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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Happy Birthday 50’s girl!

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Mae, I too am hoping the tumor board comes up with a good plan. I'm going to make a root beer float in your honor, sending you good energy.

    Seeq, thank you for finding the poem! That's the one. And Dr. Google, ugh, yes, he sucks.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    SF-Cakes- I am such an idiot. My sincere condolences on the loss of your father. How nice for him that died peacefully in his own bed sleeping beside his wife. I don't know that I could ask for anything more.

    50sgirl- Happy belated birthday! Lindor truffles - my favorites. Your posts are always so thoughtful and eloquent. I think I completely lost that ability after writing military style for so many years - direct, concise, and sterile. Anyway, I always find myself reading your posts and saying to myself, "Yes, that!" :)

    Mel - sorry it hasn't worked out with volunteering at the shelters or fostering, yet. The right for week open soon.

    We picked up my daughter's dog, because my she's going to visit friends. That means we'll have our dog, plus a big German shepherd for a long weekend. Tomorrow should be interesting with two dogs, microwave installers, and cabinet finishing (installing a kidney-shaped pullout in my corner cabinet, assembling my over-the-fridge cabinet and making final adjustments). My house and kitchen are small, so I just hope they're not all here at the same time.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    oh happy birthday 50s!!!! Keep on trucking girlfriend!

    Mae, that sucks a lot, although root beer float therapy sounds amazing. I have a can at home im saving for a special occasion like a fine champagne :) but to get a real float with a lot of root beer, man I'd love that.

    Sitting in a churchyard in the sun having some lunch before PT. I'd add a photo but site doesn't seem to do that now.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Well I don't know what happened yesterday. I logged on yesterday morning as usual and caught up on posts. Then I was busy and stressed yesterday-- home stuff-- and I thought I logged on again later to check posts and saw no "New" ones. Now, I get on and missed 3 pages of posts and I am way behind. Either it was me yesterday, with all the other hoopla going on, or it was the site did not inform me of the new posts. Sorry I missed so much conversation.

    Mae- So sorry to hear your news. Wow. Things can change in a flash with our disease. I am so sorry you are going thru this. Praying they will get a treatment plan for you and it will zap the buggers. Were you having any symptoms? I didn't think you were feeling bad. That is what is scary about this. Going along ok and BAM.

    50'sgirl- Happy belated birthday.

    Sorry I cannot remember others that I want to comment on.

    Do sometimes you feel that you missed some stuff? Like foggy-headed? I could have sworn I checked for new posts yesterday, now I am unsure. Like the day was in a fog. Sorry, rambling. Just unnerving to see 3 pages of posts I missed. Like I skipped thru time.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Thank all for your happy birthday messages. I am old enough to stop counting, I suppose, but I feel that every birthday with mbc is a milestone.

    Yesterday was chilly, rainy, and just plain yucky. Today is sunny, and the temperature is supposed to reach 67 degrees. Woohoo for that. I am going to inspect my pitiful-looking gardens today, take the dog for a short walk, and sit on the deck to enjoy the sunshine.

    I had chemo yesterday, but I feel good today. I have the bright rosy red cheeks from the steroids I had with premeds. It’s such an interesting look. I had a long ophthalmology appointment on Tuesday and now have to decide what type of lenses I want implanted to repair cataracts. I keep going back and forth. I am telling myself to JUST DECIDE ALREADY, YOU FOOL! Did I tell you that I renewed my license but almost failed the vision test? I said that the last number was 5 then said no, 3. The person giving the test asked me three times what the last number was. I looked her straight in the eye and said 3. I guess it was the right answer. Lol. Well now I have to live 5 more years to get my money’s worth out of that license fee. So I am plunging forward with optimism in spite of the fact I might be on my last treatment plan - cataract surgery and a new license! Why does that make me laugh? I feel like I am looking down on cancer and showing it that I still have the power.

    Candy, It is funny that you that you missed three pages of messages. Strange things are happening on this site sometimes. At least you are caught up now.

    Oh, a root beer float sounds so good. I remember when I was growing up A&W restaurant near us sold them in a frosty mug. What a treat that was.

    See-q, You will have a very full and busy house today. It all sounds exhausting to me. I can’t wait to hear about it when it’s over.

