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Interpreting Your Report



  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited June 2018


    What was the result of your biopsy?

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited June 2018


    Can you print the entire report?

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695
    edited June 2018


    Thank you for the time you give to help interpret reports. I have a question, which I'd like your insight on. You can see my history in my signature.

    I saw a shoulder orthopedist a few months ago for ongoing pain in my shoulder (AC joint area) which persisted for over a year, and also increasing numbness in the right hand of my cancer side. An EMG 6 months ago determined it to likely be coming from the brachial plexus area. After PT made the pain worse, ortho ordered MRI arthogram. When he called with the results, he just told me of a minor labral tear, some cartilage damage, and said he'd go over the rest at a follow up appointment, but that there was no cancer present.

    At the follow up appointment, I saw the report. In addition to the above findings, it made mention of a well circumscribed nonagressive appearing osteochondral lesion, 1.4 cm medial lateral dimension peripheral decreased T1 and increased T2 signal within the superior lateral humeral head adjacent to the footprint of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. It repeated that it was non agressive appearing, and that CT could further evaluate osseeous integrity if clinically indicated.

    My orthopedic did not seem concerned and said it was likely from a prior injury (and it's location by the insertion points logically indicates this). What got me concerned was later in the appointment when he asked if that lesion ever showed up on a PET scan (it did not.....and I do not know if this type of lesion would show up on a PET scan or bone scan....I had both a few years ago). I did not know of this lesion prior to the appointment, so I could not formulate questions about it, but I do have a routine follow up with BS soon.

    Is this something I should pursue? I do not want unnecessary imaging/radiation, but don't want to dismiss it if it could be something of concern. It was VERY clear on the imaging! At this point, no follow up is scheduled. Is that the norm for this type of lesion, which may just be an incidental finding, or should I ask my BS to chat with my MO and determine if they need to investigate further.

    Thank you for any input you can provide. It'll help me in my discussion with BS.

  • jz5000
    jz5000 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018

    djmammo, thank you for being such a valuable resource on this site. I had a mammo and ultrasound back in October that came back normal. I recently had my yearly pap and during the breast exam the doctor thought my left breast felt different but not necessarily a lump. I then went to get an ultrasound and a small nodule was found. I am a little confused by the terminology that is used on the report. There are some terms I understand but maybe you can shed some light on it.

    At 3:00 location, approximately 5 cm from the nipple, hypoechoic nodule measures 5x4x4 mm. It is well marginated with sharp posterior wall and some mild enhancement through transmission. It demonstrates no vacularity. It is somewhat vertically oriented, increasing suspicion. Ultrasound - guided biopsy recommended. Birads 4.

    Is well marginated with sharp posterior wall and some mild enhancement through transmission a good thing? I understand the vertical part is not ideal.

    I am pretty stressed out over this and keep looking for answers. Thank you for any help!

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited June 2018


    HI djmammo, hoping you can reassure me.

     I have had pulmonary nodules in my lungs found incidentally before my diep flap last year and so far they are stable. however I did have radiation finishing mid February and had a recheck on my lungs with low density ct two weeks ago.  Ill copy it below.  Should I be concerned? Could this new finding be because of the breast rads on that side?  I did have bc right side and chemo and rads. also had a bilateral mastectomy.  I appreciate any help as I am a bit anxious about this. I don't see my oncologist for a couple of weeks.

    I did smoke half pack a day from age 14-25 yrs old and am now 52

    thank you for your help 


    PERTINENT FINDING: Reference series 201 for the soft tissues in 202 for the

     1 mm subpleural nodule right upper lobe image 24 stable. Image 118 left lower
     lobe 4 mm nodule is stable. Groundglass nodule subpleural left upper lobe image
     38 is 3 mm and stable. Subpleural groundglass nodule right upper lobe 6 mm image
     50 is present. Groundglass ill-defined region anterior right middle lobe image
     81 is new and does not appear masslike.

     LUNGS: See above

     PLEURAL SPACES: Unremarkable

     CHEST WALL: Multiple clips are present in the subcutaneous tissues of the
     anterior chest wall bilaterally

     THORACIC INLET: Unremarkable

     MEDIASTINUM: Unremarkable nonenhanced study

     HILA: Unremarkable

     AXILLA: Multiple clips are present in the right axilla. There is some associated
     soft tissue. This probably represents scarring and is relatively stable

     BONES: Unremarkable



     Previous lung nodules are stable. New regions of groundglass in the right lung
     may be infectious or inflammatory. Close follow-up suggested

  • SunnyDee24
    SunnyDee24 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018


    It was positive for invasive ductal carcinoma. ER/PR/HER2 positive. I have also had an MRI which does not show lymph envolvement. I meet with the Oncologist and Breast Surgeon this Thursday. They (clinically) are telling me it is a stage II d/t the size. That’s really all I know right now Thank you for checking in.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited June 2018

    Sorry to hear SunnyDee and thanks for sharing.

