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Chemo starting March 2019



  • Dawmar
    Dawmar Member Posts: 13

    Unbreakable thank you for your kind words. I just hope I am healthy and strong enough to travel and participate in such a joyous occasion!

    They pushed my 1st treatment of until next Wednesday because I didn’t get my echo done in time.

    The Echo was hard to endure especially since I just had my port put in the day before yesterday. Instructions from the tech “lay on your left side” nope! not happening ! “Put your left arm under your head” Again nope not happening! I did the best I could. I cried during the echo while trying to hold my arm as far above as I could, while she pressed down on my chest near where my port was just installed. But I made it through. Smile

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    dawmar. I am sorry you had to go through that. I often think that everyone making us do these things should have it done to themselves. How can they know how much a port hurts unless they have had one. I hope you can rest this weekend and you will feel so much better for chemo next week.


  • betterdazeahead
    betterdazeahead Member Posts: 37

    dawmar OH Man do I understand you on the echo!!!! I had gone to mine just after my foobie fill (tissue expanders) which alone is uncomfortable then trying to lay in positions where I haven't since before BMX. My left side is my cancer side and where my nodes were removed from. Laying on my left side was horrible and then onto my back flat - HA I could barely get up. I was trying my hardest but tears rolled out of my eyes too. For what should be a simple test was so very hard, that was the frustrating part to me. I wish there were a way for them to order an echo before anything is done to us BC patients so that the test could be the easy test it is meant to be. 

    Looks like there are a couple of us starting back to back to back next glad we all have each other! 

    XOXO ~Sophie

  • Unbreakable1
    Unbreakable1 Member Posts: 28

    Dawmar like the champ you are you made it through. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  • pokyspider
    pokyspider Member Posts: 59

    Hey all,

    Had my thyroid surgery yesterday. I was quite nauseous last night but they gave me a sleeping pill which knocked me out until this morning. Scar well on the way to making me a good contender as a Frankenstein double. That’s an oxygen mask on my head by the way - I haven’t been abducted by aliens.

    Pretty tender but I can eat and I’ve been for a stroll around the ward. They keep you in for a week here so plenty of time to rest before I start chemo on 20th.

    Hope you’re all doing ok!


  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Member Posts: 241

    Pokyspider— I was wondering what they had put on your head! Thanks for sharing, hopefully an “easy” recovery before starting chemo!

    Dawmar- so sorry you had to go through that! I was “lucky” and had mine before the port went in. I was still tender in places from surgery but nothing like what you experienced!

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    pokyspider. Thanks for the update! Looking good! Scars give us street cred! I hope you get some rest in the hospital.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    As a veteran of several skin cancer surgeries: you will be amazed how a scar that size can disappear!

    ILOVERMONT Member Posts: 23

    Hi All,

    I just got my Oncotype score of 51 which really shocked me. I already knew the test would confirm chemo since I got upgraded to Grade 3 after my lumpectomy, (not a nice surprise!) I start TC chemo April 3rd. Pretty overwhelmed but this community helps so much. I am SO glad I found out about the halo wig from before I cut all my hair off! Also glad I am getting away to Florida for the 5 days before I start...this Winter has been a tough one up here. I hope those that just started treatment are tolerating it well and good luck to those about to start. Would love to hear from other newbies who are starting in April. Happy Daylight Savings Time!

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Member Posts: 241

    Good luck and I am so jealous you get to escape to Florida! Didn’t get there at all this winter and I miss it! Kept thinking I would feel ok to travel but then the time got close and Nope!

  • sheila77
    sheila77 Member Posts: 17

    Good Morning all,

    I had my port placement yesterday. The process went well but I am very sore today. I was not expecting this soreness. I will definitely get some rest today. So anyone waiting to get their port placement - Beware of the soreness and plan your schedule accordingly.

    My insurance denied Neulasta, but they will pay for Fulphila which is biosimilar to Neulasta. Hopefully it works. It would be nice if it does not cause the bone pain! I guess I will know on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Remember to get your rest! Hope everyone finds relief from the SE's. This is the part that concerns me the most (SE). I got up in the middle of the night (3;30ish) to let my yorkie out and had trouble getting back to bed. I almost passed out, which was scary. (I use to pass out often, so I know what to do). I think my blood pressure dropped - maybe from the meds given during the port placement. I eventually made it back to bed and my husband took care of me. It just seems so silly that the things that we do normally will take a different meaning of "normal" while we are going thru this process.

