Diet and Nutrition - Together!



  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    Pebbles--yes--getting to the gym is the hardest part. I started out going three days a week and am up to six (I will never give up my seventh day of rest--really gives me something to look forward to!!). If it helps, this is my schedule: two days a week of yoga, two days a week of upper body weights and cardio, and two days a week of lower body weights and cardio. I've found it helpful to break up my weight days. I started out just looking up a routine on line. It never takes more than about 25 minutes to complete that part of my workout, and then I jump on an elliptical and/or a treadmill (just walking!) or just the past week or so I've been doing a little on a rowing machine.

    Let me just throw this out there. Even several years ago my PCP said I'm spending plenty of time at the gym (and I go even more now). What I'm not terribly successfully trying to do is add more movement during my work day. It's the whole idea that sitting all of those hours might shorten your lifespan more than not working out. I have an app called "Move" that signals you to get up and do *one* exercise for a minute or two every hour (or whatever interval you set it to). I've been trying to take short walks with my dog (where I live I usually just open the door to let him out). I've tried the standing desk thing (I work from home), but with limited success. I've even toyed with jumping rope for like 30 seconds periodically through the day. None of them have ever stuck past a week or two. Seems like something comes up--rough day at work, going out of town, . . .-- and I get out of the habit. <sigh>

  • purplecat
    purplecat Posts: 227

    Hi Pebbles - wow, we do sound a lot alike! :-) Except for the swimming … I'm very impressed! I'm sure you can ask for a diagnostic, if that's not already standard. My surgeon told me it was because they need to get a new baseline. I've already gotten the reminder phone call to schedule it, and would love to just do it, like, TODAY, to get it over with, but insurance requires a wait of a year and a day unless there's a new issue requiring investigation, so I'm probably going to end up doing it on or near the anniversary of my diagnosis. I'm trying to be glad I don't qualify for a rushed timeline, but I would so love to just get it over with.

    Thanks to those who have shared fitness tips and experiences with that first mammogram after treatment. I keep telling myself that EVERYONE experiences scanxiety, especially at this stage, and the ominious uneasy sense of doom I keep feeling does NOT mean it's going to turn out badly, just that I'm normal. Sometimes it works …

  • If anyone is looking for more motivation to join a gym, consider this..... we got a reverse 911 phone call last night informing us that we should not use our tap water AT ALL due to a water/sewer main break in our town. I’m off to shower at the gym and buy some bottled water.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    I've showered at my gym when we lost power. (Also hung out to read my morning paper, drink my tea, . . .)

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    Ingerp - I love that you started at 3 days a week and now have a habit of 6 days a week! I'm starting at 3 days a week right now, so maybe I will be able to work my way up to where you are. So far, I went to the gym Mon., Weds., Thurs. and Fri. last week and Mon. and Tues this week during my lunch break, Tues. last week I did weights at home, and on the weekend I have to mix it up, still workout but in some other way like outdoor walks, swimming or tennis when I'm less constrained on time.

    I think I'm starting to make a habit of it. Half the battle is getting up from my work (I work in an office) to break up the day to get into my car and hit the gym. Once I'm there, it's much easier to work out!

    I walk the pups every day, I actually don't count that as a workout but it IS movement so that works! I have the Apple Watch that tells me to stand up every few hours so I just do it and work standing up. It's a good idea probably to break things up, especially for those of us who work behind a computer all day!

    Purplecat - I may as for the diagnostic, it would definitely be good to know right away instead of waiting for that dreadful call. I'll ask my MO about it! By the way, my MO shared with me that one of his patients was so anxious about the mammogram every year that she ended up getting a masectomy - even though her results came through fine every year! A bit of an extreme reaction but I'm sharing the story just to share that we all get super anxious at this time. I feel like the first one is the most anxiety driven, after that, maybe it becomes more and more in the rear view mirror...

    GreenHarbor - where are you? No tap water and no home showers? Wow, well I like that you have a bright side to it on motivation to join the gym!

    I think I'm getting in the zone of going to the gym or doing some sort of workout 5 to 6 days a week now. The more I can make it a daily habit, the better I'm getting about it. I need to switch up what I do, so one day is the elliptical and then strength training upper body, the next is abs and strength training lower body, then back to the elliptical and so on, and on weekends that's when I swim or bike ride or take the pups on an extra long walk or take a dance class or exercise at home or play tennis with my husband (not well LOL, but well enough).

    Now how to balance the fact that I'm trying to eat less but these extra workouts are making me hungrier?