    Question - my DD is 30 - so she is being checked since 25yrs old due to sister's early dx, so pleomorphic calcifications were noted, she had biopsied, and since then she had mamo/us mamo/mri, Six months ago, she had mamo/us and now she's scheduled tomorrow for MRI only of the breast that had the calcifications. But we realized that only on that breast that had the calcification. Should we be concerned and ask for the 2nd one also to be checked? What's the opinon here. We are paying out of pocked anyway. Thank you.

    Djmamo i'd love to hear your view on this. Sorry for the bother, thank you.

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2018

    momallthetime, somewhere in this thread I think he answered that they don't do a single breast MRI and that both are always done.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited June 2018

    yes? ty Melisssa, do you know when? tomorrow will be MRI, so i wonder...

  • Speendog16
    Speendog16 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2018


    I’m a 41yr old woman, childless, with a hx if fibroadnomas in Right Breast. On my Baseline Mammogram, a lump was discovered in my Left Breast. I had US biopsy on Monday and I’m completely anxious. Here is my US report:

    DATE OF EXAM: Jun 19 2018

    U/S BREAST LIMITED LEFT (Acc#:6708092):

    RESULT: CLINICAL INDICATION: Callback from baseline mammogram for

    further evaluation of left breast upper outer quadrant mass. The patient

    reports a history of right breast fibroadenomas previously biopsied in

    her 20s.

    COMPARISON: 5/18/2018 mammogram

    RESULTS: Real-time ultrasound is performed to the left breast targeted

    to the mammographic area of concern. Left breast 1:00 position 4 cm from

    the nipple there is a oval hypoechoic mass with circumscribed margins

    measuring 2 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm. There are multiple lobulations and internal

    septations seen. The orientation is parallel. This may represent a



    BI-RADS Category 4: Suspicious.

    Left breast 1:00 position 2 cm mass as described for which ultrasound

    core biopsy is recommended.

    RECOMMENDATION: Ultrasound core biopsy left breast mass.

    Results and recommendations were discussed with the patient.

    Thank you for any assistance you can provide

  • angellily76
    angellily76 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2018

    Hi djmammo

    I really do not understand my findings from my mammo .. Here are the findings

    Breast heterogeneously dense which may obscure small masses

    Grouped coarse heterogeneous calcifications in left breast @ 1:00

    Posterior depth 9 cm from nipple spanning .4 × .3 × .3 cm ...

    Additional focal asymmetry seen on screening mammo just inferior to calcifications on the mediolateral oblique view does not persist with additional diagnostic mammo views and is consistent with superimposition of normal fibroglandular tissue ...

    BIRADS 4 suspicious

    Category 4B

    Upright stereotactic biopsy because of dense breast tissue and small area of calcifications ...

    I also got a second opinion from my hematologist/oncologist ( doctor my past for iron definition anemia, not for cancer ) and he agreed that I do the biopsy ...

    This is like a foreign language to me ... Please help interpret this ...

    Thank you

  • Cathy1975
    Cathy1975 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018

    My mammogram and ultrasound results are:

    9:00 position 4 cm from nipple: irregular hypoetic approximately 5×9.5mm irregular solid mass without internal vascularity noted on color free imaging and without shadowing.

    12:00 position near the nipple: there is a Stellate up to approximately 5×7.5 mm solid lesion with mild internal vascularity, no suspicious shadowing.

    Ultrasound guided biopsy should be considered

    Bi-Rads category 4: suspicious abnormalities

    Biopsies are scheduled on Tues

    Dr. Says she doesn't think it's cancer. Maybe fibroadenomas, due to my HRT.

    djmammo I would appreciate any help understanding these results. Should I be worried?

  • Painter137
    Painter137 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2018

    djmammo I have a question about my mri..I have a 8mm idc that I knew of going in,according to core biopsy it is low grade appears more like normal cells.My Mri did not show lymph node enhancement.It also read superior third of sternum theres is a3mm focus of enhancement suggesting possible metastatic disease. I also had breast cancer 14 yrs ago stage 1 mastectomy and chemo.Can you help me with this? I am scheduled for a Pet scan tomorrow and very worried! TIA

  • Painter137
    Painter137 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2018

    Djmammo can you help I am a 14 yr BC survivor Stage 1,mastectomy and chemo .No lymph nodes involved.Recently diagnosed with 8mm IDC low grade 1 resembles normal cells on core biopsy.Had an MRI that showed what I already knew,no lymph node enhancement but also stated superior third of sternum theres a 3mm focus of enhancement suggesting possible metastatic disease. I am scheduled for a Pet scan tomorrow and very worried

    Please help TIA

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    Its been too many years since I read any bone studies. My practice was limited to breast imaging for many years.

