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August 2017 Surgery Group



  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    Morning.. Newest worry... Noticed some fuild build up on one side.. Feels strange. I read that its called Seroma.. Hopeing ill be ok.. Ugh another week before my check up.

  • rokel
    rokel Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2017

    I went this morning to have my nipple checked out. Doctor says it is epidermolysis and that I'm not going to lose my nipple so that was a relief. He said all the bleeding is actually a good sign (ick!). I have to keep putting xeroform on it and keep it moist and it should heal in two weeks. That was a relief- there were a few moments this weekend when I thought for sure I was going to lose it. How did you make out cyclegal

    I'm wearing an American sports bra- its a double bra that's supposed to help with shaping. It's very uncomfortable but I was told to wear it 24hrs a days for the first month.

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    Regarding that feeling of fullness under the arm(s) after a mastectomy, I found this helpful info from kawlgirl 126 on another thread:

    My BS said that swelling could take months to subside. Also, she explained that there is non-breast tissue under the arm that the weight of the breast pulls down/forward. When the breast is removed, that tissue is "released" and now rests up under the arm. The amount varies among women, by the original size and weight of the breast, and by how much tissue was removed.

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    rokel, that is great news about your nipple! What a reliefSmile . I see my PS today, so I will see what she says about mine. They are looking a lot better, so I think all will be ok in the end...trying to be positive. The right side is worse, and the center part has turned very dark - the PS said to expect it and that the top layer will eventually come off like a scab with healthy tissue underneath (might result in a flatter nipple, but I'm ok with that, mine were pretty flat to begin with). The area around it used to be dark purple, but it is now much lighter and smaller in size, so that gives me hope. I put on the nitro-bid cream three times a day, and I've been able to figure out the dosage so that the headaches are bearable. I had a surgical biopsy on the right side earlier in the year, and the incision was around the areola, so I'm speculating that the scar tissue in that area isn't helping the blood flow to the nipple. I, too, had some bleeding there in the past few days and, while it wasn't pleasant, I was thinking that it's a good sign that there is blood there. Will let you know how today goes.

  • rokel
    rokel Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2017

    Cyclegal- it sounds the exact same. Mine is developing a dark purple/black scab around it and then raw skin underneath that bleed really easily. It gives me the creeps to look at it. My doctor says what I am doing is overkill, but it's working. I shower in the morning and let it air dry, then apply a lot of antibacterial ointment and vaseline. I gob it on because otherwise if it's too dry, some of the scab will come off with the dressing and bleed more. Then I put the xeroform on and then a nonstick bandaid pad and then gauze over that. The compression bra holds it all in place. I add more vaseline every few hours otherwise it dries out and I change the dressings twice a day. Crazy I know, but I was so worried to lose that nipple!

  • rokel
    rokel Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2017

    Oh and mine also said it may flatten out a bit or change color slightly.

  • ruthfromberkshires
    ruthfromberkshires Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2017

    kmb4, great news on the lymph nodes! I am still waiting on my pathology...I have the phone by my side always until I get the call! I have been wearing zip up sports bras. I find them tight too, but more comfortable than my others. I find the tightness over my SNB area uncomfortable, but it is worse without. Ice is still my best friend. I think I am just not going to be comfortable for another week or so. Sending healing thought to everyone

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    This August group has made it to the other side. Some of us have passed the four week mark. Glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well considering what are bodies have gone through. We are a tough bunch!. Four weeks today, how life has changed.

    Am I the only one who was told not to wear any type of bra for at least 8 weeks? I had direct implant, but PS said no bra, and if I had to before 8 weeks to make sure it was not underwire.

    I also had nipple sparing, but luckily I see that I have not had any problems with them. I wasn't even told to look for any changes..hmmm.

    @Ruth,,,fingers crossed for your path results :)

  • Lsunshine
    Lsunshine Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2017

    so I had my surgery was supposed to be 5 hrs turned into 8 1/2. Finally got to a room told my husband to take a Valium and get some sleep on the couch in my room big mistake. Nurse was late with pain Meds I tried pushing the nurse button but it didn't work. Tried waking my husband sound asleep. Nurse came in 1 20 min later bed buzzer wasn't plugged in ouch. The left breast was more complicated then my right with lcis took 2 centinal nodes from right side. Went for follow up today removed 2 drains. Ps was very happy there were a few small spots around the nipple he was worried about but they are healing. Bs said pathology came back nodes were clear. Lots of lcis in both breasts lots of scar tissue and numerous benign cysts. There was one very tiny spot of ilc imaging wouldn't have detected. Bs said no treatment is required. Have to go see an oncologist on Thursday to confirm. I have numbness in my hand and arm but she said that should come back. I'm tired of pain killers so they said only take them if I need them. Taking it a day at a time