    Domino gives it some thought...


  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Posts: 580

    Hello! I love this thread. It’s so positive and the focus is proactive.

    Here is what I have been doing: Last summer I switched to a Plant Based diet after reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and watched the video “Forks Over Knives” on Netflix. I didn’t do it overnight, but I had taking small steps in that direction and finally made the leap.

    I fast overnight most every day (except for vacations and special circumstances) at least 13 hours.

    I pack my breakfast and lunch for work- frozen blueberries with high fiber cereal, pumpkin seeds on top. Lunch -usually steamed kale, beans, Brussels sprouts, spices including turmeric, black pepper, ginger, dry mustard, crushed garlic, and other vegetables With a tablespoon of ground flax seed on top. Dinner last couple nights was a black bean burger I made on a slice of bread with spinach salad.

    I go to the gym in the morning before work to lift weights 3 times a week or run/walk on the treadmill the other 2 mornings. I take a walk at lunch and then I either go back to the gym after work or go home and walk or ride my bike. Weekends - it’s more of the same. I throw in some jump rope a little. What I need to do is yoga or Pilates on a regular basis.

    A few things to motivate myself is I keep a log on my phone of my exercise. I aim for 10 hours a week. When I don’t want to go to the gym, I tell myself that I only have to exercise 10 minutes and go home. But once I’m there, the numbers on the treadmill spur me on. Or I think of another weight bearing exercise to do.

    I also have a Fitbit- I love it! It also motivates me.

  • Welcome, GoKale! This is a great thread, with lots of support and sharing of ideas.

    My eating habits went WAY off track this weekend. I had a houseful of guests. It was a lot of fun, but I’m looking forward to getting back to healthier meals. The water woes in my town continue.... we can use tap water for everything except drinking and making ice. Drinking water has to be boiled. We’re on day 5 of this, ugh.

  • My healthy eating and exercise plan went WAY off course in mid August! Two different sets of relatives came for weekend visits, it was my birthday, the first anniversary of my lumpectomy (an occasion that called for a cocktail AND wine!), plus some stress eating as well. However, I went to a yoga class this morning, and am heading to the gym later. I've planned dinners for each night this week, and stocked up on healthy snacks. How's everyone doing?

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    My big news is. . . beans! And legumes. I’ve always been afraid of all of that—just thought my belly would explode or something. I’d been getting a veggie newsletter this summer and decided to try three recipes—veggie chili, lentil curry, and turmeric chickpea stew. Also had portobello mushroom “burgers” last night. No bad GI impacts! We liked some of the recipes more than others but it has opened up some new dinners for us.

    Other than that, I have a bunch of fun weekends coming up and will eat and drink to my heart’s content. And then it’s just two seconds until the holidays. But I’m still going to the gym regularly and eating pretty healthy at home. That’ll have to do for now.

  • Hi everyone! Sorry for the hiatus again but my, life gets busy fast. Going to try to be more on it, at least on this thread!

    GoKale - Welcome!! My goodness sounds like you are in the zone and have made healthy habits part of your lifestyle. How hard or easy was it to go fully vegan? Any recipes to share?

    GreenHarbor - I totally get it on the distractions of family and events galore, it happened to me too and I gained back 10 of the 30 lbs I’d lost! But my Dad always says if once you fail just try try again, and my husband reminds me that I’m still down 20 lbs, and I seem to be back on balance and lost 3 of the 10 lbs I’d gained back. Slowly but surely.

    Ingerp - would love that recipe for veggie chili! I need to be more about legumes too. I’ve found I like boiled carrots and baked cauliflower and tomato soup so starting there. I too have fun weekends coming up including a friend’s wedding today! I plan to enjoy and indulge in moderation.

    As for me, I started to get in the zone on my lunch workouts doing some sort of cardio and then weights. However it then made me hungrier and I wasn’t losing weight. This past week and a half I decided to do what I did before that worked for me and focused on eating clean and in moderation and put the workouts on hold for the moment, and I lost 3 lbs! I’m going to bring the workouts back as I will need to teach myself to workout AND eat clean, but may go back to just the focus on one - eat clean and in moderation - until I can get back to where I was, then introduce the workouts back to get my past the plateau weight that I never seem to push past.

    Anyways Domino and Tucker continue to be great supporters of whatever I do! Here they are, happy smiles to encourage us whether we’re lounging in bed or out for a healthy walk



  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    Just to motivate us for the week ahead... everyone, meet Finley! I know this doesn’t have much to do with diet and exercise except that we can look at this cutie while working out lol.


