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Chemo starting October 2017



  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2017

    Checking in with everyone. Sorry to hear about the nausea but I have been the same way. Had 2nd round Tuesday, felt great that day and Wed. Wed. night I went to my hairdresser and got the buzz but leaving a little longer on top.... but it was falling out so bad I could not even enjoy the cut. This morning, my son and I shaved it all off, and I feel relief. So much better than the constant falling out everywhere... like someone said earlier in this thread, it feels like I am more in control, After the electric razor, I used my regular shaving razor and went over it, there is still some slight stubble, but I feel good. I am not sure if the nausea is worse this second round or not. I went into work yesterday (office closed on Friday) and worked a few hours... I took nausea meds all day yesterday along with aleve and managed okay... have NO appetite, but when I would make myself eat something it tasted good. I forgot to get my Fruit Juice Ice Pops this time and really have missed them... need to purchase them again for next time. I walked for 4 miles this morning, but really had low energy. Have not taken nausea meds, but sort of on the verge of feeling queasy... Just ate part of a baked potato with nothing on it and that was good. When I go out now, I am wearing my wig. It feels "ok" I have always hated anything tight on my head, always loved hats but they did not feel good. I will have to "get over that" because this is my new life. Caps feel good now. I have one really soft beanie and have ordered some on Amazon that come in a set of 3, that are for sleeping...anxious to get them... I know my head will get cold at night, and my ears too... always had long thick hair to keep me warm... so will be using something at night.

    Feel like tomorrow I will be coming out of this and starting to feel like me again... Sunday was my turn-around day last time. I have to go get a pedicure/manicure later, so got to make my butt get in gear... which is good, otherwise I would probably lay here and feel sorry for myself. I binged watched Game of Thrones back in late summer, I had never watched them either. I really liked it.. but not sure I could stomach some of it right now. I watched the current episode of Greys Anatomy last night and got a little queasy during the surgery scenes which never use to bother me... but I am sure during my normal days, that will not be an issue.

    Wishing everyone a blessed and positive weekend!!!

  • Trinity411
    Trinity411 Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Yesterday was my day for 1st treatment. It was a very loooong day and there were a few hiccups, but overall it went well. Arrived at 8am for blood work and then was sent back to the waiting room. They didn't call me back again until 10am. At that point they fitted me with the cold cap, it took about an hour to set-up. They are pretty new at doing this in my facility so I think it might have taken them a bit longer then normal. They then started the premeds and the cold cap cool down. After only about 10 minutes I had an allergic reaction to the Emend..... ugh. They then had to take the cap off, stop the premeds, give me some steroids and then wait another 30 minutes. After that everything started all over again including the capping process. I didn't get Emend which made me nervous about nausea, but so far so good. Anyway, I was scheduled for a 9am Chemo treatment and it didn't get started until after 1p. The chemo was actually the easiest part of the whole day. I had the "C" part of the AC combo first in an IV bag for an hour and then "A" came in syringes and was done in a couple of minutes. I then had to stay for an extra 3 hours with cold cap on.

    I was thoroughly exhausted when I got home at almost 7pm. I forced myself to eat an English muffin, took a shower and went to bed. I had a pretty good night sleep. Waking up a few times to pee and drink more water.

    I am happy to say that today I feel pretty much normal. Went for a walk this morning and I'm trying to get a few things done since I know that the worst SE days will probably hit me soon.

    My newest take away from this thread is that I need to start watching Game of Thrones

  • Virgo73
    Virgo73 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017

    Hello All,

    Sorry I haven’t been able to post. I had my first Chemo on Tuesday... Wednesday and Thursday were ok, some mild pain from the Nuelasta, however Friday and Today have been the worst. Claritin didn’t really help, I’m down to 4 Advil’s every 6 hours- with today feeling a bit better. It almost felt like every bone and nerve in my body was aching. My breasts were even sore. Anyone else feel like this

  • MrsWinnie
    MrsWinnie Member Posts: 119
    edited October 2017

    so for your giggle today... I pre-shaved my head right after first chemo so i didnt have to deal with big clumps of hair. I shaved it with #2 gaurd so its super short. Anyway i have known its about to come out beacuse i was able to grab it and it falls out.. But not on its own. Last night jumped in shower and hair everywhere.. Lol had to shower 3x still hair everywhere. Said fk-it and went and vacuumed my head😂 too funny but it worked.