    Happy Cinco de Mayo , everyone. I hope you experience some moments of joy today

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Candy, no symptoms at all but I’ve never had any with brain mets. They’ve always been to small to cause problems, which is great but the frequency of them has been an issue. I’ve read good things about Enhertu for brain mets, so I’m fine with changing, it’s just that lepto comes with a terrible prognosis and I just want to get to my cabin and settle in.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,042

    Mae-Hope that you have a peaceful day today. Your post about root beer floats made me smile. I used to be a car-hop at Dog and Suds when I was 14. We weren't on skates but I did have to hustle those floats out to the cars on these little trays.

    Candy-Hope your shot is taking hold. I wonder if you might want to try PT again now that it is safer to go in person. My PT overall for the broken leg has been pretty amazing. Sometimes strengthening or relaxing certain muscles can make a huge difference.

    Sondra-Glad you are feeling better.

    Hi to everyone else. I do follow along but as Candy notes, sometimes the board moves at breakneck speeds! Hope everyone has a good day.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I seem to miss pages also. This format is also not appealing to the eyes at all.
    Mae I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I want you in your cabin also! You’re on my mind.

    BooBoo ~hope you’re ok friend.

    Tanya~ maybe a volunteer shelter job will open up for me. I can only hope to find my puppers someday.

    Mara~cooking up some yummy stuff.

    Candy~ how are you feeling?

    Chicagoan~ always nice to see you.

    Sondra~ enjoy the sunlight. What a nice thought. It’s lovely here today as well..

    SeeQ ~hoping the right thing will come along. Fingers crossed.

    Love to all It’s only so far this will allow you to go back wards. Eyeyyeeyyyaiiieeeee

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    I for one am glad our little corner is busy again. I'm imgining a living room with people spilling into the kitchen & the volume is picking up because there's many of us chatting with each other...

    But I too have missed pages & announcements. Happy belated birthday 50s girl! Pick you lenses! I lol'ed about your driver's license vision test.

    Hi sondraF , bummer about the no photos right now. I keep seeing on IG you guys are having a gorgeous warm spring. So different here.... my garden is slow, it's barely 12C most of the week. The lilac is blooming tho and that made me happy because I love it & I planted it and crammed it into a bed which really had no room for it & I just told dh, it will have to work somehow because I want it lol

    I had my first ice cream floats when I was about 12 or 13. After we came to Canada I switched schools several times as we moved and settled and in one of them a girl befriended me and one day took me to a diner where we had fries and a float. I still remember it... not a thing I have anymore though there are tons of great vegan ice creams now so I guess I could make it sometime

    Chemo day for me. We will leave just past 11 and get back after 4. I always think I will get other things done but I don't. Lately it feels like I can only do a few things each day. My Hgb dropped to 78. Still walking olive but too many flights of stairs make me tired.


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    50'sgirl- You mentioned rosy cheeks with your chemo steroids. I had my hip steroid injection on Monday. Yesterday (Wednesday) I noticed in the mirror that my face was flushed. Like I had sunburn or windburn. That would not be the case. My BP was not up. I did not have a fever or feel bad. I Googled and it said that joint steroid injections can cause a flushed face, mostly in women, for up to a week. Hum. I guess that was it. ??

    Chicagoan- I don't think I will do PT right now. I am thinking about getting back on You Tube and doing the 30 minute low impact exercises I was doing before. I posted about that here before. I was doing the exercises and then stopped due to the pain. Now, I may resume that. Or try walking on the treadmill again-- I have one in my home but stopped using it due to the hip and could not keep up with the conveyor belt and almost fell off one time!!

    Mel- My hip feels about the same today. Definitely better than before the injection. Not perfect. But better.

    Booboo- Check in when you can. What did your scans show? How is the cancer doing?

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    I haven't been on because I've been too busy, but it's only been a day, and there's four pages I had to catch up on. Lol

    Thank you all for your well wishes with our new living arrangement.

    SF-Cakes, I'm really sorry about your dad. It's never easy losing a parent. Hugs

    Candy, it's okay. I, fortunately, don't have pain in my hips every single day.

    Mae, I'm so sorry they found more mets. I know how much you hate the brain treatment. I hope there is no lepto again, like in the past.

    Waving hi to everyone else. Time for a nap while grandson is sleeping.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mae, I am glad that you are not having symptoms and in your pocket for support. I know how bad lepto mets are for people and am praying you do not have those. They can definitely keep treating spots that come up, I look at LFF and how many she had radiated over the years. The lepto can stay away. I am thinking of you anyway.

    Moth, I am sorry about you feeling so fatigued and definitely empathize with low HGB causing issues. My bloodwork is fine but I am still similar in the fact that I can do only a few things at a time. I've been slowly clearing out the area in front of my closet in the living room.

