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August 2017 Surgery Group



  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited August 2017

    We are almost done with this month and I'm glad to see everyone has been doing so well. We should keep our little group going to see how we are all getting on with treatments and just life in general.

    Good luck to anyone who is having surgery today!

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2017

    Hi everyone, I am one week out from surgery today. I've had follow-ups with both surgeons. My pathology came back with good news of no invasive cancer! My rightLCIS breast was found to have LCIS through basically the entire outer half, I'm happy to have it out of me. My right side seems more traumatized than my left. Main issue is now trying to keep my nipples. The right one Is pretty dark, and they are having me use nitro-bid paste on both. It gives me a horrible headache, and I dread putting it on. Otherwise I feel pretty good, down to just Tylenol, and I've showered a couple times. A little better every day!

  • rokel
    rokel Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2017

    Cyckegal I am worried about my nipple too. It has a black spot they said is epidermolysis. I'm supposed to put xeroform on it and I see the doctor Tuesday. Makes me nervou

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2017

    rokel, it's hard to wait in between appointments, isn't it? My next appointment is Tuesday also. I wish I had my PS in my pocket to check out the status of the nipples every day. We just have to wait and see. One thing I keep remembering is that she told me that she has seen much worse that turned out to be ok in the end. It would be easier for me to take my mind off it if the darn nitro-bid didn't cause such horrible headaches. I reduced the dosage a little bit at bedtime last night, and that seemed to help some, or at least I was able to sleep through it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that yours end up ok too :)

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2017

    MommyErin - so nice to hear from you! I hope you are able to start your rads soon. I know it's nice to get the kids back in school - the routine is good for all of us, and I enjoy a little more quiet around the house :) . I'm majorly impressed you were at the gym on day 8, so good for the sanity!

    Pinkvictory - you are a trooper to have your drains in this long! At least you know there is a definite plan for next week; I'm praying that your fluids reduce to a good level before then. I've been doing a lot of nothing also, and while it's only been a week for me, it's hard to envision when I will be at the point of having normal energy back. I know it will happen eventually and that I need to take it day by day, but it starts to feel like this is my new normal sometimes. I just try to think back to what it was like when my kids were born and how it felt like I wouldn't emerge from that condition, but it did happen!

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited August 2017

    hugs darlings Drains came outm. Phew they were tugging and pulling on the inside. One didnt hurt persay felt wierd with lots of pulling. Other one lets just say i created new swear words lol. Good news though pain difnt last long.. When it was out pain ended. Good luck ladies. Next step for us is the results.

  • Beachmama
    Beachmama Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2017

    Hi maomaonie

    Sorry you are dealing with this, too. I had kind of an unusual situation. Mammos and MRI indicated I had a small area of DCIS on the left. So I went with a lumpectomy. I did not have clean margins, so I had a reexcision. My margins were still not clean. My surgeon sent me for more diagnostic Mammos and biopsies, and it turned out both my breasts had high grade DCIS and there was a microinvasion in the right. I really had no choice but a BMX after that. Same surgeon - she's great! I wish we could have skipped the first two surgeries, but that is what made them go looking and find the rest. DCIS can be tricky!

  • Maomaonie
    Maomaonie Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2017

    Hi Beachmama,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry you have to go through all these. I am also glad that you now have gotten all the tricky staff cleaned out and can concentrate on recovery and likely no need for radiation. These are the bright side. We ladies have to look more at the bright side. This is how I encourage myself.

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2017

    Hi MommyErin, glad to hear about your progress. Great your lymph nodes are clear. Hope you will be able to start your radiation treatments soon.

    Thanks MommyErin and MrsWinnie for the tip about knitted knockers. I was going to buy a bra with a prosthesis. I actually threw all my old bras away!

    I had another post-op visit with my surgeon today. The scabby part of my incision is healing. I have to keep putting a saline soaked piece of gauze and a bandage on it a little longer, but it is getting better.

