January 2018 Surgery group! Please see updated list in thread!

JANUARY 2018 surgery club....
AnnieTater———-Dec 29
over70————-—Jan 2
Talley76—————Jan 2
D1974———-——Jan 3
1-Greenmom——-Jan 3
Valntine————-Jan 4
Hopfull2—————Jan 5
MoniThor————Jan 5
houmom————-Jan 8
nifer——————Jan 8
Debcesq.............Jan 9
shadie—————Jan 10
blessedmomma—-Jan 10
Rockcity————Jan 10
LoveCanada——Jan 10
Kyates————-Jan 11
arkansasgal———Jan 12
rdeesides————Jan 16
Dskvarla————-Jan 16
Judeshome———Jan 16
Sfrankie————-Jan 17
Philaflash————Jan 23
Marlena17-——-Jan 24
Zoisite—————-Jan 24
RedJo40————-Jan 25
I am having a single mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction surgery January 16 as well. They'll also check the sentinel node.
I'm nervous for such a long surgery. How are you doing?!
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I am scheduled to have nipple sparing BMX on Jan 24th with expanders. I hope they don’t have to do a lat flap. The PS is concerned because I had radiation after a previous lumpectomy
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Double mastectomy with DIEP recon for me, Jan 8. I had the sentinel node biopsy done this week already (Monday).
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I am pretty nervous about the surgery, it seems as is there is such a wide range of postsurgery experience. This forum has been so helpful with the collective shared friendshipand empath
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I am pretty nervous too, the surgery I had on Monday was pretty minor in comparison but I am healing pretty well which is helping ease my fears about the 'big one'. I don't really like taking painkillers so I tend to sit in pain when I don't really need to, which I know is bad! I don't think I'll have much choice this time, with such big incisions to handle.
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I will be have a skin/nipple sparing UMX with implant on 1/16. I am pretty nervous. Glad to have the moral support here
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I am very nervous too I am hoping my radiated skin will not cause any problems. If your having implants how did you all decide what type to get. My PS said I did not have to decide right away since I will need TE first.
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what are everyone’s dates so we can exchange information and support each other.....
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hi everyone. I'm having my TE exchange surgery on January 5th. I know this isn't my first but I'm still very nervous. I just hope my breast turn out ok to help me feel more complete. Then in a few months I can get my nipples tattooed. That will be the finishing touch. All you ladies are strong. I will keep you in prayer. Hugs
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Zoisite, my PS and I haven’t decided yet which implants to do. I have an appt with her on 1/2 and we will decide at that time. I just want something that looks like my natural breasts, but with a little lift.
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Right nipple sparing mastectomy with tissue expander scheduled for January 2. Hosting Christmas dinner and hoping not to get a cold before surgery Had left MX With TE a year ago...had lots of weird pains with that one and a pleural effusion. Hoping this one is easier. Choose smooth silicone implant SCX rather than shaped textured. Shaped textured may have looked better, but textured have a very small risk of ALCL (lymphoma). Thinking of everyone undergoing surgery this month
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We got a note home from my son’s elementary school on Friday about a flu outbreak, and plenty of my friends’ kids have it so I’m like a recluse right now, trying to not get sick!
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I just got the bug that is going round, hope to recover before New Year. Hope everyone has a peaceful holiday, difficult I know with the prospect of surgery on the horizon. Don’t let fear steal your joy. Xxx
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Hi dskvarla, I read your previous posts and I had the same problem with a bleeding nipple and papilloma in my left breast. That was in 2005. This year I went for a mammo and ended up with ultrasound, CNB, MRI and wide excision biopsy...the end DX was Papillomatosis and multifocal DCIS. My BS recommended BMX and after some agonizing I decided it is the best choice for me. I am 65 and if I were younger I would likely have decided on recon, but by now I just want to get on with my life and my husband supports my choice.
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I am having a BMX with tissue expander on Friday, Dec 29th. I hope I can join y’all even though I’m a couple days early.
Sounds like this first week is really painful. Not looking forward to that. But most people on the boards seem to say that you feel better after the first couple weeks.
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DIEP reconstruction 1/25 with a prophylactic mastectomy on right. Had a umx on left wth te in July. I had a lot of complications and ended up removing te 9/1. Really nervous but can’t wait to have some sort of boob/noob. I can count my ribs on my left side.
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I'm having a lumpectomy on right breast, with removal of one sentinel node, on January 12. Papillary carcinoma in situ 1.6 cm. Doc says there is a 2% chance cancer will be found in node. Feeling blessed that it is not worse, and trying to focus on the that. It is close to the nipple, so may lose that.
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I'm scheduled for BMX on January 23rd with TEs. I've done well through neoadjuvant chemo, etc., but starting to get a little freaked out about upcoming surgery: especially SNB dye injections and post op pain. Any calming words are appreciated.
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I’ve already had my SNB. I was already under when they did the blue dye injections so I don’t know if that hurts. I did not have any anesthesia for the radioactive marker injections though, and they did hurt but just while she was doing the physical injection, it was maybe about 30 seconds per breast. I breathed and cursed my way through it. After she had done the injections I had to lie on the table of the X-ray machine for 20 minutes and massage the dye into my system, my arms were sore from that . Then. It was about 20 minutes of imaging.
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I am scheduled on January 3rd for a bilateral mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction. I am also anxious about the long surgery. This group is very helpful. Prayers for a speedy recovery to all
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I’m also anxious about the long surgery, I’ve been sedated 3 times before but only for an hour or so each time, 10 hours is something else. At least I know I won’t have to spend the entire day nil by mouth like I did for the SNB, I had to check in at the hospital at 10am and didn’t enter the OR until 4:15pm, that was awful.
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Thought everyone might like a list of the Jan 2018 surgeries so we can send healing thoughts for that day...
AnnieTater——-Dec 29
over70————Jan 2
D1974————Jan 3
Hopfull2———-Jan 5
houmom———-Jan 8
arkansasgal——Jan 12
rdeesides———Jan 16
Dskvarla———-Jan 16
Judeshome——-Jan 16
Philaflash———Jan 23
Zoisite————-Jan 24
RedJo40———-Jan 25
Hopefully I got names and dates correct...maybe we could stay in touch on this thread and post any recovery info, issues, etc. ?? Jud
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Thought everyone might like a list of the Jan 2018 surgeries so we can send healing thoughts for that day...
AnnieTater——-Dec 29
over70————Jan 2
D1974————Jan 3
Hopfull2———-Jan 5
houmom———-Jan 8
arkansasgal——Jan 12
rdeesides———Jan 16
Dskvarla———-Jan 16
Judeshome——-Jan 16
Philaflash———Jan 23
Zoisite————-Jan 24
RedJo40———-Jan 25
Hopefully I got names and dates correct...maybe we could stay in touch on this thread and post any recovery info, issues, etc. ?? Judeshome0 -
Thanks for posting this Judeshome.
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didn’t mean to post it twice! Jude
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I had my pre-op yesterday, I have to be at the hospital at 6am on the day or surgery. They gave me a shopping list and a bag of supplies such as gauze and ointment, and showed me the drains. It's getting more real now.
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Hi houmom, will be thinking of you tomorrow, healing thoughts to you and good luck. Hugs.
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houmom, just realized your surgery isn’t until Jan 8, got the flu and not all there
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AnnieTater, good luck with your surgery tomorrow, let us know how you are....sending calming, healing thoughts!
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Good luck tomorrow, Annie! Sending all the best to you.