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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,545

    Thank you sunshine99. We appreciate your support. On our website, we have an article that discusses Targeted Therapy and how it works. In short the site states, "Targeted cancer therapies are treatments that target specific characteristics of cancer cells, such as a protein that allows the cancer cells to grow in a rapid or abnormal way". For additional information regarding targeted therapy the following link may be helpful;

    Hope this helps!

    -The Mods

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Emac- First, woohoo for good scans & "stable remission". Second, I totally get it about the balance with 'stable' and quality of life. That is where I am at right now. My scans show stable (in August), but the nausea and fatigue are getting to really get to me. And I don't have a job !!! I don't know how you do it. I have not had issues with cognition, your symptoms seem a lot worse than mine. But, the side effects are affecting my daily life. I would say go see the endocrinologist and see what they have to say. And see if you can get a leave from work until you can at least see the doc. I am so sorry you are going thru this.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    I'm sorry to hear all the struggles everyone is having, I'm waiting for a petscan this Tuesday to see if I've had progression, if so, it's back to iv chemo for me as Verzenio hasn't worked, ove also got an appointment with the oral surgeon on Thursday to find out if they can remove a very sore loose tooth without onj rearing it's ugly head again, that and fatigue as well as the big d have kept me pretty quiet lately even though I have been reading along everyday. I hope you all have the best weekend possible 💗

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Kittykat, in your pocket for your upcoming scan results and sorry you are having to deal with the big D on top of that. I hope they can remove the loose tooth without the onj showing as well.

    I am still plodding along, still dealing with the cold but I did sleep a long time last night, almost 10 hours. Poor cats must have wondered if they would have been fed again.

    Staying home for an Amazon delivery of Buckley's. I am deciding on breakfast, I had leftover fries from a McDonald's delivery, might warm those up to have with a couple of eggs and beans, not sure yet. Have laundry I am doing now. My DB and SIL wanted me to stay home when SIL heard my hoarse voice so shopping will happen sometime over the weekend for whatever else I may need which is not too much.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you for helping with my question, mods!

    I hope everyone is having a better Friday. I found out yesterday that a much-loved neighbor came home from the hospital on hospice. She had/has colon and lung cancer. So sad... Her husband and son have lived there for, oh, maybe 10+ years.

  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055

    Mara is a BCO champion with an inspiring story. Here it is:

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    That was a really inspiring interview, Mara. I'm sure it will help ease the minds of a lot of people.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Mara, I enjoyed reading the interview. As Seeq said, your words are inspiring. I have been silently following the Brain Mets thread for several years, and even before you joined “the living room”, I was impressed by your words, your concern for others, and your strength. I am sure that your posts have and will continue to help many people

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: Thanks to Traveltext I got to read your interview. I hope it gives hope to so many of us.

    Pocket duty for everyone for the upcoming week.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Great article, Mara.

    I live in Florida and have two houses. I could use some pocket duty that what they say is going to be a major hurricane decides to jet off to the east before it makes it to Florida. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth a try. Another I name. Ugh. With Irma, I lost power for a week, and the winds weren’t even that bad.

    To all my fellow Floridians, stay safe next week.

    I'm sorry for those struggling right now. Hugs to you all.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mara~you really are our miracle. Thanks for sharing that. Travel. You’re a special bunch you all are. I hope we can all be ok with who we are now. Mara definitely inspires me to walk , cook. Experiment. I feel glad to know you!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    pocket duty for sure! be safe please! Tanya. In Florida also.
    waving to elderberry.

    Mae~what a nice view out that deck. Very nice.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Hi all, just popping in real to share tonight’s view from the deck. I just love it here 😁


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Great interview, Mara!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    TT, thank you for the opportunity to do the interview and thank you see and 50s girl for reading it.

    Mel and everyone else, if it helped you in any way then that makes me feel really good and I am so glad to have you all in my life.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    kbl— prayers ref what could be Hurricane Ian. Hope the storm just turns into gentle rains

    Having been through 2 tornadoes 4 weeks apart followed by a blizzard that kept power out for weeks, I understand the issues that causes.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    Mae, beautiful picture. We have wonderful night skies here in the country, but right now I go to bed as soon as it gets dark. Lol.

    Thank you, DodgersGirl and Mel. I have a whole house generator where I am now, so I have peace of mind with that.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Well, plodding along with this cold but still feeling better. Going to try to get through today without any meds until tonight. Just walking for bits on the treadmill as I am not feeling like outdoors as of yet and nothing I need to get. My chest is more clear and I am on the part with the dry cough that gets rid of everything. Saving meds for tonight. It is a cool day here today as well.

    For anyone who may be affected by Fiona, I am in your pockets all the way.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mara- Good interview.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Thank you Candy.

    Well, people here feel I am helpful to others, I will need to be for my real life friend. Her Mom has been dx'd with Stage IV endometrial cancer. Not a great way to re establish contact. Going to see her tomorrow for tea, we are messaging for now. Poor thing, I know what she is going through since my Mom died not long ago. I told her that while she wants to be hopeful, remember that when it builds up inside her, rage cry, hit something and get it out. Nothing will make it suck less for her and I am so sad for her and her Mom as well.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mara - very good interview! Sorry to learn of your friend’s mother’s dx but you already sound like you’ve been a help to her.

    Mae - lovely night sky photo.