    Well, tomorrow is September 1st. We made it, fellow warriors! Best wishes to everyone. I hope you all heal well

  • pinkvictory
    pinkvictory Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2017

    Maomaonie- I just read your post about the missing biopsy clip. In my opinion, I think it is wise to get a second opinion. I don't say that to freak you out, I say that because it may help ease your mind, and address any concerns or questions you may have. If you are uncomfortable with what they are saying... follow your gut is my advice. If you are going to lose sleep...there is no harm in having someone else look everything over. I don't like when doctors are dismissive of any concern one might have after going through this experience. That makes me feel fiesty! Peace of mind counts for a lot. It's your have every right to understand and feel comfortable with what is going on. Wishing you the best... and answers that bring you peace

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    hugs August ladies we did it. Speedy healing to all. Marilyn i havnt thrown my bras out yet lol but are put in a bag back of closet lol i didnt want to come across one and get upset. I ordered smaller knockers anyway... Will have to shop for new bras If i decide to go that route. I still am feeling rocking the new flat and Fabulous me. I took a quick look in store yesterday to see what new style i can wear now lol was fun. Im proud to rock my new warrior look. We may have had cancer that gave us some really wicked scars be proud and not ashamed of your story. We are all beautiful.

  • WellWishes
    WellWishes Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2017

    Hi, today marks one week since my surgery. I am feeling a little better but the past few days were really tough. *I spent 2 days laying in bed with terrible stomach cramps from constipation. Then, when that was finally relieved, I just couldn't stop crying. I cried like a baby for hours on end; sometimes, I wasn't even entirely sure why I was crying anymore. I wish I could say that it helped to let it out but it just gave me a headache and made everything just hurt more.

    I really wish that I could get the drain tubes removed. Does that process hurt? Unfortunately, I think I am stuck with them at least over the Labor Day weekend because I am still over 30ml per day. Doc said that they could be removed when I have 2 consecutive days of 20ml or less.

    I haven't had any post-surgery checkups yet. My first checkup with the plastic surgeon is on Tuesday and the oncologist said that they will schedule my checkup when they receive the path results; which could take 7-10 days. Ugghhh...

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    WellWishes, I'm so sorry you've had a rough couple of days. If the body isn't hurting, then the mind is. We've been through quite a lot, and perhaps those two days in bed with pain were just enough to push you over your emotional limit. Focus on what's behind you, what you've already accomplished, and then just take it day by day. I'm in the same boat with you and the drains (I think our surgery was one day apart), and it really sucks to think about having them over the long weekend. I have to be at 20ml or less for 3 days to get them out, and the one on my right is only down to 25ml, and I just made it to 20ml on left yesterday. I literally sat on my butt all day yesterday to get to that point, and I don't plan to do much at all this weekend so that I can get the fluids down to where they need to be; there is no way I am risking having to keep these things in any longer than Tuesday. I originally had 4 and now 2; when they took the first two out, it wasn't painful, but it was uncomfortable. The nurse had me do a giant breath in and then took them out during the long exhale - they were done by the time I couldn't breathe out anymore. It was worth the discomfort!

  • WellWishes
    WellWishes Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2017

    Thank you so much for your reply. I cannot even imagine what you (and others) must have been going through with multiple drain tubes at once. Bless your heart!! This one has been bad enough. :(

    I finally got my hair washed yesterday. Wow, that felt amazing. Smile

    I hope that everyone else is having a good day today! Well wishes for all!!

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    Checking back in again. My surgery was on Monday and now it's Friday. I haven't needed to take any pain-killers this week, knock on wood. I just have the occasional "Ouch!" moment when I stretch too far for something with my left hand. The drains are doing their thing and I keep emptying them. I, too, am doing as little as possible to reduce the flow more quickly. In a way, it's a moot point for me, though, because my surgeon won't see me again until September 12, and that's when she plans to take out the drains. However, she did say call her anytime if I have a need, so I might just give her a call if the output slows down significantly before the 12th.

    Just got my post-op call from her this morning. She said the chemo shrunk the main tumor down to 3/4" (about half its original size) and two of 20 nodes that were removed still showed small signs of cancer.

    These remaining growths can be handled with a new course of treatment I was expecting to have, anyway--radiation, hormone therapy taken orally, and continuing Herceptin infusions through March 2018. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Sept. 11 to discuss next steps.

    Overall I am really happy with my progress so far, and I feel ready to move forward with the rest of the treatment. I will keep all of you in prayer. Each of us deals with this in her own way, and no single way is better than another. I will keep reading this board as long as there are messages here to read. I find the sharing really helpful.

