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Chemo starting April 2018



  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, Ingerp, I'll answer here...My infusions are Tuesday afternoons, weekly Taxol and Herceptin. I have not yet had to take any Neulasta. Also, I have a port. And...of course, everyone is different, so this is just my own personal experience. I go for week 3 this Tuesday.

    (1) What did you eat the night before your first infusion?

    I ate a typical family meal, but nothing overly fried or spicy. I think we had something liked baked chicken, a green vegetable, maybe rice.

    (2) Did you eat morning of?

    I debated, but yes, I did eat a toasted bagel with some ham and cheese 3 hours before. I wanted protein, but again, nothing too greasy or fried. I did have a small amount of coffee (caffeine headache).

    (3) What clothes do you typically wear?

    I wear leggings and a very loose fitting shirt with tennis shoes. I do my best to walk from the parking garage and back, and up the stairs to floor 2 of the cancer center to get in some steps. My top has 3/4 length sleeves--because even though I have a port, if I have to do labs "downstairs," not everyone there knows how to use a port for labs. I take a loose sweater because right now, our weather is crazy--51 today, 80 by this coming Friday! Also, the infusion center is *hot*. I see patients who wear either short-sleeved shirts or something that can be rolled up easily (loose sleeves). I take a blanket more to bolster my back. They provide a pillow and a sheet. My shirt is like 3 sizes too big, so I just tug it down for port access. The first week, the nurse was dubious; then, I showed her how loose it was, and she was fine with it.

    (4) I've read about water water water. Do you pre-hydrate the day before? I assume taking a pee during infusion is okay? How long after do you keep drinking a lot of water?

    I drink loads of water and clear fluids (i.e. ginger ale) before, during, and after infusions. The first session was like 6 hours because they monitor you so carefully and infuse very slowly. The second time, I was done in 2.5 hours. I had to pee every hour. It annoyed DH how often I had to go (he was worried I might fall or something), but I now know just to shove him a chair with headphones and a pillow and an audio book, and just do my own thing. There are two electrical plugs I pull out of their sockets--the IV infusion set is self contained, so I just lay the electric cords across the "shelf" on the unit and wheel my way to the bathroom and back, making sure the IV tubing doesn't get tangled. And then I plug back in and climb back into my chair and get resettled.

    (5) Talk to me about Claritin*, mouthwash, and antacids.

    Part of my pre-infusion meds include Pepcid, which helps a LOT. I brush my teeth 3x per day with a baking sode toothpaste and rinse afterward with Biotin. I need to get some liquid fluoride, probably. So, people who get Neulasta to boost WBC (white blood cells) swear that a dose of plain Claritin every 24 hours helps with bone pain. My MO said yes, it could help, but only if I had to get Neulasta. So, I can't say firsthand how it works. I *did* have a bad bout with bone pain this past week, but that is because I'm off all OTC pain meds except for a small dose of ibuprofen twice a day, with Tramadol if pain is very bad. I would ask your doctor what he/she recommends if you have bone pain. Mine in part has nothing to do with treatment--I had spine problems going into this. Being proactive with the mouthwash and brushing has worked okay so far.

    (6) I have a weird fear of (or maybe distaste for) the big D. I've been surprised to read about so many women dealing with constipation. Specifically for Taxol + Herceptin, did you have any bowel effects? Anybody prophylactically take Imodium before infusion?

    So, week 1, I had D. Like crazy. Like OUCH. I called and was told to double up on Imodium (i.e. 2 pills every 6 hours). That stopped the issue. This week, I was advised to take it before infusion and use one tablet every 6-8 hours or 2 if that wasn't working for the 3 days following. No problems at all this week--things are "balanced" in that department. Despite the D, my electrolytes were good, probably from all the drinking of water and clear juice, etc.

    (7) I know exercise is important and will do my best to keep up with my routine, but is it weird to exercise the same day as an infusion?

    I'm probably not the best person to answer this as I did not have an exercise regime before treatment. I tried to walk a mile per day or more (i.e. 3 short walks daily), but between the spine and a crazy work schedule, it was hard. Currently, I'm trying to walk 3/4 a mile most days, broken up into short walks, but I had a tough night on Thursday and only managed half a mile on Friday. I guess the important thing was I did take 3 short walks plus went up and down stairs several times.

    (8) I'm thinking maybe just an iPad to watch some Netflix or whatever? And maybe the newspaper? How much can you move an arm with an IV in it?

