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Chemo starting October 2017



  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Agatha! That looks amazing!! It is very natural looking! You rock it girl!

  • voilalia
    voilalia Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2017

    Hello all - I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts yet, but I am pleased to have found a thread with a group of you who seem to be traveling a similar path at the same time as me - more or less.

    Like some posts I've read so far, I too am fearful of the SEs and how that will affect my work life. I asked for Thursday treatments (every other week) so that I might have through the weekend to recover... but I've also read some reports of people experiencing the worst SEs on Day 5, so we'll see how it is for each of us.

    I decided to tackle the hair loss head-on by getting a pixie cut a few days ago. It felt a bit empowering to take a little control in a situation that feels out of control.

    My port has been in place since Oct. 5. Had to wait for followup appts and then insurance approval to finally get scheduled for chemo treatments. So here we go this Thursday. A lot of people around town (work, family, friends, strangers....) have been getting sick with a cold and the flu making the rounds and I'm super paranoid about getting sick before I even start chemo. I spend more time resting than I do meeting up with family and friends and yet my chest and head now hurt. Ugh.

    For anyone who has had AC as their first treatment, did you need someone to drive you? My ride (my mom) got really sick this past week and I don't have a ton of options.

    Mostly, I look forward to having this large mass reduced in size (6.4 to 7.7cm) and hopefully hurt less! SOON!

    Sending healing thoughts to all of you and look forward to hearing how you're faring after your 1st, 2nd, and so on rounds.

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Agatha, that wig is quite lovely. I honestly didn't know it was a wig until I read it.

    Voilalia, Welcome aboard! Congratulations on taking control and getting a pixie cut early. Good luck with chemo. Please don't assume that you'll have awful side effects. Just know that if you DO have SEs, then there is almost always a way to alleviate it. You have to communicate with your team and not suffer in silence. We women are terrible at that!

    For my first AC, they asked someone to be with me to take notes and make sure that I was handling the chemo okay. After that, they said I could drive myself. So ask your team.

    Good luck this week everyone! It's a marathon, and we're starting to hit our stride.

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement re: the wig. I'm gearing up for my first day wearing outside (yesterday was my first day of wearing it, but I was just hanging out with friends at home.) I kinda dread it being like a neon sign over my head: "cancer - cancer - cancer". Your reassurance that it looks okay is really helping me. Thank you.

    LisaRx - I am in utter awe of you walking a 5k. I have never exercised and know now is the time I need it, but it's the one "self-care" hurdle I can't get over.

    Hi, Violalia - I'm sorry you have to join the club but welcome aboard the Oct Chemo train!

    In my case the dreading of the side effects was A LOT worse than the side effects themselves so far. I had my 2nd AC infusion 4 days ago and I feel pretty good. The second round has been gentler than the first and I'm looking forward to a going into work all week.

    One thing I did was keep a little list of ANY side effects I felt and the day they hit. I brought it with me to my MO appointment before the 2nd infusion so I could ask what we could do to avoid them that time 'round. I only had to call the MO office once during my first round. I got mouth sores around Day 7 and was prescribed an Rx mouth rinse.

    Good on you for getting your pixie early. It does feel good to do ANYthing to take charge of ourselves while this cruddy disease can seem to be ruling our lives right now. I felt great to go from a pixie to a buzz cut yesterday.

    I live in a pretty crowded city and understand the germ thing. I haven't used one it yet, but I got some of those disposable paper face masks like surgeons wear. I may use it in the subway as cold & flu season hits. You are allowed to get a flu shot while you're on chemo if you haven't had one yet. I wash my hands all the time (hint: keep hand cream right next to the sink so you can put it on right away after each wash. Your hands and feet can need a little extra love during chemo.)

    Okay - let's get the week rollin' BEST OF LUCK to everyone.

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    Voilalia - we start on the same day. My appointment is at 11:15. I’m having my husband join me for the first part, then my mom will take over. My DH has to take our daughter to vball zones. I’m feeling very scared of the side effects and being able to keep up the regime ie. drinking on time, peeing on time, having a settled enough stomach to take the post meds. I’m generally an anxious person and this has put my over the edge. I’m having a different chemo regime than you all b/c I’m canadian. For now I’m trying to think of only one treatment at a time 💜


  • scaligirl
    scaligirl Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2017

    HikerVA -glad you're able to get out and about. It always feels great to have some normalcy.

