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Chemo starting December 2018



  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Today, finally feeling well enough to get fresh air and sunshine.Tuesday was supposed to be Taxol #7, but after consulting with the on-call doctor regarding chest cough and breathing problems, chemo treatment was cancelled and CT scan ordered. Took all day, but eventually multi-discipline team concluded it was indeed radiation pneumonitis and not an infection. Taking prednisone now and am beginning to feel better. Grasping for air as my lungs were being squeezed was no fun.

    Was the first night of sleep without constantly coughing in nearly 6 weeks. Can't tell you how nice that feels!

    The treat for today was meeting up with a good friend for lunch. Thought I'd share a few photos.

    Wishing everyone a happy weekend.




  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,876

    Such a pretty headwrap, Angie.

    My MO believes good sleep is very important to recovery. He prescribed Clonazepam at bedtime, one pill, then another if I wake up. Glad they finally heard you.

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    so glad you are getting care that seems to be helping! May the healing continue

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Angie I'm so glad that your body is now getting the help it needs to get better!! Enjoyed your pics

  • lilliangish
    lilliangish Member Posts: 54

    Angie, I need to visit Amsterdam. Those pictures are so lovely, and I agree about the headwrap! Glad you are feeling better. Not breathing or sleeping well must have been miserable.

    I finished radiation yesterday. Woo Hoo! Now, the only thing left for me is medication and follow up monitoring. Meet with MO on the 17th, but am looking for a new doctor. Can't stand my current MO! hair is coming back to me. Not sure it's the same color as before, yet it is very dark and not grey. Maybe the sun will lighten it up. I see some trips to the beach this spring. I'll post pictures...they won't be as beautiful as Amsterdam, but San Diego beaches are pretty nice too!

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    Chemo day - 3 more left now. I increased my post chemo hydration from 30 to 75 minutes and may go back for more on Monday. The nurse thought that might help with the side effects, especially increased nausea and fatigue. Worth a shot.

    No neuropathy yet, but my nails are fugly! I may lose one thumbnail. The nurse didn’t think so, but only time will tell.

  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Hi everyone,

    Really felt so nice to be outside! Would have gone au natural, but it’s not warm enough yet. Though, spring has finally arrived.

    Mary, Nanette, and kber, you’re all so right. Getting good rest allows the body to heal. With all the poison we must pump through our bodies, the SE’s that we must endure, and other illnesses that we have to watch out for; sleep is our friend. Finally, a night of near uninterrupted sleep. 🙂

    Lillian, congratulations on finishing radiotherapy!! it is nice here, but I’m certain San Diego is absolutely beautiful! Great weather, spectacular Oceanside views, and breathing landscape. I too am thinking of changing MO after finishing chemotherapy. I often don’t feel she is listening to my concerns. When I first recognized chest cough was more than just a cold/flu; it still took nearly 5 weeks for her to determine that this was more than just a chest cold. I will still be taking prednisone for up to 10 weeks! And hopefully, this will not become a chronic situation.

    Always so nice to hear from you all. Wishing you well. Hugs.


  • anx789
    anx789 Member Posts: 241

    Angie, love the head wrap, too.

    I met with RO yesterday, no radiation needed. My MO referred me to RO because my Oncotype score is 50+, but since no lymph node is involved, RO said radiation is not going to benefit me, so treatment is officially over for me. I just need to find out if I’m taking Tamoxifen or AI on my next appointment on 4/16. With regards to my current SE, (I’m 3 weeks post last treatment), I still have leaky eyes, stomach acid, low stamina, and my legs are a little sore in the morning.

    I’m going back to work on Tuesday after almost 5 months. I’m looking forward to it, looking forward to feel normal again.

    After what we went through this winter, we will all have a great summer! GOD bless all of us and CHEERS to us!

  • BeckyJL
    BeckyJL Member Posts: 81

    Wow, so much to comment on! Angie, very glad they got your breathing sorted out and happy to see you out and about on a sunny day!

    Kber - my nails are fugly too but they tell me I won't lose them. The dermatologist had a different opinion. He thinks I'll lose at least one of them, if not the three worst ones.