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    There are conflicting properties, through transmission and sharp margins good, vertical bad. Something this small is often difficult to evaluate. It is also too small to be felt so it is really an incidental finding. Let us know what the biopsy shows.

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    I have been interpreting only breast imaging since 2003 so I hesitate to venture a guess outside of my field of experitse,

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    All breast MRI's are bilateral, all the time, no exceptions. You cannot order a unilateral breast MRI

    Same for contrast, it is always given for a breast MRI

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    your previous fibroadenoma removed or just biopsied? Is this the same one?

    It is common to have more than one and they have a pretty classic appearance on US. Do you have old reports or images to compare?

  • jz5000
    jz5000 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018

    djmammo - thank you for replying! Is sharp posterior wall good? Im assuming its ok.The lingo gets a little confusing. I will keep you posted!

    Edited: Just in case someone is going through a similiar situation. I got my biopsy results back and they were benign. It ended up being a cyst.

  • pickynikki1972
    pickynikki1972 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    Hi @Raeleanne76

    It’s been a few months since your last post, so I’m not sure if you’re still on here or not.

    I’m new to the board tonight and have a situation that sounds almost exactly like yours. I’m frustrated and anxious.

    I’m just writing to see if you have any updates.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2018

    pickynikki1972, welcome to! You can send Raeleanne76 a private message too in case she doesn't answer. See here:

    How do I send a private message?

    Let us know how are you doing, and feel free to ask any questions, we're all here for you!!

    The Mods

  • Cathy1975
    Cathy1975 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018

    My biopsies were done this morning. I'm ok but really sore. Get my results next Tuesday

  • Tpralph
    Tpralph Member Posts: 281
    edited July 2018

    Thanks dj. I appreciated the response. I'll just have to wait to see what the oncologist says on the 17.


  • princessfluffybritches
    princessfluffybritches Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2018

    I have a question about my PET scan done today.  Onc. says I get a whole body PET scan .  Okay.  I now wonder why both my arms were positioned across my body like one covering a breast?  I can't find an explanation for that anywhere.

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited July 2018

    djmammo thanks so much for your caring response. as it turns out she did do the bilateral. but she def was scheduled just for one, we both asked for bilateral, and being that we are paying out of pocket $2100.00 p/side, they said no problem. This is a follow up for a mammo/sono done in January, it was clear, but w her familial Hx (sister dx at 25), and linear microcalcifications (biopsied -good) last year, they are checking her every 6 mos., so they scheduled her only for the one side that had the microcalcifications, so even though she ended up having bilateral, i was wondering if you still find it odd that they only scheduled for one? Thank you very much.

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    Not really sure. A PET scan (and PET CT's) are displayed in 3D, and are viewed as rotatable images on a screen so perhaps it doesn't matter where your arms are. I am sure they would not put them where they would adversely affect the images.

  • djmammo
    djmammo Member Posts: 1,003
    edited July 2018


    No way to know. Inexperience in ordering breast MRI? Thought they could save the patient some money? Who knows. What is important is that no imaging center one would follow that order to the letter. Actually I am not sure it is even possible to do just one side.

  • princessfluffybritches
    princessfluffybritches Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2018

    Thanks for the reply!

  • momallthetime
    momallthetime Member Posts: 1,375
    edited July 2018

    djmammo it's odd indeed. i know def they had it down for one side only. and they have plenty of experience. how would they do it? well they would have t position both breasts but maybe ignore one. Well, thank God we were able to pay, and i made sure to tell my daughter to ask for both. now the next imaging is in 6 mos. But interestingly, her sister had a biopsy come back PASH on the last biopsy 1yr ago,(age 27) and they only have her scheduled in one year. In the meantime, im reading that PASH could def be hiding a cancer, and it could be a precancer, it should be watched, i can't figure, and this one with the microcalcifications is being scheduled every 6 mos.

    I'm going crazy anyway, trying to figure out if i should insist on 6 mos for the DD that had PASH...etc...djmammo, you've helped so many people, thank you so much for taking the time.

    princessfluffy, my DD had PETCT and always her arms were above the head, i can't tell you why they chose the other position for you, but why don't you call the place and ask to speak with the radiologist and let him explain to you why this was done? If it's a decent place, they will come to the phone and give you the answer. good luck