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Chemo starting April 2018



  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    GAwarrior- I have the same plan . AC ever 14 days for 4 cycles. Then Taxol and carboplatin. I will be getting my 2nd round of AC this Thursday. First five days are the most trying and I was tired bcuz my red blood cells were down. So I started taking a multivitamin and more iron protein thru this treatment. Plus the first time they adjust everything for me, so next time should go a lot smoother. I’ve worked thru this so far. I’m a little concerned with the every week Taxol treatment, and working. But I will do what I have to so I can get one with the overall plan

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Susan, how have your side effects been so far?

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    hello! Thought I would join in. First of 4 TC treatments 2 weeks ago. Zero side effects with the first one at least. Waiting for the hair to go but ready with wig and scarves. Trying not to worry about the rest of the treatments and enjoying feeling good. Lifting light weights, walked 4 miles yesterday and back to work. I have moments of "forgetting" I have cancer and that gives me hope that those moments will come more frequently in time. Best of luck to everyone! We will get through this!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Hi All! Looks like I'll most likely be starting chemo this month. I'm a repeat customer. I completed six rounds of RCHOP for lymphoma 7 years ago. I have my chemo education tomorrow and I'm calling it my refresher course. So I'll have a definite start date then. Guessing it will probably be week of 4/23 Tuesday I have my MUGA scan and Wednesday I get my port. Celebrated my 50th Birthday Friday the 13th so I'm seriously trying to keep a positive attitude because looking at a year of treatment isn't feeling me with the warm fuzzies for this decade. I'm ER-PR- and HER2+ so I'll be doing 6 rounds of TCH followed by 6 weeks of radiation. AC wasn't an option for me because of my previous chemo I'm near the lifetime max.

    I spent the weekend ordering new scarves, wig etc. Yes, I gave all my old ones away when I was released at the 5 year NED mark. Silly me.Loopy Plus preparing my chemo bag and stocking up on what worked for me before. Hubby and I currently live in Canada but I'll be receiving my treatment back in Michigan ( I wanted to use same cancer center as before). So I'll be dividing my time between the two locations.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    hi Deb, wow you are inspiring me. Can I ask where you got your wig? I'm starting Same very soon

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    Djt, I got my wig at a local breast cancer shop affiliated with my hospital. I purchased several scarves from I really like their scarves and they do carry wigs. I did splurge and get a real hair wig. Luckily I'm a nurse in a surgical services dept where everyone wears head covers anyway! Not planning on wearing the wig to work much. When is your first treatment? There is just so much to think about at first! Best of luck to you!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi urdrago71,

    Sorry you're in the TN boat with me!

    It's good to hear that you worked through your first cycle of AC. It's encouraging that you and the other ladies on the AC cycles are doing okay after about Day 5, too. I get my first round on Friday (20th), so that means every day should be better after the following Tues-Wed. I'm leaving on a cruise a week after my first treatment. At least I have that to look forward to!

    I figure the Taxol/Carboplatin treatment can't be as bad as the AC or they couldn't give it to us every week for 12 weeks, but time will tell. I'm doing some positive imaging that I'm going to be able to keep working and running through this whole thing. I did 5 miles on the treadmill today trying to keep my heart super-healthy for the Adriamycin.

    Thanks for the multivitamin/iron tip! Like you, I'm just going to power through this treatment plan so I can get done.

    Welcome DebAL - it's great to hear that your TC's weren't bad - thanks for letting us know. Good luck to you!

    Welcome duffyzmom - Belated happy birthday! For your sake, I'm sorry you're joining us - what a way to usher in your 50s. Stay warm in the storm. Good luck to you!

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    Djt- My onco said if I really wanted a port that I could have one. I'm sure if you felt that a port would be better for you, your doctor would be accommodating. I am trying to take advantage of the time that I am feeling good and still have hair by going to the gym :-) I think that the lack of hair will make me less motivated to do the things I normally do. But I think this is something I can overcome with time.