  • Julz42XX
    Julz42XX Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2017

    Ladies we got this!!!!!!

    I'm so blessed that this week #2 was so much better than week ONE, I'm totally looking forward to #3🐆


    I've always worked like clockwork rightontimeeverytime!


    when I was diagnosed last month my period lasted 13 days (usually always 4-5) this month I should have started but started 3days late, but I started (lil'weird for me)

    I also am thankful for this site and grateful for ALL u guys, u help me tremendously!

    God bless each of u! Mmmmmwahhhh


  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Mrs. Winnie - Vaccuming your head...too funny. We gotta get our laughs where we can right?

    Julz - Thank you for sharing that! I'll be interested to see how things work out this week with it.

    To everyone else, hang in there! I'm saying a prayer for all of you!

  • tri-lady7
    tri-lady7 Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2017

    Hi Everyone- does anyone know if your finger or toe nails start to fall off during A/C treatments? I heard this happens during Taxol but wasn't sure if it happened during A/C as well. I have treatment #2 tomorrow and during #1 I chewed on ice cubes the whole time and didn't get any mouth sores. Thinking of icing my fingers and toes if this happens during A/C. Thank you!! Good luck to everyone this week

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Had friends out to our lake house this weekend. Had a good time, but was up til 11pm dancing and karaoking. Since I'm on my "off" week, I felt fine and it felt so good to laugh and not think about cancer for awhile. I even had one lite beer. I haven't drank any liquor since I started chemo, but they say it's okay to drink a little bit, so I indulged. It tasted really good and I normally hate beer! Didn't want to drink the red wine, which is my normal choice, because of the sugar and the risk of a migraine. I'm really starting to notice that my taste is off. Things that used to taste good don't anymore, and things I used to hate, I like. So odd.

    However, today I'm exhausted. I hate to nap because I want to get a good night's sleep but I don't want to sabotage my next chemo treatment, either.

    Tri-lady, no worries about finger and toenails with AC. That's a SE of Taxol. I already have purchased my bags of peas to ice my fingers and toes during the Taxol. I've heard that can help with both the nails and the neuropathy.

  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2017

    I had my husband buzz my head tonight. Then went and cried in the shower for a while after I saw my reflection. Really makes all this so real now.

    This weekend I slept a lot (as I did after round #1). But having heal pain, like planters fasciitis in my left heal. It gets worse and better, sometimes goes up my leg to my hips. Took a claritin this morning, not sure how much its helping.

    Think I am going to curl up and sleep with my daughter tonight. We both need the closeness. I know she is missing mommy cuddles.

    Two chemo's down...8 to go I tell myself.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Jenn, I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. I cried after my initial diagnosis, but BAWLED after I buzzed my hair. And it wasn't just the loss of my stupid hair, but the loss of my peace of mind, which I didn't even know I took for granted until cancer took it away. I hope that tomorrow you wake up stronger and relieved that the thing you were dreading so badly is finally over.

    Lisa, modeling one of her many hats. (I'm the baldy on the right. :))


  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    By the way, I've been struggling lately with that awful metallic taste in my mouth, to the point where I was forcing myself to drink water, which I used to love. An hour ago, I stumbled across some bottled lime juice in the fridge and decided to squirt some into my water. It really helped!

  • fishingal68
    fishingal68 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2017

    Hi, ladies! I haven't checked in lately. It was a really looonnnngg week. Physically, I was fine, but emotionally I was a wreck. My hair started falling out last week, so my husband & brother (both named Jeff) shaved my hair off and took pictures last Saturday. Those two are funny by themselves, but together, they are hysterical! That made my new haircut more manageable. To keep me laughing, they said, "Two Jeffs don't make a wrong." (By the way, it looked like they used a weed whacker on my head).

