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Chemo starting October 2017



  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Hi Ladies, I was on the thread then didn't check for a while. How are you all doing?

    I'm going for Round 3 of 4 of AC this Thursday followed by 4 rounds of taxol. Then surgery. Anyone else on a similar plan?

    My SE were less for round 2 but I was tired longer. Anyone sucking on ice during admin of AC? I switched hospitals for Round 2 and they recommended it and I felt so much better. Barely any sores. Round 1 I had a ton.

    I also have had horrible hemmorhoids. Anyone dealing with that? My MO seems to think I'm crazy when I asked her about it.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Welcome jenglutenfree. I drank ice water during my last treatment but I didn't suck on ice chips. Seems sensible. I had my 2nd of 4 rounds of AC last Wednesday, followed by 12 weekly rounds of Taxol.

    So far, I'm doing fine with the SEs. They say that AC causes constipation, so it would make sense that hemorrhoids would be an issue, but so far I haven't had that. I'm definitely more tired due to steroid the 2nd round, but I'm hoping to fine tune my treatment plan so that I can avoid this next round.

    Wishing you luck this Thursday. Hoping that you'll finish strong!

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    JenGlutenFree - good to see you again.

    My schedule is 4 x AC > 4 x T > Surgery, too. I only have 2 AC's under my belt.

    I didn't suck ice chips during my first infusion and got mouth sores. The second time the chemo nurse suggested it and I did. So far so good, but they didn't show up until day 7 for me last time. I have a couple more days....

    Yup - I got hemorrhoids (or at least one.) That with the constipation is what did me in in the later phase of Round One. This round I'm taking Colace and Senna and all is well :-) If anyone else is having the discomfort of hemorrhoids I can recommend: Tucks pads, Preparation H Wipes with Aloe, and avsitz bath with epsom salts. I've read on a few wellness websites NOT to use suppositories if your immune system is low, which is ours right now.

    OK - off to the dentist to try to figure out how to deal with a shattered tooth without extracting it :-)

  • scaligirl
    scaligirl Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2017

    LisaRx, I get that same sleepless thing with the steriods too. I take 2 4mg Dexamethasone the day before and the day after my infusion, and they give me some via IV with my infusion too so I am totally not sleeping at all for those three days and usually the 4th and 5th day too while it wears off. For my anti-nausea on those days I'm taking Lorazepam (Ativan) which they also give me during my infusion. SE it causes include sleepiness so I can get an hour here and there but all in all it just sucks for those several days. I have Ondansetron (Zofran) too but I usually only take that one during the day when I don't want to purposefully sleep. I find it I nap too much in the afternoon that makes nighttime sleep even harder. Morning naps are my key to successful napping.

    Off now to get my Neulasta shot, which will most certainly cause me bone and muscle pain to add to the joyfulness of this week's experience. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery from that one, which by speedy I mean only lasts 4 or 5 days too. Damn chemo sucks. Hang in there everyone!!

  • randrgirl
    randrgirl Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2017

    Agatha- your wig looks very natural. Very lovely too. I just got my hair buzzed this weekend. I'm not wearing a wig today but maybe tomorrow. I just wore a hat. I hate that I'm so sad about this hair thing but I am. Anyway, forward and onward ... 2 infusions of AC down. 2 more to go.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    scaligirl, it's so weird that they have you take a steroid the day before and the day after, while they have me take a half dose on Day 1 after chemo, then double up on Day 2 and 3. It seems that I could completely cut out Day 3...

    eightoutof...congrats on 2 AC down. It really does help to set and reach milestones, even though it seems to me that time is crawling!

  • JadeShiva
    JadeShiva Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2017

    Day 13. My pubic hair and armpit hair is falling out. The hair on my head still seems stable. I'm not sure if it's the cold capping keeping it there or if my other body hair is just more eager to shed. Did you all lose your body hair first?

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited October 2017


    About my Epsom salt scrub/bath. 

    For chemo wk, I mainly used  more mint formula or first aid type. 

    For non chemo wk, I added half chemo wk formula and the other half is therapeutic formula such as lavender or chamomile.

    So I gather my choice of Epsom salts, exfoliating gloves and choice of music

    when I feel like a bath, I make a Epsom salt glob by adding some water  inside tub, 

    Scrub the glob on my hands. put some glob in the gloves, put the gloves on. 

