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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    emac, I have fibroids that gave me super heavy flow and bad cramps. Had to take 3 ibuprofens (gel caps only) and be religious about it or feel the wrath. Taxol shut all that down. But when I switched to capecitabine the flow has come back, very irregular outta nowhere and cramps are not nearly as bad, knock on wood. It seems like chemo suppresses all that for me. I hope yours is nothing serious and doesn't cause you problems.

    I had a meeting with the “brain trust" at MDA. ( that's what I'm calling them, a panel of radiologist, MO, and neurosurgeon). I told the neurosurgeon “what are you gonna do, take out my whole brain? He laughed.

    They are switching me to Enhertu for my brain Mets. I am glad, this is what my local MO wanted to do and it made sense to me! Glad we have a consensus. I start in about two weeks. Wish me luck! Feels a little like a Hail Mary pass. I'd like to keep this party bus going for a bit longer.

    Mae keep those PUPdates coming

    Edited to say they are switching me to Enhertu from Xeloda. I’ve started blaming The brainfor everything.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Kikomoon - Here's to a Hail Mary! All the prayers and good vibes sending your way. I'm glad there was consensus. That is always a good way to get started off with.

    Thank you all for the support. My labs came back definitively showing I am post-menopausal. I call it my "chemopause" since I had Taxotere/Cytoxan in 2019. I am a little less upset about it all today. I made a crock of carnitas, got a haircut and worked on my front flowers this morning. My dad came over and mowed the yard for me so all in all it was a pretty good day.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    We’ve got your back. I will pray that Enhertu is the drug that chases those brain mets away completely. I will be very interested to hear how you do with this drug. I’ve never heard of it so maybe it’s new. In any case, I wish you an easy time with outstanding results.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kikomoon- sending good vibes your way. With a consensus it's always good . May this new treatment show great results.

    Mae- it's great you have sold the house. The ball looks bigger than your pup! How adorable.

    I'm busy today packing for my flight out tomorrow morning to Ontario. I always feel nervous before I go then relax more once I'm on the plane. Also making up a honey to do list for my husband to work on while I'm away. He said he knows exactly what he has to do- "nothing "! Geez!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Pocket duty list for week of May 1--

    Mae- CT and bone scans Monday, results Tuesday along with brain MRI, results of MRI Wednesday

    Mocogram- Labs, MO, infusion Wednesday

    Sondra- CT and MRI Thursday

    Sunshine- MRI Thursday

    Rosie- CT and MRI Friday

    Goldens- Presurgical testing Monday, Palliative Care Tuesday, and Spine doc Friday

    Anyone else?

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Candy - you can add me for Thursday - CT chest/abdo/pelvis and MRI full spine (weeee!).

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94
    Candy, on Wednesday I'm having blood test, meeting with MO, and getting infusion of zometa and Kanjinti. Routine stuff, but stressful nonetheless. Thanks for keeping track, Candy.
  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Added to list.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I'll be having an MRI of my right hip and femur on May 5.

    Thank you, Candy!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Got it Sunshine. Looking like a busy week. Pocket duty to all with potato chips.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Candy - I see primary doc tomorrow for pre-surgical testing and on Tuesday morning have meeting for palliative care. Looks like a busy group this week! Thank you again for keeping track of all of us!❤️

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Oh, I’m late, sorry.

    Bone and CT Body scans tomorrow

    Results and Brain MRI on Tuesday

    Brain MRI results on Wednesday

    After my last appointment, we’ll check out of our hotel, pick up a few things from storage, then begin the 10 hour drive. We’ll likely stop somewhere for the night since we’ll be in our own vehicles and I can’t drive that long in one shot.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Wow, that’s a lot of medical happenings for our group this week. We’re going to get a lot of exercise with all that jumping in and out of pockets 😄. This time my scans are scheduled for 6:15 pm and 7:00 pm which is very unusual for me. They’ve almost always been before noon.

    Mae, that sounds exciting, to finally be moving to your cabin for good. I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be!

