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Diet and Nutrition - Together!



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Spoonie—I did a quick google search two years ago when my RO talked to be about it (she does IF for all of the other benefits) and learned there are five basic patterns that you see. Some you have a 5 days on/2 days off or 2 very restricted calorie days a week, . . . The first one listed was a XX-hour fast, which was basically skipping breakfast. That was easy for me to understand and easy to implement. I don’t actually count hours but eat a normal dinner, then only tea/coffee until about 11AM. Easy-peasy. My husband has recently jumped on the bandwagon. He was telling me today about an interview he read + Ted talk he heard on IF. Latest research is that’s it’s good for us in lots of ways. (BTW—one of my big treats when I’m on vacation is BREAKFAST!! Normally, though, I don’t miss it.

  • hodgepodge
    hodgepodge Member Posts: 15

    HikingLady, that shrimp salad sounds amazing. I bet it was beautiful!

    I am in a holding pattern which I'm counting as a victory right now. My mother in law has been in the hospital and rehab after a heart valve replacement. I made healthy choices but not enough exercise so staying the same. I'm just so happy that I didn't stress eat.

    I started a Yoga video series on Amazon Prime. I didn't realize that there were so many free options! I'm planning to do that this week and add some longer/faster walks.

    Love the pup pictures! They are so adorable!

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Member Posts: 532

    Thank you Ingerp. Did a bit of searching and found a study that seems to confirm the benefits of simply extending our nightly fast by a few hours! Woot! Every little thing helps! :)

    Prolonged Nightly Fasting and Breast Cancer Prognosis



    Rodent studies demonstrate that prolonged fasting during the sleep phase positively influences carcinogenesis and metabolic processes that are putatively associated with risk and prognosis of breast cancer. To our knowledge, no studies in humans have examined nightly fasting duration and cancer outcomes.


    To investigate whether duration of nightly fasting predicted recurrence and mortality among women with early-stage breast cancer and, if so, whether it was associated with risk factors for poor outcomes, including glucoregulation (hemoglobin A1c), chronic inflammation (C-reactive protein), obesity, and sleep.


    Data were collected from 2413 women with breast cancer but without diabetes mellitus who were aged 27 to 70 years at diagnosis and participated in the prospective Women's Healthy Eating and Living study between March 1, 1995, and May 3, 2007. Data analysis was conducted from May 18 to October 5, 2015.


    Nightly fasting duration was estimated from 24-hour dietary recalls collected at baseline, year 1, and year 4.


    Clinical outcomes were invasive breast cancer recurrence and new primary breast tumors during a mean of 7.3 years of study follow-up as well as death from breast cancer or any cause during a mean of 11.4 years of surveillance. Baseline sleep duration was self-reported, and archived blood samples were used to assess concentrations of hemoglobin A1c and C-reactive protein.


    The cohort of 2413 women (mean [SD] age, 52.4 [8.9] years) reported a mean (SD) fasting duration of 12.5 (1.7) hours per night. In repeated-measures Cox proportional hazards regression models, fasting less than 13 hours per night (lower 2 tertiles of nightly fasting distribution) was associated with an increase in the risk of breast cancer recurrence compared with fasting 13 or more hours per night (hazard ratio, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.05-1.76). Nightly fasting less than 13 hours was not associated with a statistically significant higher risk of breast cancer mortality (hazard ratio, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.91-1.60) or a statistically significant higher risk of all-cause mortality (hazard ratio, 1.22; 95% CI, 0.95-1.56). In multivariable linear regression models, each 2-hour increase in the nightly fasting duration was associated with significantly lower hemoglobin A1c levels (β = -0.37; 95% CI, -0.72 to -0.01) and a longer duration of nighttime sleep (β = 0.20; 95% CI, 0.14-0.26).


    Prolonging the length of the nightly fasting interval may be a simple, nonpharmacologic strategy for reducing the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Improvements in glucoregulation and sleep may be mechanisms linking nightly fasting with breast cancer prognosis."