    DebAL- I'm glad to hear that you had a good experience so far. I feel the same way about the 'moments of forgetting'. Today and yesterday have felt really good and I'm fortunate to be able to say that.

    Sending good vibes to everyone!!!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    leli, that made me smile! I'm glad you had a couple good days☺

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    I had chemo 3 years ago. It was much easier than I anticipated. I had no nausea or GI issues. Food had little taste but I had no mouth sores. I did have some toenail complications and I did lose my hair, which has come back. I drank a lot of water and walked every day.

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, all—welcome to DebAl and DuffyzMom and urdrago71...DebAL, glad your first treatment went well. It was pretty darn scary for me, even though I’d been with my mom.

    DJT—definitely give yourself permission to be scared and upset. This takes time to process. Don’t feel like you have to handle it all in a minute. It’s very hard. I’m looking ahead and also trying to take me step at a time. The treatment center I go to has a wig and head cover shop, and head also had some cute things. Have you talked to your grandson? I’m somewhat amazed at how well children can deal with a gentle telling of what is happening. Of course, put it in age appropriate terms or a way suited to your grandson—you know him best. I kept things “scientific” for my son, and he is doing well—a little more clingy, but that’s fine. (He’s 16, but on the young side for his age). As far as the port, I think someone answered, but yes, it was a separate procedure that took half a day just due to all the check ins and waiting. The actual procedure was like 30 minutes. Mine was done by my surgeon in the OR with Propofol. Most people do very well with it. (I’m weird and don’t like it). I do recommend having some post op pain and nausea meds on hand just in case—hopefully not needed. The incision healed within a couple of days. I hardly know it’s there. I also had an echocardiogram before chemo since in a small number of people, Herceptin can cause left ventricle problems. Better safe than not. So, about an hour before infusions, I put a numbing cream called EMLA (Rx) on the port area and cover with Saran Wrap. I didn’t feel anything when they drew labs and then did Herceptin and Taxol—no other needle pokes. It was a tiny bit sore the next day—hardly noticed. Since I have Herceptin for a year, and poor veins, it’s been a good decision, but of course think it over and talk to your doctor. Hope that helps a bit. :)

    Dee (drinking lots of water, but doing short walks only)

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    GAWarrior - I did a birthday cruise following my lumpectomy. Told doctors I wasn't missing it and I knew the next six months I wouldn't be able to enjoy food so I ate and drank my way across the Mediterranean.

    Astyanax66 - Last time my son really had a hard time with my diagnosis. He was 14 then. He is much better this time although I feel bad because first chemo is the week of his college graduation. I'd delay but he will only be home for one week before heading to Europe with his girlfriend for a month prostarting his job in June and I'll be feeling good for that week which honestly is more important.

    DJT - when looking for head covers look at seams. Last time the only caps I ended up wearing were the softest with no seams. I rarely wore a wig and felt more comfortable in soft caps and silk scarves. I did order one wig from VogueWigs. TLC from American Cancer Society has great head coverings.

  • mdevroy
    mdevroy Member Posts: 5

    I started my treatment April 12 I( have not had surgery yet. Started with Taxol once a week for 12 weeks along with Herceptin and Perjeta the last two are every 3 weeks. Went back to work today feeling ok just the bone and body pain. We will see what the next 11 weeks hold for me. I am going to try and work if I can. trying to stay positive. And praying for warm weather and sun

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Fingers crossed for the warm weather. I'm sitting here watching it snow and not happy about it. Good news is I have a start date. Next Tuesday 4/24 and even better news 3 of my favorite chemo nurses are still working at the center where I'll receive treatment.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    Had my first treatment April 12- A/C. I have a mild tinnitus (ringing in ears) which became much worse with the first round. I terrified it will do nothing but get worse. MO says keep hydrating and let her no if any change within the next couple days if not ENT referral. My questions are: once you start treatment can they change the dose or frequency- or delay the next treatment? I guess Im not sure what to do- I feel as though my next treatment will be here before I know it and I may not be able to get in to see a ENT..