  • ruthfromberkshires
    ruthfromberkshires Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2017

    lsunshine, good attitude to take one day at a time. Keeping you in my thoughts

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    So im not suppost to know...LOL but i called my cancer navigatior ... She cant tell me anthing till i talk to my doc monday... But hinted... They took 6 nodes all clear woooo she hinted chemo needed that i fall in the gray area of treatment. But she couldnt tell me anything. She suggested...Sounds like chemo and aromatase inhibitors breathes... Chemo for me will start begining of october

  • IntegraGirl
    IntegraGirl Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2017

    I had my BMXsurgery on the 31st. I feel like I'm welded together. Ugh. I have an appointment with my BS on Friday and hope I can get these stupid drains out.

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    MrsWinnie, you can do this. Get yourself on a chemo thread for those beginning in September or October. I started mine in March and just finished in July. The chemo groups helped me out just as these surgery groups do. I found out I wasn't experiencing the worst of chemo but also not the best of all possible outcomes, either. But I got all the info I needed to help me cope. I also asked lots of questions at the treatment center anytime I was there for chemo.


    Knowledge is power.

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    I had my second post-op with the PS, and the last two drains came out - woohoo!!! She also took off what I call Saran wrap on my breasts, and it felt like the best massage ever when she peeled it away. My drain sites were so itchy, and my skin was not happy with all the adhesive, so I can't wait to take a shower today to fully clean my abdomen. As for the nipples, she thinks the left is all good - just one small light purple spot that she says will go away. The right has superficial necrosis, and I will lose the top layer once the "scab" falls off, but the area around it is looking decent. Switching from nitro-bid (thank goodness, no more headaches) to polysporin to prevent infection while it heals. I will likely have a flatter right nipple, but I'm ok with that, and she said that they could do some things to rebuild it if I choose to do so. All in all, if that is the worst complication I have, I will take it. She also said I could raise my arms long enough to shave my underarms, so I am happy about that too. I am to keep taking it easy over the next week, which I've gotten used to surprisingly, so I was fine hearing that.

    beach2beach, I think that my PS would want me to not wear a bra, but I need something to keep the gauze/ointment in place over my nipple. My surgical camisole zips up, but PS said it would be too tight and might compromise blood flow to the nipple, so I can't zip it up fully, which is awkward, especially if I venture out into public and see people I know. She said I could wear a bra that is not tight, doesn't have underwire or padding, and zips up the front. I went to Target to look for one that fit the bill, but all zip or clip front bras had either padding or underwire, so I bought a $15 one that fits all criteria but hooks in the back, and my husband will help me put it on. I had to get a size much bigger than my normal size so that it wouldn't be compressive.

    Lsunshine, I'm glad to hear you are taking it day by day...I'm sorry you had the pain med issue in the hospital, not fun at all. Things will get better, just be patient. I felt like I've had two turning around the first week mark when the tightness in the chest was less frequent and my drain output decreased at the same time. The second is now as I approach second week...I've been able to do a little more around the house that doesn't involve reaching. I feel like each week will bring a little more normalcy. That's good news about your pathology and no treatment needed...and my goodness, if there is positive news about finding the small ILC is further reassurance that you made the right choice for you in having the mastectomy. Best wishes!

    MrsWinnie - great news about nodes being clear! Woot woot!

  • WellWishes
    WellWishes Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2017

    Hi everyone. I hope that you are all healing and starting to feel better. I am doing a bit better this week; thankfully. I had my appointment with the PS yesterday and he took the tape off of everything; which felt like ripping off a Band-Aid in a really sensitive spot. lol... I am sure you can all relate. The BEST part though was that he told me I didn't have to wear that support bra anymore unless I wanted to. Yay!! On one hand, it is nice to have the extra support but oh my gosh, I was so tired of having that thing on 24/7, I could scream!!

    Still have the drain tube but the amount is gradually getting less and less. My doc won't remove until it is under 20ml for a couple of days so who knows. I was so mad this morning... I had emptied the bulb into the measuring thing and put it on the counter while I slung the bulb and tubing back over my shoulder. Somehow, I accidentally hit the cup and knocked it into the sink before I could measure it. :( Bahhh, so I just had to guess that it was about the same as yesterday; which is still averaging like 35-38ml per day. It feels like it will be forever before I will get below 20ml. Ugghhh!

    PS said that his results came back all clear but the oncologist hasn't received the results from that side yet so I am still waiting to hear back on what is next and etc.