    Scrub the glob on my  feet, put some in my socks and put them back on

    scrub remaining glob all over my body,  wait as long as I could while listening to music. 

    turn the water on and soak as long as I could. 

    rinse all off. 

    for shower, the only diff is I sit on a chair  while I wait and no soak 

    I used to scream from Neulasta pain during AC and Neulasta w DD Taxol pain.  And when chemo was done, I had arthritis  and neuropathy flare up which lasted for about 3 months. The below was taken on June 26, 2017 which was day 13 instead of the usual day #14.  I am so glad I dug my way out of the hell hole


  • scaligirl
    scaligirl Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2017

    Jade that happened to me too. I noticed my pubic area first, then my legs. My armpit hair seemed to take a bit longer, and my head hair definitely went last. I still have some hangers-on all over the place though, so who know if it will really ALL go for good at some point.

    LisaRx, yeah it seems everyone's therapy is a little different. Hopefully there is method in the madness for us all.

    Mimi I love that shirt! I am going to have to find it and get me one :D

  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2017

    Lisarx: Thank you for the response. I asked them today when I was having Chemo, and one of the two or three things I get for nausea prior to the chemo is steriods and then something else, then my two chemo drugs. Guess every treatment center is different, but sure hope you are able to get something to counter the sleeplessness, that has to be miserable. I did not see the doctor today, but will call in if I feel I need something for sleep. I only go in for a little while tomorrow, this schedule is based on how I feel. Last chemo, I had some good hours on day 2.

    Today, I am feeling great, I went for a 2 mile trail walk when I got home, made sure to take water and drink lots!!! I have not sucked on ice at chemo, but also read about that helping, so far, no mouth sores. I do drink lots of water during chemo & after. Bne night I thought they were starting so gobbed soda on my gums for a while and it was good. I brush with baking soda like everyone else, but do a rinse of Hydrogen Peroxide every other day too... not sure if it is helping, but have not had sores. I am not having the metal-feeling forehead like I did before, but the night is still young.

    Eightout of8: So sorry about the hair!!! If I were younger like you, I would be REALLY upset too. It is just hard... I feel for you, sending hugs!!! Hope the pain gets better!!! I know when I first heard my diagnosis, I was like, cut both my breasts off, but not losing my hair... but the surgeon explained that things were going to go a Little Different than I had imagined...

    Hemorrhoids: Have not had them yet, but I have had them in the past year... But the secret is to start the stool softener early.. I waited for 4 days after first chemo before getting something, thinking that all the salads I ate would take care of it... But Never Again, the daily stool softener that the ladies on her recommended is a must, and I am not missing a day taking them! It really works and it is necessary for me.

    Well hope this second round goes better, like my friends here have said, so far... Wonderful... Have a good night everyone.

  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    jadeshiva - I lost my other hair before the hair on my head. Woke up in the middle of the night to pubic hair fallout - never thought about that until it happened:) My eyelashes seem to be getting thinner and the hair on my head is just going. I shaved it off already but I can now see patches. The stuff they don't tell you! It's like being pregnant - who would have ever thought about losing pubic hair... crazy!

  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    agathanyc - sounds like we are on the same schedule and dosing. I am about to start round 3 AC and then have 4 rounds of taxol. I go every other week. Last treatment will be January 4th.

    I made up my own hemorrhoid treatment when the MO thought I was crazy for asking for a prescription strength version of Preparation H. I used Prep H suppositories and wipes. Took an herb called Betarutin. Then I took a Norco for pain so I could sleep and used my Emla cream from my port for the external pain. I think the Emla really helped.

    xoxo Jen

  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2017

    Jadeshiva & Jenglutenfree: I had read on here on other posts that pubic hair can god too. One lady said that all her facial hair & nose hair went, and that the it causes lots of drippy noses because nothing to catch it... she then went on to say she eventually lost eyebrows, lashes and yes public hair, she made a funny comment about pee going everywhere when that happened. I think every one is different, some lose hair in other places and don't in some.... You are right, it is like pregnancy in that you never know what new ailment or freaking thing we are going to wake up to tomorrow!! The fun ride is never ending!!!! Happy But I am in for the long haul and will make it as fun as possible. Keep on smiling girls... we are in this together.

  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2017

    Day 16 and yep losing my pubic hair and finding facial hair not growing (I would usually pluck a few hairs in the morning and find they are not there). Two places people pay a lot of money to wax! 🙂 I am thinking my hair will probably go this weekend. Hopefully can hold out to Sunday since Saturday is boo at the zoo with my little.