  • innab2018
    innab2018 Posts: 767

    OK, I need more pictures of Finley! The most adorable puppy in the world!

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    Inna here you go! Currently in posting from the GYM on my lunch break from work feeling elated because my mammogram came back normal!!! So, I’m going to keep up the diet and exercise but also OK to splurge and enjoy too as I did all of that this past year.

    How is everyone? Updates? Exercise recos? I’m getting back into dance and yoga and weights. Saw on the news a guy who was 123 years old and he credits yoga.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    I’m keeping up with my gym routine (weights, cardio, yoga) and doing okay food-wise. Still allowing myself to go hog-wild when I’m out but doing pretty well at home. Decided after reading on another thread to get some fish oil. We really do not eat enough fish and I hear Omega-3s are good for AI-induced dry eyes. I don’t think a low dose can hurt.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    Thanks for the update Ingerp! Fish oil is great! I've actually been taking some in vitamin form because I'm on tamoxifen and one potential side effect from tamoxifen is blood clots and fish oil is apparently good for avoiding that too.

    I need to figure out how to balance what I'm eating to lose more weight again. Last time I lost weight well, I cut all carbs and sugar, but I've introduced carbs back and now wondering if I should cut them again as I've plateaued on weight loss even though I'm working out more. Of course, still had to do a celebration dinner at Cheesecake Factory with my husband! Like you side, a splurge every once in awhile is deserved and fine to do.

    Finley agrees.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    I checked in with my DIL, who's a registered dietician, and she agreed there's no downside to the fish oil. I just wonder if there's any concrete way to know if all of these supplements we take are actually doing anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm spending money on these things and putting them in my body with no way to verify any impact.

    Re: carbs and sugar, Pebbles I'm pretty sure you're a chunk younger than I am--I've been working on my diet for several years. For me it hasn't even been so much about weight loss (although that's certainly at the back of my mind). I know white stuff (bread, rice, pasta, . . .) is not particularly healthy. Same with added sugar. We stopped buying white bread several years ago. Pretty much don't buy even healthier bread these days. I've slowly cut back on sugar--again because it's just not good for you. I got it in my head that I could drop cookies/cakes/baked sweets and just have a little chocolate every day. I did that for a while, and then thought, "Do I really need chocolate *every* day?" I do always have a stash (I'd be miserable if there weren't any in the house!), but really only eat it occasionally. It's been a slow process--I've always had a HUGE sweet tooth--but I definitely eat very differently these days than I did, say, five years ago. When I think about it, I think my taste buds have adapted. When I went to Disney World in September, I told myself I got to eat/drink anything I wanted. I was a little surprised at the end of the trip when I realized I hadn't ordered a single dessert. Not one. And a lot of white wine doesn't taste good to me any more. That is *so* not like me!

  • Hi All! I've been following this board for a while and hope you don't mind me joining in. I too have been wondering about supplements and things I should be using. My MO doesn't say much in regards to this. I have to ask him about specific supplements before he will comment on them. He feels I should get the things I need in a well balanced diet. He has given the okay to vitamin C, D3 and B12.

    I am struggling with how do I know what would help and what wouldn't along with what might be counter intuitive with the targeted therapy (HP) I am still on?


  • Welcome, Frmthahart!! My PCP also says I should get nutrients from food, but I struggle to eat enough veggies every day (just not a fan!), so I do take a multivitamin every day, plus a calcium/vit D supplement (have mild osteopenia) and a skin/hair/nails supplement. I hate big pills, so I take everything in gummy form.

    I’ve been gaining and losing the same 2-3 pounds, so I need to up my game. I go to the gym 3x per week, so I’m going to add an additional workout - probably a long walk if it ever stops raining in eastern MA. I also need to drink more water. I find it harder to do when the temperatures are cooler.

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    Ingerp - good point that the cravings lessen once we don't have something for awhile. I actually cut carbs and sugar when first diagnosed, then introduced it back with the trip to Italy, and now its SO hard to cut it again. I'm trying to regain the discipline I had before without needing a shocking eye opener like getting breast cancer. My goal is to do what I can from a diet and nutrition and lifestyle standpoint to keep it from coming back, but easier said than done!