    SuLu, Voila - welcome!

    Binnie- best of luck on the hair. I was totally weepy over the prospect of going bald so get the emotions youre facing too. And no definitive plans on my surgery until the shoe drops again. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again.

    Agatha-love the wig, it looks great!

    I have infusion #2 today. Best of luck to everyone this week 💗

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    A dear friend of mine who is battling stage four colon cancer suggested this for post chemo soaks. She does it for the five days after. Anyone heard of Epsom salts detox?


  • jamorcar
    jamorcar Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2017

    I need to vent. I was supposed to start chemo today, but they have postponed until Friday. And of course, that decision wasn't relayed to me until I was already at the cancer center ready for treatment this morning.

    I had a breast MRI last Tuesday. I saw results post in my online chart on Wednesday, so I called my oncologist's office to make sure I understood what the results meant. I specifically asked whether the results would change what was supposed to happen today for my treatment. Nurse said she would call me back or have my oncologist call me. No one ever called me.

    My oncologist wants me to have lymph node biopsy tomorrow or Wednesday because of a line in the MRI report that says "1 equivocal lymph nodes with mildly thickened cortex. This could be reactive given recent biopsy."

    Meanwhile, it has been nearly a month since I was diagnosed and this cancer just keeps growing. These delays are incredibly frustrating.

  • dkk
    dkk Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2017

    I just wanted to share my "Hair" experience because like many of you this was something I dreaded. (Even though people say "it's only hair"). I tried to hold on to it as long as I could but 12 days after my 1st chemo I could feel my scalp tingling and itching and could feel some hair shedding. I wanted to hold off until the weekend and hoped to make it through the work week. I dreaded the day I had to wear a wig to work. I teach high school kids and I was so worried about any mean comments I might hear.

    By Friday morning I combed my hair and it was coming out in clumps. I used hairspray and sprayed it like a helmet hoping it would just stay together just one more day!! By the time I got home from work I had hair all over me and I couldn't stand it any more. My scalp got super sensitive and the follicles actually hurt. I was afraid of any one else shaving it because I didn't want them to scrap my sore scalp.

    I used the shortest guard and shaved it off. It was very emotionally. I knew it would be another hurdle I had to get over. My husband helped me with the back. I had a good cry then got over it.

    A few days later my little scalp whiskers fell out while I was showering. So I did shave it all off.

    On Monday I walked into my classroom with my wig and I could believe how kind my students were. They gave me so many compliments and made me feel so good. My heart was filed with joy. Got over that hurdle.

    In closing I am determined to not to look like a cancer patient, but tolook like a cancer fighter!!

    I am having fun with different wigs, makeup to get rid of my yucky grey coloring, big ear rings, colorful scarves, or what ever it takes. I feel like this one thing that I have control of and I won't let cancer take from me. It takes a little more time and effort ( I am 62 ) but this is my way of fighting back!!

  • Julz42XX
    Julz42XX Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2017


    You do look amazing! I promise I'm not just saying this... Until I read ur post I thought u were taking a picture of u B4 u cut ur hair off!!!! Workitgirl🕵

    Okiedokie, I'm getting my T-dose today this week should be a breeze since I'm only getting one bag instead of all 3 at one time (A, C & T...q3weeks)

    God bless all of you ++++


  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Thanks for the reassurance on the wig front, girls. I really needed it!

    Joyseeker - I took some epsom salt baths during my first round. I hadn't heard about it as a general detox but it makes sense. It was really enjoyable. I did it because I was achey and to help heal my sore "nether region" ;-) Definitely helped with that!

    Jamocar - I'd be livid if I showed up only to be told that I wasn't having treatment that day. I hope you can work with your MO team to get them to be more communicative. I think sometimes our cancer treatment is one of a hundred to them, but to us it's THE ONE and only. I've been frustrated with not getting info and I probably make myself a pest, but I don't care. It will get easier once you start treatment. The in-between was THE WORST for me.

    Julz - I'm going to segue into Taxol when I'm done with my four dd A/C's. I'm very curious to hear how they are different. My chemo nurse told me that I'd probably be receiving the Taxol at a slower drip rate than the A/C so it may actually take longer. Good luck!!!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    No steroids yesterday and I still didn't sleep well. Woke up in a pool of sweat and realized that someone had turned off the a.c. and it was 74 degrees. Way too hot for this hormonal chick. Grr. Finally took some anxiety relief medication and ended up getting about 4 hours of sleep. I was a zombie at work today. Tonight, I hope!