    Anxious, my leaky eyes started to dry up right around the 4 week post chemo mark. I'm 8 weeks since last chemo and have had dry eyes for several weeks now, hallelujah! The very sore legs started to diminish the last couple of weeks. That was weird and unanticipated. I haven't heard of anyone else with that other than you and me. Stamina is slow to return, but I've been doing radiation which can zap your strength too.

    But Friday, I rang the bell! I'm all done with treatments!!!!! Congrats Lillian for the same. Feels good. Except I peeled horrifically under my breast. Went from very little tan to full on burn and blister/peel within the space of three days on the last week of treatment. Now the armpit is starting to peel too. I'm very uncomfortable, but I'm done! Hubby brought me flowers and I brought the staff donuts. It was a great moment. And yes, Angie, I rang the shit out of that bell!


  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,876


  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Cheers Anxious and Becky for finishing active treatment! What an accomplishment!

    Becky, so happy to hear that you got to ring that bell! Going through what we must go through isn’t easy, so it definitely warrants a bit of a declaration!

    Anxious, if RO does not recommend radiotherapy, that’s another thing to mark off the list. Radiation may seem lighter than chemo, but it absolutely can also destroy healthy tissue. Rehabbing my lungs will take some time. Even walking still takes so much energy and breathing is still labored. But I’m starting to recover.

    A few more weeks of chemo for some of us and then we are on our way to healing. We can do this!


  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    So I'll state up front that I like the oncology practice I'm at, but nothing is perfect.  For the past few weeks I've had to go in to get Neupogen shots.  Because my chemo day is Friday and they aren't open on weekends, my Saturday / Sunday shots are given at the urgent care clinic that is attached.  At urgent care, they are on time, gentle, and caring.  At my cancer clinic, where I go for my shot on Mondays, they are consistently 45 - 60 minutes late, rushed, and frankly the nurse in charge of that particular activity is condescending and kind of cranky. 

    I'm going to ask if the urgent care clinic can do all my shots from here on out.  In fact I'm going to insist.

    I only have 3 chemo appointments left.  Lasar focused on that fact!

  • anx789
    anx789 Member Posts: 241

    Becky, talking about pain, I noticed that when I walked, I get leg pain right away, after walking half a block I will get a pain like I walked for several miles, same with my arms, I will get pain right away doing chores. I have also pain on my leg when bending. Is this the same pain you are experiencing? I have more pain on my left leg, I also notice all my SE are worst on the left side where I tumor was.

    This pain started before my last treatment and is progressing.

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    So as many of you know, one of my driving factors in finishing chemo on time is that I want to be able to travel cross country 3 weeks after chemo to attend my son's college graduation.  I've been struggling with fatigue the last several weeks and needed a pick me up, so I bit the bullet and bought the tickets!!  California, here we come!

    Mind you, I bought the insurance, too.  I'm optimistic, but not dumb.  

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    LOL Good for you kber!!

  • BeckyJL
    BeckyJL Member Posts: 81

    Anxious, sorry but no, that doesn't sound like my pain. I started walking again - shorter distances at first of course because I had no stamina at all. After the first day my legs were sore similar to when we would go out skiing after a year off. You hit the slopes all day then sit down for dinner and can't hardly walk because your muscles are so sore. Then I'd walk the next day, and the next and it didn't seem to dissipate for weeks like I expected it to. I mean, pre- chemo if I started a new work out and then continued I'd have sore muscles for a few days then they'd be gone; it just didn't get better for almost a month. Happy to say now, while the muscles still tire and I'm still dealing with radiation fatigue, that extreme soreness is gone. I hope you're discussing this with your docs! When I did, they basically said, give it time. I hate/hated that answer.

    Kber - Yaaassss! Just knowing you're going I bet will help you get through!!!!! You can look forward to seeing your son, celebrating a major milestone for him and you, and sunshine and warmer weather than Jersey (hopefully) ! I'm so happy for you!

    As for me, the radiation burn/peel has gotten worse, but I know this is a very short term problem. The last two mornings I walked 4 miles (bra less, lol because it irritated too much). It wiped me out yesterday, but I feel a bit better today. I think I'm pushing my limits here, but I'm sick of being tired, feeling wiped out. So I decided to fake it til I make it!