    For that sweet tooth, here's a recipe for a healthy chocolate avocado mousse:

    Frmthahart - welcome! Love the puppy in your profile pic! I take these supplements (in the NatureMade gummy form so it doesn't feel like I'm taking pills):

    - Vitamin C (good for immunity, good for fighting cancer)

    - Vitamin D (started taking this during radiation and haven't stopped, it's not a must have but doesn't hurt I figured)

    - Fish Oil (for me this is because one SE of tamoxifen is blood clots, and fish oil helps prevent that)

    - Vitamin B (this was something my PCP recommended when I was losing a lot of weight)

    GreenHarbor - I'm like you, not a fan of veggies but know I need more. So, I've discovered a couple things that help me out - boiled carrots (just boil them for 20 minutes) are delicious, as is baked cauliflower with some oil and salt and pepper and turmeric and curry powder on it, sometimes bread crumbs too. And I eat turkey slices with radish and such for snacks. Still need to up the veggie intake but that's a start!

    I've also hit a plateau and been gaining and losing the same few pounds, and gym hasn't helped because it makes me hungry, but I'm still trying to go just for the '1/2 hour of exercise a day 5 days a week helps reduce the risk of recurrence' benefit.

    If only we could all relax like Finley is doing here and still lose weight!


  • I'm now six months into seriously trying working to lose weight. I've lost 12 pounds. This is horrifyingly, disappointingly slow, but it seems to be steady. I do think that being on my AI has made it much more difficult to lose weight than before I started on it. Ugh. I need to lose another 10 or so. I feel a combination of hopeful and hopeless about accomplishing that goal!

    My system: I'm limiting simple carbs (no white flour, no sugar, no sodas, alcohol just 2-4 drinks a week), going easy on starchy carbs (like potatoes, and even brown rice and whole grain bread--eating fewer of these things has helped my weight loss journey), and I'm trying to eat only super-nutritious food. I always have 2 snacks each day between meals (food 5x a day: 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m. 5 pm.), and I try to do my eating during 11-12 hours, so usually not after 6 p.m. and not before 6 a.m. I always exercise 1 hour each day, and doing more exercise than that is great for other reasons, but it doesn't help me lose weight, because I just get hungrier!

    I eat some protein every time I eat, and this stabilizes my blood sugar and energy, of course. A snack might be apple + cheese, or nuts + fruit, etc. Or a smoothie w/ protein powder, fruit + yogurt, or a corn tortilla warmed up, with melted pepper jack cheese + avocado slice for fun. A hard boiled egg + fruit. Always protein + complex carbs for each meal or snack.

    To stick to this, sometimes I make a low-carb treats, for Fun Unit Foods. Like: blueberry muffins made with ground almond flour and separated eggs. I also go right ahead and have Fun Unit Foods and some extra-carb-y things + a couple of alcoholic drinks once a week. If I'm careful for 5 days, I need a couple of meals each weekend where I just relax and enjoy some white bread or pasta or a martini or a glass of wine or a little bit of a dessert. For health reasons (advised by my MO), I avoid all cured meats (insert sad face here) except for special occasions every few months. I limit alcohol to 3-4 drinks a week. Insert another sad face.

    My MO gave me Survivorship Training when I finished chemo. Losing some more weight will help my overall recurrence risk. So will limiting alcohol to 3 or fewer drinks a week. So will limiting/avoiding sugar in general. And, of course, regular exercise.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    HikingLady—I think slow and steady sounds great! I’m doing all that you are but I’m pretty sure I’m not losing. I just don’t see where I can cut back any more, so I’m trying to accept where I am now. I’m still down about 25 pounds from where I was three years ago, so despite being up probably 10 since dx, I’m trying not to sweat it too much. I’m probably in the best shape I’ve been in in 20 years. I’m very much at peace that I’m doing all I can to prevent recurrence. Trying not to fixate on the scale but appreciate where I am.

  • Ingerp Thanks for the supportive, encouraging words. You're right. Some relaxing and accepting myself is probably in order! There's a background panic soundtrack always playing in my head now, and I need to turn its volume down!

  • moth
    moth Posts: 3,293

    Hi, popping in to share one of my favourite recipes. Easy, simple dish. We usually break up the cauliflower into florets rather than doing a whole one but it's good either way. If there are leftovers (which often there aren't) I take it the next day for lunch in a buddha bowl with brown & wild rice & some cubed tofu

    Vegan cheezy roasted cauliflower

  • Moth - the cauliflower recipe looks delicious. Just yesterday I was thinking about cheesy cauliflower for thanksgiving. I need to start planning. Last year we had a rotisserie chicken (prepared already from the grocery). This year I would love to have a meat-free meal. I didn’t eat the chicken last year, but it would be nice to skip it altogether.