    My uncle Jim passed away early Monday morning. He had been battling cancer for quite some time, and he had finally gotten to the point where he was too tired to fight it any longer. He called me a couple of weeks ago and gave me a long pep talk about how we would fight our cancer battle together. I can't decide if my deep sadness is because he bailed on me, or if it is because I feel like I let him down. Regardless, it has been emotionally trying, and I cannot quit weeping and I'm not the weeping kind.

    I had an MRI on Tuesday. (That has been my least favorite test thus far. It was really uncomfortable). Wednesday was wear pink for Breast Cancer awareness at school. One of my sweet students had a t-shirt made with "Team Morris" on the front, and a huge breast cancer ribbon with my name in pink sparkles on the back. It was so sweet, but it made me cry. Thursday, I attended the family visitation for Jim. Another uncle hugged me and cried, telling me that I had rocked his world with my cancer diagnosis, and that he was having a hard time dealing with it. He's having a hard time....??!!?? I had a port check/doctor's appointment/lab draw on Friday. My port still won't cooperate, and the nurse couldn't hit a vein, so I had to go to the lab for lab work. I felt like a human pin cushion by the time I left. I got sick yesterday morning, and hell set up shop in my esophagus. Thank goodness for Zantac! We had lots of company yesterday, and I was so tired I had to take a nap while they were here. Today, all I have done is sleep. I am really exhausted. My next round of chemo is on Halloween. How appropriate... And how was your weekend?

    Love to you all! Take care!

  • voilalia
    voilalia Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2017

    I am so grateful for everyone sharing here. Reading your experiences day-by-day is so helpful - You are all amazing!!

    I had my first round of AC on Thursday and am relieved that the SEs have been manageable so far (Chronic Lyme Disease really prepared me for this, I think). I was awake most of the first night - wide awake plus queasy, but no real nausea since. I have mostly felt like I've just gotten off a rocking ship - sort of off kilter and often no desire to eat. And just tired easily, often just need to sleep. I've got a good walk in yesterday, but today was a no-go. I've awoken hungry yesterday and today, taken the odansetron, waited the required 1/2 hour to eat and then ugh... not as interested in eating. Once I eat, I wind up with pressure in my bowels and get occasional intestinal cramps. The cramps kept waking me last night, but I finally took a lorazepam at 6am and crashed hard for 5 hours. Sleep seems so necessary. I've been wondering if I can stop taking the odansetron since I haven't really been nauseous and the feelings of constipation are so much more bothersome . (I'm taking Senokot-S and Natural Calm, as well as eating fiber foods as much as possible.) I just feel this constant pressure in my bowels. I don't like it. And I never quite feel completely relieved even though it's not constipation. It's just not normal!

    I'm not psyched about heading to the office tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be good to have a distraction. I also have to go in for my Granix shot. I have that 3x a week. Is that fairly standard? My first one was Friday - I took tylenol a 1/2 hour before-hand as someone here had recommended - and I haven't felt any pain.

    I seriously don't know what to expect from this. Will Round #1 of AC be the easiest? Do the SEs to the Granix shots build up over time, or is the first time a good indicator of how my body reacts to it? Curious what you've experienced. Am I done yet? (Okay, that last question was just wishful thinking... But at least the countdown has begun!). Next round is in less than 2 weeks. I guess I'll make the most of the time in between. Glad to read that some of you are able to partake in normal activities. I have improv class on Tuesdays and I need my humor!!! Hugs and healing prayers to you all.

  • Julz42XX
    Julz42XX Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2017

    Jennifer, I am thinking of you as I tried not to take any medication last night to see if I could sleep on my own.... (Not so lucky) I took a shower (tons just coming out in my hands) I'll be following your path soon!

    We are getting through this it is just a phase. Cuddle those babies they help soooooooo much! ++++

    This morning it's Round #3 for me💪

    God bless all of you! Mmmmmwahhhh

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone posting and sharing things. I have relied on this so much!! My husband is probably going to get tired of me saying, "On the forum someone said..." I just really can't thank you all enough for sharing your experiences.

    Round One of AC is done. I feel ok right now. I have a sinus-y headache from the cytoxan. And Voilalia I kept saying I don't feel clear-headed, but your explanation - "I have mostly felt like I've just gotten off a rocking ship - sort of off kilter" - explains it much better!

