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oncotype dx roll call

adelozier Member Posts: 30
edited November 2020 in Stage II Breast Cancer

I'm looking to find out what's others oncotype was and wha t they decided to do.. How old were you? I've now read so much in regards to oncotype and know they recently changed staging of breast cancer based on the onco type.



  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032

    Mine was 14. I was 61 years old, and didn't receive any chemo, despite 2 positive nodes. But, I did not make the decision. My oncologist said chemo would not give me any benefit. So I dodged that bullet.

  • AdAstra
    AdAstra Member Posts: 51

    My oncotype was 17. Single mastectomy. No radiation nor chemo. Tamoxifen for 5 - 10 years. Dx at 42. Follow up appts with MO every six months.

    (This is my first post, but I've been reading the messages for about 6 months now. Thanks for the question that gave me a gentle way to speak up and say hi.)

  • kath1228
    kath1228 Member Posts: 26

    I am 54 now. Diagnosed 7 weeks before my 50th birthday. My Oncotype was 11 - so no chemo. Did lumpectomy, radiation and have been on anti-hormonals for 4 years (Tried tamoxifen and it didn’t agree with me, so on Femara since November 2014).

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    I was 46 and oncotype DX of 17. Lumpectomy and radiation. No chemo.

  • carmstr835
    carmstr835 Member Posts: 147

    I was 61 at Diagnosis. Onco score was 17 and 19. I had bilateral cancer. Both breasts. I did adjuvant Hormone therapy (arimidex) from March 22-May 15. Bilateral mastectomy and lymph dissection on right only, chemo and radiation. My oncologist did not want me to have chemo, but I insisted. I was very concerned about my lymph nodes that were extranodal extension. My 2nd opinion oncologist was very adamant I have chemo. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I am still on targeted therapy for HER2+ and will be completed with that in June. I won't be taking anti-hormone therapy when my treatment is completed in June.

  • MettaMary4
    MettaMary4 Member Posts: 2

    I have ILC with oncotype 23 age 66 so I was told that I could skip chemo but risk of recurrence less if I did both that and radiation. So I did opt for it even though no lymph nodes or spreading detected. I am 2/3 through my chemo. It has been challenging but did it for my children and need to keep working. After radiation I will have hormone therapy as well for a few years.

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75

    Hi! I'm 42 and had an Oncotype of 29, doing lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, and hormonal treatment. I think my low PR (5%) is a big part of the aggressiveness of the tumor and my MO pushing chemo.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    My oncodx was 34, and I believe it was due the absence of progesterone receptors. I was 95% er positive and barely grade 2. I didn't do chemo that was recommended but did 4 years AI drugs. I am year 7 NED.

  • MO-Beth
    MO-Beth Member Posts: 57

    Hi. I was 56 at time of diagnosis. Onco score was 19. After a long discussion and explanation with charts and numbers/statistics, my oncologist left the decision up to me. I chose not to have chemo. After I told the oncologist my decision, she said, "That's what I would have chosen too, if I were you."

    Radiation: No side effects. Letrozole: No side effects.

  • LiMa66
    LiMa66 Member Posts: 33

    Dx at 51. Bilateral mastectomy. 2 postive lymph nodes, one with extranodal extension. Oncotype score 16. No chemo but do start radiation first week in April. Started Tamoxifen March 1st.

  • Loki
    Loki Member Posts: 13

    Okate- I am 62, and chose lumpectomy done 1/29. My Oncotype is 29 like yours. Of course radiation and Aromatase inhibitors are part of the treatment plan. I had lots of delays- inconsistencies with test results from Her 2 positive to equivocal and then positive. Fish sent and then Oncotype. I had seromas that had to be drained a few times but finally went down and stayed. Then chemo was recommended as I have a high risk of recurrence and the Oncotype is 2points from the high range. Aftervstruggling with decision I am starting TC Wed. Scared on a lot of levels but inspired by all of you. Plan on working but concerned. Did you finish your chemo treatment?

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Member Posts: 155

    I was 48 at diagnosis, Oncotype 23, positive node. I was borderline for chemo, but docs recommended it due to the combo of relatively young age, intermediate Oncotype and positive node. Even though my cancer was grade 2, it managed to spread to a node fairly quickly. My tumor was caught on my annual mammogram, there was nothing there the year before.

  • mightygnat
    mightygnat Member Posts: 2

    I was 59 when I was diagnosed. ER 96%, PR 12%, KI-67 31%. Oncotype 31. Grade 3. I did chemo with no regrets. TC X 4. No more eyebrows but my head hair did grow back. I believe that no one really knows what course this disease will take, and I chose to use all the available tools.