    We are warriors!! And this to shall pass!

    hugs to all

  • betterdazeahead
    betterdazeahead Member Posts: 37

    pokyspider - thanks for checking in. I am happy to see you faired well with your surgery. A week in the hospital - wow - hey at least it gives you time to rest up and heal a bit.

    ilovermont - I live in FL. Have a fun trip down here it is going to feel like a heatwave if you live anywhere cold that is for sure. 

    shelia77 - I am sorry you are having any discomfort with your port. Last night sounds a little scary, so glad your husband was there to help take care of you.

    I hope everyone who started their chemo is doing well with minimal or NO SE and those of us getting ready to start this week are staying calm, cool and collected Winking

    I am being a good patient and listening to my team about not attending my daughters volleyball tournament today. Instead I bought tickets as a surprise to take my son on a date night. He doesn't know what we are doing but is happy he doesn't have to be stuck in a gym today.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend! XOXO ~Sophie 

  • LizzieAG
    LizzieAG Member Posts: 32

    hi everyone,

    I can vouch for the healing power of a quick getaway before this goes down for those who are able! I am managing to (almost) “forget” when this week will bring...

    Thanks for all the updates, sheila77 I get my port the day before chemo starts and I am hoping to go to my kids parent teacher meetings that night... might need to change my expectations!!

    Ilovermont I also had a pretty high oncotype. Was originally 49 then redone post surgery since changed from triple negative to Er+ with second bigger biopsy, but still was 39.... also grade 3. Making myself feel better with the reminders that all this means is chemo is very necessary and we are doing all we can do to handle it!!

    May the rest of the weekend bring few SEs for all who have started !!! I am returning to my state of denial for another few days..

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    Hey, March ladies. I am thinking of all of you starting chemo tomorrow and this week.

    Especially UFCknights’s Mom, batyaD and Shelia77 tomorrow. Just think, tomorrow you can say “one down.” It is going to be fine. Don’t forget your Claritin. Try to keep that bone pain down.

    I am 7 days out and am happy to say I seem to be through the worst of the SEs. I still have fatigue. And my mouth still feels and tastes gross, but the nausea is mostly GONE. The bone pain is also better. Not gone, but much better. So next weekend you should be feeling back to your new normal. I think I was feeling the worst on day 3 and 4. With 5 not being great, but so much better.

    Ya’ll check in tomorrow and let us know how it goes. Thinking of you all.


  • sheila77
    sheila77 Member Posts: 17

    Happy Sunday All!

    Jean - I am so happy to hear that you are doing better! It will be good to have one under my belt as of tomorrow!! I will follow your advice and go walk tomorrow after I am done with Round 1!

    I started my steroids and Claritin today so I am sorta on the train....

    LizzieAG - I actually went to a three year old bday party yesterday - I only stayed for a little while, but i did want to go see family. I think Friday night was just something that happens when I get anesthesia. You will probably be fine!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and got the rest that they needed.


  • ucfknights
    ucfknights Member Posts: 91

    Hi ladies. Tomorrow my mom starts her AC chemo. I had a question, she is getting her neustla injection the day after chemo, when should she start Claritin for bone pain. I also heard some SE is neuropathy. What are you ladies doing for and to prevent. How’s has the neuropathy SEs been? Anyone please private message any info and things that have helped you.

    All the best to everyone :)

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    hey, Ufcknights, I started my Claritin Sunday morning. (And has chemo on Monday) And still had some pain. I might try Saturday next time. Have her take it tonight with her steroids.

    I did cold therapy on hands and feet. I bought socks with inserts and gel filled mittens on amazon and used them during the treatment. I had thin gloves on to protect my hands from the ice. I changed them every 30 minutes- so I needed more than one set. I put them in the centers freezer in between so they can get cold again.

    My treatment center also had a freezer filled with gel ice blocks. So tomorrow you could have her put her feet and hands on them (wearing thin socks and gloves) And then you could research online for gloves, etc. you will need to switch the ice blocks every 45 minutes or so.

    No neuropathy yet, but I think it starts later during treatment. I think some MOs recommend B-6 for neuropathy. But they are all so different you should ask your Mom’s MO if they agree or not

    Good luck tomorrow. I hope it goes ok for her.


  • debrac
    debrac Member Posts: 63

    Hi ilovermont, looks like we are on the same schedule. I will start TC on April 2. My Oncotype score came back high too ....63! Even my MO was surprised it was that high.

    We are also heading out of town the weekend before I start to gear up, we are in California, heading to San Simeon to see Hearst Castle.

    Kinda had a melt down about wigs today, went to a wig shop. I’m blonde and most of the wigs were very black and totally not me. Almost prefer to skip the whole wig thing and just go beanies and scarfs.