    Also got my flu shot at the recommendation of my MO. Hoping I'm not overloading my poor immune system.

    Agatha, please don't beat yourself up that you're not walking 5Ks. Walking is what I like to do best, I need to lose at LEAST 30 pounds, and it helps me cope. But I'm not always good about it, believe me. Saturday when I had no energy, instead of putting all my dirty clothes in a basket, I literally took each piece of clothing to the washer separately, and that was all I could do that day. I will suggest that if you're not into walking, etc, buy some exercise resistance bands ($10 on Amazon for a set) and use them on your arms and legs while you're sitting down. It can't hurt!

    Jamorcar, I completely understand your feelings. You are told you have this insidious thing growing inside you, and you just want for them to do something about it! Please continue to press them for resolution for your health and peace of mind!

    DKK, your hair story cracked me up. I can't imagine the mess with all that hairspray. Glad you have a sense of humor about it. After 2 rounds, some of my hair whiskers are still hanging on. I actually ove those hairs, because they're not going down without a fight. Just like us!

  • Jennifer522
    Jennifer522 Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2017

    Jamocar- my daughter is 5. Just started kindergarten. She is my late in life baby that I tried for years to have, when we gave up..she came along. :)

    I do agree with everyone the waiting to get started for treatment is the worst period of time!

    Had blood work done today and my numbers are up. So chemo #2 AC tomorrow.

    AgathaNYC- love the wig. Looks a lot like my before hair.

    And I am so curious what other treatment options did your MO mention. Being TN too, you don't feel like you have a lot of options. I have read about Xeloda and Metformin, as after pills but nothing has been mentioned with my MO yet. Just chemo, surgery and possible radiation.

    Spent the last 3 days moving, so I will have to catch up reading this thread after I finish unpacking. I have just been skimming here and there

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    DKK - You are awesome!! I am so glad you have taken this head on. You go girl!!

    Lisa - I hope you get some sleep tonight!

    Met with the oncologist today and found out that I will be on AC-T. I will start AC on Monday. (Chemo teaching on Friday.) I could have put off treatment by a week, but then my second treatment would have been Thanksgiving week and I didn't want that. Any suggestions for me?

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Jennifer522 - Re: options for us triple negatives. My MO told me by hook or by crook we'd eradicate this cancer in me. Right now after radiation, if I have residual cancer evident, Xeloda would be the hook and a trial of Enzalutamide there at Sloan Kettering the crook Good luck with the move. I wish my before hair looked as good as my new wig :-) A couple of people at work today were very timid but sweet telling me how much better it is now!

    LisaRx - Thanks for reminding me not to beat myself up. I really have about the exercise thing. I have 60 pounds to lose and I know I need to start being active (did lose 10 so far though.) That expression. I couldn't exercise if my life depended on it? Well... Thanks for the tips on the resistance bands. I'l look into them.

    Petey - The tips that are pinned at the top of this forum are pretty good. None are A/C specific though. I'll tell you that I needed to be better prepared to gently relieve constipation and hemorrhoids and stay more on top of the mouth rinses. Now that I'm doing that in the second round I have no complaints so far.

    Hope everyone had a good Monday. I have managed with work to get all my in-office stuff done by 4pm and take home tasks I can take care of from home. They have been really great with me so far. I feel very lucky to work in a supportive environment. I REALLY hope I can put in a full day at work. I never thought I'd get sick of laying around doing nothing, but I was last week... big time.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801
    edited March 2018

    Inviting you to preview two videos on managing hair loss – featuring community photos!

    Hi everyone,

    We'd love your feedback as we're finishing up our hair loss management videos! No pressure, only if you are interested. You may be in the throws of it, so we thought you'd be the best group to ask Medicating.

    These videos are intended to help women prepare for chemotherapy-related hair loss. They include submitted photos of our own community members.

    These are still in the editing phase so they close to final, but not final yet. You'll notice a male voiceover on the "How to manage chemotherapy hair loss" video. This is a placeholder. A female voice will replace it in the final. The photos and text will scroll across the screen in the final rather than popping out.