    Chemo #2 was today and I went in just about as nervous and #1. Don't really know why. The chemo itself has gone smooth, it's the other days you just never know how your going to feel.

    So impressed with you ladies working on eating habits. Nothing was ever mentioned to me about weight or eating. I don't eat terrible, a mix of healthy and not so healthy. But I am thinking about things more. Adding more fruits and veggies. And grabbing a salad instead of a burger or chicken tenders.

    Jen, my treatment center gives me a cup with ice chips to suck/chew on when giving the A of AC. Today I was feeling a bit of stress nausea during treatment, so it was hard to keep sucking on ice for 10 minutes but I kept going.

  • TabzIsMyAngel
    TabzIsMyAngel Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2017

    Had my left side port removed & new port installed on the right side yesterday. You don't realize how much you need to use your collarbones for simple things like getting up out of a chair, bringing a fork to your mouth, or washing your face, until they're nearly immobilized by pain. I can't remove the bandages & shower till tomorrow afternoon. And they called today to tell me my first chemo is scheduled for Thursday. I don't feel prepared for it while I'm still recovering from the surgery. Those anti-nausea drugs better be damn good! I can't even imagine having to throw up while in the pain I'm in now. I'm taking 5mg Oxycodone every 6 hrs but am only pain free if I'm perfectly still in the recliner. And judging by my first port surgery (4 wks ago), it's going to be at least another 4-5 days before I'm comfortable enough to have tapered off of the pain meds.

  • Virgo73
    Virgo73 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017

    Hi Ladies... I graduated from the “just diagnosed” forum to this forum as I just had my #1 Chemo treatment today. I feel great, however I am reading about all of the side affects that may surface. My diet consists of high protein and greens (I juice my greens & fruits which is much easier for me). I’m drinking a mixture of regular bottled water and Alkaline water (different times of the day). My concern are all the meds (steroids, nausea meds). I had a port put on my tummy (nuelasta) it’s supposed to administer meds into my body at 4pm tomorrow to help with my white blood cells. Question... has anyone ever heard of taking plain old Claritin (allergy med) for bone pain? I’ve already heard from 3 different people that it was a godsend during their Nuelasta treatment.

    I’m not a medicine person by nature... don’t even like taking Advil :( any thoughts or advice for me?


  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2017

    Virgo- during my round one. I had one day where my hips hurt. Hurt getting up and down from sitting to standing. I took a 24 hour Claritin we had around (husband takes them) and it helped some. It was just one day, so not awful. I have the nuelasta onpro on my arm. I had round 2 today, so it will go off tomorrow around 1:30. Last time I heard the beeping and you can hear it clicking but it doesn't hurt. You really don't feel much

    I am not a medicine person either. I took my steroids as told days 2-4 post chemo. During the 2 week round I think I took 3 anti nausea pills and a few 1/2 pill of Ativan. I found the Ativan worked better.

  • JadeShiva
    JadeShiva Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2017

    Virgo- I took Claritin starting the day before chemo and one daily until my bone pain stopped around day 8. I didn't have the constant lingering pain that many report but I would get occasional sharp, stabbing pains. I don't know if the Claritin helped but I'm doing it again next cycle!

    I couldn't wake to get off all the pills and dumped them asap. I am going to ask for a different antiemetic as the one they gave me came with a headache that would not go away and honestly, I think I'd rather take my chances with nausea.

    I live in a state with legalized marijuana and I eat a bit of an edible if I'm feeling pained or queasy. I don't take enough to feel high (except when I did accidentally that one time). The only pills I'm taking now are a stool softener and omeprazole.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Virgo, I was told by my MO to take either Claritin or Zyrtek starting the day of chemo and for 4 days after. I am taking Zyrtek because I already had some on hand. While I have occasional stabs of pain, I'm not getting long throes of it. I'll keep taking it because it also helps with the post-nasal drip. :)

    Many things to celebrate today:

    On 9/25, I got the dreaded phone call. As of today, I've been officially living with, and coping, with cancer for a month. Even though this dx and chemotherapy has been by far the most trying experience of my life, I'm getting through it. We're all getting through it. One day at a time.

    Even though they bring me great angst, I am very grateful for the drugs that are saving our lives. I suppose if they were kinder to us, we wouldn't be getting good results.

    It's 5am and I got about 7 hours of sleep last night. Woo hoo!

