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Chemo Starting August 2018



  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    Hi LuvBng, I’m doing FEC. Going for round 2 on Wed. Haven’t had any issues that require icing. I think it is the Taxotere that might need it. I don’t get it till I finish 3 FEC’s.

    If your FEC reacts like mine there will be a week that you feel rotten, a week where you are kinda shaky and week 3 where I seem to be more like myself.

    Good luck with the start.

  • cefinkc
    cefinkc Member Posts: 54

    I’m on Taxotere and Carboplatin. The nurse told me only to ice my nails during the Taxotere. I’m not familiar with the FEC. Welcome to the board! Good luck on the 6th. Be sure you are stocked with all of the items you need to stay ahead of the SE’s. My second infusion is on the 5th.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Hello Sunshine 89, check this out: my chemo brain situation is always on 3 and 4 days post chemo, on third day I I felt good at noon and took my older kids and Mom and decided go grocery shopping g- bad bad idea, I start driving and in the middle of the road I felt fast heart beating and made a safe turn home... brrr... it was quite scary - good I didn't get out on highway!!

    Unfortunately chemo brain goes away on its own I hope it will go away soon...they don't want prescribe any supplements because of intereference with chemo drug but I heard some docs let you take vitamin D and probiotics- that what I will buy.

    Your regimen is different- let me know how you doing with 2 D chemo !! Will send you positive vibes..

    My hair are dry now and matted and I m using oil to moisturize it , I m also using cooling caps . Shedding as well ..

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    girls, who already lost hair- I m mourning with you but telling you- they will grow soon!!! Cheer up please!!! It s not the end!!!

    Cefinks, I am on taxotere Cytoxan and didn’t ice hands and feet only by head . They said it not usual on my regimen to experience that but I m reporting any SE to my nurse... good luck and less S E in September!!!❤️❤️

  • j_bluesky
    j_bluesky Member Posts: 15

    Good morning ladies,

    My first post on this thread.. I was posting on the other August thread. Today is day 17 for me. Started 08/17. Next treatment 09/07. I used the paxman scalp cooling cap, but have noticed quite a bit of shedding last 2 days. I'm really hoping I don't lose too much, especially after the money forked out for it. But I know it's not guaranteed to work. We shall see.

    My tastebuds were all wonky since I started treatment, but last night I had the first real metallic thing going on. It was so horrible. It literally tasted like I bit a prong off my fork.

    I missed the first week of work. Felt great this past week, so I went back, but it really wiped me out. I've been useless all weekend. Which I wouldn't mind if I weren't a single mom whose 10 year old came home from school sick on Friday... fever and all. I think part of my exhaustion is from trying to fight whatever she has off. Plus I started my period. Ugh. I was hoping that would go away. If I knew I would still get it, I would have asked to have treatment scheduled at the same time, so I could feel like crap all at once and get it out of the way lol.

    Emotionally I am a mess. I started seeing someone in April, and he was very supportive in the beginning, while waiting for diagnosis and even after. But then he disappeared on me. He called the day I had port put in to check on me and I haven't heard from him ever since. Well... I missed a call from him Wednesday, called him back but no answer and silence ever since. I know I have bigger things to worry about, but his call every night was the bright spot in my day that got me through.

    Anyway... thanks for listening ❤

  • keepmovin
    keepmovin Member Posts: 25

    kwilli- I agree that it’s now so visual for everyone. What a crazy thing to endure. I just know it’s temporary so it will be OK. My scalp itches and is really tender too. The wig hurts and the anti-nausea Med is giving me a headache. Went out for a while today with just my buzzed hair and did ok with that. l’m just too old and stubborn to care what anybody thinks. My DH thinks I look “cute” and that’s the on,y opinion that matters to me. I too feel hung-over and there was nothing fun about getting there! Hang in there...

    Luvbnggma- i’m Not icing so can’t help you with that. Nurses at infusion center didn’t think there was any science to say it would help but I would encourage you to keep asking. I’m not really having any neuropathy after 3 rounds of Taxol and Herceptin. Keeping checking in and good luck on Sept. 6th.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    bluesky- welcome here and sorry you going through staff you should not be going through..

    Here it is the place to vent and cry. Hope your daughter will get better soon.