    The information in these videos is intended to be a general introduction to preparing for and managing chemo-related hair loss. We will be adding web site content sections that go into much greater detail on wig, hat, head wrap, turban, and other options – much more than what we are able to convey in these short videos. Please know that also intends to create a video and other content addressing how to manage the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes; we are currently seeking funding for production.

    We very much value your opinions and feedback. Please post your feedback here, or PM us Mods!

    Questions for your feedback:

    Keeping in mind that the videos are intended to be a basic introduction, did you feel like any major piece of information was missing?

    If you've already had anxiety about losing your hair, did any part of these videos help to reduce that anxiety? If so, please describe what was helpful.

    Did any part of the videos cause you to feel anxious or increase existing anxiety about losing your hair? If so, please describe which part made you feel more anxious.

    Did the videos hold your attention for the full duration?

    Any additional comments?

    Links for viewing:

    How to Prepare for Chemotherapy Hair Loss

    Options for Managing Chemotherapy Hair Loss

    Thank you!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801
    edited October 2017

    Inviting you to preview two videos on managing hair loss – featuring community photos!

    Hi everyone,

    We'd love your feedback as we're finishing up our hair loss management videos! No pressure, only if you are interested. You may be in the throws of it, so we thought you'd be the best group to ask Medicating.

    These videos are intended to help women prepare for chemotherapy-related hair loss. They include submitted photos of our own community members.

    These are still in the editing phase so they close to final, but not final yet. You'll notice a male voiceover on the "How to manage chemotherapy hair loss" video. This is a placeholder. A female voice will replace it in the final. The photos and text will scroll across the screen in the final rather than popping out.

    The information in these videos is intended to be a general introduction to preparing for and managing chemo-related hair loss. We will be adding web site content sections that go into much greater detail on wig, hat, head wrap, turban, and other options – much more than what we are able to convey in these short videos.

    We very much value your opinions and feedback. Please post your feedback here, or email your thoughts to Claire Nixon, editorial director, at

    Questions for your feedback:

    Keeping in mind that the videos are intended to be a basic introduction, did you feel like any major piece of information was missing?

    If you've already had anxiety about losing your hair, did any part of these videos help to reduce that anxiety? If so, please describe what was helpful.

    Did any part of the videos cause you to feel anxious or increase existing anxiety about losing your hair? If so, please describe which part made you feel more anxious.

    Did the videos hold your attention for the full duration?

    Any additional comments?

    Links for viewing:

    How to Prepare for Chemotherapy Hair Loss

    Options for Managing Chemotherapy Hair Loss

    Thank you!

  • dya
    dya Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2017

    Hi ladies.

    1 week in first treatment... hospitalized for febrile neutropenia DESPITE taking neupogen. I should be released tomorrow but it sucks... Oncologist says despite that setback, chemo regimen stays the same. Hoping for a better outcome on the next one

  • pingpong1953
    pingpong1953 Member Posts: 277
    edited October 2017

    Hi SuLu,

    I actually started my chemo in July and had my last one on Wednesday - I ended up on this thread while searching "mouth sores" and discovered your post. I'm also in Ontario (northern Ont - between Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury) and it looks like we have pretty much the same dx. I had 3 cycles of FEC and 3 of D. The D's been tougher - lots of fatigue and shortness of breath and my mouth sores are proving to be very stubborn. The main side effects of FEC include nausea and vomiting, but I got such fantastic meds that I had a bit of queasiness and that was pretty much it. If you don't have prescription coverage keep in mind that there are some fantastic programs in Ontario that will kick in so you won't have to waste any of your precious energy on the financial part of this experience. Where are you in Ontario?

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    dya, So sorry to hear that! Wishing you a speedy recovery from your fever but, more importantly, from BC!! Keep with the program and keep the faith!

