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January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!



  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Marlena17 - I see my onc (Grana) Thursday morning, followed by herceptin and perjeta infusions (I'm HER2 positive). I see Helen that afternon. All in Voorhees. One stop shopping! I see Bonowitz the 6th and every Friday through early March. I see Brill the 13th. Helen said there's a good chance she'll pull both drains Thursday. I can only hope. Let me know how your visit with Helen goes.

    Ladies with pulled bad is it or not?

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Marlena, now I am not thinking about it! The cadillac analogy put me off!

    Is anyone using any kind of cream for sore skin, my underarms and chest skin is so sore and sensitive. I am knocking myself out with an oxycodone at night so I can sleep. I have tried all my tops and the only fabric that doesn’t hurt is a silk cami. Hope this feeling goes away, feeling depressed even after Chinese lunch.

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Pulled drains hurt a little but after what we have been through it’s nothing. The doc cut the sutures and pulled, the tubes came right out, I was surprised how long they were. Theholes have already healed after 4 days.

  • maggie2
    maggie2 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2018

    I'm glad you have the drains out! I've been curious about the drain removal. I guess I'll find out in a week or two. 

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    I'm back in my hospital room post-recovery. Having quite a bit of pain but it's manageable. Unfortunately my SNB showed positive notes. I don't know to what degree. I'll talk to the surgeon tomorrow. They also found another tumor and the right breast. So then also sucks. I'll wait and see what happens. Strangely enough light surgeon remains very positive about everything. Sad and disappointed. I'm going to focus on being positive talk to you guys tomorrow. Thanks for all your support. It'll be okay.

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Rest up, Jo. Try to sleep. You've earned it.

    For what it's worth, I had neoadjuvent chemo before surgery. I finished in December, so I've been through the chemo experience, as well as port placement. Feel free to ask me anything about that, if it's helpful. Remember all therapy is based on your path report and receptor status, so we all walk our own journey. Hoping for my pathology this week. Best of luck for those having surgery this week!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    my path report came out positive for the lymph nodes. The doctor said there was quite a few. I don't know all the details I'll know more tomorrow. But it was bad news. My pain is manageable.

  • MayDayMelK
    MayDayMelK Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Jude :)

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Dear Jo, been thinking of you today, so sorry about your nodes being positive. Please let us know what happens, hope you can rest tonight. Jude

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    Jo, I’m sorry that your news wasn’t better. Will be hoping for a good outcome from your meetings tomorrow.

    Drain removal was not painful at all for me, and I was terrified about it going in. The PA just had me breathe through it, I could barely even feel the tube coming out. One incision weeped a little for a few days but the other three healed right away.

  • LoveCanada
    LoveCanada Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2018

    I’m so sorry to hear that Jo. I will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow and hoping it goes well. I hope you are able to get some rest too

    I had 2 drains removed last week and 2 today. Neither hurt at all- she also just had me take a deep breath in and out while she pulled them. And I felt immediate relief so it would’ve been worth even a little pain. I also had my first fill today and it wasn’t bad at all.

  • ibis
    ibis Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2018

    Jude, not sure of any creams. One idea is to take Benadryl (over the counter) for sleep and to test if its antihistamine properties help your skin sensitivity (in case you have an allergy).

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    iam a corpse right now. I am down to 3 oxycodone p we r day. I "nod" like an addict! My drains arebothering me. Philaflash,I had an appt the 8th with Brill but I am going in tomorrow morning to see Helen and I also see bonowitz every week on a Friday!! I can' keep myvyes open!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jadalulu
    Jadalulu Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2018

    savedbygrace yes I have felt the “Let Down" sensation as well! Thought I was going crazy. That and the muscle spasms if I get chilled are a little out of control. I'm feeling a little better as far as my swelling goes, hopefully that continues to improve. I started my tamoxifen yesterday, only side effect was a little tummy issue yesterday but ok today. I spoke to a friend today that went for a mammogram, her first one ever, only went because of my situation. They found two masses in one breast, both measure around 2cm insize. She goes back next week for a sonogram and additional imaging to determine what they are, hopefully they will be something other than BC!

  • SavedbyGrace1972
    SavedbyGrace1972 Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2018


    So glad to know that I am

    Not alone feeling this way. I’ve Heard of phantom

    Breast pain.

    Jo so sorry you’re dealing with all of that but we must remain positive.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    hello to all the surgery girls. I misunderstood my surgeon yesterday. He said one out of two lymph nodes came out positive but he removed 10 more to be tested. But my unaffected left side is bleeding a lot today and has a large hematoma. So he's taking me back in to surgery today. So I will be spending another night in the hospital. But thank you all for your support. I am feeling much better today I'm a little nauseous and I did ask for Zofran but I'm not in much pain at all.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    GM! 7 days post op and going for my first doc appt. hopefully she will take out a drain or all of them. I realized I think I can’t stay on this oxy. I literally nod off like a junkie. It was not affecting me like that during the week. I am “uncomfortable” pain is more of a burning when I move certain ways. My range of motion is crazy good. “Hairdresser” ! Wishing all of you ladies strength good path reports and quick healing!!