  • LisaBS
    LisaBS Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2017

    I had my surgery last week Thursday and down 2 drain from four total. I had fevers for a few days that landed me in the emergency room Monday for a work up but was thankfully ok. This experience has been an emotional and physical roller coaster unlike any surgery I had in the past. Still waiting to hear about oncotype but they said my lymph nodes are clear! My plastic surgeon said she might have to do more surgery because she doesn't like how purple my reconstruction looks. Not sure what that means but will know more by the end of next week. Any one have a clue what she means but too dark? Trying to take one day at a time. I am glad everyone is doing well.

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    LisaBS, bummer on the fevers but great news about your lymphnodes!!! We are same surgery day. For the purple, what part of your reconstruction is purple? Parts of my nipples are purple, so my PS is having me apply nitro-bid cream to them to increase blood flow.

  • LisaBS
    LisaBS Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2017

    I am using cream on excisions site as well. My nipples were removed and that is where it is dark and underneath.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    big super *gental* hugs wellwishes make a point of getting up. Even if its just to the couch. Have loved one paint your toes. It helps with that dark place we can go. I put a compfy chair out on the deck. Watched the birds helped me big time. Glad your washroom effort is better. That will help. I am so lucky that fiber really works for me I normally advoid it. I just ate cucumber and cherry tomatos from our garden and it cleaned me out lol. Yesterday made it out to the mall with my son. He is getting ready to move into his own place... Bed shopping. Today we went yard saling and to a few stores felt great to get out. Tomorrow is a large town event i expect to see everyone we know... Picked up a new top to rock my new look. I hope i can last the full day. The drains are different for everyone. I am very tiny and can see my ribs... So drains hurt while they were in they hurt coming out. And still hurt where they were... I even took 2 pain killers before the removal... Good news tho its very short (less then minute) of pain. You can dooo this

    So.. My family have been having a bit of fun with the new me.. And we been making zingers and come backs to peoples coments etc. .. Todays..."its so nipply out" (cold for September) "not to meeee" *wink. crowd burst into laughing

    We are gear heads. Own and show hotrods... I usually wear a belt thats a seatbelt. Our old joke was well i always wear my seatbelt... New one... I have to wear my seatbelt all the time now... Lost my air bags... Zingggg..

    Why does everyone ask why i decided to go BMX.. Husbands zinger... She doesnt want to walk in circles. *oh dear*

    Hope that made you all laugh too.

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited September 2017

    Day 12.  I had my right (non cancer side) drain removed on Day 10.  Did not hurt at all, and was excited thinking I would be able to sleep finally on my side. Wrong.  Since my Drain Tube (left side) is protruding more and now I can see it protruding all the way down my chest -it really hurts, even more if I try to lay on my right side.  When it starts stabbing like a knife, I just push it back in.  That seems to help. 

    Anybody else have this problem? My Doctor told me not to worry about it, which means there is northing that can be done. Next visit is Wed 6th - hopefully Left drain can be removed. I was told I had to below 30ML for 2 days.  Besides the Protruding tube and pain under the armpits, and the barbwire wrapped around my chest, and the severe fatigue, at least I've stopped crying every time I change my binder/bandages.  I just look surprised that my breast are gone and I look like a monster.  

    Everyone seems so brave.  MrsWhinnie I just read your post about your drainage tubes and your family support.  Glad to hear your able to be up and about. 

    I think there are only a few of us that had surgery first then we are tackling the Chemo/Hormone Therapy and Maybe Radiation afterwards.  Most had Surgery afterwards.  I'll be reading "Chemo In Aug" next week, or perhaps a new group will start "See You In September" 

    Hope WellWhishes you feel better, and sorry to hear LisaBS you were in hospital.  Everyone take care

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    Mrs. Winnie, the comebacks!

    Lisabs, sorry to hear of the fevers, glad its all good. Great news on the nodes! yeah!

    Rlj, I had surgery first also. We are all brave just for facing and doing what we are doing. Happy

    Oncotype came back low so no chemo. Met with oncologist and it will be onto the Tamoxifen ride. Can't wait for the hot flashes and mood swings she said to expect. Going to enjoy this next week until the pills arrive from the mail away pharmacy. Keeping fingers crossed LisaBs and anyone else who is waiting for the Oncotype, all for low numbers.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    Grats beach. Getting nervous to hear the results and moving to the next step. Car show day.. First time out where people know me.. And will see the new me. Gonna rock it!!! Hope i dont get to tired. Hugs

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    had a great day out with family and a large car show.. Lol fell asleep at the end in the lawn chair lol. Guess i over did it. Came home made an easy supper for my teen who just had his wisdom teeth out. Now im finished way to much today.. And happy to say first time out at an event that everyone knows me.. And had no emotional issues of being flat. Woo. I also noticed another flat and fab lady (only because she was wearing pink ribbon shirt and hat) wanted to approach her but didnt...