    I have to confess that I slipped in my very strict eating regimen today. I was feeling extra blue and tired, so I treated myself to a small chocolate Frosty from Wendys. I've been so good til now, and I fear slipping into my old unhealthy ways, but, man, that Frosty tasted good. Do you guys allow yourself a treat once in awhile, just so I don't feel like cancer has stripped all the fun out of your life? I'll confess that the dx scared the bejesus out of me, and I needed that crisis to make some healthy changes, but I'm wondering if I'm doing myself a disservice by being so austere. I mean, I've given up soda, coffee, sugary drinks, all alcohol including wine, and now only drink water and milk, to the point where I don't even like it anymore (and I used to love water). I've severely curtailed my sugar intake, buy only lean proteins like chicken, turkey and 96% lean beef, and am eating organic veggies and fruit with every meal. I'm adding turmeric to my food, eating nuts for snacks, and have given up fried food. The only processed foods I allow are The Zone bars because they are low sugar and high protein, and I need to get my WBC up so that I can stay on my chemo regimen. I rarely eat out anymore, which I used to really enjoy, in part because I'm self conscious due to my (lack of) hair, but also because food has gone from being pleasurable to being a chore.

    To be fair, I've been okay with it all until today. Today I wasn't. I hit a wall. My co-workers started talking about going out to get hamburgers, and I wanted to cry because I really wanted a hamburger and fries but because I'm the girl with stupid cancer, instead I ate my stupid organic peanut butter and organic fresh banana slices on organic 70 calorie a slice whole-wheat bread that tasted like saw dust, along with my little baggie of organic red grapes, which I choked down with my 30,000th oz of water. I couldn't even give myself permission to add a small bag of chips with that, because I'm so wrought with guilt that it was my diet that allowed the cancer to grow. And now I'm feeling guilty over a small Frosty and wondering if I'm actually harming myself, and causing myself more anxiety, by being so OCD with food.

    Am I the only one who is this way? Does anyone else feel like they've gone off the deep end a little bit?

    Egads, I'm a mess tonight. I think I need counseling. Or sleep. Maybe both.

  • Julz42XX
    Julz42XX Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2017

    Dya, I'll be praying 4u... Kick this in the bootie, no Regrats!lol

    Lisa, the cold choc frosty is excellent for mouth Soares right? Ur fine girl, I still reward myself once a week had some milk duds myself- 1/2 a box opps!

    Dose 2 down today (yeehaw)

    doing another short angle Bob to my hair Wednesday so I can have a cute picture for my work badge!

    God bless all of u, stay ++++....


  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    LisaRX - I think you need sleep above all!! And cut yourself some slack!

    My MO has me on a VERY restrictive eating plan. I have cheated, big time. But I try to do it again the next day. Maybe I can go 4 days without a slip up. But I just try again. Our plans seem similar except I'm vegan.

    So, what can I eat? Any vegetable except potatoes, regardless of color. Fruit, but only fresh, whole fruit. NO TO fruit smoothies, poached pears, apple sauce, etc. Beans in moderation. All nuts, except peanuts. Seeds. Oil. Coffee.

    So what have I craved and eaten since I started this? Grilled swiss and tomato with fries (CRAVING cheese like crazy after not haven eaten it for over 2 years.) About 20 Halloween mini-candy bars. Pizza. Bagel. No, this wasn't all in one day, but it was over a 5 day binge last week. I felt like how could I be asking myself to give up my biggest psychological crutch, comfort food, at a time like this. Really? The chemo gods want both hairless and hungry at the same time?! At first I passed up eating out with friends because it all would be tempting and I better stick to my roasted vegetables with a dollop of humus at home. But I can't hide in my house, afraid to socialize because other people are eating bread or there is Pasta Primavera on the menu.

    I discussed it with my MO at my last appointment. She is still strict about the eating plan, but wanted me to understand that the stress of feeling like I was screwing up was counter productive to healing. She and I have a deal for this 2 weeks: if I feel like cheating, I can, but only in these instances: 1. I have to have a full stomach of fruit/vegetables. 2. I can have ONE bite and then get rid of the remainder of the item. We joked about my fishing the rest of the Twix bar out of the garbage - if only she knew how NOT far-fetched that is for me! :-) The deal has helped me psychologically to know that I could have the mini-candy if I REALLY wanted it. I was even able to tough it out this weekend at 2 brunches without touching the bread basket or stealing home-fries off my nephew's plate. And there are about a dozen frozen Milky Way minis in the freezer that haven't been touched since "the binge."

    I don't know if that approach will help you or not. It's helped me so far this cycle.

    P.S. I'm ordering those resistance band things tonight!

  • petey111
    petey111 Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2017

    Agatha - Do you use Magic Mouthwash or Biotene or something else?