    I guess it depends on where they start the IV? (I'm an awful stick on a good day). Since I've got a port, I'm not sure. But yes, I take headphones and my iPad and watch a movie. I'm usually too sleepy to read, but too wired from the steroids in the pre-chemo infusion to sleep. So, I re-watch a movie I've seen before so it doesn't require much thought, lol.

    Thus far, my pattern has been: Infusion on Tuesday afternoon (I do a couple hours work that morning), feel good (and do 8 hours of work from home Wednesday), start feeling like I have the flu on Wednesday night, tired/achy/"off" on Thursday and Friday (I scrape together 7 hours of work between the 2 days--usually a conference call, webinar, or grading), feeling okay on Saturday, and feeling pretty normal Sunday and Monday (also do 8 hours of work from home). I am currently restricted to 25 hours of work a week by my doctor and have a telecommuting agreement. It is working fine for me, and I have always completed my work for the week, but my boss has thrown up some challenges despite FMLA, and that has been a real stress point.

    Hope this helps!!!


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Welcome, Ingerp. I can't speak about the meds you'll get because mine are different, but I just had my first chemo on Friday, so I can help with that.

    I wore sweatpants and a long-sleeved v-neck shirt (I have a port). If you don't have one, I'd suggest shorter sleeves. I brought a blanket and they also provided some. I'd recommend checking to see if your Taxol can have peripheral neuropathy as a side effect. My meds do, so I iced my hands and feet during my Adriamycin infusion to help prevent that, which is why I brought my own blanket. I ate normally the night before, but I wold definitely eat before you go in - you'll be there awhile. I brought snacks, they also supplied snacks, but your Dr may not. Drink, but watch how much you re drinking above your normal amount. I ended up in the ER because I forced myself to drink 3 liters of water in about 6 hours and had trouble peeing, which brought my sodium levels down. I'll lower that to 2 liters and drag that out through the day next time and will also add in some Gatorade. I'm taking Claritin because of my Neulasta (and Pepcid for the same reason), but you shouldn't need to if you're not getting Neulasta. I've been doing the 3x/day mouth rinse with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp baking soda and have had no mouth issues yet. Biotene mouthwash has been recommended a lot on these boards for any mouth issues. As for exercise, I'm a runner and I was pretty tired after the infusion. I would have felt comfortable to run, so I think you should do what your body says is okay for you. My MO says "live your life" so we went out for Mexican food last night because I wasn't having mouth issues or nausea, so I'll do it while I can! I'm keeping Zofran (for nausea) handy and taking it at night, but so far haven't had a problem with nausea, As for wifi, everyone was either sleeping or on their tablets while I was in treatment. I wasn't because I was icing my hands, so I brought a kindle that has text-to-speech and listened to a book. The one infusion was about 20 min,, the other was an hour, so you can go to the bathroom in between, There was about a 5-10 min gap between one infusion and the other, so you'd have plenty of time. My treatment room had a restroom right by the room. I can't speak to the Big D because I suspect my meds are constipating, but I've seen on the boards that Immodium seems to take care of it if you get it. RE: your reunion - I hear days 3-5 are the worst. I had my chemo on Friday (this is Sunday) and I'm fine, just feeling sluggish. Again, your meds are different, so YMMV. Good luck!

    astynanax66, no they didn't tell me about Claritin and general pain because I didn't think to ask. Did it help when you took the second dose of Claritin? I'd say if it's helping you, why not take it for the first few days?

    DebAL, I have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) today, I'm assuming that's the Neulasta. I know I read that someone else had it for a few days, I'll have to do a search to see what gave it to them. Other than that and feeling a little "slow" (less energy), I'm doing much better than I expected. Sure hope it continues!

    Silly question - how are you all counting your days? I had my chemo Friday - is that Day 1? Am I on Day 3 now that it's Sunday? Since I hear most people seem to have their bad days on Day 3-5, am I there yet or will tomorrow be acutal-full-Day-3 and I might still be doomed?

    Hugs to you all! <3

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    GA Warrior, I hope the tinnitus gets better for you. I kept a pretty detailed log last time Hoping to refer back for tomorrow's treatment. Doesn't mean it will be the same but sometimes patterns do emerge. Personally, day of chemo is just that. I count day one as the the next day. That's just me. I go in for my neulasta shot the next day on my "day 1". Hang in there and get your rest since you are slow today. I'm so glad it's better than expected.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    asty/Dee--yes--that is *wonderful* specific information. Good to know Imodium worked for you. I've read horror stories about women with sore bums and everything--like in my head the D is so bad that Imodium doesn't control it. Imodium and I are old friends--I take it quite a bit, more to stave things off than to treat. I did hear from another poster that Claritin is for the women getting Neulasta, which I don't think I'll need. Good to hear your pattern of good/bad days. I really think I'm leaning toward moving my Wed afternoons up to Tue after the first week or two, or possibly even Mon. I do have a big reunion after #3 (that I've already paid for! and it wasn't cheap!) with events Fri and Sat that I'd really like to go to!!