    To all the ladies of the March 2019 chemo club ....Thank you, thank you, thank you for your posts and experiences. It’s helpful to get a preview of what we may be going thru. I don’t post often, but I would be so lost without all of your posts and comments.

  • Unbreakable1
    Unbreakable1 Member Posts: 28

    Thinking of you all this morning. Hope the much much deserved rest was attained by all this weekend. Here's to a successful treatments and minimal SEs this week. 🤗

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    Hey DebraC,

    Don’t feel bad, I had to go to the wig shop three times before even trying on (cried the first two times). Bought one, hope I have the guts to wear it when the time comes.


  • betterdazeahead
    betterdazeahead Member Posts: 37

    UCFKnights - That is the same treatment I am starting on Thursday. My team here said that if neuropathy is a SE it would more then likely occur with the T. I hope your Mom's treatment goes well today.

    Good luck to everyone starting their treatments today.

  • Dawmar
    Dawmar Member Posts: 13

    has anyone had problems with range of motion in the arm after the port was put in? I can raise my arm straight up toward my head and bend it. But if I lift, bend at the elbow an pull my arm outward towards my back it hurts. Been doing different arm exercises to see if it will help.

    My 1st treatment is Wednesday March 11and I must say ladies, I am absolutely terrified.

    DebraC - I bought several scarves because I personally don’t think I could wear a wig. I have bought nice costume jewelry and make up to dress up my inevitable baldness. I have cut my hair very short, while I have come to terms with losing my hair I don’t think I can see it coming out in hand fulls.

  • Dawmar
    Dawmar Member Posts: 13

    unbreakable - last night was the best sleep I have had since I found the lump back in December. I slept all the way through the night until my alarm clock went off at 4:45 in the morning. I felt really good today. Now let’s see if I can make it 2 nights in a row

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    dawmar. May not that specifically, but the port bothered me- hurt. Uncomfortable. For at least a weeek. I am 14 days out from it tomorrow and it is finally not bothering me. It will get better, I hope. And Wednesday will at least start the ball rolling. You will rock it I am sure

  • debrac
    debrac Member Posts: 63

    imageDawmar and Laurenc, I actually found a wig today! I think it will work for me. Two weeks ago, I cut my hair short to adjust, I had a bob before. This wig looks pretty close to what I have now.

  • betterdazeahead
    betterdazeahead Member Posts: 37

    dawmar - can you reach out to your doctor about the change in range of motion since your port was placed? I haven't had anything from the port but after my BMX my range of motion was quite limited - it got better with stretching but my doctor told me if I wanted them to they could order PT to help - maybe yours could do that for this. Good luck tomorrow - I am right behind you and start on Thursday (14th) with my AC+T.....I feel like it is such an unknown as to how my body will react which makes me most nervous. 

    How did everyone fair that started yesterday? How is everyone doing from last week? 

    XOXO ~Sophie

  • Solobroker
    Solobroker Member Posts: 13

    Hi all. 

    Had my first treatment on March 4th. Having 4 cycles of AC and then 4 cycles of, not sure if I'm spelling it right, Tamoxin, every other week so they say this week is my good week, and I do feel ok. Just dreading the hair loss to come but am prepared with a wig and beanies.

  • Unbreakable1
    Unbreakable1 Member Posts: 28

    Hey ladies, sending hugs to you all. Hope treatments are going well for those of us who has started and anxiety is minimal for the ones that has not yet started. I am in week two post treatment number one and feeling somewhat normal.

    Thinking of you all🤗

  • Fallschurchgirl
    Fallschurchgirl Member Posts: 62

    welcome solobroker. I am sorry you have to join us, but hope we can all gain strength together on our journey. I am glad you feel good this week. When is your next treatment?

    We would still like to hear from those who had their first infusion on Monday. And I know tomorrow and Thursday are big days for some. I hope we all pass the week with minimal SEs.

    I am doing well. I still have fatigue. And the weird mouth thing, but for the most part I am feeling pretty normal. This is my “middle” week and and my husband called it the transition week. I thought that fit. A translation from the yuck of week one to feeling good week 3.

    Please check in and let us know how things are going.


  • LizzieAG
    LizzieAG Member Posts: 32
    Welcome!! I’m now back from my getaway in Miami and just threw up... no, not an SE since my first AC treatment is not until Friday, my husband is calling it “the earliest case of anticipatory nausea on record”... I likely just over did my break from reality and am nervous for what’s to come. Port goes on Thursday. Will keep an eye out for all your updates and give one of my own from the other side this weekend...