    I had a small family gathering today and am kicking myself over my super high expectations for our dessert. I decided to get a neopolitan cake from a grocery store that was often recommended by people on FB. In my mind I was seeing a lovely 3 layer cake, pink, yellow, chocolate. Well, it was one layer and marbled pink, yellow, and brown. It was very tasty but I felt let down until I realized there were lots of hints I wasn’t getting a 3 layer cake. Here’s what I expected:image

    Here’s what I got (that wasn’t eaten):

    We enjoyed it and I learned to ask more questions and read labels! I usually do both of those things too. 🧐

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mae~pups are Adorable keep 'em coming. Be safe on your travels.

    Candy~ you're so kind to keep track of the living room. Sweet woman. Sending hugs. Hello. BooBoo and emac, sunshine, gilded ,Rosie, sfcakes. Tanya. Santa. 50'sgirl……

    Someone asked about my painting, it’s coming along slowly. I don’t do it daily and I should I guess.

    Someone also mentioned my son, he’s doing very well in his new place. I’m happy for him I miss him still but am happy for him growing up and maturing . thanks for asking

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    That photo of the teeny pup with a tennis ball just made me smile hugely, and congrats on selling your home, Mae!

    Mel, what a wonderful idea to volunteer at an animal shelter. I miss having a dog around, my neighbors have an adorable older chihuahua who lays out on their deck whenever the sun's out, warming up his little belly. I'd like to borrow him.

    Here for pocket duty for everyone with scans, appointments, etc - I have been craving olives and 'everything' crackers, I'll try to keep the munching sounds down to a minimum. Love to everyone ❤️

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Thanks for the list, Candy. It was nice if you to add people back into the original post. We are busy this week. Signing up for pocket duty for everyone.

    Mae - you have a busy week yourself. It's nice, though that you'll end it up at the cabin. Hurray!

    Quiet day here. A quick trip to the grocery store, laundry, and a little fishing - I caught absolutely nothing. Dh made steak and potatoes on the grill and I sautéed some yellow and zucchini squash with fresh mushrooms, onions, garlic, and crushed red pepper. It's one of my favorites and so easy.

    Missing Mara today. Waving to everyone. I hope we all have a wonderful week.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Just logging back on.

    Mae I added you to the list. I try to add to the list so if anyone scrolls back to Sunday's posts they will see the list for the week.

    I am doing the hip steroid injection today. For the arthritis. I have never had one before. I hope it helps with the pain, so I can at least walk across the room without wincing and hobbling. Also, I should hear about the blood work from last week about my new symptoms of neuropathy (burning feet at night).

    Rosie- Oh my, I would have pictured a neopolitan cake as the first pic too. At least it was tasty.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, nothing much happening here. Been turning bar soap into foaming soap to stretch my supplies because I enjoy doing that. Quiet weekend though I did an afternoon at the movies, streamed The Batman with Robert Pattinson which was really good though long. Made microwave popcorn and indulged in additional butter and salt. Still doing surveys and such as well for extra money.

    Meal wise, nothing too terribly new except for a snack size meal. !/2 cup white rice cooked, 1/2 cup chickpeas that are blended almost to a smooth consistency combine them with small amount of garlic spread and put in a fry pan. They are heated through on low heat for a few minutes with a lid put on top. I do add a bit of wheat bran to boost fiber and a bit of peanut powder to boost protein but this really is more a snack instead of a meal and does taste good. I cannot perceive the peanut taste of the powder due to the garlic taste of the snack.

    Exercise wise, I am enjoying my 10 minute workouts after meals. Have not added weights yet but planning to do so soon. I also plan to start showing up at the hospital early for appointments so I can check in since we still have prescreening questions about covid and just walk for half an hour or so in the halls. As the weather gets warmer, I am less inclined to want to do much outdoor stuff. The hospital has miles of hallways to explore as well. I do get to the park with the walking poles a couple times a week though weather permitting.

    Scan wise, I will have an MRI next week to check brain and have Herceptin the same day. Both appointments are later in the day. Apparently the Cancer Centre has extended the chemosuite hours until 8 pm. I don't mind that so much.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Rosie, I would have thought neopolitan as well though the cake you did get looks yummy as well.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    hi everyone! Wow busy week for many of us, so many scans and appointments.