    GAWarrior--thanks very much. Good advice and it does make me think moving my infusion day ahead will be better for me.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28

    Hello! TOPIC: TINNITUS!!!! LOL

    Im sorry- but i swear Im losing my mind after only one A/C treatment. I have tinnitus - and its driving me crazy!! I think I am seeing this elsewhere on the post as well - GAWarrior? I have talked ( via never-ending calls/ no return etc) with my CNP and MO who basically could care less because Im "clinically stable and A/C doesn't cause tinnitus". Period. Honestly I am considering going to a different MO-treatment center if it would even be an option.

    I spent 2-3 days on the phone and got a ENT appt tomorrow. My main concern is it getting worse next Thurs with next treatment. I am also worried it could be the Neulesta or any of the anti-nausea meds.

    I am very interested to hear soon ( no pun intended) any one else experience with this.

    Thanks so much!

    I also can't figure out where - how i put in diagnosis

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi ElizB, my tinnitus just started today. My first AC was Friday and my Neulasta was yesterday so I'm not sure which is the culprit, although it's not listed as a SE of Neulasta. And it's just in my right ear. I did a search on the forums for "tinnitus" and see MANY posts about it. Caroboplatin CAN cause it (it's listed as a Carboplatin side effect on WebMd, which calls it a "serious side effect" and says you should tell your doctor asap). It doesn't seem to be a SE of the other meds (Zofran, etc).

    For some people, it goes away, for some it comes and goes. One person said her MO told her that there is sometimes fluid buildup in the ear that creates it. Some said acupuncture helps, some say yoga and specific poses help with it. One person said they decreased her AC because of it and one mentioned only having 2 of her 4 treatments due to it. Not sure what to do about mine - I sure don't want to cut back on treatment, especially with TNBC.

    To put in your diagnosis, go to your profile, then to the My Diagnosis tab. You click on Add Diagnosis to put everything in your signature. You can do the same with your treatment.

    Good luck tomorrow!

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi GAWarrior,

    I think the Claritin may have helped, so yes, I don’t see why I shouldn’t take it (I’ll ask). I’m not sure on counting, but if chemo was day 1, 3-4 were definitely the worst, with a good day on day 5. Sorry about the tinnitus—very frustrating


  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28

    Thanks GaWarrior! My first treatment went pretty well too- and it seemed to be the worst days were fatigue and feeling like I had the flu. Sounds like you are doing pretty well. I have been researching the tinnitus too- and don't want to interfere with treatment. I had mild tinnitus before my treatment for years but it was doable- I'm 55 and it started in my mid to late 40. It wasn't bad and doctors never would say much. I’m on bp meds and it would come and go

    Keep us posted on how's yours is. I hope it subsides soon

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hey ElizB,

    FWIW, my tinnitus went away when the nausea finally kicked in last night and I took my Zofran (which took 1.5 hours to start working, ugh). We'll see if it comes back this morning after I take the Claritin and Pepcid. I'll keep you posted. :)

  • linda2119
    linda2119 Member Posts: 60

    Oh, GAWarrior - sorry to hear about your nausea. That must've been a long hour and a half. I felt a little nausea on Saturday, but was able to nip it in the bud. My sister got me anti nausea wristbands (puts acupuncture-like pressure on the inside of my wrists). Not sure if there's anything to it, but I haven't been nauseous since I put them on.

    I've been feeling pretty good - still just waiting for the fatigue to hit, but I haven't felt it yet. I haven't slept well the last two nights - I feel like I'm just dozing all night. I had a lot of energy yesterday - did a work out with our trainer in the morning and then 9 holes of golf late afternoon! That should have made me sleep better!