    And for metallic taste please try Metaqil - many many recommended it here. Hope you will feel better ... Hugs

  • benji69
    benji69 Member Posts: 88

    Hair started coming out on day 13 after first A/C. I have been a trichotillomanic for 60 years so this is really weird for me. I have reached up to my head to search out the perfect single hair to pull out countless times a day forever. When I came away with not one but dozens of hair it was mesmerizing. I kind of enjoyed it for a while but finally the house was being buried in hair and I cut it off to 1/4 inch. It still comes out by handfuls but it is so short I can blame it on the dog. Otherwise doing well and the wbc's recovered.

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Hi all, Hope everyone is having a nice holiday. Day 11 since last treatment. Still continuing to lose weight. My new diet is juicing fruit, and yogurt. I am over meat it seems. My third treatment is on the 14th, that will be the half way mark. It seems so vary far away. Last treatment is on the 14th of Nov. Then two months to recover and off two surgery, lumpectomy is suppose to be off the table and Mastectomy is on, just don't know if we are doing one or two yet. Tumor feels like it is breaking up some, it was vary easy to go right too, now I have to feel around for it.


  • SarahNola
    SarahNola Member Posts: 45

    hi ladies! hope everyone enjoyed a long weekend full of rest.

    we just got home from the beach. It was really nice to get away with my husband and kiddos...I was even able to forget about about bc for a little while.

    we are having a head shaving party tomorrow. Sigh.

    Wishing you all a good week ahead and sending lots of love and light from New Orleans! 💕

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Bostoniangle25, get well soon. I know you are going through your rough time. May you get back to normal soon.

    SarahNola, so you are ready for friday ? glad you had wonderful weekend.

    J_bluesky, I am so sorry you are going through rough time. You will feel better with the passage of time. you can always come here to discuss your worries:)

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Keepmovin, you are actually looking cute in buZz cut :) I have headache from last one week which come and go...sometimes i take pain killers..i didnt comb my hairs from last 3 4 days...i know if i will do they all will come out :

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    sunshine - back to normal !!! Hope you are doing well!!

    My kindergartener in school today - first day!!! Home alone , part 3😄😄😄everyone is gone to school suddenly!!! 9 and 8 graders!

    Hope everyone is well!!!

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Sara Nolan- my fave Disney movie Princess frog!! Just feeling beautiful New Orleans vibe !

  • kwilli
    kwilli Member Posts: 94

    Hughope1 - so happy to hear that you're having a harder time finding the tumour! It's working. A ray of sunshine, that silver lining!

    We got to escape the house of cancer this weekend; headed off to the lake for a bit of nature therapy! It was a great feeling of normalcy. DH starts hockey soon; I am glad he'll have a weekly retreat from all this nonsense. Kiddos return to school Thursday!

  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 26

    Hi everybody! Glad to hear your updates and congrats to those who are moving towards or past the 50% mark. Yay for you!!!

    I did what the doc's office recommended and did a major chop to act as the in between stage since my hair was so long. I was able to cut off about a foot for donation and still have it be almost shoulder length for now. I'm now at day 12 and am noticing more strands of hair coming out when I take a shower. You would think this would make me go out and get a wig already, but I still haven't done so. I did try some on, but they just felt...weird.

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    I’m out to second FEC treatment tomorrow. Really nervous.

    Had an awful panic episode today when they did the blood draw. They were in so much of a hurry to get things done that they didn’t understand when I said I was scared I was really scared. After they said I should go see the psychiatrist for such reactions. Then they read the chart and found the PTSD diagnosis and a warning about syringes.

    If they hadn't left me in waiting room till the Ativan wore off it might have been ok. Now I have to go back tomorrow and I’m sure they all think I’m a fruit loop.

    Does anyone get out of this without going a little crazy?

  • cefinkc
    cefinkc Member Posts: 54

    Hello Kelly-Ann,

    I will be praying for you tonight — that you find peace, and sleep to strengthen you for tomorrow. I’ll be in the chair as well for Infusin #2. And I have had so much energy this past weekend! Head down — let’s get through this.

    KWilli — so good of your family to take you away!!!!! Nice!!!

    Maien — I can relate — getting my hair buzzed felt like a huge accomplishment. I wish I had enough length to donate. Good for you! Sounds weird, but I loved cleansing my scalp of all of my hair product build up. It was pretty knarly. I never knew it was there when I still had hair!! Now I love washing my bald scalp with some special shampoo I got at my wig shop. It is AWESOME. Feels so good!!!

