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Jane McLelland protocol / COC protocol for STAGE IV members ONLY



  • Chemokaze
    Chemokaze Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2019

    I’m reading the book now and just looked at the COC website. I’m definitely intrigued! Back to reading....

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2019

    Chemokaze, reading the book is an excellent idea...for those that want to understand what this amazing woman has accomplished, there’s also this interview she gave where she discusses in details the therapy and her journey from stage 4 multiple cancers to findings her way to health.

    She should be given the Nobel, IMO.

    I must have watched the video 5 times already...

  • ssr22
    ssr22 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    I've been following this thread for a couple weeks while I read (and re-read) Jane's book.

    My dear friend is a little over 3 years into her Stage IV MBC journey after 5+ years NED following her initial diagnosis. After a couple great years on palbociclib/letrozole, she struggled with lung issues on everolimus and is now about to begin capecitabine. She has been very trusting of her doctor, but is open to alternative therapies. The content of Jane's book is way too heavy, so I'm working on interpreting and mapping for her.

    @Frisky & @spaaronson:

    Sounds like you have or are about to begin the COC Protocol. If so, are you working only with them and your oncologist or are you consulting with a Naturopathic doctor as well? I'm not certain how open her oncologist will be to the additional meds and supplements.

    Thank you in advance for any input or advice you might have!

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2019

    ssr22 , I’m so sorry to hear about your friend...but I’m also relieved to hear that she’s open to complementary protocols. The beauty of what Jane discovered is that is not one or the other. She can continue taking her doctor medications and add the off label medications and supplements in addition to that.

    I and a large number of MBC patients have been on the Joe Tippens protocol for the past three months. You can read all about of the fenbendazole thread on this web site. I will be getting results in couple weeks from my pet scan which will help me understand if it’s working or not. Regardless, I will continue because many people have succeeded by raising the dose of the fenbendazole and by taking it every day.

    As far as Jane's map, I am already taking Metformin for controlling pre-diabetes, and I have added quercetin, which Jane mentioned as a substitute for the statins, the fatty acids pathway, the only med missing is the doxycycline. I will proceed with care Oncology if I find I need their help.

    Because there’s no need to disrupt the traditional treatments, and the off label medications are safe, there should be no discussion over what you friend wants to do to stay alive. She’s ultimately in control. All her doctor has to do is share her medical record, so the care oncology doctors will accurately determine what her protocol should be.

    I hope this is helpful.good luck to you and your friend. Please keep me updated...

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited July 2019

    I’m reading Janes book now and plan to incorporate her protocol along with the Fenben. It makes a lot of sense and complements what we learned from the anti cancer diet book. It does have lots of science, but the key points are understandable. It seems to me that her recommendation of a low glycemic diet is more manageable than going totally ketogenic.

    As far as the prescriptions, I already take statins, stopped CoQ10 and added nsaids...that was step 1. ( The CoQ reduces statin SEs, but also eliminates the cancer fighting benefits.)

    Picking up some Berberine from the vitamin store. I may be able to get the antibiotic and metformin in Mexico OTC. Looking for a naturopathic Dr for the IV vitamin c.

    Preparing for the day the Ibrance and Letrozole stop working. Plus, it makes sense to improve the health of our blood when the drugs we take can damage it over time.

    Thanks for starting this thread

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2019

    you have a good plan lwrite...I'm waiting for the results of my Pet to decide my next move, which will probably be to increase the FZ and to start adding the doxycycline and the statin. I' taking the Metformin already.

    I believe Jane said that the fatty acids pathway is what breast cancer prefers...therefore the importance of the statins...or an equivalent. Please let me know how I would go about getting the doxycycline from Mexico.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    Iwrite I agree with you 100% . As a matter of fact I said this same thing about "preparing for when the Ibrance and Let. stop working" . We have to. :)

  • Hjertemor
    Hjertemor Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2019

    Wow 😁 So many answers - I'm very happy I'm not the only one who find this very interesting. Hurray 😁👍🏻

    Just saw this article today: So the good news is beeing spread 👍🏻

    Yes, I did start the protocol. I had RFA to two liver mets ult. May and started the protocol mid june. Unfortunately only one of the liver mets died after the RFA, so I'm having one more try next week.