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Spoonie--that's really interesting. I honestly didn't undertake this because of BC, but I believe an increasing number of health benefits are being associated with IF. I remember reading a long time ago that you can tell by the length of humans' intestines that we were meant to eat infrequent, large meals--like the big cats. I think most nights I go about 15-16 hours without eating. And while I gained some of it back while on chemo last summer, I lost about 35 pounds the eight months after I started IF.

  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145

    Hello friends,

    Been awhile since I've been on the board here. It's sad news, my dear husband was called home by his Maker two weeks ago as his lung cancer could not be controlled any longer. Heartbroken and so lonely for him. He was truly my sweetheart. He helped me so much throughout all our years together, most recently through my breast cancer.

    Mammogram for 6 month checkup is this week. I figure they won't find anything, and if they do, they'll tell me what the next steps are.

    Nutrition and fitness: it's been a struggle to get proper meals together on my own. Combination of being sad to eat alone and the fact that he did 90% of all the cooking. But I'm making a real effort. Whole wheat toast or oatmeal for breakfast, big salad w protein for lunch, protein and vegetables for supper, fruit for snack. I had a good yogurt parfait at the hospital that I'll try to replicate here at home: basic yogurt with fresh raspberries and blueberries and granola stirred in. It was something to look forward to.

    On the fitness side, have tried really hard to get out every day for my 1.4 mile neighborhood walk. It's something I've been doing for a couple years, on my own, so other than the necessary cattle prod to get out the door, it's easy enough to keep doing. Also it's good to run into neighbors/friends and say hello and chat.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    egregious I'm so sorry about your huge loss of your husband. My most sincere condolences. How horribly difficult. Good for you for prioritizing trying to take care of yourself. That must be very challenging, with all your grief and loss.

    DIET: My update is that I've lost 7 pounds. I would REALLY like to lose another 10 pounds to lower my BMI to a safer range (to protect against recurrence, so I do feel pretty motivated). I hardly dare say that---it is so stressful to admit this goal, in case I can't accomplish it!

    My eating plan is that I'm avoiding all simple carbs, eating more protein, and almost no starchy things (so I'm avoiding root vegetables, whole grain breads and brown rice). Plenty of complex carbs (all veggies that grow above the ground + fruits, but always eating them w/ a protein each time) I'm eating 3 meals a day and also 2 small snacks in between, always including some protein + a complex carb. When possible, I'm eating only during a 10-12 hour window, with a bit earlier dinner time that I used to have.

    I give myself 2 meals a week where I get to eat some of the Fun Things: a martini, some breaded calamari, a glass of wine, some delicious bread.... The rest of the time, I'm staying pretty strong on this eating plan. It has taken almost 3 months to lose those 7 pounds, which feels horribly slow. Or, I can say that the glass is half full. Yay for losing 7 pounds. It's a start!

    EXERCISE: Daily, I do 1 hour of Aqua Aerobics in the deep end of the pool, using resistance cuffs and foam barbells. Last week: 6 days of daily biking 15-25 miles a day on a biking/exercise trip in the San Juan Islands. 2 walks a week regularly, about 3 miles each time. I have a rebuilt foot which doesn't want to walk huge distances, nor on concrete, but Portland has a lot of forest trails just 10-30 minutes from where I live.

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187

    Egregious, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m holding you and your family in my thoughts. I lost both my parents to lung cancer. Kudos to you for keeping up with your food and exercise plan, but do be gentle with yourself if you slip a little. Check in with us when you feel up to it and let us know how you’re doing.

    Love and hugs, GreenHarbor

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515


  • InnaB2018
    InnaB2018 Member Posts: 766

    egregious, my deepest condolences.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239

    Egregious, sorry you lost you husband. When you are married and you each have different gifts it is so hard when you have to do all things by yourself as well as grieving through. Good for you for making effort to eat healthy, our hearts are with you as when things are hard in life that can make us distracted from good self care.