    Hiking Lady - I hear you. It has been a journey for me to change my lifestyle. There are so many things I never thought I could give up or do differently. Maybe think back on all you’ve done and pat yourself on the back. I actually made a list in a Word document of every food change, lifestyle change, exercise change, etc

    Also, I keep an exercise log on my phone. I have daily goals I try to reach everyday. If I fall short, I try to make up for it the next day.

    I have also gotten rid of so many clothes that are now too big so that maybe it will help me stay on tra

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499

    Hi Everyone - I need some suggestions please. I need something simple and nutritious for breakfast instead of my usual cream chz bagel and hot choc/ and some sort of smoothie that maybe has spinach or kale in it? I've got to get something good in my body other than junk. Thx!

  • dani444
    dani444 Posts: 216

    rljes- I have started making smoothie packs. I freeze ahead my yogurt in ice cube trays and also break down my spinach in the blender and freeze that as well. I then put together ready made smoothie packs in the freezer. I add my flax seed, oats or chia in there as well. Just put together my favorite frozen fruits. I throw it in the blender and add my liquid ( I use unsweetened coconut milk) and it is ready in a jiffy. I found some recipes on Pinterest but I really just kinda throw it together now. I actually use ball jars but found it easier to use already frozen fruit. Otherwise it was frozen to the jar. I use the coconut milk to get all the bits out of the jar.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Posts: 1,515

    rljes--I started intermittent fasting about three years ago, and my pattern is to skip breakfast. My RO is the first person who mentioned it to me--she does it for all kinds of reasons other than weight loss. My first meal most days is a scrambled egg at lunch.

    BTW--HikingLady--I posted on another forum that I got a pleasant surprise when I was at my MO's office on Friday. Apparently I've lost 11 pounds since January. I'm sure I said above that I haven't gotten on a scale in 2-1/2 years, and am trying to focus more on health than weight, just for peace of mind. But I gotta say--it was great to hear for so many reasons. I've made gradual changes over the years, including a 2019 resolution to cut back on sugar. I don't think of it as going on a diet, but making slow, sustainable changes. Makes me think what I'm doing now is good enough (which is few simple carbs, less alcohol, way less sugar, still not eating enough fruits and veggies, but the journey continues. . . ). I still treat myself to whatever I want when I go on vacation. I still drink when we go out. But it can get a little disheartening thinking, "I've cut back so much already--what else can I do that I can stick with?" I'd convinced myself that staying where I was was okay, because I'm still going to the gym regularly, my resting heart rate has dropped way down, my LVEF increased through Herceptin, . . . But it's really a little icing on the cake that I've dropped some weight too. :-)

  • Ingerp - YAY! So great! I’ve kept off the 10# that I’ve lost over the past 6-8 months, and that feels like a victory. I’d like to lose more, but steady and slow seems to be a good plan. I’m really avoiding simple carbs, except for fun special occasions or a trip, etc. I feel better being even this teensy bit thinner, and being sorta fit at this point, with daily exercise. Feels like a bit of control to take back, after so many things that were not under my control

  • pebblesv
    pebblesv Posts: 486

    rljes - I like Dani’s suggestion on the fruit smoothie. Here are a couple others:

    - Sounds like you like something sweet for breakfast so I would suggest a healthy oatmeal with fruit.

    - If you want to go lighter but still have something a little sweet, my Grandpa had a banana with cheese and orange juice every morning and lived well into his 90’s.

    - Like Ingerp, I’ve adopted the intermittent fasting where I don’t eat until 11am. I’ve just heard great things about it for overall health and cancer fighting properties. I do let myself drink green tea with honey and lime so that helps stave me off until later. If I must, I have a piece of fruit for breakfast like an apple.

    Ingerp and HikingLady - congrats on the weight loss resulting from making healthier choices and not trying to lose weight!

    We’ve adopted a little puppy Finley and he’s an absolute handful but worth it.


  • l8blmr
    l8blmr Posts: 153

    rljes - breakfast options: sliced apple, 1-2 Tblspn almond butter, 1 tsp ground flax seed mixed with ceylon cinnamon (I will add hemp seed if I am really hungry). Smother the apple slice with almond butter, dip in flax/cinnamon mixture. Goes great with green or herbal tea. My second option is poached egg on 12 grain toast (no butter) with tumeric & pepper sprinkled on top. Love that with coffee. We all get bored with our's great you're trying new things. Gets me motivated to make a few changes to my menu. Thanks for the incentive!