    Here is what I take:

    Metformin - 1000 mg (500 mg twice daily)

    Doxycyclin - For one month, then Mebendzadol for one month and so on

    Loratadin - 10 mg daily

    Atorvastatin - not yet, but will start 2 weeks after next RFA. I want to wait until my liver is 'clear' because the statins can cause the liver enzymes to rise and I don't want that while I still have liver mets

    I started Baby Aspirin, took them for about 2 weeks, but they made my platelets go doooooooown under ref. so I had to stop. I will try again after my RFA - I think I'll do half a dose daily to protect my platelets (I'm also on Ribociclib/Kisquali - and they push the platelets down too...).

    I also take vitamin K2, zink, D3 and magnesium.

    I recently added Milk Thitsle (for liver protection) and will also add Luteolin/rutin Complex (just got them today). Try to Google 'luteoin breast cancer' - it has VERY strong anti-cancer properties (not only breast cancer).

    I'm thrilled to see som many answers! Let's keep in touch

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited July 2019

    I see my MO tomorrow for latest 90 day followup to see about getting off label doxycycline and mebendazole.. We'll see what he says...

    Hjer-- I would think you'd want to do them simultaneously... not interspersed?-- to cut off all the food pathways at once? What is the daily dose of both that you take?

    frisky I believe Quercetin can work in place of a statin...

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2019

    Thank you for confirming that Santa...I would love it if we could block all those pathway naturally, but it might not be possible....

  • shgraser
    shgraser Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2019

    How did your call go? My friend has a call scheduled tomorrow with them.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Hi ladies...I went to a new MO yesterday who is or her biography says she is integrative. I spoke with her about the COC protocol which is similar to the Jane protocol. They use :





    She knew all about these drugs being repurposed. She wasn't necessarily against me taking them but she had concerns about my liver having to metabolize all of those in addition to my Faslodex, Ibrance and Letrozole. Her other concern for me was with the Metformin because my sugar is not high at all its like 84 and she is concerned that adding in the Metformin would make it very low. Ref: Doxy she worries about becoming immune to that..and with ibrance making my WBC low if I was to develop an infection it could be bad to have resistance to antibiotics. I agreed but told her it would be every other month. She agreed to look into that. She also wanted to look at dosage...which I don't know what they would be. Ref: Mebedazole she wanted to do some research into current studies going on right now using this. So i am waiting to see if she will put me on any of it. She did say she wants me to have blood work every 2 weeks which my previous MO did once a month. I told her that I wanted to do this through her rather than the COC (not only because its cheaper) but because I would feel better having her on board. So wish me luck :) I will keep you all posted on what she says.

    EDITED to add in:

    I forgot to mention I did not ask for a blood pressure runs low on ibrance and I do not want it to get any lower. Frankly to me...the most important drug up there is the Mebedazole and the Doxy.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited September 2019

    My blood sugar was 99 prior to Metformin (normal). Now that I am on Metformin, it is 88 (still normal).

    There are VERY FEW MOs with extensive experience using supplements and other complimentary therapies. Unless you are seeing someone with extensive experience doing this I am not sure that the advice is going to be consistent or accurate.

    MANY supposedly 'integrative' people may know about yoga or acupuncture as their integrative practices and know zero about high dose C or curcumin or any of the rest of it. My MO at home is Stanford trained and he had to look up each of my supplements that were recommended by the Integrative MO. He is MUCH more into the supplements now that he witnessed my case and how well I did.

    I think the only sources that can really be trusted are people with both MO training and naturopathic training -- and years of experience merging the two. That is Dr Keith Block -- and that's why I had a consult with him to get bottom-line answers.

