid. I have similar discomfort not really pain that also comes and goes but nothing I can't live with.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2017

    Bdagirl, please bring it to your ROs attention! I'm surprised that you are feeling something so soon also. Make sure they aren't giving you to strong a beam as burns to the back from the front has happened before. My RO said it's very rare these days but I was worried about being overdosed (?) when I first started.

    Celia, we'll have to wait a bit before making our big vacation plans. I want to be able to keep up while we're exploring new countries. I'll talk to my DH tonight, he gets a 3 day weekend every other week and this is his 3 day weekend.

    Nicwin, is there any way your RO can aim the beam under your implant? I was very greatful that my PS placed my TE higher than I like but my RO was able to go under it and I didn't have to have any saline removed. I opted for the DBMX as I had implants that were 30 years old prior to my BC and they told me they wouldn't survive the radiation. I'll be praying you won't have to have your implant replaced at the end of your treatments.

    Elizabeth, I had some pain in my arm but nothing like what you're experiencing. Hopefully they can get your arm into a more comfortable position for you. You can also request PT once your treatments are done, it should be part of your treatment regimen and covered by your insurance.

    Hello to anyone I've missed. Gentle healing hugs to All

  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Butterfly - See if your RO will write a scrip for Mometasone Furoate - helps with the itching, irritation, etc.

    All - Another thing to ask about is a scrip for Lidocaine. I know I may sound like a walking endorsement for scrips, but I was ready to seek out both non-traditional and traditional methods for dealing with rads.

    Good weekend to all!

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Posts: 2,038
    edited April 2017

    CeilaC - thanks for the suggestions. I'm with you in both traditional and non-traditional. The RO nurse gave me hydrocortisone ointment. So far so good. Will definitely speak with them about the scrips above. Especially if symptoms get worse. Much appreciated.

    Happy weekend and gentle hugs 🤗 to all!

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Posts: 66
    edited April 2017

    I asked today about "x-ray" day and why this is done weekly. It is done for positioning, apparently. They readjusted me slightly today after my x-rays yesterday. Seems strange to me that they have to do this every week.