    Thanks !

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100

    Hi there,

    I started everything Nov last year, a TNBC, lumpectomy done, port inserted, gone through the 4AC (yeah they suck!awful!!!) Now I am half way doing my taxol. By June, rads.

    My onc discussed the stats before we finally agreed.4 TC,4 AC, 6 FEC...these are second generation chemo, 3FEC followed by taxol, AC followed by weekly taxol... these are third and newest generation. The latter, for certain high risk young patients, should work better.

    Some said this regime might overkill, but I thought, why not go ALL OUT?! GOD'S grace I'll have another 40yrs to live. I really don't want to regret in the future.

    Y'all are brave fighters! You can do this!


  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Good afternoon, everyone.

    I got my port installed yesterday and met with the plastic surgeon today. All is good to go so I'll be starting chemo Thursday morning! I'm trying to stay calm and positive. The PS cleared me for all physical activities, but unfortunately only a day or two of that before I start chemo. (Of course, my port is a bit achy so I don't think I'll be doing much anyhow.)

    Here's to killing all those cancerous cells!

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Hello Ladies,

    First of all you all are such a brave bunch. I have been lurking around this site for the last one month and this is my second post.

    I started DD AC on 3rd April, second round on 16th. Yesterday was bad, today I feel lot better but hey I am still in bed. I am in NZ so its already 18th morning here.

    I have a quick question, does anybody feel that your hearing is too sensitive? Or is it just me being annoyedLoopy? Also, did anyone take any special precautions to ward off mouth ulcers?

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    Had my first AC last Thurs- followed the suggestion of swishing/spit every two hours or so with baking soda and water worked wonderfully- no mouth issues. My hearing has been sensitive and ears ringing which is making very nervous. Hope you feel stronger each day

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Thanks ElizB, I feel better I am not the only one who feels the ear sensitivity thing. I will do the baking soda routine. I remember reading about the baking soda mouth wash in the folder they gave me. But with baking soda popping up everywhere for everything on google I think my brain just ignored it.. silly me.

    I wanted to add something in case someone finds it helpful. Both times with the AC infusion I had headaches. Thats because of the drip going in. ( I have a portacath). Check with your nurse and have some mild painkillers beforehand or ask them to slow down the drip. My onco nurses have been really nice and they try to help as much as they can.

    I took my neulesta shot yesterday, bit achy today. Food tastes off. I reach for the salt shaker more than I would like. My new favourites are olives. They taste good.

    I keep a banana on my bedstand to eat something as soon as I get up. Also, I have huge pimples, ones the 16 year old me had. Big angry pimples.

    I have a wig already, me and hubby picked it out. My kid did not like it, she said its the same as your normal hair, no one will know you got new hair. Where is the fun in that? She is six. We did get her a pink wig from the party store 😀.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    frog on the lily pad- I had a little sensitive to noise it lasted just the first night. I have taken the same precaution for mouth sores(baking soda.)

    Startes to notice more hair than normal on my shirt thru the day.. clinching my teeth wishing it slows ...One more day til Chemo Day.. then back on the road to recovery again (2 of 2 phase 1)..Smiling 🤪🤪🤪I sharing my experiences with many ppl at work. Communication has helps me make it through every day.

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Hey Urdrago,

    I like your signature 😀. Same here with the hair thing. Its coming out when I run my fingers through it. I keep thinking 2 down 2 more to go. I am not thinking of Taxol yet. I will think of it when I get there. You are right talking about it helps. Though I have only spoken to a very close group of friends. They have all been very supportive, except for one.. I think she doesnt know how to deal with this. Anyways, I dont blame her.

