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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you, Sondra. I'm prone to nightmares already, so my poor husband would have to deal with that.

    mara, how in the world do you have "leftover McDonald's fries?" If I bought them, I doubt there would be any leftovers!

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Candy-How is your fever today? Hope you are feeling better.

    Goldens-that rash sounds very challenging-hope you are better soon too.

    Sondra-Sounds like you have had a fun, productive weekend.

    Mae-How incredible it must be to see Jupiter!

    I've had a pretty nice weekend. Did a charity walk yesterday for ALS-one of my friend's husband died of it. As bad as cancer is, ALS would be worse to me. Today I was busy at two different churches and still have a zoom meeting tonight, so I am kicking back, enjoying the Bear's victory and doing crosswords.

    Hi to everyone else-hope you are having a good day.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Hello to everyone in Micmel’s living room.

    Sorry I don’t post more. I always intend to but after reading all the posts, I can’t remember who posted what to reply. Real issues with chemo fog. Apologies to y’all. Wish I had a magic wand to eliminate cancer for everyone. Cancer sucks.

    I have Pulmonary Function Test tomorrow to see how I am improving from Afinitor pneumonitis back in 2021. Tuesday I see my MO to talk about IV chemo. Will need a MUGA before starting chemo. May not pass that test as Xeloda gave me A Fib. Ugggg. It’s always something.

    As you guys know, starting IV chemo can mean it’s IV chemo until the end. Sigh.

    Like so many of us here, my spouse is going thru stuff, too. He is awaiting a call from cardiologist to schedule surgery on his heart. Tough limbo spot.... just waiting and waiting.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    For everyone going through stuff, tests and such, I am in your pocket.

    Dodgers girl in your pocket as well as DH for your tests next treatment given as well lending support.

    I did wind up having supper with the friend whose Mom is sick. Luckily, her mom also has supportive family as my friend also works fulltime and has an elderly father at home too. It was nice to talk to her, hugged her a couple of times and we talked about stuff, I made some suggestion like if her Mom is active, continue walking, even on the spot at home and perhaps with someone else outside, she picked up digestive enzymes at my suggestion to just combat stomach issues that may arise. I listened a lot and did not interject too much about my situation. I also told her about the wig store near a staples as well. I did say, if you are feeling really stressed, perhaps we should get together weekly or biweekly depending on her schedule.

    She bought me a korean hotdog. Mine had a funny coating and I wound up with a cheese one, I got full quickly so brought home a doggy bag and will find a way to add to my meals. I get full quickly lately, may have to plan for 4 to 6 meals a day, who knows.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Mara—- intrigued to learn how you will use the cheese dog in tomorrow’s meals!

    You get tired just reading all you accomplished today. I made a few trips to the restrooms today; a trip to the kitchen; and a trip to the mailbox. Worn out.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    hello everyone….. I am sitting and reading taking it all in. Our world of cancer. It seems like we tread tread tread water and each of us takes our turn using the ladder to rest. I am doing ok other than my mouth. My blood work came back really good. Only thing was low white blood cells. And not by much. Tumor markers lowest ever. I have an oncologist appointment Friday. Oh how I love those. My sister is starting to loose her hair. She said she didnt know what to do with it. I explained what I ended up doing. And told her about the caps. I’ll see her at some point this week I’m hoping. She needs those caps soon for sure. Damn cancer. Let’s all remember we are not alone. Hugs to all… one day at a time we get by.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Dodgers, you are dealing with a lot more issues than I am so go easy on yourself. Sometimes washroom to mailbox and back is all you may be able to handle. I also sat around for a lot of today as we did not go out til 6.00.

    As far as the Korean cheese filled hotdog, will likely scrape off the coating and put in a separate container and just add cheese to various meals throughout the day tomorrow. We will see.

    Mel, cancer does certainly suck, still in your pocket as well your sister's pocket.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    KBL and Tanya- Thinking of you both and watching Ian carefully. We're planning travel to Panama City soon, so I don't want it to go there, either. I'm not convinced "they" know where he's going yet (and it sounds like they're not convinced, either). Let's hope it stays far enough off the coast to be just a nuisance and weakens before making landfall.

    Mae - love the starry night picture. It must be amazingly quiet up there.

    Mara - your friend is lucky to have you to lean on and talk to. I think you have a good plan for supporting her. And I've never heard of a Korean hot dog before - I can't even imagine what that would be.

    Goldens- so sorry about the rash - hope it clears up soon. What did the ER say?

    Candy - sorry your ER to was a pain. I hope you're feeling all right.

    Mel - it's good your sister improved enough for her second round of chemo.

    Dutchiris- in your pocket for biopsy results

    Sunshine- I agree- there's no such thing as leftover McDonald's fries here; I eat them first!

    DH and I went brunch, and then to a casino over the Oklahoma line. We learned to play 3 card poker awhile back and have been having fun with it. We're dog-sitting for my daughter, so we came back and let the dog run and swim to her heart's content.

    I have my 6 month MO appt tomorrow, which should be uneventful. I'm only expecting bloodwork and scheduling my PET-CT for Nov-Dec time frame. I'm also hoping my new eyeglasses are in and I can pick them up on the same trip.