    I have lab & chemo this week. My MO is away and we did a quick telehealth last week. Unless my labs are wonky I think I don't need to speak to oncology this week so that's one less thing which is nice.

    My son's birthday was this weekend so we had some lovely times. Saw my parents too. Weather is warming up finally here so we can do tea outside.

    ESMO is this week so I'll try to poke my nose in a bit there. There are 2 studies which apply to mTNBC which I'm esp curious about.

    Hugs everyone

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    I am in Paris Ontario at my daughter's house. Saw my sister today and will visit again tomorrow. Even though it's a short plane ride I was still worn out from the travel day.

    This is a very busy week for scans,MRI and appointments. No matter where I am, still on pocket duty with chips and dip.

    Waving hello to everyone!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I am still getting used to this new format and I am not a fan. It's harder to keep the posts in sight to respond to many . Why fix what isn't broken. ..?

    Hello living. I am also in for pocket duty for sure. With mini Cinnabon's . Hugs to all......

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Well, apparently I am getting a new toilet sometime tomorrow and replacement light fixtures. I only have two light fixtures, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. Would be nice to get that fixed and with a switch. Hopefully my dryer will not get in the way. I am not sure if I am allowed to stay at this point, but guess I will find out. It is a high efficiency toilet, no experience with those so we will see.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    I hope they don’t bother you Mara. Honestly, you don’t need the crap. Glad your toilet is being replaced. You’ve been through alot there.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Well I got my hip steroid injection yesterday. This is not cancer related. It is arthritis-- either osteoarthritis or associated to the rheumatoid arthritis, I am seeing a new rheumy later this month to get clarity. Pretty easy overall. Weird though that it is different based on where you get the injection. I was going to get it at my local ortho clinic last summer, but my sister died and I cancelled. I was not to eat or drink before, off blood thinners for 3 days, and have a driver. This time I scheduled with IR at my local hospital. Did not have to be NPO (I could eat), could continue my blood thinners, and did not need a driver.

    The staff told me that the pain control can last a couple months, everyone is different. But they have patients that routinely come in every 3 months (Medicare pays that frequently, I think). But they said 1 patient yesterday had held out almost a year from his last injection. It is something they can use to "kick the can down the road" to when someone finally goes for hip replacement. But my ortho doc said I was not a surgical candidate with the MBC--- I know our Goldens is getting hip replacement next week, but they don't seem to want to do surgery on me. And I don't necessarily want surgery either. But I worry about the steroid use with the Xgeva and the bone mets. Will it cause more bone issues with being brittle, etc?

    I will see how I feel the next few days/week, and also ask my MO and ortho docs about doing the injections again and how often.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Candy~ did your injection hurt a lot. ? I know someone who is getting one and I’m wondering for her. ? I hope you’re okay. Arthritis is painful stuff.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, Are you feeling any relief?

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- They give a local lidocaine injection and that hurt. A "bee sting", but we all know what that means, lol. Then he said "ok this is going deeper" and that hurt more. But then injecting the dye to make sure they were in the joint capsule, and then injecting the steroid, those did not hurt. They tell you what they are doing as they are doing it. They did go in near the bikini line. ??? I thought it would be on the outside of the hip joint (the outer side), but they said this way it bypasses most of the blood vessels. I have a church lady friend (she is 76 years old) that gets these shots every few months. She goes to the local ortho clinic (the one I was set up for last summer) and she told me that it hurt A LOT and she could barely walk to the car after (her husband drove her).

    Rosie- I can feel a difference today. I am not limping as much. And I could climb out of the bathtub (shower/tub combo, I take showers) with more ease this morning. I am still hurting, but it is definitely better. Now if I could help the other pain issues--- both shoulders, my knees, and my lower back. Just load me up with steroids, I guess!!!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Hi all, I’m happy to report that I’m still stable in the body. Waiting on the brain MRI now with those results tomorrow, hopefully stable too.

    Long drive to the cabin tomorrow, more updates on life later this week.

    I hope everyone is good.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Glad to hear you're stable, mae. I hope the brain MRI returns the same result. Safe travels tomorrow!