    I have been a stress eater and it is crazy for me to see how much I really over-ate. MyFitnessPal and a cheap fit bit with a Kohls cash coupon have been helpful, but I am only 5 days into it and not seeing any reduction yet. That being said the weight management NP said that I had too many carbs and not enough protein. Hoping this change helps. Take care everyone, we have got this!

  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216

    egregious- I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband.

  • dearlife
    dearlife Member Posts: 634

    Dear Egregious, I am so sorry to read that you have lost your husband. ❤️

  • hodgepodge
    hodgepodge Member Posts: 15

    Egregious, so sad to hear about losing your husband. Hoping you find peace in the coming days. So impressed that you are doing so well with eating healthy and keeping a regular routine! Such strength!

  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145

    Thank you, dear friends, for your love and support. Meals are really hard both preparing and eating. I say 'what would husband cook?' and then try to do that. Breakfast was (grocery store) ham quiche and OJ, lunch was a chef salad, snack was yogurt with berries, supper will be quality leftover salmon and broccoli from last night. There might have been a couple cookies sneaking in there.

    I walked into town and back for coffee with a friend, figure that's about 1.6 miles, a little farther than I usually go. Am trying to keep up with my daily walk almost no matter what. It's good to do with a friend.

    One step at a time.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486

    Hi everyone - finally checking in after being off the boards for awhile. Life just got busy after returning from our trip to Italy between work and friends and family and lots to do around the house... and my mother was in the hospital for 10 days (pneumonia) so I was helping my Dad and caring for her when she was released. She is recovering well now so all is OK.

    First to EGREGIOUS - OMG our hearts are with you dearest friend! I can not even fathom what you must be going through. I come from Thailand and they say in Thailand that our loved ones are with us still, just looking after us from another plane. And I've had some interesting life moments where it really felt like this was the case. I believe your husband is still with you in that way. I have so much respect for you for staying strong and focused on one day at a time forward.

    Enjoyeverymoment - I use MyFitnessPal too, just be patient with the weight loss and remember it will come, and it's better coming slowly bit by bit as that's more sustainable in the long run.

    HikingLady - very impressed that you've lost 7 lbs! When I was losing weight I had also cut carbs but kept fruits and vegetables and had plenty of protein. I really need to get back to it and you inspire me.

    Ingerp - you inspire me as well with your 35 lb weight loss over 8 months! I had lost 30 lbs post diagnosis but then gained 5 or so back... so... still pushing. I'm starting to do the intermittent fasts and breakfast for me is closer to 11am.

    Spoonie - I've read some of your updates in the other thread and plan to respond more personally and directly to that. Really really thinking of you during this time and glad you have a good PCP at least and hope that you can figure out what's going on with the swollen neck and nipple for you, also relieved it's looking now like it's not a recurrence, so the little things. Stay strong. I will catch up more on the other thread.

    Hodgepodge - I have Amazon prime, maybe I will try that yoga series! I used to be good with these Yoga Booty Ballet videos (yes that's a thing and it's awesome) but they are old VHS tapes and they finally broke. So I have to find my new thing now!

    GreenHarbor, Dani, InnaB, DearLife and others - hope you are doing well and now that I'm back, here is a hello from Domino and Tucker!

    Will post more this weekend as I've been trying these different food delivery programs (I work a full office job during the week so trying to figure out how to get healthy options in with that) and I will post my thoughts on these this weekend. I went gung ho trying Freshly, HungryRoot, Daily Life and Sakara (actually did a 3-day detox with Sakara) so more on that later... moral: probably not going to go with a food delivery service and just be more diligent about pre-prepping things for the week ahead on a Sunday.

    In the meantime, here's a very concerned and empathetic Domino and also Tucker showing that everyone should relax like him this weekend.