    I sucked on ice chips throughout the Adriamycin. I hope I didn't need to do it through the cytoxan too. I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore. I had to pee about a dozen times while I was there. I drank so much water yesterday and this morning preparing and then I had the ice chips....and I seem to always need to pee more while I have my period. So bizarre.

    I was worried about rare issues coming up - port not working, reacting to something, etc. - but that didn't happen. My Nulasta did come off though. I had it down low on my belly and when I went to the bathroom before I left, it got caught on my pants and flew off. Didn't even hurt, so I don't know how sticky it was. I had to go back and have them put a new one one. I had them put it up higher on my stomach. Where does everyone do theirs? It seems like the arm would be super annoying.

    I'm praying I'll get some sleep tonight, but I know that might be difficult. We'll see how it goes!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Congratulations on completing Round 1, Petey and voilalia! Hoping you are all SE-free!

    Julz, hope today went well. Round 3 for me is Wednesday. Crossing my fingers it goes well.

    I've potentially got a lot on my plate for this coming weekend, including a shower, but I'm still exhausted from Saturday, which was my off week, so I've told everyone that my attendance is iffy. I was supposed to work a full day today, but left at noon and came home, ate a healthy and completely sucky lunch, then took a 45 minute nap. I feel much better now. The last thing I want to do is to get sick or delay my chemotherapy. It's already taking an emotional toll on me knowing that I have 3.5 more months of chemo then a big surgery.

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    I am envious of you all. I’m on day five and I am wicked exhausted. I haven’t moved off my couch. So, so, so exhausted. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.


  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Hi ladies,

    I’m from July, August and September group, now I’m lurking here also. I still have 5 more taxol to do to finish my chemo. Maybe I can come here to rant when I’m not feeling well.

  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Hi Paulette! Welcome to the new group:)

  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Hi Everyone, Anyone have any brilliant remedies for diarrhea? The last rounds I was constipated. Not this time:) I'm afraid to take anything for fear of getting constipated again. I think I'll wait until tomorrow to take something. Let me know if you had any great remedies for the big D. Thanks!

  • jenglutenfree
    jenglutenfree Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2017

    Hi Petey111 - they put my Neulasta on the back of my arm. I actually almost knocked it off when I walked into the doorway in the bathroom in the middle of the night. But it seems the arm would be safer from knocking it off than the stomach. I would definitely pull mine off with my pants in the potty:)

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Jeng - I used Imodium for the Big D. It worked well for me.

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    I think this upper stomach thing is going to work out well. It's above my belly button now. So, it doesn't get caught on pants. I wear loose tshirts most of the time (I'm not working), so it's not a problem with clothing. It doesn't affect me when I sit or anything. the only thing I've noticed is that it is at the exact height of my kitchen counters. So I'll be careful there.

    Did anyone else have watery eyes after 1st infusion? I have very watery eyes anyway. They are the first thing that flare up with any of my allergies. But this doesn't feel like that. I don't know if it's just tired and irritate or what. Since it's not anything too concerning, I'll just see if it does it tomorrow.

    Lisa - Glad you are feeling better. I have a shower this weekend too. Here's hoping we feel good enough to go!

    Sara - I'm so sorry that you are exhausted. I hope tomorrow is a bit better.

    Paulette - Please join us. Everyone needs to vent and this is the place! I'd love to hear what's ahead for me too!

    Jen - I'll see how this upper stomach thing goes. If it doesn't work well when I sleep, then I'll switch to arm next time.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Jeng, I had diarrhea on Friday. Followed the instructions that I was given from my MO. I only had to take 2 doses (total of 6mg) before I was symptom free, and I've been fine since.

    Sara aka Joyseeker, I hope that you can regain your energy tomorrow.