    Mel, just had a burrito for breakfast. Not sure what I want after, yesterday for dinner I took beefless ground, 3/4 cup worth which has 18g of protein and combined with 1/2 cup white rice. Used a fair amount of garlic spread since it is milder than actual garlic cloves, heated the precooked rice and beefless ground in my wee fry pan. Sprinkle of wheat bran for fiber. Small spoonful of mayo with generous seasonings of dried parmesan and italian seasoning. Just yummy.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sheesh is right! So many new posts, but I could swear they weren't here earlier. Oh well.

    I'm getting my hip and femur scanned today. Two separate MRIs. They're both with and without contrast. I'm assuming they'll do the two without and then repeat them "with.'' It's weird. I don't know why they're separating them. I want to know why I've been having different pain there. Another weird thing is that my right arm goes to sleep when I'm lying on my left side. It doesn't make sense. Has that happened to anyone else?

    I thought my Nespresso machine quit this morning. Got it working. Better keep working! Carol needs her coffee or there ain't gonna be no sunshine around here!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sunshine, I sometimes find that my right wrist and hand will go to sleep even during use when I use my splint to avoid carpal tunnel and trigger finger even when it is not tight. I have also found my feet go to sleep during a walk at times as well.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, mara, I haven't had my feet go to sleep while walking! That would be a really strange feeling. I'd be afraid I'd fall. I'd probably stop and shake my foot and then people would think I had a spider up my pant leg!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Well I just did the treadmill. First time on it since early last summer. Last time I limped so much I almost fell off the conveyer belt. I just did 20 minutes at the lowest speed-- 1mph. My hip still hurts but I could do it at least. I have been walking with my foot turning in since I have had all this going on. So I am trying to concentrate and make my foot face forward correctly as I walk. Enough for today. But it is a start.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Moth - we are indeed having a glorious spring - the next 10 days will be exactly the same as today so sunny and warm (upper 60s, low 70s) but not too hot. The cats are loving the garden, the bluebells in the front have exploded, and everywhere is really scenty. Hopefully this bodes well for a good summer since last summer was a total washout of grey blah. It was eternally March for about 9 months.

    Candy - great job getting on the treadmill!

    PT had a look at my ribs and taped me up six ways to Sunday with hot pink athletic tape (to be fair she did offer blue and "gender neutral" white but I wanted it to match my current toe color!). Said its a muscle strain and intercostals are kinda cooked too, but the tape will give me a few days support to heal.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    I noticed yesterday was a jamming busy day here - not to much in the morning, but 3 pages by last night. It's great to "see" and hear from everyone.

    Moth, I like your visual of people spilling over into the kitchen and other rooms. It makes me think of my old (large) family gatherings before I moved away.

    Chicagoan - I haven't thought of Dog and Suds in forever! What a blast!

    Candy - you're motivating me! I've got to get my elliptical moved back into position so I can use it. Those of you on the zoom calls may see it behind me, looking like antlers coming out of my head. Lol.

    Last night we had a super loud thunderstorm, and my daughter's dog does not like that one bit! A short nap is on my agenda today. Lol.

    BUT, the cabinets are finished! the microwave is in! Hurray!! Hurray!! Now, I can start to put things away and actually cook again. :) We still need to do the backsplash, but at least the kitchen is functional again, and now I have more storage and a dishwasher! Woohoo! (I'm just a little excited. <g>)

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Holy Whatever!! How did so many posts happen so quickly?. Mel's living room will need a revolving door, another couch and maybe a new wing.

    Sf-Cakes: I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. Hold happy memories in your heart and be at peace he is no longer suffering

    mae: your MRI news was a shock!! I want you to have many happy years in your cabin with your DH and darling puppies.

    Waving "hi" and best wishes to everyone else.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421

    Hi everyone, I usually check in to this thread daily , I did not see anything yesterday ,then today whoosh lots of missed pages - this new improved site, aarghh!!

    Like Moth I can visualise our 'family gathering': waiting for a root beer float and hugging everyone who has lost a loved one, had bad news or just because. Then enjoying celebrating a birthday, finishing a kitchen makeover, doing some exercise or achieving anything despite the fatigue.

    I hope you all have a good week ahead.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Candy, great job on the treadmill. That is awesome.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mara~Dinner so I did pretty good too and I love breakfast burritos! You have good ideas. When I read my arm starts to fall asleep and I have neuropathy in my feet. I feel pins and needles and burning.