    All the best to you on your next round. I know you know but drink lots of water to flush your system. Take all your anti nausea meds. Stay off google.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28

    Thank you Ladies- for the tips- I did have a pretty bad headache and took Advil just figuring it was part of the deal but I am going to ask about slowing the drip and taking a mild pain med-which maybe will calm my ears.

    The Neulesta was nasty in my opinion- I am not looking forward to it again. I wonder if it is absolutely necessary?

    Still have hair- but not for long

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Good morning, all,

    Chemo starts tomorrow. I've been very positive up to now. Today, my bravado is gone and I'm just scared.

    Re the baking soda mouth rinses, is it necessary to rinse several times every day, or just for the first few days after the infusion?

    Glad to have you all here.

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Good morning ladies,

    Day 4, I think today might be the start of the good days. I know it will not kick in until afternoon. I am very tired until late morning.

    Linda, you can do this. I was the most scared to walk into the clinic. The chemo infusion itself and everything is not that scary. My blood works were done on friday and I go for chemos on monday afternoon. My first time went like this: I arrived at 2 and was straightaway taken to my seat. The nurses got everything settled and tried to access my port. It took 4 attempts to get the right spot because the port site was very swollen. But it was doable. You can use some numbing cream one hour prior if you want to. Once the port was hooked the nurse pushed some saline in and then start on the Dexamethasone (steroids). She pushed the Adriamycin in very slowly and kept on talking to me through it. It took maybe 20 mins. Then they start the C. This one takes a while. I tried reading a book but was too curious to see what was happenning around me. I dozed off around the last 15 mins of the drip both times.
    I was very hungry immeadiately after that and very drowsy. I was happy to be home in my bed and was very happy the next day that round 1 was over with though was very tired and nauseous. I knew I had started. You can do this too. Will be thinking of you.
    Urdrago, how are you holding up?
  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Hello everyone,

    frog on a lily pad, I'm doing good the hair is falling out. So I'm not touching it .Tomorrow at 9 I have doc. Appt. Hopefully to discuss current chemo phase 1 and next treatment as well as any additional test i might have coming soon. Want ideas about surgical doctors locally & radiation docs. Than Infusion starts afterwards 1 hour drive home to sleep minus nauses feeling I hope. Can you notice a difference between this infusion and the last one? Great news to hear your on the up/up path of feeling better

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Hey there Urdrago,

    I am on the up/ up path. Now to feel normal for the next few days. No, theres not much difference between this one and the other. There have been minor differences like last time my port was bothering me more than the chemo itself. But I had no aches and pains from the Neulesta because I was already on pain meds for the port. Now this time I did not take any pain meds and felt all the achy symptoms.

    My port doesnt hurt anymore, my sensitivity to hearing is still there but not as much. Food tastes bit bland. No mouth ulcers. I dont want mouth ulcers, I need to eat and keep healthy and I need to talk to keep sane😂.

    Oh, one of my thumbnails is turning black. After the first treatment I kept on lightly pulling my hair just to check, now I dont even run my fingers through them. Its hair , here there and everywhere. Time for a new hair do.

    Same old same old... you will be fine. Lets do this

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    duffysmom, me too, first is Tuesday the 24th. I'm sitting here tonight practicing wearing my new wig, I kind of like it....trying to figure out the icing issue. Meanwhile, tomorrow I go in for aspirations on affected breast, surgeon feels a blood clot has formed. I think it's helpful to know another person starting same day....So thank you for that

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    Linda2119 - I hope you have the most uneventful first treatment :-) As far as the rinse, you should only need to rinse after each meal for the first 5 days. I think you can stop using the rinse once you feel like you are feeling good again.

    I'm on day 14 and have been feeling really good all week. I try not to touch my hair too much. The anticipation of hair loss is the only thing that sucks right now.

    Stay strong everyone!

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    duffysmom, I got onto the tic site and ordered several caps, etc. I thought the soft seamless night wraps looked good to try. Thanks and blessings. Trying my first wig too.