    Bought the book "Anticancer: A new way of life" that discusses strategies for lowering your risk of cancer, or cancer recurrence (as the author was a brain cancer survivor when he wrote the book). He says that we should embrace modern medicine, but that we shouldn't ignore lifestyle choices that can impact the success of our treatment. One of the main things he advocates is a restricted diet (no sugar, no white flour), as he theorizes that glucose creates an environment for cancer to thrive. Instead, meals should consist of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, with a side of lean protein. Go organic where you can. Exercise at a moderate level (at least) for at least 150 minutes a week. Get good sleep. (Ack! My bane!) No alcohol except one glass of red wine. And have fun, as stress and anxiety are detractors of good health. Support groups, music therapy, walking, yoga, tai chi, meditation...these are all good for cancer patients trying to reduce anxiety.

    It all sounds pretty reasonable to me, and something that certainly can't cause harm. And reading it made me proud that I had my sucky healthy salad with no dressing for lunch, and steamed vegetables with chicken for dinner. I cannot tell you what a lifestyle change that is for me. 40 days ago, I was routinely eating Smashburgers and fries with a Coke for lunch, then topping it off with ice cream. I was 60 pounds overweight! I cannot change that. I cannot change the fact that I have cancer now. But I can control what I put into my mouth TODAY. I am down 15 pounds since I started this crazy journey (with the blessing of my nutritionist), and am making good process towards getting my good health, and my life, back. If cancer doesn't motivate me to make positive changes in my life, then I don't know what will.

    You want to lose weight? You want to exercise more? You want to give up smoking? Use this horrible thing, this cancer that we're all dealing with, as a motivational tool to do it. You CAN do it. You're stronger than you think. And you're worth it!

    Now wish me luck getting to sleep! :)

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Lisa, keep it up with the good diet and exercise it is good to lose the extra weight. For me, I can’t afford to lose more weight, I am trying to keep my weight so I eat whatever I want to eat for now because I lost my appetite. After chemo I will cut back all my sugar intake. I’m trying to do my daily walk, with the weather turned cold I might have to do treadmill instead of going outside.

  • fishingal68
    fishingal68 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2017

    Wish me luck today. I'm going in for round #2 of TCHP. Pray for no side effects!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Petey, no watery eyes for me. I put the Neulasta on the back of my left arm because I sleep on my right side. It is a minor PITA to keep from bumping it, but so far I haven't had any issues with it. I've learned to schedule my chemo first thing in the morning, though, so that I can shower at a reasonable time after it dispenses.

    Good luck, fishingal!

    Paulette, sounds like you were much healthier than me to begin with. Much luck keeping your weight on. I'm so envious that you're just 5 weeks away from the finish line. How was the Taxol experience? I've heard such mixed things about it. Did you ice your hands and feet to minimize SEs to your nails and neuropathy?

    Tomorrow is round 3 for me. More steroids. Yippee! :)

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Lisa - You are so right about the diet and exercise. We can only change from this point forward! What a great attitude to have. Good luck on the sleep. Have you tried taking two benadryl at night? I have (for years and years actually) and confirmed with the nurse yesterday that it was ok to still do that. It really helps. I don't always get a solid night sleep, but at least I get some! Good luck on your next round!

    Paulette - I need to get up right now and get my butt on the treadmill. I just took my steroids and zofran about an hour ago and am hoping they kick in soon because I'm a bit nauseous.

    Fishingal - Good luck!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279
    edited October 2017

    Fishingal - good luck and pray for minimal SE infusion for you.

    Lisa - BC Hit all type of women, healthy or unhealthy, I have been on chemo since July it has been a long journey. AC was tough but four rounds was doable. With a week of rest it helps. 12 weeks of Taxol is long, because it’s weekly the recovery time is too short. Also I have reaction during infusion so my infusion time takes about good 5 hours long. Just the taxol will take 3 hours. Dealing with neuropathy is not fun, my fingertips and feet are numb. Yes I ice my hands and feet and hoping it helps. My experience with taxol is mixed, just wish this journey over fast.

  • vl22
    vl22 Member Posts: 471
    edited October 2017

    LisaRx - I see you're a TN girl too. Just reading through and wanted to let you know that for me Taxol is so much easier than AC. I'm getting ready to do #5 on Thursday and most days I almost feel like my old self. I've had no neuropathy issues or nail issues so far and I'm not icing. I'm taking a B complex vitamin every day and staying well hydrated is a must.

    Good luck