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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    The Good Doctor is a wonderful show. Freddie plays the autism part brilliantly. Always sad when the season is over. Another great one is New Amsterdam. It touches on great topics we all face and the character of Max plays an excellent pt advocate role. Can't wait till these return.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Philly: maybe waiting for that doctor partly evoked that emotion?

    It's good to have a cry once in a while!

    xx SB

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107

    Philly, the siatica is separate from the cancer. The cancer is in my entire spine. I have 5 bad discs, one of which is pressing on the siatic nerve. I asked my pain management doctor if I was a candidate for surgery to get the bad disc out. Her opinion is that because I have multiple discs involved that taking one out might not help, I might need a spinal fusion and cancer in the area complicates things. Of course she’s not a surgeon so a consult might be in my future. I think I’m so frustrated because this is NOT cancer related and totally unexpected. I totally get the crying, I’ve done my share in doctors office for sure. Sometimes we all need a good cry. I’m a crier by nature so it comes easy to me. Chicken soup sounds good on a day like today. I made some beef stew in the crockpot, easy to throw together and enough to eat for a couple of days. Don’t know if I ever mentioned it before but I’m a Philly girl too!
  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    Santa wise suggestion - I think so! The 40 minute lateness definitely helped bring it on. I felt vulnerable, at the whim of the teaching hospital I go to (such a large establishment and holes naturally happen), I am usually pretty rationale and calm and positive about things but this just annoyed me: I guess sometimes we just get set off. Also, I really hate the closed windowless room that I am seen in. It’s very cramped and about the size of a broom closet - so tiny!!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,704

    Hey all, just checking in. Now that the rads excitement and getting the drugs excitement has worn off, and I only have to go to the hospital twice a month, kinda at a loss. All of the last three months have been tests and waiting and bad news and now it just stopped, it's kinda weird, maybe I'm finding my 'new normal'.

    Dutchchris - I figure it this way: Fatigue: I gotta get off my feet now before I barf or collapse. There is a black hole of willingness/energy in me and nothing short of flames is going to get me to move. Tiredness: the spirit is willing but my go has mostly gone (although I could convince myself to do it). Laziness: I have energy, I'm just too bored/disinterested to do the task at hand, however I could do it if I set a timer to get as much done in 15 minutes or something.

    Frisky - Best wishes for your scans. I've been following your FenBen thread and hope its working!

    Philly - Ive noticed the flood of tears coming mostly when I am frustrated. I mean I cried in the middle of the pharmacy line last week because it was taking sooo long and I was really tired at that point of all the delays that had compounded that day. Or at home I've cried out of frustration over my back more than the whole pesky cancer thing. Given all the drugs and suppression we've got going on, its best just to let em come and not feel guilty or ashamed.

    Yesterday's walk really took it out of me, so I will be resting today. Maybe a short shuffle later tonight. My mistake was to also sit for too long in the afternoon since I have been having major problems all year with weak hip flexors and a shortened psoas. Lesson learned to always lay out for a bit after a walk. I need to find a proper physio or go back to my chiro to help dig me out of this hole or I am gonna be on these crutches until Easter at this rate. On the plus side, both legs have the same level of tiredness, so everything is hopefully working the same amount, unlike before. And my head is clearer and the weird shallow breathing I had lapsed into is gone, so on the whole, the exercise really is the ticket.

    Didn't sleep too well last night either due to one cat sleeping on my head, the other sleeping between my legs, and then Other Half threw an arm and leg into the mix and at one point I just shoved everyone off of me and got up to go sleep in the other room. I DID start one of my felting kits last night and that was a lot of fun just stabbing wool into a snowman shape.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    good morning Ladies~I have never seen the good doctor, I am always up for a good show, considering I binge watch on a regular basis. I’ll have to check that one out. Thanks ladies for the suggestions. I need all I can get !

    Sondra~ Hello dear! I have never had rads.... I think you’re amazing to go daily like that. I’d probably cry the entire time. I hope it knocked them into kingdom come.

    Artista~ welcome back! I’ll give the show a try !

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Hello all.

    Lynnwood- I posted a week back (4 pages back) about my disc issues. I had MRI yesterday, scheduled for doc ( pain management doc with ortho office ) appt to discuss results/ options next Thurs the 11th. You said the Dec 13th epidural is your second one. How did the first one work? How long did it last? I too get frustrated that if I didn't have the cancer, I would probably have the surgery ( who knows, may have backed out Spinal surgery a big deal ). But they do not want to do surgery with the bone mets. Conservative treatment they say.

    Grocery shopping and bill paying today.

    Hugs to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,601

    I like New Amsterdam and The Resident as well. Both shows at different times have made me tear up. New Amsterdam is also good at subverting expectations as to what is going to happen which I also enjoy. I don't always want to feel like I can guess what is going to happen in a show. I am looking forward to tonight's episodes.