    I tried to wear my compression sleeve today.. Think they are too tight. Had to take it off.. Arm still hurts and that was 12 hours ago. Dont see a doc till the 11th. Anyone else wearing sleeves? What it like for you.

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2017

    Mrs.Winnie, Glad you had a good day and rocked itThumbsUp 4 weeks out and I still get pooped,, but takes longer lol. I don't wear a sleeve but I do notice that after being up all day, my armpits and the area around swells. Maybe because you were up and moving you just had more swelling? You are still recovering.

    On the wisdom teeth, my son a few years back had his wisdom teeth out. within 4/5 days he was set to go with a friend and his family upstate to their summer home. He decided that having Taco Bell was a good idea, he said oh, but it was a soft taco. Do I need to say where the rice got lodged? Thank goodness his friends mother is a dental hygenist. Not what she thought she would have to do, picking out rice out of a gaping tooth hole while away on a mini vacay. lol. Tell your son, no rice until it heals!

  • cyclegal
    cyclegal Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2017

    Lsunshine, we haven't heard from you, hope you are recovering nicely

  • AliceAgnes
    AliceAgnes Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2017

    I won't see a doctor again until the 11th, too, and that will be my oncologist, presumably to discuss my start for radiation. My drainage tubes from August 28th surgery come out on the 12th, and that's when I'll see my surgeon again. I have no sleeve to wear but know I am at risk for having lost 20 lymph nodes in the axillary node dissection. It constantly feels as though I am carrying around a purse tucked under my left armpit. Does anyone else have that sensation post-surgery? I am supposed to sit with my left arm raised high on a stack of three pillows for 45 minutes three times a day, but most days I manage to do that only twice. It does seem to help, though, with increasing the overall ease of movement with my left arm.

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited September 2017

    hi Alice yep to something under my arms. For me feels like someone from behind has grabed my rib cage under my arms and wont let go. Does get better when i follow the stretching out pamphlets. Also feels like the doc punched me and cracked my sternum... Bothers me more at night. The only thing that is bothering me the most is sleeping. I sure miss sleeping on my side.

  • ruthfromberkshires
    ruthfromberkshires Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2017

    Ahhhh, MrsWinnie, I was just thinking about how I missed sleeping on my side too!

    Hope everyone is able to relax and continue to recover on this Labor Day. It is beautiful weather here in Western Massachusetts. The green leaves of the trees against the blue sky look even more beautiful than usual. We were invited to a BBQ, but frankly, I am enjoying time alone in my lawn chair in the backyard with my lemonade!

  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50
    edited September 2017

    Me too, MrsWinnie, pain on my sternum. That was the first thing I noticed after surgery. And the purse under my armpit too.

    Tomorrow will be my week 5 anniversary. My sternum hurt on Sunday, maybe because I picked up my grand baby and held her on my sore side! I rested all next day, took 2 Aleve, it feels better now.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. Will be fall soon

  • kmb4
    kmb4 Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies,

    I have been keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. It's so nice to have a place to go to bounce things off of. It's been 2 wks today since my Bmx with reconstruction. My surgeon called me to let me know that the lymph nodes they took all came back clear of cancer!! That was such great news. I have tissue expanders in and the plastic surgeon started filling me up last week. OH MY it was like I was back at point A for pain. I was only taking tylenol for pain before the fill but now I'm back on that plus a muscle relaxer. I have to go back on Thursday for anther fill and can't imagine what that is going to do. It feels like I have an elephant on my chest all the time. I also have had some pain under my arm that they took the lymph nodes from. feels like sandpaper is rubbing against my arm. I've read this is nerve related and really hope it goes away. are any of you wearing any kind of bra? I bought 2 sport bra's that zip up the front but putting that on yesterday just made that tight feeling worse. maybe it was to small. I just feel naked not wearing anything.