    Sunshine~ hope both MRI’s are good !
    candy~ treadmill good for you.

    Sondra~ hope your ribs are feeling ok.

    SeeQ ~ love thunderstorms love the rainstorms as long as no one gets hurt.

    Elderberry ~I wish the living room was real. The support is endless.

    Denny~ I felt the same way about the posts. I sometimes feel like I miss things and then see someone commenting about something I hadn’t seen.

    Hope all is as good as it can be.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Candy has inspired me to get back on the treadmill today so part of today will be dedicated to that.

    My DB has also lost some weight. Found out he is dealing with high blood pressure and since then has been exercising more than usual. I am glad he is on meds as stroke does run on my mom's side of the family. He is being watched both medically and by SIL so I will work not to worry about it. He also has a stressful job but one thing he is able to do is sleep which will help a lot and he is younger than family on Mom's side were when diagnosed so hopefully the exercise, revised eating without salt and all of that helps.

    I did shop last night, nothing too exciting was purchased but I can turn it all into different tasting meals with limited ingredients. The people did come to the building but no one came in my apartment. There is a lighted sign on the back door on my level showing the exit. They must have been told to put that in. The motion sensors still shut off after 20 seconds but I don't think anything will be done about that.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, breakfast was nice, I had put black, pinto beans and chickpeas in the same container in the fridge. Took one cup of this mixture. Decided to cook in microwave for 90 seconds, put a plate overtop in case anything exploded. Added garlic parmesan seasoning, lots of italian seasoning as well combined with a small amount of garlic spread. I wanted a hit of garlic that was not super intense but detectable. Wheat bran sprinkled for more fiber. I took a small spoonful of queso and mayo and combined everything. It did taste very good was full until I did my Paul Eugene for 10 mins after.

    Also had a chocolate bar. I allow one per week, that is all and it was good. Hershey's milk chocolate and almond. Once done, did another Paul Eugene for 10 mins but added some two pound weights to work the arms a bit more. Stretching a lot but can say it was more of an effort to get this done. This workout does not aggravate my feet at all, tried my treadmill but the bottom of my right food is painful even with the insoles I have so this one is a good compromise. I plan to add weights to my ankles for the next Paul Eugene session today as well. Rest from the weights tomorrow and add them alternating days I think.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Is there any word about Shetland Pony? Has she stopped all treatments? Her last post was so saddening.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mae, I am so sorry about brain progression. I remember when you actually called me to calm me down after my brain Mets had initial progression in January. You really helped my outlook and calmed me down, even in the face of further progression I am calmer because of you. I will forever be grateful that you reached out like that. You are a very special lady! I am sure the tumor board has a good plan for you. I start Enhertu in a week or so. You and Mara are my inspiration for keeping on.

    SFcakes, I’m very sorry to read about your father’s passing. My condolences to you and your family.

    Hello everyone. I’m have not been checking in much this week but have caught up on posts. I am still working, I just can’t stop but I know I probably should.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi everyone. I’ve been reading when I can, and trying to keep up.

    Mae, you are one strong woman, and this current brain met issue is just another challenge to overcome. We all know with your strength and positive vibes, you are going to knock this out—with us right beside you to support you in any way we can.

    Hi Mel. I am hanging in there. I had my nuclear body scan last week, and I finally got a call today from my MO’s office saying that I am stable with one exception in my right hip which she will discuss next week with me. I was stunned. I did not expect to hear that. So I’m pretty happy. I am also finally eating again, so hopefully I’ll get some of my strength back.

    50sgirl, a belated happy birthday. I hope it was nice. I am also a fan of your posts.

    Hi Tanya. Hope all is well in your world

    Waving hi to Mara, Candy, Moth, Kikomoon, Emac, SeeQ, Goldensrbest, Elderberry, Sf-cakes, Sondraf, BevJen, Rosie24, Chicagoan, KBL, sunshine99, Denny10, livingivlife, Runor, and anyone else I missed. All are important here, so special hugs to those I have not remembered to add. Oh, if I could only have my pre-chemo brain back. I used to spell pretty well before chemo. I’m pathetic now. Oh well…

    I’ll check back in next week after I see the MO, but overall, I am doing ok and am settled in and happy.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I am so happy to hear stable Laurie, and that you can eat! Two things that make me happy.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Booboo, thank you for checking in, and yay for stable, except your hip. Thank you for the shoutout.