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January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!



  • dlj140
    dlj140 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2018

    Got to remove my bandages and shower this morning. Feeling close to normal, can put my hand on my head. Go to surgeon tomorrow, and get referred to oncology to start radiation. Also, will get results of SNB and other pathology, which determines if I will have to have chemo. Prayers for all of you who had to have bigger surgeries than I did. My surgeon kept telling me this would be a piece of cake. Not quite, but compared to what you ladies having masectomies are experiencing, I guess it was. Still, I'm thankful for the "sisterhood" on this thread. We are all fighting the same thing, and can feel happy for every improvement within the group. I will still keep up with all of your posts.

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207
    edited February 2018

    I too am keeping up with everyone here and encircling you all in prayer.

    Had my UMX and implant surgery Jan. 22. Got the drains out yesterday (yay!). So nice to shower and shampoo, though still a bit of pain because a piece of chest muscle was removed (my larger tumor was right against the chest wall).The implant is looking pretty "normal," and I can move my arm without too much discomfort. Looking forward to going for a walk today, temperature's mild enough.

    After a considerable "dark night of the soul" (deep fear, panic), got the path report today from my surgeon. She is "thrilled"! No lymph node involvement, and the only concern is the margin with the chest wall, so that may mean chemo as well as the radiation and that I was already prepared for. I will see the medical oncologist and the radiation oncologist tomorrow and find out what's in store. Having had my worst fears dispelled, I think I can get through anything.

  • Nursepatient35
    Nursepatient35 Member Posts: 106
    edited February 2018


    I am having the same thing as you in 2 weeks. I'm curious, were your expanders placed over the pec? I know everyone is so different but I just want to know how painful it all is and how long I should expect to recover. I also have little kids ; 9, 7 and a 2 year old. My husband will help a lot but I know my 2 year old won't care and will want me to pick him up or sit on my lap. Also, any idea how long before they start with expander fills?

    Hope your recovery goes well.

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    Had one drain pulled today. Heaven! Hope to get the other out Monday. And because the one remaining drain is at the bottom of my chest, I can drive. As the Who sang, Going mobile!!! Marlena17 - how was your follow up today? Hope everyone else is feeling better post op. We did it!

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207
    edited February 2018

    Congrats, Philaflash! Isn't it heaven when the drains come out?

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2018

    RedJo all of that progress was literally in the last week, I was a hot mess until I got that last drain out. I can just now maneuver the recliner by myself, but had my kids doing it when hubby wasn’t around! Seriously, it’s only been the last 7-10 days that I’ve started to really feel better. I was just barely getting by before that.

  • maggie2
    maggie2 Member Posts: 240
    edited February 2018

    The BMX and sentinel node biopsies are over. I was discharged yesterday afternoon. Now it's the waiting game for the pathology results, 5-7 days. Unfortunately, the PS felt he couldn't do Direct-to-Implants. So I have tissue expanders, but he didn't fill them yet. Quite a shocking site, when I was expecting to wake up from surgery with implants.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2018

    I just heard from my surgeon, I will need radiation and chemo. They only took one lymph node and they did find cancer in it. Another option would be more surgery to take more lymph nodes, but of course the risk of lymphodema is great and if they find any more cancer I will still need the radiation anyway and all I managed to do is put myself through and extra surgery as I would need chemo with either option. Honestly the hardest part was telling my daughter, the doctors were so sure that there was no lymph node involvement before the surgery that this caught her off guard. She was sobbing over the phone. She is 27, lives in a different state, things like this hit her hard after living through the death of her younger brother she worries much more about losing other family members. I know I've got this, but she worries. As hard as this is, I know I have lived through the worst day of my life, nothing will be worse than watching my son take his last breath.