    As for the fingernail saga, haven't lost any yet, I keep thinking they're going to go. They look awful. Fingertips (some of them) feel numb? (best description I can give of this odd feeling). I've taken to wrapping the three worst ones in a bandaid, but honestly, I only think that helps keep me from using them or catching them on anything. I'm keeping them as short as I can but it freaks me out to trim them for fear I'm going to rip them off - they are quite hard.

    I have fuzz on my whole head. Eyebrows still sparse as are eyelashes.

    Otherwise, two days post all treatment - I don't really feel any different yet. Haven't really grasped I'm done but it's starting to sink in. But everyday is just a little bit better.

    Hoping you can all join me in post treatment stage soon, til then, stay strong!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,876

    My lower legs are so numb, I can walk on the treadmill at 2.5 mph for .80 of a mile, hanging on to the rails. Can't do that out and about. Maybe 1 mph for two blocks before I go kaput.

    I am going to keep working on the treadmill so I will be ready whenever the neuropathy starts healing.

    Luckily I have a scooter, and can get to the gym in good weather, cab otherwise.

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    Becky - life after treatment!  Sounds wonderful - even if it's not quite all wonderful yet.

    I have a bit to go after chemo is over - surgery and radiation - but am holding onto the hope that by doing chemo first I'm getting a hard part out of the way.  :)  If I'm wrong, don't tell me!

    Hear you about being afraid to cut your nails.  My thumbnails are definitely separating, but also quite hard.  I'm thinking I'll cut them after a warm bath - maybe they will be softer.  

    This morning I gave up on my eyebrows.  Until today I felt I had enough left to justify penciling them in without them looking totally drawn on. Today I realized that I'm kidding myself. I have no brows.  No lashes.  I'm getting fuzz on my head, which is encouraging, but invisible to anyone but me since I keep my head covered.  

    Ah well - I'm still around and kicking, the weather is improving, and the forsythia bushes are blooming out back.  

  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Kber, yay! You’re going to California to be there for your son’s graduation! A wonderful way to celebrate both your achievements! Granted, chemo fatigue may be a hinderance at times, be gentle with yourself and rest when necessary. The sentimental values will more than make up for the fatigue.

    Becky and Mary, onco nurse also warned me of muscle fatigue from the accumulation of chemo. She did say it could take months to recover. Finally went to rehab fitness on Monday for the first time in 5 weeks. Was definitely a bit harder. Could only bike for 5 mins at just 50 watts. Previously, could do 70watts, 4 min, 90 watts 2 mins, and then 70 watts finishing 4 mins. These past 6 weeks have really taken a toll on my lungs and body.

    Luckily so far, nails are hanging in there. But who knows after finishing Taxol. I hear they still may fall off. Beginning to see baby bird-like hair sprouting. This will take months I’m sure.

    On prednisone, a corticosteroid. It’s working to reduce lung inflammation from pneumonitis. Will take several weeks to recover. Lots of crazy SE’s. One of which includes wild mood swings. And with Taxol, depression also hits hard. I already noticed how easily frustrated I get over things. Trying not to take it out on the people around me.

    Fighting cancer is not easy. But we can do this!


  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,876

    I have two eyebrow pencils. The dark brown one I use to outline the general shape. A line from corner of nose to inside corner of eye gives you the inside end of brow. Corner of nose to pupil of eye shows you where the arch is, and corner of nose to outer corner of eye is the outside end. Once I have that line with the dark color, I use an almost blonde pencil to smudge and further define and widen it. My glasses cover the errors.

    My fingernails are fine, but it is anyone's guess as to what will happen with my toenails. My right toenails are almost as bad as the left toenails I showed you a few days ago.

    I have been afraid of showering regularly because it strips the natural oils. However, now, once I finish the shower, with skin still wet, I warm up come coconut oil in the palms of my hands, then smear it all over my body. Then I towel off. It may be rough on my towels, but I feel clean, and my skin is much better, especially my lower arms and legs.

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    Hi everyone Glad to hear you all in such good spirits!! Mary the neuropathy will fade some. I'm 6 1/2 weeks PFC and there are many good days now with both my hands and feet, but don't let me get them cold then I'm done in!!

    I have a lot of aches and pains from surgery. I woke up this morning and found both my hands neatly tucked under my head and boy am I sore today. I have DH on watch from now in and he's to wake me if I do it again.