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    so the news is more positive today. It's wait and see on the other 10 knows but that's okay. My phone is going dead so I have to wait for friends to bring in a battery charger. The pain really is not that bad. It is very uncomfortable but in my eyes and nausea is the worst. So surgery girls this week just hang in there you too can do this bye

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    I just got a call about my path results. No residual cancer found on right side. No cancer on the left. Nodes negative. Very different from my original biopsies. The horrible chemo and great targeted therapy did their job. So thankful! Now I can focus on healing.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    Jo ask for something else if the Zofran is not helping, I had Phenergan as the Zofran made me even worse. I hope your additional surgery goes well. I’m glad that your node news was better.

    A couple of the friends I have told already booked mammograms after my news. One had been skipping it for a few years. A colleague of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer a couple of years ago, and it spurred me to get the colonoscopy I had been putting off, I ended up being diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disorder, the meds I have been taking ever since have prevented my colon from being destroyed. I have struggled with being grateful to have caught it because of what she is going through, and guilt because I will be just fine while she is still dealing with a serious cancer.

    I’ve actually been surprised at how many women my age (40), and even younger are dealing with breast cancer. There are two other moms younger than me in my neighborhood of 1200 homes who are also going through treatment right now.

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018
    Good Morning Jo, Thought about you first thing this morning and was glad to read that things look better today. Let us know when you hear anything...
    I belong to a facebook group called Flat and Fabulous, there is also a group called Double Mastectomy for women with and without reconstruction. These are both very active pages with lots of photos of surgical outcomes, I have found them both helpful/interesting. You would be amazed at how many young women in their 20s and 30’s are dealing with BC. My heart bleeds for those with small children, BC does not discriminate.....
    My Father always said that if men had to give birth, painless childbirth would be the norm, I wonder if the same applies to BC....I know some men get it but it isn’t very common. There’s enough motivation to find a cure (viagra) for male impotence, it makes me angry there isn’t a cure for BC yet!
  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Judeshome - About a cure for BC. Isn't that the truth! If men had to have man-ograms, especially one's that required guided MRI or US guided biopsies, you better believe there would be a more comfortable way! Go figure.

    I was 66 when I was diagnosed and it broke my heart to see how many younger woman are sharing this experience. As someone said earlier in this thread, use your own diagnosis as a teachable moment to have friends and family get mammograms. One in eight of us are diagnosed. The earlier the better, but then I'm preaching to the choir. We are strong and can't let fear keep us from early detection. Continued good thoughts and recovery to all.

  • Judeshome
    Judeshome Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2018

    Philaflash...never thought about man-ograms! The sad thing is that I have a girlfriend who has been abandoned by her husband because she is unable to have reconstruction, this disease sure weeds out the men from the wimps. I was 65 when diagnosed last year and 3 days beforemy 66th birthday I had a DMX. Several friends and family are having mammograms as a result of my experience.

  • Marlena17
    Marlena17 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2018

    drains out!! lots of swelling. Path report clear. Just lots of LCIS and ALH right and left side. So happy but just SO tired!!

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207
    edited January 2018

    Congrats, Marlena17!

  • Quiltingnut
    Quiltingnut Member Posts: 56
    edited January 2018

    Hello everyone. I wanted to update before now but have just been to exhausted. I’m happy for those who have came through and doing fine. Mine was Friday and i had to stay in hospital two nights because of dangerously low blood pressure. I’m at home and doing ok now with pain managed with narcotics. Will be so glad to get these drains out. They are aggravating but will manage. Lol. So happy to have this behind me but of course anxious about path report next week. Hang in there girls. You can do it. I also wanted to note that the SNB injections i was so worried abt was very tolerable and nothing was used to deaden area.

  • houmom
    houmom Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018

    Yay Marlena, I know how happy you are right now, believe me! I danced out of the office when they took mine out!

  • Philaflash
    Philaflash Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2018

    Congrats, Marlena, on both drains out and path report! What time are your Bonowitz appts on Fridays? I'm always at 9 am.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2018

    searching for girls hang in there you're doing great. I had surgery today on my not involve left side. I had huge hematomas that was bleeding excessively but my surgeon took care of it and now it feels much better very little bleeding no pain. 2 in the morning and they brought me Tylenol 4:30 in the morning to help me more Tylenol 7 in the morning then don't need more Tylenol. Every time I fall asleep they're coming in with more Tylenol. And Tylenol to the trick. Because I did not want dilaudid or oxycodone. Im goofmd. Hoping the 10 nodes are negative. I havent esten since Sunday at 7:30pm. I've reached the point now I'm starting to eyeball the nurses arms.,I am si hungty. .

  • Lovelife44
    Lovelife44 Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2018

    oh Jo, hang in there, glad the bleeding is under control......I hope they bring you something to eat soon and let you rest. Best of luck for the 10 nodes. You are doing great!

    Congrats Marlena, it is the best thing in the world to get those darned drains out!