  • OCDAmy
    OCDAmy Member Posts: 289

    Good thread, interesting to see the different treatment plans. I had a score of 18 but had a large tumor and 2 lymph nodes so I got it all, BMX, four rounds of TC, rads and now AI. I can't ever have regrets that I didn't give it my all.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    I was diagnosed at 52, but had the lump for over a year and a half prior. My score was 12. No chemo but there were micromets in one node so I thought I needed radiation, but 3 different radiation oncologists said no. BMX, Tamoxifen for a year, now on an AI.
  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76


    Do u remember ur er nad pr percentage???

  • letsgogolf
    letsgogolf Member Posts: 65

    I was 60 years old, Oncotype score 3. I had 36 radiation treatments which included lymph nodes due to 1 micromet. Now on Arimidex.

  • adelozier
    adelozier Member Posts: 30

    Thanks everyone ... keep it coming ... I saw an old thread much like this but it's nice to know what people are doing more recently ...

  • rgoossen
    rgoossen Member Posts: 16

    Onco type DX score 18, no chemo, radiation begins first week in April, followed by Tamoxifen. I am 53 years old

  • JadeShiva
    JadeShiva Member Posts: 23

    I was diagnosed just after turning 46. My onctypeDX was 12. I had a lumpectomy and an additional surgery as my margins were not clear. One positive lymph node with 2 mm macromet. I did 4 rounds of chemo, taxotere and cytoxan. 28 whole breast radiation followed by 5 boosts to the tumor bed. I started taking tamoxifen in January, 2 weeks before starting radiation.

    Finished treatments 3/22! I don't even know what to do with myself since I don't have a doctor's appointment to schedule around!

  • limnogal
    limnogal Member Posts: 100

    I was 56 at diagnosis, weakly ER+/PR -/HER2-, clean margins. Oncotype score a whopping 49. I did LX, brachytherapy radiation, TC x 4, and am 2 years into Femara.

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 773

    Oncotype DX score 17.   I was told they may push chemo at a score of 18 and if your are HER2+.

    I'm 56 had lumpectomy, starting radiation this afternoon, hormone therapy after radiation-which hopefully will help my other breast which is LCIS.  

  • gigibee
    gigibee Member Posts: 69

    age 43 , oncotype 15, lumpectomy, 23 full breast and 7 boost radiation treatments and hormone therapy

  • jkl2017
    jkl2017 Member Posts: 279

    Diagnosed with stage IIA ILC at 67 just a year ago. My lumpectomy was quick & easy & I'm more symmetrical now than before surgery. Oncotype was a low 7 so MO didn't feel chemo would help. Was fortunate to qualify for APBI with the SAVI & experienced only minimal discomfort from the device. Radiation was quick (4 minutes, twice a day for 5 days) with no pain or side effects except a little fatigue. I still enjoy eating a bit too much but anastrozole, regular exercise & wonderful grandchildren are keeping me healthy & happy.

  • ClareCo
    ClareCo Member Posts: 12

    I'm 53 years old. My score is 19 and I meet with MO this coming week to discuss. According to the oncotype report, there is no difference for me if I do chemo or skip. I did have one of three nodes affected... I'm hoping they say no chemo, but that's scary too!

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Dx at 49 yrs old a year ago. Oncotype score a 3. Had two sentinel nodes with micromets and MO ordered Oncotype. In the interim I pushed for ALND as I wouldn't have been able to sleep not knowing status of axillary nodes. 2 of 14 additional nodes came back fully positive. So 4 of 18 involved' nodes total including the micromets. MO and tumor board recommended chemo even though I was a very low 3 Oncotype as Oncotype relevant for 3 nodes or less. Chemo regime was changed though from AC+T to TC. I had four rounds of TC and then radiation. I was ok throwing all we could at it. MO encouraged by the 3.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Clareco, ask about doing AI drugs, post menopausal. I have seen studies that er+ and pr - cancers respond better than tamoxifen. Did you oncodx of 19, was that given you would take tamoxifen?

  • jallyson
    jallyson Member Posts: 13

    Hi, I was 47 when dx.  Had a bilateral mastectomy. No positive nodes.  Onco score was 10.  No chemo recommended.  Been on Tamoxifen for almost 3 years.

  • ClareCo
    ClareCo Member Posts: 12

    meow13 what are AI drugs? My oncotype 19 showed the same risk on radiation and tamoxifan vs. radiation, tamoxifan plus chemo. I finally see an MO late this week

  • Cnewcom
    Cnewcom Member Posts: 2

    I am new to all of this. I was diagnosed on 1/2/18, just before my 42nd birthday. My lumpectomy was 1/18. The tumor was 2.5cm, clear margins and 0/7 nodes. So I thought that was good. I am ready for my 4th and last dose of A/C and then I move on to the Taxol phase. My ONCA type was 53 and ER+/PR-/HER2-. I was ER+ by over 50%. Now I am a little freaked out because everyone seems to be low on the ONCA type.

    I am deciding on mastectomy or radiation. Any opinions on that with this high ONCA type? The secondary cancers concern with in addition to recurrence.