  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Nanette, surgery is heavy duty stuff. It took me about 4 weeks to be able to move my right side with normal activities. I’m still doing Physio therapy to keep stretching it out. Plus, I also see a lymphedema specialist to breakdown the harden tissue from radiotherapy. Although, chemo right now isn’t helping that process too much.

    Hope you’re getting pampered as you recover from surgery

  • Flower216
    Flower216 Member Posts: 87

    Just popping in to say "hi"!

    Kber...First of all, that's great that you will be going to your son's graduation!!!!!! As for eyebrows, for me, losing eyelashes and eyebrows was almost as hard as losing hair. I felt being eye lash and browless, I looked sick. I went to Sophera and bought "Benefit  Foolproof Brow Powder". They showed me how to use it (practiced it a couple of times-but so easy) and I now don't leave the house without it. I actuall feel human again! Just today I see a few lashes and brows starting to come in!!!

    MC...You have a great attitude towards your workouts!! I do find when I go to Zumba (my addiction) it does wonders for my mental state!

    Nanette...sorry about your aches and pains. Every day of our lives is now a rollercoaster, but you can and will get through this!!!!

    Angie....hang in there!!! You are one of the cheerleaders of our group and as you said, "Fighting cancer is not easy. But we can do this!"

    Becky....congrats for finishing radiation!!!!!!!!! I have 12 more treatments, but there is an end in sight!! My head is also fuzz-it looks like it may be salt and pepper! Today I noticed a few eyelashes/brows starting to come through!!! But that unwanted underarm hair is growing!

    Be well everyone!! I really think we need to meet for coffee!!!!!

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    well my eyelashes are coming back. Left eye is further along than right but at least now I can wear mascara lol My head looks like a giant white peach.. so soft and fuzzy.

    I went to see BS this morning and she released to to care of PS. I asked about pathology reports and all of my breast tumors had dramatically shrunk... some to nonexistent!! 1 was at 3 mm but that was at 1.9 cm so I'm happy. Out of 4 lymph nodes only 2 had cancer!! Woowhoo!! Same cancer as in my breast so that's a relief. She thinks we've halted it she encouraged me to still get MO to be as aggressive as I want.

    She was pleased with my progress and range of motion and said I have exceeded her expectations 8) I left her office with surgical bra in the trash and a tube top bra made of a white mesh. She's sending me to lymphedema people to get fitted for a sleeve in case I need it with Rads. I told her left side (same as cancer) I have no problems with edema...its all on my right side. Hmmmm.

    All in all a good visit 8)

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    Nanette - sounds extremely encouraging!  Congrats on a hopeful doctor appointment!  And good luck on the next phase - keep us posted!

  • kber
    kber Member Posts: 243

    Nanette / Flower - how far from the end of chemo did you start to see eyelashes?  Just curious.

    My friend at work who had a similar chemo program to me has definite eyelashes and brows 2 months out, but she never lost her brows completely like I did.  

  • BeckyJL
    BeckyJL Member Posts: 81

    Nanette, that is very encouraging news. I hope all goes well, quickly and with few SE's.

    Flower, I'm curious about the brow and lash timeline too. No sign of any growth of either for me yet, although I noticed a few blonde hairs on my upper lip. Boo. I don't want that hair to come back.

  • Flower216
    Flower216 Member Posts: 87

    Nanette...great doctor visit!!!!!! YAY!

    Kber-my last chemo was Feb 5th and just today I noticed the very beginnings of eyebrow growth. I think eyelashes started a few days ago. I had lost all of my brows, and I would say 90% of lashes. 

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Member Posts: 412

    I didn't even notice my eyelashes falling out or gone thanks to that terrible runny eye nonsense from Taxol. But I did notice my eyebrows... that was a sad day.... lost over 1/2 of them. I used brow pencils and some days they are heavy lol DH says they have been returning for about 2 weeks... I don't see it yet

    Oh Becky!! I have the fuzzy upper lip too!! Of all the things to come back!! Thank goodness for lip bleach lol

    Thanks all for your support...Breadt Surgery is a big hurdle for me and I'm NOT used to being helpless or weighted on. I have to watch DH moods because there's a few times I've heard him grumbling and it made me want to cry. I've ALWAYS been the caregiver person I HATE asking for help

  • AngieInAmsterdam
    AngieInAmsterdam Member Posts: 120

    Nanette, very encouraging to hear your news!