    I'm thankful that our disease has so much support. We have endless fundraisers and marches and an entire month in the US devoted to furthering our cause. The Susan G Komen Foundation etc has put intense pressure on our politicians and insurance companies to make things better for all of us. Thanks to all those efforts, I haven't had to fight my insurance company on anything. My treatment plan was approved in 2 days. I asked for anti-anxiety drugs and within hours, a reasonably priced prescription was called in. My chemotherapy is paid 100% if I get it administered in an office setting. NO ONE wants to be the jerk who denies a breast cancer patient some comfort or they'll get an immediate smackdown from the public. Scientists all over the world are working to find new and better and kinder treatments for us all. It brings me such hope that we'll not just survive, but thrive, after BC.

    I'm grateful for the people on this board. I honestly don't know where I'd be had I not found this community My family and friends have been wonderful, but most of them just don't know what it's like to have the "c" word infiltrate their lives. It's so nice to compare notes with, commiserate with, and celebrate with people who are living the same reality. Thank you community forums.

    P.S. I made a donation to this site to keep it running.

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!

    Eightof8: Congrats on 2 of 4 AC's down! If you wore your wig I hope it went well. This whole hair thing we are going through is a psychological minefield. I've dissolved into tears a couple of times at very unexpected times. I think I'll be in a better place once all the patchy peach fuzz is gone and it's just gone.

    LisaRx- Congrats on 7 hours of sleep! Major. I was given my steroid to take on the first three mornings after chemo. My evening anti-nausea pills make me sleepy so luckily I haven't had any sleeping troubles.

    JadeShiva - my hair seems to be going head first and underarms right behind, pubic hair hanging in there. No sign of brows or lashes going (my true horror.)

    Castigame - I am so happy you are on the other side of the chemo treatments. Congratulations!!! Thank you for describing your epsom salt routine! I had been soaking when the Neulasta pain really got to me. It was so helpful. I"m going to step it up and use some of your ideas. THANKS!

    JenGlutenFree - I haven't heard of Betarutin. I'm going to look into it. Thank you for the recommendation. I have NO intention of going back to hemorrhoid-town.

    Jennifer522 - Since you and I have hit the Triple Negative jackpot, our treatment options are more limited than some others. My oncologist wants to give the chemo the best environment to do it's job. She really believes in starving the tumor cells of glucose and that if they are "hungry" that chemo will be more effective. I also have a lot of weight to lose so that's involved in her decision to be so strict (luckily with humor - we have a good rapport.)

    Tabz - I really help the discomfort from the ports eases up for you in time to start treatment. Don't worry… the anti-nausea meds are good. I never threw up and I get queasy and car-sick VERY easily.

    Hi, Virgo! Welcome to the club you never wanted to join. :-) Congratulation getting the first chemo treatment behind you. My best advice would be take all the pills that they give you exactly on schedule. Don't wait until you feel nausea to take something - get out ahead of it. Keep a detailed list of any side effects you feel (with dates/times) and bring it with you to your next appointment. They have a ton of options and you can work with the MO to get the right combo for you. You SHOULD NOT be throwing up. I have heard that Claritin helps. I didn't take it the first time and I was super achey. Did take it 2nd time and was a little less, but not by much. I think everyone is different on that one.

    We got this, girls. Let's hit the streets!!

  • Trinity411
    Trinity411 Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Joyseeker, Voilalia, TabzIsMyAngel- I am starting with you ladies as well. My first infusion is this Friday.

    AgathaNYC- I haven't had a chance to post sooner but I love your wig. It looks awesome.

    Haven't been on in a few days and soooo much to catch up on. I'm taking notes on all the tips you ladies have shared. Thank you!

    Virgo- I will normally take a Zyrtec if my allergies get bad. I will definitely take something the day before Chemo. Not sure if will switch to Claritin, but I think either would be ok. From what my onc nurse said, Claritin was studied with Nuelasta, but I think it's the antihistamine that helps.

    I definitely want to try Epsom salt baths. I also am appreciating all of the hemorrhoid info on prevention and relief!! I'm also planning to suck on ice chips during the infusion!

    I'm so impressed with those ladies who have totally embraced healthy eating, especially at this stressful time. I try to eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I've given up sugar and white carbs. I'm sure I can do more. My doctors have never mentioned diet to me, but you have inspired me to try to seek out a nutionist who might be able to help.