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    Dipquette - I'm so sorry about your son. Through this entire journey, beginning with finding a lump, diagnosis, and treatment, I found telling my family was absolutely the worst. I can take a lot, but you can't spare your family the pain. I didn't tell my family at all till I had biopsy results. They were so pissed at me. They've turned out to be my greatest strength. Give your daughter a little time. It's a shock. All my best thoughts to you.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2018

    Thanks philflash, I did tell my daughter before my biopsy results because she was home for Thanksgiving and I wanted to tell her about the concern in person. I had also researched tons and knew from my mammgram and ultrasound reports that there was a 95% chance it was cancer, I work in a pulmonary office and see CT reports for lung masses every day so know about Bi rad ratings, spiculated margins, etc. I knew what they were going to tell me before they even did :(. I did not tell my mom much until i had to because it would have just been more stressful for her. With my daughter I promised to tell her things right away she's always worried that living out of state that she's the last one to know about things, so whenever possible I try not to let that happen to her.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2018

    philaflash,I am in tissue expander hell. That’s it. I have/had accumulative fluid all around my chest. I was drained but feel SUPER ROCK HARD yet again. I guess I could get drained again but why? I’ll see how bad it gets. That’s good you are driving!! Progress is AWSOME,Right!! Helen pulled all my drains on Tuesday and I had to see Dr Fayee as an emergency today. I literally believed my expanders were going to bust out of the seams. It feels like 20lbs of rock is in my chest. I hate to complain,really but it’s just so uncomfortable. Glad it’s over.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2018

    Dlpaquette I’m sorry about your results, and about your son. Hopefully your daughter will be able to visit soon.

    I still haven’t told my family. They live in another country and last month was the first anniversary of one of my brothers dying of lung cancer. I don’t have the heart to tell my parents that another of their children has cancer, and the sister that I am closest to was devastated by his death. I have an excellent prognosis and there were no genetic markers so there isn’t a pressing need, but I feel bad about not telling them too

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2018

    dlpaquette- my heart breaks for you. My doctor was not expecting my lymph nodes to be cancerous because the Pet Scan and the breast MRI didn't show any uptake. So it was quite a surprise. One out of two had cancer and he did take an additional 10 lymph nodes out which I haven't received the results on yet. This was a curveball so radiation will be added to my treatment program. But you've already lost so much with losing your son and now worrying about your daughter. Hang in there.

    Houmom-My family does not know about my cancer. I chose not to tell my family because my parents are very elderly and they've been going through a lot during the past 4 months. my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. And my mother and father are n shock with Her diagnosis. We don't have any history of cancer in our family. Genetic markers negative family history negative non-smokers minimal drinking Physically Active, etc. but cancer still chose us I have a strong support system and I'm okay. Each situation is different and we have to try to do what's what we think is best

    Question: my drainage is leaking a little at point of insertion. Is this normal?

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    Jo6359 - I had a little seepage from one drain once. that's norma. It resolved its ok. I had three nights where I bled through and stained my cami from the other drain site. Pretty painful stripping also. The third day I passed a pretty big clot on that side. No more leaking and minimal pain/burning. I think the clot was blocking the drain. It's better now, though still putting out >30c.after 10 days . The other drain is pulled and fine. I think these drains have a life of their own . I'm hoping this one goes early next week.

  • ibis
    ibis Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2018

    jo6359...I had some drainage at the site of the drain insertion--mild to mod amount and it was normal in my case. Thinking and praying for you, dipaquette, and lg10 who have lymph node involvement. Marlena...that's too bad about the fluid accumulation. Hope you are doing better.

    I continue to read all the January surgery posts and hope everyone is progressing. Each experience is different, some with complications. With my left MX a year ago, I developed a pleural effusion. (Collection of fluid on the outside of the lungs, they drainged 1600cc) No cause was found with lots of testing, but I think it was from the trauma of surgery, despite being told I didn't take enough deep breaths.This time with my right MX is so much better.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2018

    phillaflash and over 70- Thanks for the info on bleeding. After lying down for couple of hours so the bleeding starts from that one site. Now thst I have this new info. Im not overly concerned now. I'm hoping when I see the doctor on Feb. 8th he will remove the drains. Drainage on right. Cancer side greater than 20% and left greater than 80%; measured every 24 hours. The drains are awkward but no pain.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2018