    Day - I’m so sorry you are in the hospital. Prayers for you!

    Lisa - I was going off the deep end. Then I got too lax again. I would say try not to fret about a small reward like that as long as it ultimately doesn’t derail you from eating health overall. Almost any doctor or health guru will say it’s ok to do that once in a while! But I bet sleep will help you a bit. And listen to Agatha. I think she makes a lot of sense

    Julz - Good luck on round two!

  • AgathaNYC
    AgathaNYC Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2017

    Petey - I used Biotene rinse & toothpaste, also baking soda/salt solution rinse. I still got the sores. The oncologist gave me a subscription for a steroid mouth rinse that really helped.

    But maybe all the swishing wasn't a good idea. Tonight one of my molars cracked all the way down - the one I rushed to get a root canal on before chemo started. Hopefully my MO will clear me for dentistry - but if my cell counts aren't good I may not be able to tomorrow.

    Can't we catch a break?! Loopy

  • simbobby
    simbobby Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2017

    Hey Sisters from another Mother. (Nope - it just doesn't flow the same)

    Hey Sisters from another Mister (Better)

    I'm a little behind in reading posts but wanted to check in

    Had round 2 of AC today. They put Ativan in my chemo cocktail and I slept through the entire infusion. That stuff really wipes me out. They had to wake me to place the Neulasta. Plus I am now pumped up on the Steroids and wide awake in the middle of the night. Today, Day 15 after my first infusion, the hair had to go. My 18 year old grandson buzzed it for me. He came up to Minnesota from Tampa to help his granny and will stay as long as I need him. Or until the snow flies -ha)

    Voilalia - you may find you need a driver if they will be giving you Ativan in your chemo for anti- nausea.

    Agatha - you look stunning. I too thought it was your natural hair at first. Love it!

    Julz - you inspired me with your aromatherapy suggestion. My diffuser and essential oils were delivered from Amazon today. So far tried the peppermint and the eucalyptus. Both are very nice. Like a little slice of heaven. They will be very therapeutic on my down days. Days 3 and 4 seem to be those days.

    I've lost 17 pounds since my diagnosis which I attribute to stress and nothing more. I thought the steroids would cause me to gain weight. Not complaining - I can surely afford to lose it.

    Love seeing everyone's pics to put a face to a name. I will post one one of these days.

    Everybody have a great week.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited October 2017

    joyseeker and the rest of sisters here.

    I am a huge proponent of epsom salt bath. Considering I was bilateral, 8DD chemo w/o delay and 33 zappings w/o delay and a few minor unrelated procedures done, epsom salt was the diff.

    Highly recommend it


  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    Agatha, Julz and Peetey, thanks for your support. I really needed it. I'm happy to report that I got ~7.5 hours of sleep last night. I forced myself to stay awake til 8:45pm, then listened to another one of Deepak Chopra's Healing meditations. Right in the middle of the deep breathing, I fell asleep. Thank God! I woke up when the bell rang, but was able to return to sleep til about 3:30am. Instead of fighting it, I tried to focus on resting. I fell back asleep from ~4:30 to 5:30am. I do feel better this morning, or at least not delirious, though I've decided to work from home instead of driving in.

    I'm not sure if these steroids are prescribed to help our body recover, keep our energy up, or keep nausea at bay, but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to cut out at least the last dose, cause this not sleeping for 4 nights is making me a tad loony. Maybe after Round #4, I'll brave it, because if it doesn't work and I get nauseous, at least I'll know that the "hard" A/C portion will be over.

    I'm also wondering if the chili with extra beans that I had for dinner last night helped me sleep. Sunday night, I only had a kale and strawberry salad, and I wonder if my hunger also worked against me. Maybe eating a bigger meal closer to bedtime makes more sense.

    Anyway, I ate my Greek yogurt with blueberries this morning and didn't resent the hell out of it. Progress! :)

    Agatha, sorry about your cracked molar. Geez!

    Simbobby and Julz, congrats on making it past #2. It may not feel like it, but we're all moving closer to the finish line of our chemo. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess. :)

  • Joyseeker
    Joyseeker Member Posts: 247
    edited October 2017

    Castigame - did you do a scrub or a soak? Would love to hear what you did....