    I’ve got some freaky rash on my right hand and arm. Given my recent cellulitis, my MO started me on an antibiotic on Friday but rash seems to be spreading on hand. Can’t close hand to make a fist - it is swollen and painful. Sounds like a trip to urgent care for me today 🙄🙄🙄

    Have a peaceful Sunday dear sisters❤️

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    in your pocket Goldens! Hope it heals quickly.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Goldens- Hope you are ok. And Urgent Care works better for you than it did for me.

    I developed a fever of 100.5 on Friday afternoon/evening. Called MO office at 3p and heard back at 4:45. To do a CBC at Urgent Care. Remember, my MO is 2 hours away in a different town. I called my Urgent Care in my town and they said they don't draw blood. ??? So I went to the ER. All tests--- bloodwork, Covid test, chest x-ray all ok.

    Pocket duty list for this week---

    Kittykat- PET Tuesday and oral surgeon Thursday

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Goldens, thank you about the interview and I hope they get the cellulitis healed up soon.

    Candy, glad the ER tests did not show anything but that makes the fever a mystery. Hoping you are feeling better.

    Mel, how are you and your sister doing? I've been wondering about you.

    My cold is gone thankfully so I can see my friend. Going to do more listening than talking because it could just be a visit between friends after a long while. I have known her more than 10 years meeting at a job. I will take my cue if she needs a listener, talker and whether she wants to vent about her Mom and only interject my Mom in if she asks. She may also need some non cancer stuff to talk about.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Candy~thank goodness you’re ok. Oh gosh the things we all Go through.

    Mae~ love the stars.

    Mara~ my sister had her second chemo treatment Thursday. She’s a strong woman for sure. I think she’s still in shock. I am doing ok. Getting by day to day. Somedays bored. Others i paint. Somedays sleep. It all depends on the side effect of the day. My mouth is bugging me again. it’s a become chronic thing. Thanks for asking. I hope your cold is better.

    Avail for pocket duty as needed.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I had a biopsy on Friday. I get results on Wednesday. I anticipate my next treatment will be IV. Radiation oncologist recommended radiation to hip, pelvis, and sacrum. I have some swelling in the area of my sternal notch and right side of my neck. I am anxious not being on any treatment right now.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Goldens, ouch! I hope you heal quickly.

    Candy, I'm sorry about your fever. I'm glad you're OK, but what kind of Urgent Care doesn't do blood draws???

    Mara, have fun visiting your friend. I'm sure you'll be good for her. I'm glad your cold is getting better.

    Mel, thinking of you and your sister today,

    Dutchiris, I'm sorry you're facing the possibility of IV chemo again.

    This insomnia of mine is the pits! Last night I was awake until 4:31 (according to my Fitbit.) I'm thinking about asking my MO or PCP for some kind of sleep aid – just to get my sleep pattern back on track. I've tried everything I can think of.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Candy, I am so glad you are doing better.

    Mel, glad the chemo seems to be going well and I am sorry your mouth is bothering you. My cold is gone except for the hoarse voice which is less hoarse today. That was from the days of coughing, If I thought I had any chance of being contagious I would not meet for tea but I am fine to go.

    Other than seeing my friend, did some laundry and mixed up a bigger container of foaming soap, put it in an empty 4L vinegar container. 3 L water, 1L of the liquid soap I used to dilute to foaming.

    Made a different sort of breakfast, 1/2 cup baked beans, a few leftover Mcdonald's fries also heated through. In a pot 1/4 cup of rice and then put the egg at the same time. Wound up with scrambled egg and rice. On top, sprinkled wheat bran and added a spoonful of sour cream that was mixed with ketchup and mustard. Seasoned with salt and some streak seasoning. Not too much food but I could not finish it all. For my meal before going out, will just combine 1/4 cup baked beans and 1/4 beefless ground and add the leftovers.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Candy - did you do a Covid test as well? That's about the fever I had (or a little lower), but a ton of snot and a scratchy throat. A friend down the street just had his second bout and all he had was a high fever for about 24 hours and was fine. But it sounds like it was something just passing through?

    Sunshine - I was having similar problems earlier in the year and was given mirtazapine (an anti depressant) to see if that would balance out the brain stuff. I wasn't depressed, just had insomnia! Well, i could certainly sleep on it, but ongoing use gave me nightmares and sleep paralysis events (along with wanting to eat bread nonstop), so we discontinued it. I still have an almost full box, however, and will take one if I really really need to sleep and 'reset'. Most of the time Ill try an Advil PM or Tylenol PM first, though.

    Mae - Jupiter is supposed to be at closest point to the Earth this coming week/month - can't remember if you have a telescope? You should be able to see it bright in the sky, however.

    Things here ok, pretty quiet weekend recovering from a busy week and a reaallly long walk/chat with a friend on Thursday in the sun. He told me a story about how his daughter attended the London premier of House of the Dragon as Ty Tennant's date after they met at her pub job, but she left with someone else!

    Did some cooking and cleaning, put summer clothes away, applied for a few new jobs, did strength training and about to go walk off this half a burrito I had for dinner. Tomorrow I have a short craft class with another friend, so looking forward to catching up with her.

    Have a good last week of September everyone!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Sondra, we’ve been seeing Jupiter out here but will definitely bring out the telescope soon while the skies are clear and have a better look.

    More beach bar work tomorrow, we’ve got power to it now, so things can progress a bit more quickly 😁