  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216

    Welcome back pebbles! So nice to see those pups and to hear from you. I will be interested in hearing about the food delivery services, I have always wondered if they are worth it. It will be nice to hear your reviews! Maybe you can share some meal- prepping tips with us😁

    I totally fell off the healthy eating wagon on vacation. I had lost 22 pounds but have not weighed myself since getting back. Pretty sure I gained a few back. The smothered tater tots and something called a drunken burrito were worth it though! I will just hit it a bit harder at the gym. We all need a cheat week right, is that a thing?

    Egregious- Thinking of you and sending you hugs and support. Let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.

  • hodgepodge
    hodgepodge Member Posts: 15

    Ugh... not been making great choices. The heat is making me feel like a limp noodle! Getting back on track firsts thing in the morning!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    So--I realized last night that I don't eat enough *good* food, but really don't eat much *bad* food. Veggies are still my downfall--there just aren't any that bring me any pleasure. But I'm pretty low carb, have kept up with my 2019 resolution to cut back on sugar, have stuck to only drinking when I'm out or entertaining, . . . I vacillate between thinking overall I'm doing pretty well and thinking geez I could be doing better. I just posted on another thread that I'm avoiding the scale--trying to focus more on health than weight. (I know--that's the easy way out!!)

    (Dani--you *definitely* get a pass for vacations. I mean cutting yourself some slack now and then is important to mental health!!)

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187

    Me too, hodgepodge!! My husband and I were at a family reunion last weekend. On the long drive home, my “lunch” was a bag of Fritos and a Kit Kat bar. Ugh....

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486

    Oh I love this solidarity that a few of us fell off the healthy eating wagon especially after or around our vacations. That's part of why we have this thread! I feel a little better knowing we all do this lol.

    Dani - thx for the welcome back! Cheat week totally allowed. I have a friend who got really fit and he gives himself cheat days every weekend and is good during the week so that might be a way to do it!

    And yes, I will post about the food delivery services and some meal prep tips this weekend. You and I both work and my goal is to find the simple yet effective solutions for us working women! (And non-working too!)

    Hodgepodge - feeling you, and this heat! Were you able to get back to the track? I finally did a gym workout during my lunch break and it felt great, and I was tired before and energized after, so will probably work that into my routine now.

    The one thing about working out is that it's so hard before but I haven't seen anyone regret it after! Nobody says darn it, I worked out LOL - everyone I know usually feels pretty good after a workout!

    Ingerp - I'm with you, I need to figure out ways to get more veggies as they are not my 'go to' food. I like fruit, but not veggies. I've recently discovered boiled carrots are a pretty yummy snack and boiled carrots wrapped in honey maple turkey slices even better. I thought I hated salads but with the right dressing and some wonton crisps or croutons they can be OK.

    GreenHarbor - I gave in to temptation and had gummy candy today, I hadn't had it since the diagnosis. I think it's all allowed, if we are overly strict, we aren't enjoying life. So maybe it's a matter of balance, an 80/20 or 70/30 rule of mostly healthy with some treats?

    Anyways I will post this weekend on my impression of the food delivery services I have tried! Just a quick check in also because this cuteness happened when the pups got groomed.



  • hodgepodge
    hodgepodge Member Posts: 15

    PebblesV I LOVE your comment about people not regretting working out. I always dread it but always feel great afterward. -just have to break free of the inertia!

  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187

    I went for a nice walk this morning- about 30-35 minutes. I kept procrastinating, but felt great once I got out the door!

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486

    Yay GreenHarbor and thank you hodgepodge!

    So ladies I did it! I worked out today during my lunch break when I totally felt like napping instead (late night last night). And I have to say, I felt so GOOD and ENERGIZED after the wiorkout! I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and am so glad I did.

    So, baby steps, my goal is to do these lunch workouts 3 times a week, maybe I can work up to 4 times a week. I did it twice this week to get started, the other workout was more strength training.