    But - I'm getting mouth sores! I thought I was keeping up with the rinsing. I think I need to make sure my mouth stays moist. I live in Colorado so I'm used to feeling parched. I should have had hard candy with me during golf. Hopefully I can clear them up soon so it doesn't get worse.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Monday!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    I'm sorry about your sore mouth, Linda2119. I used to live in Colorado Springs, so I know how dry it is. Be sure to only suck on sugar free hard candy so you don't get cavities (which can happen in a hurry if your mouth is dry). While you have sores, watch out for citrus, spicy foods, tomatoes, don't use mouthwash with alcohol (Listerine). Grab some Biotene mouthwash (for dry mouths), some people swear it helps. Drink a lot, too, so you aren't dehydrated. Good for you that you could work out and golf in the same day!

    My fatigue hit yesterday. I took a few naps and went to bed early. Still managed to run/walk 3 miles, but not anywhere near the pace I'm used to. I was SUPER groggy this morning, but this afternoon is much better. The onco nurse thinks it's the chemo (I wasn't sure if it was the chemo or the Claritin, Zofran, etc). I'll be thrilled if I've turned the corner for Treatment #1!

    ElizB, my tinnitus is back (again, just in my right ear). The onco nurse says I need to tell the MO if it's still going on at my check in with him on Thursday because there is such a thing as ototoxcity and the meds may need to be adjusted. My ear feels slightly plugged, too. I was due for my routine chiropractic adjustment today (which I cancelled because I was feeling so yucky) - I wonder if that would have helped. My ear often feels like it has water in it when it's time to be adjusted. I'm only saying that because it might help you to get an adjustment if you see a chiropractor. Did you have any luck with your ENT appointment?

    FWW, the onco nurse says they count chemo day (the day it's given) as Day 1. Not that it matters! I just wasn't sure whether I could look forward to being through them if the bad days were usually 3-5. Sounds like I'm getting there. :)

    Hoping everyone's Monday was good!

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Hello ladies,

    Lots of good info in the messages above. Thank you all for sharing. I was super tired this time as compared to the first infusion. I count infusion day as Day 1. Then I have the neulesta shot 24 hours after the infusion.

    I had an appointment with my MO yesterday out of turn, as she will be out of town next week when I have my 3rd AC.

    Couple of things we found out in regards to SEs.

    My thumb nail and tounge are turning darker. My MO mentioned that generally people with darker skin tones will see these changes more. So if you tan easily you will see your nails, tounge even skin darkening with both chemo and radiation. She asked me to put some oil around the nailbeds at night and put on some nailpaint.

    If you have taken Zoladex you will have break through spotting for few days. (More than few days, in my case).

    Neulesta will make you feel achy and tired. Take mild painkillers and sleep through it😀, is what I did.

    I was sensitive to noise for the first few days and have ringing in my ears from time to time. I was more bothered about the sensitivity to noise and that went away after the 4th day.

    MO said the next MRI/US will be after I finish chemo until then they gauge changes by feel. She feels the tumor has softened. She also used a tape to measure. The first time the measurements she wrote were way more than what the scans say. MO says thats because when she measures by tape there is breast tissue and swelling from biopsy/ titanium clip placement. This time she said the tumor feels softer and the measurements were much lower than last time. I do not know whether its the chemo working or if its because the inflammation from biopsy/ clip placement going down. I sure want it to be the first one😀.

    ElizB, I hope you feel better soon. It is frustrating. As for putting the dx you need to click on My Profile on the top right corner, it will open youu profile page whereyou will see 4 tabs. You can update your diagnosis and treatments under the specified tabs My Diagnosis and My Treatment.

    Hugs to all of you. 🤗

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Wow! Lots of great information on this feed.

    Tomorrow is my first infusion of TCH. I've had a horrible headache all day so I'm not sure if that is from the prechemo steroids or just my body saying are you seriously doing chemo again. I sit here eating a very high fiber dinner. Sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans and avocado. Trying to finish up a lunch to take with my tomorrow and remembering that the food I ate during my last first treatment I avoided for a long time after it.

    Today I had a teeth cleaning and came home with a lot of goodies that should help with mouth issues. She gave me sample sizes Bioteen which will be great in my chemo bag, XyliMelts which are little discs that help with dry mouth issues and something called MI Paste Plus ( its a fluoride paste which I'll hold of using until my next oncologist appt). I had a lot of dental issues following my previous chemo (crowns and multiple root canals) so I'm willing to try anything to avoid those issues this time.