    I myself have nothing planned, just doing laundry now. May go out later today or sometime Thursday both for groceries and gifts for my DB, SIL and nephew as they have birthdays this week. Not sure what to get, hopefully will get some direction. My SIL probably will be easy, a GC to where she gets yarn. DB is harder. I used to get restaurant gift cards, not sure if they still go as they are into eating better and physcial activity. We will see, sent them a text to ask. I am terrible at coming up with gift ideas. I used to hate giving gift cards, but I like to know that something will be used to pick out what they would want.

  • lulu44
    lulu44 Member Posts: 32

    Runor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I usually just follow along but that made me laugh out loud. I just finished my chemo 2 weeks ago. U guys are all awesome. Thanks for all of your sharing, it helps SO much to know I’m not alone

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    so, Mel...SondraF, I hope there's a lot of space in those pockets of yours....I'm sitting here at MSK with nowhere to go because the whole freaking hospital run out of Pet tracer...there's a lot of people ahead of me....

    to wait or to go? That's the million $ question....Aren't they going to be rushing us through to make up for the lost 5 hours? What's a cat to do?

    Crisis averted!, I've been told the tracer has been delivered and people are suddenly busy drinking huge containers of tea....yeahhhh!!

    I could use some iced tea right now....

    Spoke too soon...a lot of the action is revolving around people getting Cat Scans....

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    you'll love that show mel. Also New Amsterdam. Those 2 and of course this is us are the best imo.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Mel,

    Waving back atcha.

    Had the relatives from hell over the Thanksgiving holiday. I won’t go into all of the theatrics, but DH and I celebrated when they finally left. I actually told them (youngest sister and her hubby) they can only stay with me for two nights max going forward. I was surprised at how well they took that news. It is sad that my sister has become so selfish and difficult. I miss our childhood days when we were close.

    On another note, I am recovering from a bad reaction to PIQRAY. I had to stop taking it. I had every symptom it showed except for the rash (which is most common). So another one down. I see my onc on Thursday, so we’ll see what my next steps are.

    Count me in....your pocket Sondra. Hoping for a positive outcome.
  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Hello all,

    Sweet Mel, Thanks for the roll call mention. I was thinking of you a lot over the weekend.

    This is the first big holidays without your Dad. How are you and your family coping?

    Last year was our first without Mom. It was hard.



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,601

    Booboo, sorry the piqray was so difficult. I am in your pocket when you see your MO to find out next steps. May they be gentler than the piqray. It is all such a crapshoot.

    I am enjoying a lazy day at home. Nothing more than laundry and my favorite video game. I just got my controller today woohoo. Later on, I may knit another washcloth or make it bigger for a dish towel, we will see. I can knit and purl but I honestly hate the purl so I will stick with the knitting instead. At some point, I may knit squares to make up a big afghan. The afghan is down the road, need stitch and row counters for that first.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Mel, my older daughter sometimes watches TV with me. She calls them "Mom shows."

    Here's my list of Mom shows for you to try.

    Good Doctor
    A Million Things

    All Rise

    The Resident

    New Amsterdam
    This Is Us

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107
    Candy, I did have relief from my first injection . My pain was literally 10 out of 10 and the injection got the pain down to 5. Still not acceptable but better. I was told beforehand that most people require a second shot. I think my problem was that I did not immediately recognize that the lower leg pain I was having was actually siatic pain. At first my back did not hurt, only my lower leg but it was severe. I thought it was a flair up from a knee issue I had and that I pulled a ligament from walking different. Went to ortho and got a Synvisc injection and some fluid removed from my knee. Ortho said the fluid would be the cause of the pain. Pain persisted so I went to my pain management doctor and was surprised when she said this was a back issue and ordered MRI. I feel like I wasted about a month before we figured out what was wrong, the whole time things were getting worse. I was also told that I have the option of a third injection. I believe you can only have 3 in a 12 month period. I’m praying for relief for both of us, it is literally the worst pain I’ve ever had.
  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686 might want to consider acupuncture...I was literally disabled from the various aches and pains...most were relieved permanently after two sessions...the more persistent one in my right arm and shoulder that didn’t allow me to lift the arm above my head, or get a good grip on things is manageable now with frequent applications of oil of magnesium and the doubling of magnesium supplements.

    I know we’re all different and react differently to treatments, I wanted to just tell you what’s been working for me...good luck

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    Oh Lynnewood that pain sounds absolutely terrible :( I am so glad that it is at least down from a 10 to a 5. I hope that the pain keeps going down till it reaches a 1!!! Or better yet, ZERO!

    I am writing to ask for people to please be in pocket duty for me today as I have a lumbar MRI at 6:45pm (weird that it is so late, right??). My mid back was bothering me since mid-July. I have been on a almost 3 week break from letrozole and it is actually feeling better!! I am so thrilled and optimistic that this MRI will be fine, fingers crossed. But I will now have to figure out what to do about the AI...probably will have a switch to another one.