    Gentle hugs to all. :)

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    WellWishes, I know we are all different, but in case it gives you hope, I was around 35-38ml also for a while, and then all of a sudden, I dropped to 20ml consistently. It was almost like my body finally hit a good healing point, and the fluids stepped down. So it wasn't a gradual decrease for me, which felt like would take forever. So, it might happen sooner than you think!

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    I received an e-mail with weekly thoughts (copied below) from the priest at my prior church in another state, and it was quite timely. The part about holding hands with others reminded me of all the sharing and caring on this board. We are all hanging on together :) . It's not overly religious, and FYI, Cedar Point is an amusement park with huge roller coasters.

    September 6, 2017


    The bull thistle plant stood more than six feet tall. With the September wind, it was swaying mightily as I tried to take a picture of the purple blooms. More precisely, I was trying to photograph the bees that were on those flowers.

    In spite of the wind the bees were hanging on in order to secure some nectar. It made me think of a Cedar Point-type ride for bees.

    They hung on…even with the hardest gusts.

    Hanging on is one aspect of life. Sometimes in the midst of crises, the best we can do is simply to hang on. Perhaps we hold hands with others who are hanging on; maybe we find some rock that will be our security.

    The bees had the attraction of the purple flower which must have provided sustenance. When we hang on, I hope we find something equally as provident.

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    Cyclegal: I like that.

  • LisaBS
    LisaBS Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2017

    Hello all.

    I am just beside myself shocked. I did not have a good outcome at doctor. Stage 3 10 lymph nodes involved and tumor was 3.5 cm. I need chemo and radiation. And a PET scan to make sure no spreading. I don't know why my surgeon told my family that my lymph nodes looked good the day of surgery. What a let down.

    Now I have to go back to surgery to get my lymph nodes removed more and get a port.

    I am trying to be positive but this was a blow of disappointment.

    Thank you all for support!


  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    Lisa, I will keep you in prayer. I can hardly imagine such an outcome, but it does seem as though few of us escape chemo and radiation. I had one tumor 1.7cm and one affected lymph node and was told from the very start I'd need surgery, chemo, radiation, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy.

    Chemo reduced the size of my tumor, but during surgery more cancer was found in my lymph nodes, too. Twenty nodes were removed after I had been told possibly there would be a need to remove only the one with the known cancer. There are some things doctors just can't know before surgically removing tissue and turning it over to a radiologist.

    You can do this. The port does make chemo a lot easier, and there are ways of reducing chemo's side effects. Just keep reporting symptoms to your doctors, and ask lots of questions. With the information you provide them, they'll find ways to make things better for you during treatment.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    oh Lisa sending you lots of love and warm vibes your way. Hugs.

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2017

    Dear Lisa, I'm sorry your pathology results were not more positive. I'm sorry your surgeon gave your family information that turned out to be different. I hope you have time to rest and gather more information before you get more treatment. Best wishes for healing

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    Lisa, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what they do during surgery to check if they are clear or not, but I know they can be wrong. They really don't know officially until pathology.

    So they took ten out initially and all came back positive and now they want to take more? Just trying to make sure that I'm understanding what you wrote the right way

    You'll do this. Hugs to you.

  • LisaBS
    LisaBS Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2017

    I think they only took 2 nodes and the surgeon told my family it looks good. They have to go back and take the affected ones out now. I know it seems strange. My family was shocked with results!

  • rokel
    rokel Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2017

    That is really upsetting. I'm so sorry Lisa.

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    LisaBS, I am so sorry to read about this, how frustrating. I've been thinking about you and am sending you hugs and warm wishes. Day by hard as it is, but hang in there!

  • ruthfromberkshires
    ruthfromberkshires Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2017

    i am so sorry to hear about this, Lisa. Sending positive thoughts.

  • KatjaNL
    KatjaNL Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2017

    Hi, all, I'm new to the group and this website. Have been diagnosed with ILC (3.8cm) mid July and had lumpectomy + sentinel node removal on 31st of August. Tomorrow have an appointment with my surgeon for the results... very anxious. Having read a number of forum threads during this week, I would like to say that you all sound so encouraging! I still have lots and lots to learn, even to use the word 'cancer' in relation to myself, but I'm glad to join the community and believe in good!

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    hugs Katja sorry you had to join us here. Welcome to the group. Good luck with the results. I get my full details monday and its driving me crazy cause i know they have them but i have to wait till my appointment.

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    Hi Katja,

    Glad you found us though. Wishing you the best news tomorrow!

    MrsWinnie, waiting is the pits!