    Thank you all for the support, it is very hard to hide anything from my family as my sisters and mom all live very close to me, my mom is right down the street and one sister a few houses from my mom, my other sister is 1.5 miles away. My oldest sister is a physicist assistant for radiation therapy. She knows all of the radiation oncologists in the area, as soon as I was diagnosed one of them sent an email to their top oncologist and breast surgeon to get me in quickly, now that I needed radiation this doctor who is booking out 3 weeks for new consults saw me on the schedule for another doctor in a couple of weeks and told my sister he would get me in faster, my appointment is now Tuesday I am very fortunate as I know I am in good hands.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2018

    Dipsquette- that is so wonderful that you are able to get in sooner. It's difficult to keep things away from sisters. Wishing you the best

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2018

    Hi all, just checking in, have been reading the posts and my heart bleeds for you Dipaquette.

    Jo, did you have transfusions? Did they discharge you yet? I also had a little seeping from one drain, but doc said not an issue.

    Houmom...understanding why it’s difficult to tell family overseas, I did finally tell mine in the UK last week,they send me love...all they can do.

    Overdid it yesterday so resting up today 18 days since BMX and healing but have a small seroma so staying compressed. Showed DH my scars which was very emotional, he did what I hoped, gave me a big (gentle)hug and kiss and told me everything will be alright!

    Hope everyone else’s issues resolve, thinking of you all and sending good vibes.


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2018

    jude-I was discharged on Wednesday evening. They redid the blood testing and my hematocrit came out eight. Hallelujah still very low but I didn't require blood transfusions. So this is day five and I walked two miles today. Oing stir crazy. Pain has been minimal. Controlled with Tylenol. Anxiously waiting the pathology reports.. I/2 nodes positive. He removed an additional 10 nodes and a third small tumor in same breast. Waiting for those results. The drains are awkward but they haven't hurt. Don't overdo it. Listen to your body.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2018

    Jude, my family are in the U.K. too.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2018

    Has anyone had problems with a drain not holding suction? Any advice? I don't see anything clogged unless it is really far up under the bandages. Of course this is the side that has been draining the most 60 ml a day. The suction is only lasting 20 minutes or less before the bulb is full of air. I really don't want to bother the PS on a weekend if at all possible.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2018

    Mine would only fill with air once it was full, maybe you could try draining it more often and see if that helps until you can see the surgeon? Have you been ‘stripping’ the tubes

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited February 2018

    one of my bulbs isnt holding suction. The other 3 are working fine. My surgeon's office nurse informed me it was okay. My fluid output is 50 ml and bright red. It seems to be working. Good Luck

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2018

    one of mine wasn't holding suction while I was in the hospital, so they were able to replace right away. The plug wasn't staying shut. Maybe could tape it down if not staying secure until you can replace it. However, I really wouldn't worry about contacting your PS over the weekend, they should have a doc on call and that's what they are there for. I just talked to mine today actually to ask about a blister that popped up under my incision and he was happy to help.

  • Dlpaquette
    Dlpaquette Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2018

    Thanks guys, mine is not the cap, it stays closed, there was 20 ml in there from earlier today so I emptied it and will see if it is still draining.

  • Jadalulu
    Jadalulu Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2018

    I’m 4 weeks post op and still feel swollen in my stomach, I look like I could be pregnant by the end of the day! Is anyone else having this issue?

  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2018

    my stomach was super bloated the first week after surgery, but that got better as my digestive system got back on track. It still seems a little bloated to me, but I imagine that could easily be a matter of perception as I no longer have a pair of DDDs hanging over it, lol! Have you been swollen since surgery? Could it be digestive?

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited February 2018

    Er yeah my stomach looks bigger now that there are not two giant melons hanging over it! They sent over 5lbs of tissue to the lab, never mind anything else they removed! But it does look pretty flat. I was buying some extra spanx yesterday and the clerk that rang me up asked if they really worked, and if I was wearing them at that moment, I just said yes and kept quiet about the tummytuck!

  • Jadalulu
    Jadalulu Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2018

    l8ybug it is not from digestive issues, I am doing fine in that area thankfully. I also was large EE, but definitely still swelling in the belly. I have swelling in most of my upper body, seeing a lymphedema OT twice per week but she was curious why I still have the belly swelling as well.