    These are my tips that helped me get motivated before and during the workout! Keep in mind that I was exhausted today pre-workout - post workout actually gave me a second wind for the rest of the work afternoon.

    1. SET SMALL GOALS. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical but I wasn’t going to do the elliptical at all and then decided to just do 15 min with a 5 min cool down. At 20 min it felt pretty good so I kept going!

    2. SWEAT FEELS GOOD. Before the workout and in the first 5 minutes, I was feeling like I didn’t want to sweat. 10 minutes in and that heart-pumping sweating feeling actually made me feel stronger and more energized! I reminded myself to remember the feeling... for tomorrow when I won’t feel like sweating again.

    3. KEEP IT INTERESTING. I listen to my workout music, was looking around at what other people were doing in the gym, and kept changing the levels because without it I’d get bored with the monotony of an elliptical workout and not do it. I had to keep changing it up my way.

    4. YOU LADIES MOTIVATE ME - Before I went to the gym, I really really didn’t feel like going. I seriously considered napping in my car during my lunch break, I was that exhausted today! But then I thought I don’t want to post that I didn’t do it, I want to post that I did it, so I marched my little self over to the gym during my lunch break because I was motivated by all of us trying to motivate ourselves to do this!

    5. DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY. I’m still finding my groove there, I don’t mind the elliptical when I have my headset on, I like the weight training too. I’m not a runner so you will never catch me running on a treadmill. I went swimming last weekend as I like to swim, and I like to dance but more on my own than with some workout instructor unless I like their vibe/moves.

    So, this was me BEFORE working out:


    And this was me AFTER the workout!


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Good for you, Pebbles!! I agree with starting small—much easier to stick with. Just re: the elliptical—I do 30 seconds of backwards every two minutes. Not sure why but it makes it more tolerable to me.

  • hodgepodge
    hodgepodge Member Posts: 15

    Best pictures Pebbles!!! I did the same yesterday. I had a similar experience yesterday. I started my workout grudgingly and when I was done and sweaty i felt a glow of energy. For the rest of the day every time I started getting overwhelmed by all the things I hadn't gotten done I could smile and think, "Yeah, but I did take care of my body and worked up a mean sweat!". I really like the way you intentionally reminded yourself to file away that feel good feeling that you got post-workout for the next time you don't feel like getting started. Getting started is always the hard part. Now if only I could stop snacking at night. Baby steps.

  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145

    Dear friends,

    Thanks for the love and support both during my cancer and recently at the loss of my husband to his own cancer. My sister sent me this: "My mind still talks to you, and my heart still looks for you, but my soul knows you are at peace." How life can go on without him here is difficult to understand but I am trying. Kids and grandkids cheer me up and friends have been wonderful as well.

    Am doing pretty well with the daily walk. Need to get back into stretches and balance and doing things for bone strength like side leg lifts. Nutrition is mostly good with some backsliding. I'm trying to have mostly healthy snacks so at least I'll reach for something that isn't bad for me. One sister has diabetes and one is pre, so sugar level is definitely getting my attention. I think I'm getting enough protein and calcium, but need to step it up on vegetables and fruits.

    Always glad to hear all of your ideas for keeping in good health. It's a lot of work!

  • purplecat
    purplecat Member Posts: 227

    Egregious, I'm so sorry to learn of your husband's death.

    I've been away from the forums for a while, just taking a break from the whole cancer world while I can. I lost nearly 10 pounds between March and June, then decided to give myself a break from all the tracking. I've gained a couple back with vacations and holidays and birthdays and other indulgences, and it was too hot to exercise for a while. Time to get serious again.

    I'm also facing my one-year checkup with the surgical oncologist (the only cancer doctor I'll continue to see) followed by my first post-treatment mammogram. It will be diagnostic, which means they'll read the results and give them to me while I'm still on site, and I'm already starting to feel really nervous about it.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486

    Ingerp - thank you! I like your idea on the elliptical. Might try that!