    Sleep well everyone. God Bless

  • NashS
    NashS Member Posts: 6

    Hello Ladies,

    Recently diagnosed, just had a mastectomy and seeing this friday my MO for all the instructions on chemo and when we're starting.

    It is very important to have positive affirmations, to tell yourself CANCER CHOSE THE WRONG PERSON, and as hard as it may sound, see the positive side of every adversity. This is a test from life we must pass. Tell yourself everyday with faith that you will overcome this.

    Hugs ya'll!

  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 26

    Welcome to the August club, NashS! You are very right...positive thoughts are important :)

    Hugs to you too!

  • keepmovin
    keepmovin Member Posts: 25

    Thanks sunshine- going more bald now so “cute” factor is fading! Wore wig for 5 hours yesterday afternoon at work for first time - big time headache! Ripped it off as soon as I got to the car!

    Down and out today so taking next 5 days off of work for sure. Next infusion is Friday-#4. There’s no letting up at this point. Seems like a long trudge ahead. NashS- you are right about the positive affirmations-thanks for the reminder.

    Hang in there Kelly-Ann and cefinkc- we can do This hard thing

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Nash welcome ! I always think that positivity helps fight!!! We all should be strong and get healthy!!!!

    Big hug to all!!!

  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 26

    So this is really random, but I'm trying to improve my good gut bacteria since chemo is pretty much obliterating it. I've been taking probiotic pills and I don't generally like sauerkraut. However, I did find some organic Garlic Dill Pickle Kraut by Farmhouse Culture at Target. The dill pickles really help mask the flavor (for me) and I'm able to eat it as a small "side" with various meals. Just thought I'd mention it for those who might be interested.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    maiyen why you need to take probiotics with sauerkraut? I liove sauerkraut and take probiotic myself! Any other supplements on your table

  • TracyMX1035
    TracyMX1035 Member Posts: 2

    Hello Everyone! Myt name is Tracy. I am a single mom of 2 boys... a 19 year old with autism and a 15 year old. I had my first of 4 T/C on August 23rd. I started losing my hair on day 11 Shaved it on day 12. My son with autism said he did not want to be seen with me after I lost my hair but he has changed his mind now. So far the side effects have been manageable.... fatigue, achiness, a little neuropathy, tummy issues, headache and watery eyes. I work from home and have been able to keep up with that plus cooking & laundry. I have never been much of housekeeper so that remains the same.

  • maiyen
    maiyen Member Posts: 26

    Oh, I don't take them together. I was taking probiotics separately and was trying to think of ways to add more good bacteria to my diet without it being additional dairy products. I also take magnesium (helps with my migraines) and omega-3 fish oil capsules. Am also considering Vitamin D. What about you, Bostoniangal25?

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    maiyen , so I got you- sauerkraut it is fermented food - right?

    I m not taking any supplements yet because my docs say no during chemo, but was taking black seed oil as supplement but decided not to during chemo because it may interfere - no one does studies how different supplements change the course of chemo.

    But will start on Vitamin D and also ask if vitamin C will help during cold and flu season.

    Also read sbout apricot cernels and Chaga mushroom - have to research...

    Is fish oil is good by your oncologist? Please

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    Thanks for all the support today it really helped! Got through the day with lots of Ativan and a nurse that wasn’t in a big hurry.

    I think tomorrow I’m going to have some sauerkraut. I love to eat it but haven’t thought of it.

    Sleepy time now, chemo and Ativan all day have left me ready to snuggle in.

    Hope you all have a restful night.

  • cefinkc
    cefinkc Member Posts: 54

    Welcome to the board Tracy! We are on the same cocktail about 10 days apart. I had my second infusion today. Am still hyper from the Steroids, so got all of the cleaning I could get in yesterday and this evening. I was told by my MO who went through this herself that her second infusion went better as she learned from the first how to get in front of the SEs more.Unfortunately her latter infusions caught up with her and left her more exhausted. Everyone is different, but am keeping her experience in mind.

    I’ve had my Ativan, so heading to dreamland. Good night everyone! Carol

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    i was feeling headache from last one shaved my head to feel better ... i am already feeling better and i am like okay with my new look 👀...second infusion tomorrow. hope to have minimal side effects...

    how you guys deal with negative thoughts...thoughts of getting cancer back again and again...sometime i feel so positive and so good...but when i read someone's bad story or see someone dying of cancer it makes me sad and thn crying and to deal with such feelings. How to get rid of fear or recurrence :