    Djt...What time do you go in? I'll be thinking about you.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    duffysmom Thanks for the encouragement. May the force be with us tomorrow. I went with the 20 tips, packed a bag, got sweats and a tee shirt layed out, and ice bottles in the freezer for bottoms of feet ( nuropathy) dread it. I was not sure about how to chip the ice...So the ice maker sounds interesting.i may try blender in the a.m. I actually had an idea today.. I washed some grapes, and halved them, put in a container to freeze them. They may work in place of small ice chips, blueberries too. I'm to arrive at 12 30, infusion at 2 00...So hoping my cooler hold things frozen that long. My significant other is telling me I'm overthinking it, and the center will have ice. But I have to be proactive. Took the RX 2 times today of the steroids, and walked my 2 miles. I have lots of biotene, and found some mouth lozenges to keep in mouth as you fall asleep, called Oracoat Zylimelts. Especially for dry CHEMO mouth. A lip butter highly recommended by another site called Korres (Amazon), and some hand cream by FirstAidReady, called ultra repair cream, antacids, Kleenex, Imodium, etc. I'm going to do this , We are doing this. And, This to, shall pass. Please let me know how you do.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    GAWarrior, how did you do how are you? I go for 1st tomorrow.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    GAW...Just saw youR new reply, good, glad you got through it...feel better soon. ..I cling to this board and all you friends, it helps, I am hoping some of my dread and depression leaves after treatment 1 tomorrow. Fear of the IV, pain and fear of the unknown. I use to think I was a brave sort, having heart surgery, bad divorce, natural childbirth several times, and riding my own Harley, raising 3 teenagers alone, and working as a laborer. NAH, I'M NOT BRAVE, NOT AT ALL.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    astyant66, fabulous post, thank you so much for your clear detaied info post, i did not know that the Neulasta is optional, heck, wth do i know!! 1 infusion tomorrow, 24th.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    duffysmom, 24th, tomorrow! Thank you friend. I appreciate that. I am very much on it with the teeth, mouth biotine, a, new water flosser, so on. Wow, I'm nervous.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    duffysmom, 24th, tomorrow! Thank you friend. I appreciate that. I am very much on it with the teeth, mouth biotine, a, new water flosser, so on. Wow, I'm nervous.

  • astyanax66
    astyanax66 Member Posts: 223

    Hi, all, sounds like some sorry about the nausea, GAWarrior—are you using tablets or melt away Zofran? Linda, I know I sometimes get busy and forget to drink water; if definitely makes a difference. Do give your doc or dentist a call; hate you have the mouth sores. Duffyzmom and DJT— thinking of you tomorrow! It may be that some doctors automatically include Neulasta; mine just wants to use if indicated, so it's different for everyone. I am not going to fib— walking into chemo was one of the scariest things to introvert me, but everyone was nice and helpful. That made a difference. You sound ready and prepared. And a Harley!! Supercool!


  • nimki9
    nimki9 Member Posts: 4

    Hi everyone! I did my first round of TC on April 6th and going this Friday for round 2. I think the worst side effect I had was the bone pain from the Neulasta and that got better by the end of the first week. My hair really started falling out these last two days so I did the shave this evening and I think it looks pretty good. Turns out my head is not as misshapen as I always believed. Im hoping round two goes as smoothly as round one. Fingers crossed

  • leli
    leli Member Posts: 25

    nimki9 - Im having my 2nd round of TC on Thursday. I, too, have been going through lots of shedding. I will be shaving the rest of my head on Wednesday in preparation for the next round. I, too, will be praying that 2nd round is similar (if not better) than round one. Good luck!

  • Frog-on-the-lilypad
    Frog-on-the-lilypad Member Posts: 159

    Duffsymom and DJT, hope you guys have an uneventful time with your infusions.

    Deb, how did your 2nd AC go

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    Hi Frog, #2 treatment went well. Walked 3 miles when I got home before a few days of rain here. Go for neulasta today and have my phone alarm set to take claritin. Ha ha. Hoping that's what helped last time. Mall opens an hour ahead of the stores so I will be a mall walker today ugh! I slip in an Aleve also. How are you doing with the shot? I hope everyone has a good day today.

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Thanks Frog-on-the-Lilypad. Slow start probably due to some scar tissue from previous chemo. I'm now on a pump and premeds are in and onto Taxotere.

    DJT - thinking of you as you head into your infusion. Chuckled at all the stuff I was carrying in with me. Looks like I could live here now.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 368

    Hi Y'all,

    Welcome, nimki9! Good luck on Friday. Good luck to you, too, leli - on Thursday.

    Frog - that's great news that your MO thinks the tumor has softened. My MO hasn't touched mine, so I doubt he'd know if mine changed. I'll have to ask about that at my followup on Thursday.