    Waving to everyone else 👋👋

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    I did not go to urgent care for the rash - my husband said all they would likely do is add an antihistamine since I'm already on an antibiotic. Will try to get in to see my internist today. Took a Benadryl yesterday and it dried out my mouth something awful. Didn't do much for the rash but made me so tired, and we're all tired to begin with

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Low grade temp on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Messaged MO with updates.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    I hope that they find the cause of the fevers soon. In your pocket though.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    The weather service has asked stations in the Pacific Northwest to send up extra balloons because our weather evidently affects where the hurricane will go. I hope it helps. PIA to be on alert but no consensus about where it goes.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thinking of you Candy. Goldens. Kitty. Tanya. BooBoo! Elderberry, Rosie emac , SeeQ, Mae , Mara, 50’s girl. (Hugs) to anyone I’ve missed. I’ll be back. ! My sisters hair is starting to fall out. She’s so far taking it well. But we it’s at the point to where it’s dead and matting. I remembered mine doing that and finally Had to cut it off. It was scraggly and ugly. I feel so upset for her. I’m so frustrated with cancer.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    imageBooBoo this is the last one I've finished. Took forever ! I have places to touch up still. Buthis was hard

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    That is really beautiful. Needs a frame and a place on the wall.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Congrats on the article Mara, that was great! I know I am behind by several pages.

    Candy I am in hopes they can figure out those low grade fevers for you.

    Not much going on here. I am back at work but struggling with it. I think I may have jumped the gun going off short term disability. For some reason radiation this time seems to have really knocked the wind out of me. I feel pretty good except for fatigue. I'm having moments where I'm so tired it feels like a lot of effort just to breathe. Doing some research on dose reductions. I don't want to do something impulsive and regret it but am struggling to function and keep my job at this point. There must be a balance out there so I'm really digging so I can go back to my MO with solid evidence.

    Thinking about all of you on the east coast of Canada and in Florida. May you, your loved ones and your homes be safe.

    Waving to the rest of the living room.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thank you Wren. I have some to choose from to frame. I just never remember to measure. I am addicted to painting and it’s helped my mental state as well. I love to transform something into beauty.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, beautiful picture and it definitely needs a frame. I am also glad to hear about your sister as well. Healing thoughts for you all.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I am super impressed with your painting. I can see how it would be addicting. When I was younger I took art lessons, and although I was not very good, I didn’t care. Luckily I had a patient teacher who loved to see her students enjoy painting. There’s something so freeing about putting all of those colors together and making something beautiful.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mel - beautiful painting! Where do you find your materials? Are they kits, complete with paint?
    Started my pre-surgical (knee replacement) PT yesterday. Then sent a message in my chart to my MO about rash, which has now spread to abdomen and back. And itching like crazy. She sent me to urgent care. Ran blood work - all looked really good - no sign of infection. I need to continue antibiotics and they added a drug to help with the itching - but it will likely make me very sleepy. Will pick that up this morning and see what happens.
    HUGS to all 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    MO office states to monitor temps and call if over 100.5.

    PCP office states "yeah, MBC patients can have low grade temps". That was it from them.

    Do any of you ever run low grade temps? Have chills?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Candy, I have had chills once in a while though not often. Honestly have not thought about checking my temperature as it is so infrequent for me. I would follow advice of MO vs PCP when it comes to fevers.

    Quiet day here, usual laundry fun. I am stymied by why my body fills up on a small amount of food. Made 1/2 cup of beans, 2 eggs and added a few torn up pieces of my Korean hot dog into a pan with steak seasoning and salt. Topped with sprinkle of bran and small spoon of sour cream. I don't feel sick or anything but I used to eat more. Guess I will have to eat every couple of hours to ensure I am getting enough calories for basic bodily functions through the day.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Hello All

    I haven't been posting because Hurricane Fiona came right up to the Maritimes in Canada and hit us right on! The whole island where I live lost all power on Saturday. The devastation it left in its wake is unbelievable in all provinces. Still no power on most of the island. We have a small generator for the main household appliances. Trees and wires down around us. Problems getting gas and water as we are on well water out here. We at least can use the barbecue for cooking. The town closest to us does have power now but it could take a long time for rural places. Haven't been able to reach my special son in the city as phone calls can't go through . We did hear from another person he was fine . Talk about anxiety on top of cancer!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    living~ I am thankful you’re ok and sorry you’re dealing with power issues. I hope that they restore power very quickly and you can get to your special son..

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    livingivlife—- glad your son is ok. Hoping power and normalcy return quickly.

    How scary your description sounds. Do they say how long before power can be restored?

    Sending you hugs

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,949

    LivingIVLife, I totally understand what you're going through. We lost power for a week with Irma, and up until about eight hours or so ago, Ian was gunning for our house. He's shifted south some, but the rain will be long and the winds. We are most likely going to lose power for an extended time again. My daughter is there, but we are at our other house. I pray I can stay in contact with her. It feels awful when there's no communication. I hope your area recovers quickly. My SIL is a firefighter and has been at work 36 hours already. My daughter was also a firefighter up until last year, and I'm very grateful she's able to be home with my grandson during this time.

    I also hope you get to talk to your son soon.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    LivingIVLife- in so glad you were able to get confirmation that your son is okay,. Nothing is more important. We lost power for 10 days after Hurricane Michael. I am blessed to have a husband who is an electrician and could run the well pump (and septic pump!) from the portable generator. I hope you get your power back soon.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    KBL - I forgot to say, I'm relieved Ian seems to be headed further south. I hope you stay in the clear

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    thinking of all you ladies dealing with storm fall out I hope everyone is safe. And you’re not without power too long. Mother Nature doesn’t mess around does she ? I guess we have been lucky this season not too active hurricane wise. I’m sending up good thoughts and vibes to al

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    I hopeyourw all staying safe and you srent without power for too long,, glad your specialson is safe living and you get to speak to hom real soon.