    Regarding sleep. I hadn’t really slept since my diagnosis in August. I was an absolute wreck. Like laying in front of my shower sobbing kind of wreck. Body pain. “Cancer was taking me over, I’m going to die”. It was bad. When I went to day medical to get my staples out from my mast the nurse practitioner recognized my fatigue and prescribed me a sleeping pill. Now the bad days are less and my moods are generally more level. If you are struggling with sleep please ask for help. I believe rest is essential.

    I’m getting anxious as infusion one approaches. I’m terrified of the SE. I got all my premeds yesterday. I was prescribed Emend. I hear those are the “big guns” so I’m thankful.

    Today is a rest day. I’m taking my daughters horse to the trimmer this morning and then a nap (if I can) this afternoon. Tomorrow I booked myself a pedicure and an oncology massage. I hope the little “schedule” keeps my anxiety at bay.

    I am so grateful for you ladies that have gone before and can offer advice. Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing your stories.


  • HikerVA1956
    HikerVA1956 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2017

    Wonderful to hear from everyone! I would love to reply to each message but impossible!!! But my thoughts and prayers are with each of you! Agatha: so sorry about the cracked tooth!! on top of everything else! And still love the wig, and yes you should go out and enjoy life and not be couped-up inside. Life is short, we must enjoy some too. Lisa: Food, like Agatha said, food is comfort for me and I am constantly fighting the food-urges. That is one reason I work out all the time, so counter the food. My son had asked me to join him in going vegan back in May, and I felt it was a good health-choice and even more so after discovering the lump in July. But I did go off the wagon and eat cheese after my first chemo treatment, i felt like I would die if I did not eat cheese, and it has been wonderful. I am now about over that craving!!! Not sure what is next, but anything in moderation is okay... As far as water, the Vitamin waters that are Zero calorie have been wonderful to add when I want something more than water or water with lemon. I do not drink sodas either, but have read over and over that a diet soda occasionally is not bad for you... and sometimes we just need something more than water. Try making smoothies too, I use almond milk with no sugar added, plus fruit and even protein powder (they make vegan versions) and that feels like a milkshake at times... and it is also good for you. The other day I told my son that I had a craving for a wonderful turkey sandwich, and promised myself if I still wanted one at Thanksgiving I was going to have it. I feel like it is best to go-with-the cravings or it will drive you to eat loads of other things we really do not want. A great web site I have found is It is sponsored by UnderArmour and it is a place with lots of weight loss help, you can log all your food daily and easily and see exactly what you are eating calorie wise, so that you can add in a treat and still fit it into your calorie goals for the day. It even tells you how much protein, carbs, fat and fiber you are getting each day within your calorie goal... it will even calculate your exercise calories so you get credit for them... great site and it is free... I have been using it for years and it helps with the weight loss and there is a great network of support there too, just like here. Well today is Chemo #2 for me, at 11:30, so we will be leaving soon. My son is going with me today. I was actually looking forward to it. Work is wearing me out, and this will free me up to be able to walk when I want and not be trapped in the office all day!!! LisaRX: one question I had, the steroids, did they give you a prescription to take home? My steriods were in my Chemo mix, so that is different. The steroids must still work the same, because that is something I have had a problem with too, is sleep. I am not drinking caffeine during the day except one cup of green tea in the morning, but I feel absolutely WIRED at night. Another reason I hate going to work because I am dragging from lack of sleep. I talked to my doctor about Aleve PM, and got some but it does nothing. I am going to ask them about something else to help. I will be fine on my days off because I can sleep in, but work days are hard. Just wanted you to know I am having that trouble too. As to hair, yesterday as the day went on I found strands dangling, plus the scalp pain and tingling had started the night before. This morning, clumps are coming out... so tonight be my Buzz night. My son is ready & willing... think we will make a party out of it.. I am ready!!! Everyone have a blessed day!

  • LisaCincy
    LisaCincy Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2017

    HikerVA, thanks for all the advice. FYI, I get IV anti-nausea at the time of treatment. On Day 2, I take 2 4mg Dexamethasone. On Day 3 and 4, I take 2 4mg Dexamethasone twice a day. I believe it is these that are causing my sleeplessness, as "Not able to sleep" is listed as a possible SE. On Day 2 and 3 I also take Ondansetron 8mg x2. These are anti-nausea pills. Side effects include sleepiness, so I doubt these are the cause.