    I've been thinking about you, djt and duffyzmom. I hope your infusions went okay today! DebAL that's awesome that you walked after your chemo. I've been too tired to try it.

    I'm happy to say I think I've turned the corner from my first round of AC. Yesterday, I felt nauseous (yes, I used the Zofran, but not until I started getting nauseous - maybe I need to change that next time). I felt like I couldn't see straight (couldn't focus), was very groggy and lightheaded, and exhausted. By the afternoon, it had started to change and I felt better. Today, I was STARVING (i was forcing myself to eat these past few days) and my temperature was normal (it's been about 97.4 and I've been freezing). So, my bad days were from Sun afternoon through Mon afternoon. I can handle that (except being so tired is tough). I still have the tinnitus - how are you doing with yours, ElizB?

    Okay, let me say it...constipation. Not sure if everyone on AC gets it, but holy cow... Next round, I intend to start off right and eat lots of fiber and take a stool softener. Nuff said.

    We can do this, ladies!

  • maggie2
    maggie2 Member Posts: 240

    Hi All, I hope that I’m not too late joining all of you in the April Chemo. I just found out the other day that I’ll be getting my first treatment on Thursday. I’ll be doing TCx4. From the diagnosis back in November 2017 til now, it’s been constant surprises. Anyway, I have been reading all of your comments and would like to thank you all for offering such helpful tips. I’m going to be doing the penguin cold caps, which seems as if it will make the day of chemo even more stressful, at least until we get the routine down.

    I start Claritin and steroids tomorrow. I am so much more anxious about all ofthis than I was for the BMX in January and the partial nephrectomy in March. It’s been good to read so many positive reports from all of you.

  • ElizB
    ElizB Member Posts: 28


    I just read through all the posts Ive missed. Great information and motivation. And I concur - the first day walking into chemo is the terrifying.

    For nausea: My MO gave me Aloxi and Emend IV before my first treatment. I took the phenergan every four hours for the first for almost 4-5 days for nausea (with drowsiness!) but it kept it down I was not ever nauseous and napped( didn't have to listen to my ears ringing lol). I used Claritin for the bone pain (never had any). Im afraid of my second treatment because Im afraid it won't be as easy.

    I am really impressed and inspired by how much walking and exercise everyone is getting. I have walked a bit- I think i should try more to keep cardio status ok (with the A/C).

    GAwarrior- I was so happy to see your post that the tinnitus went away- but sad to see it returned. I honestly think that the fact it stopped for a bit is a great sign. The ENT said "of course the chemo caused the tinnitus to get worse- it is an assault to your body and your brain and nerve ending react to it" However could not say which ones caused and offered a few suggestion- B vitamins, noise/music at night (duh) and could try neuropathy meds- which my primary doc could prescribe. Thanks. So my one bright spot is my MD is awesome and met with me- he prescribed Nuerontin at night. He said its very safe and helps the brain cope with the ringing - started last night. I will keep you posted it I get any relief.

    Thank you all for sharing all your stories. I read and reread the posts and it helps me so much!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    GAWarrior - Constipation was one of my least favorite side effects, when I was on Adriamycin before. So this time I did a Senokot-S day before treatment and once again last night. Fingers crossed that helps. I've also stocked up on old fashioned prunes (one of the few things that worked for me last time. Stool softeners are really important to include because if not once your bowels start moving it will be like passing cement and hemrorrhoids are a big possibility. This time I also bought a ton of avocados.

    Side effects this time seem a little better but then again I'm a level 2.0 chemo patient. This time I started the Zofran at 12 hours post premeds. I still awoke at about 2am with extreme nausea so I supplemented with compazine and indeed to continue for the next 48 hours.

    Welcome Maggie2

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    hi everyone, and welcome Maggie.

    Duffys mom, hope your infusion yesterday went as best it could. Mine was actually a great relief. Not painful, amazing caring team, tons of info, got me ice for icing feet and hands, offered us both ,me and my boyfriend, snacks, soda. Gave me an full sized handmade quilt!! And knotted cap. They even gave me a digital thermometer a d hand sanitizer. I am So relieved this is rolling on, 1 down , 3 to go. I got the Neulasta pump but on my arm, instead of going back today. Taking claritain to ward off bone pain, the nurses were very pro claritan. Got a second wig lined up, and planning on my walk later today. Not gonna lie, i was beat last night after that first long day. Hope you guys are having a good day, prayers to all.