    Next week on Tuesday are the bone scan and CT scans. I will take a valium for the MRI. It is not worth it to me to feel the panic/anxiety that being in that machine and the injection of dye puts me into.

    Thank you for all your support!

    love and hugs,


  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Lovefromphilly...good luck today and next week....

    I’m sipping my ice tea right now as I wait for my pet scan and there’s plenty of room for you in my pocket! Wishing you well....

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019

    Thank you Frisky! I am in your pocket today as well for your PET.

    Thank goodness for electrons and multiverses - they allow us to be in multiple places at the same time!! <3<3<3

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Reporting for Pocket duty for Frisky and Philly and hoping for pain relief for Lynnwood.

    So sorry Boo that Piqray couldn't work for you. Praying the next treatment will be kinder.

    I took dose of Miralax yesterday. First time using it. Some relief but can tell not enough. So 2nd dose now. Gotta love it.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    thanks candy! Just finished my iced tea and I'm waiting to get out of here and stop at my favorite Italian delicatessen—across the street from the hospital—for one of those imported Genova salami and fresh mozzarella cheese on a crunchy ciabatta roll makes coming here worthwhile...

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Good day everyone! I am shockingly behind. First, a nasty cold courtesy of a required DMV visit. Then my Mom called and was panicked over whether her boutique at church had enough for their Christmas sale. They didnt have anything knitted, so I started in, making dish cloths and starbucks sleeves. I did get many finished in time for the sale, and several sold! Now I am working on the sleeves for family members this season. DS, who works door to door, brought home the worst virus, and despite all our efforts, I caught that one too, so I am coughing and hacking today. Wish there were a shaking head emoji!

    Even though I have not been online, I think of all of you often and hope everyone has been doing ok.



  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,704

    Ah frisky - they gonna let you out finally? :) I can practically taste that sandwich through the monitor. My giant pile of broccoli with a side of steak pieces isn't nearly as tasty.

    Best wishes today Philly!

  • Lynnwood1960
    Lynnwood1960 Member Posts: 1,107
    In Philly and Friskys pockets! Scans and such are so anxiety provoking. It’s nice to lay and picture all the people in your pocket while they do the procedure.
  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Candy~Bill paying day for myself as well...when that's all done it doesn't leave a lot for Christmas shopping. Once I start I'm like a mad women demon stuck in shopping mode with a huge cart and a small wallet lol.

    Santa~ a good cry cleans our souls. And our eyes. I am just an ugly crier. It's not my best face at all.

    BooBoo~I had to laugh at your comment of the guests from hell. You ladies make me laugh everyday. I love that about you!!!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mara~I do the restaurant gift cards for my mother and step father, red lobster. I don’t even get to go lol. But once a year I try to treat them nicely. I adore my step father. He likes his Dunkin card. Expensive trip to cvs let’s just say! I walk out of that place with a receipt the size of my leg. But at least they are done. I can just mail it and be done with it... don’t I sound excited? Shit adds up! Also, I love to do laundry. I would do it daily if I could. I should do my sons. But it makes me mad he lets it pile up, when I offer to do it for him. Grrrr. 23 year old mamas boy ( ok partly my fault 😳) ! Enjoy your day lovely !

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    LuLu~ Welcome to our second home! I agree the ladies here are a great group who honestly care and support each other. No to mention the comic routines. Lol it's a good group so welcome.....

    Frisky~ so glad that the tracer finally came in , how do you run out of the main component of the PET scan. Makes no sense . Lol at crisis averted! Big pockets we all have. Jumping to and fro is my Excersise...

    Artista~ I will definitely give it a try. I'm also justfinished nurse Jackie. I did really enjoy that. Edie falco is awesome! Good to see you back.

    Mominator~ you darling sweet woman. Thank you for the shows. (My auto correct kept wanting to write shoes) lol. I am honored to have you here. I always thought so highly of you and the way you treated our sweet Patty. Made such an impression on me you did. 🌹

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Lynnwood, DH and I suffer from Some Sciatica issues but yours sound over the top painful. I am hoping that your shot gives you continued relief. It cannot be a temporary fix. I really. Hate it when one of our sisters pain cannot be relieve. It makes me wonder... what are they doing ? To advance. ? Are they really busting their asses to find a cure. I sure hope so. Thinking of you!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Philly~ Pocket attendant reporting for duty. Hope I'm Not too late! Th is is my week off of Ibrance and I sometimes feel better while I'm on it. The longer I'm on it, the more I feel this way. My tongue feels hardboiled this week. I hope you're doing ok and it's quickly done and over with! Hugs my friend!

    Moving soccer~I never learned how to knit.... you're kind to jump up and help Out To beef up the needed inventory for the church. I wish I could learn. It would give me a much needed hobby! Relaxing as well. Welcome back. I am glad to see you....😁

    Sondra~Now I officially want steak really badly! Lol I love steak grilled just right. I just realized I haven't eaten. I have no appetite ever, but my ass still grows! Hmmm sounds backwords