    Hodgepodge - so glad you got that post-workout glow too. I have been able to stick to it - more in my update below - as I keep reminding myself that I will be feeling better for it. Oh, and I worked out today and am currently snacking now lol, totally get it.

    Egregious - we are here for you every day and every moment. So glad you have the kids and grandkids and so impressed with you for continuing with the walks and nutrition!

    Purplecat - so nice to see you on here! I feel like we've had such similar stories and experiences this whole way. I too lost weight, took a break from the forums for a bit, gained some back, and am so nervous about the first post-treatment mammogram. At least you will know right away! Can I ask for a diagnostic one? My MO didn't mention anything about that but I'd prob prefer it if it was an option.

    Anyways - my update - I SWAM 100 LAPS ON SUNDAY! This is emotionally a big deal for me as I have not done this kind of swim since before the diagnosis, so I think it was a bit of a mental thing to prove to myself that I could still do it. And I've continued with the lunch workouts Mon. and today (today was SO hard to get motivated to do but again, I'm glad I pushed through as it felt great once I got started and after). I think I'm getting back in the zone, it's still hard but I'm trying to keep it up as I know if I stop, I will lax off. So, one day at a time, reminding myself that the studies say 5 days a week of just 30 min moderate exercise reduces our risk of recurrence by half, so I think I can do that!

    On nutrition, I used to hate salads but have discovered that with a light dressing I like (Feast from the East!) and chicken and wonton crisps that I like it, so I think that is helping me get my greens. I DO like fruit and it's nectarine and apple pear season so that's been fine.

    Anyways, here are some motivational smiles from Domino and Tucker to keep us going! C'mon ladies we can do this!


  • GreenHarbor
    GreenHarbor Member Posts: 187

    Pebbles, that’s AWESOME that you swam 100 laps!! My idea of swimming is to float around with a noodle, so I’m impressed. I’m not a big salad person either. My favorite dressing is ranch. Not lite ranch, the full fat version. My husband and I were recently out to lunch. I had a fantastic salad with panko crusted scallops on top. The dressing was a maple/white balsamic vinaigrette and it was delicious. I’m going to try and recreate it.

    I had my first post lumpectomy mammo a couple of months ago. I hadn’t realized how nervous I was until it was all over. Anyway, the tech said that the first one after surgery is always diagnostic, so they can map the “new normal”. Be prepared for lots of squishing! For the 5 years after surgery, my mammos will be scheduled back to back with an appointment with my surgeon. She’ll be the one to give me the results, not the radiologist. The mammo on the cancer side wasn’t more painful than the other side, except for one exposure that pinched a little.

    I’ve managed to lose the weight I gained from a recent family reunion and long road trip. I always feel better after I exercise; it can be hard sometimes to get started. Reeeeeeally hard. just keep focusing on the fact that 150 minutes of exercise per week cuts the risk of recurrence by 40%.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Member Posts: 486

    Green Harbor - so nice to hear from you and that scallops on the salad sounds delicious. I’m a big fan of seafood so maybe I should try that.

    I didn’t know we get diagnostic mammos first out - I think that’s kind of good? Especially if we know right away. On the one hand I don’t want to think about it and am glad it’s still a couple months out for me... on the other I want to get it over with and be past this milestone. How good for you that you are! And congrats on losing the weight from your travels! Any tips for us?

    So... I’ve been really good about exercise this week but it’s making me hungrier so I’m eating more and haven’t lost any weight. I need to still figure out how to do both. On the exercise though, I’m getting back in the zone and want to keep it up precisely because of those studies re: 150 min a week (which is 30 min a day 5x a day) reducing our risk of recurrence.

    Monday and Wednesday did the elliptical and Tuesday and Thursday were more focused on and and weight training. Sunday was the big swim day. Will prob do elliptical and something else tomorrow... I actually can’t over plan it or I won’t do it! I just have to get myself to the gym then take it from there.

    The fluffy cheer squad