  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2017

    I use to be a big Diet Coke drinker. Usually 3 cans a day. When everything started happening, I just kinda stopped drinking them. I hardly have any now. Maybe one a week. I don't even miss it. And pretty much given up sweets unless maybe we go out to culvers for a meal. Husband and I will spilt a small frozen custard. And usually I have a salad with grilled chicken.

    My hair started shedding this morning. I knew it was coming soon. I pretty much expected to have to shave it off this weekend. I placed a order this morning at tlcdirect for 2 hats and beenies. I have one beenie, one scarf and a ok wig from American cancer society. I want to go to a wig shop and find another I like better. Maybe a shoulder length bob

  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning Everyone: Had a great day yesterday after Round #2 of Chemo, slept uneasily due to steroids, even though I went to bed a 9 pm it was tossing & turning with intermittent sleeping until about 2 pm, I took some tums, burping a lot, and took the night time nausea because I felt like a little queasy and knew it would help me sleep... it worked, slept until 9AM after that. This morning feel like my usual self, just not super full of energy. I had told work I would come in for a few hours, so plan to go at about 11:30 and stay until 2 pm if things continue to go good.

    Virgo: I have the Nuleasta shot but have experienced no aches or pains or anything. I had already been taking Allegra (generic form) so continued that, not sure if that is why, but I run and walk and hike and still have no bone pain. Could be genetics or something but I a SUPER GRATEFUL. Hope you are successful at not having any either.

    Lisarx: Ditto everything you said about the gratitude of the medicine, the care we receive and the support on this website... it sure helps me prepare for the days ahead with less anxiety and dread. I could not do this without each of YOU!!!

    Did not do the buzz cut yesterday, I saw a buzz cut haircut online that has some hair...sort of bangs on top that I would like to try, until it totally falls out. Have a call in to the hairdresser for a quick appointment, but if she can not see me, I will just buzz here with son. Since I was going in to work today, thought I would keep my hair for that... I am off Thus until Monday and thought that would be better timing. From a suggestion on this sight, I had purchased a hair-net to wear at night to prevent waking to hair everywhere on pillow. It worked great, nothing there this morning, but lots came out in brush!!!

    Everyone have a good day, I hope to report good news later, and continue to have a great day.

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    There was a lot of information for me to process today from you guys. I'm tucking away multiple tips for next week. Like the Clairtin thing.

    Personal question - Though maybe not any more personal than pubic hair. I'm due to start my period on Day 1 of chemo. Yay for me. Has anyone had similar timing. I have bad cramps usually a day or two after starting and lasting for a day or two. I'm concerned chemo will make this all the worse. I will make sure to ask the NP about it on Friday, but my oncologist covered very little in the way of side effects and even called most of them "nuisances", so I'm worried everything will be sort of brushed off.

    I went wig shopping today. We had a good time and I found one that is so close to my original hair style, everyone loves it. And it wasn't too horribly expensive.

    I have to say, I am blown away by the number of people that have chemo before surgery. It seems to me that I'm in the minority having surgery first. It has given me plenty of time to plan for chemo, but it also seems to have made this drag out before treatment actually started. It's very weird to me.

    Hang in there everyone!!

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    petey111. - I had surgery first. My nurse practitioner says that surgery is the single most important part of treatment. And just think, you’ve done that part already. Not sure if that helps at all....

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    Chemotherapy starts tomorrow. I. Am. Terrified. Hoping it’s better than I have made it out to be.

    Oncology massage and a pedicure today. Trying to relax before tomorrow.

    Staring to wonder if I’m responsible enough for all this. Water. Pre meds. Post meds. Port. It’s quite a schedule


  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Sara - I will definitely be thinking of you tomorrow and say a prayer for you. You are strong. You are courageous. You can do this!!!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Sara, it's okay to be terrified. Chemotherapy is a very scary thing. But millions of women have successfully done it, many much older and weaker than you. You are stronger than you know, and you WILL get through this. You may even be pleasantly surprised that it wasn't nearly as bad as you imagined. I hope so. I'm pulling for you. Die, cancer, die!!!

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Sara the Joyseeker :-) --- You have all of us in your corner. I know it's scary but you can do it. If I can, you can. :-) I'm the biggest baby when it comes to not feeling well or doing anything physically uncomfortable.

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    Thabk you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m feeling anxious about treatment and just generally sad about my prognosis. I’m only visiting this board as the others are discouraging. I am so blessed to know you ladies have gone before and made it. Thanks for the encouragement 💜.