    It is frustrating to read about MOs who kabosh everything supplementary despite good evidence to the contrary. (If antioxidants fed cancer, my tumor would be the size of a basketball now....)

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Santa...I don't think anyone here will disagree with you. I certainly don't and I actually agree with you. However, it's not easy for most people to find a good integrative MO where they live and its not always feasible for most people to go to someone like Dr. Block. That is the unfortunate part.

    I think that when people say "My MO said...." such and such they are not saying that as though that is the final say or the law..but just that, that is what their MO thinks about it. That is why this thread is good because if someone has different info about a supplement they can show it here and it may agree or not agree with what they were told.

    I do not think thought (and this is just my opinion) that supplements are always good for people. Every ones body is different and what does work well for one person may not work at all for another and actually may in fact be harmful. I had a personal experience with that first hand taking holy basil a few years ago. Helps a lot of people...but was not good for my bladder at all and caused pain and spasms in the bladder and ureathra. It was a high quality organic brand as well.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Santa I think I got off topic I just wanted to say reference metformin I am praying she says yes but I do see her concern. I too am concerned if it was to go to low but I am going to tell her that since she wants my labs every 2 weeks we should be able to monitor it closely. I also was concerned and agreed with her about my liver being able to metabolize everything...Doxy and Mebedazole and Metformin are not supplements they are drugs...and they do put stress on the liver especially adding them to the Ibrance/Faslodex(which is the one she mentioned most with concern for the liver) and Letrozole. Now do some peoples liver do fine..I would imagine so...but some don't as Jeff from Joe's protocol told me in an email. I just hope she is willing to give it a whirl.

    I know you mentioned if antioxidants fed cancer yours would be the size of a basketball now LOL but you have to admit that everything effects everyone different. Some people on this board eat cakes and such and they are in stage 4 NED for over 8 years..just read about it in the thread "can we talk sugar/fresh fruit carbs etc". I am taking the Vitamin E so I do agree with you but I don't know that it will work just fine for me and help me. Just have to wait and see. (I will add this into the other thread Do not take.. as well since it probably belongs there more than here)

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited September 2019

    Nicole I agree with you. The thing I want to emphasize is only that *some* MOs are ignorant about supplements so they say no to everything to simplify life. We deserve to hear a fair risk/benefit assessment of every individual supplement that might help, in order to make an informed decision on each one for each individual's case. Many MOs are too ignorant about nutrition and supplements to provide this.

    What I appreciated about my MO was he was willing to learn. And he was willing to discuss the whys/why nots and think out of the box and consider off label treatments. I think he respected Dr Block's 30 years as a MO using these other therapies and my right as an adult human to assume a small risk if I chose to. Since the risks he identified seemed to me very slight against the hoped-for benefits, I chose to move forward with Dr Block's program. My MO was clear about the science but he respected my research, and my rights, which is a great combo if you can find it.

  • Daniel86
    Daniel86 Member Posts: 207
    edited September 2019

    Nicole, I know you are not on fb, so I will just add that on the jane mclelland's fb page it's been debunked many times that metformin for ppl that are not diabetic lowers the glicemic index to a dangerous point. For what I understand, metformin doesnt have a reason to get in the way of sugar levels if they are not too high as it would in the ppl it targets first and foremost.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Santa totally agree with you about some MO's acting like that. I did for a minute too think that maybe this new one of mine was getting overly cautious...etc. I hope she's not I am going to prepare for the worst but hope for the best (that she gets on board) at least with the Doxy and Met. :)

    Daniel....I am looking into what you said I can send the info to my MO :) do you have any links that directly support what you mentioned it would be helpful.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    I posted this in the Fenben thread but think it could work here as well...

    I was wondering if anyone knows if the FenBen/Medben works well on rapidly dividing cells...Grade 3 cancers specifically? I realize that the fenben is mostly for targeting cancer stem cells but last night Jeff (from Joes page) and I were emailing and he mentioned that he is not sure how it works on Grade 3's or if it even does? Apparently his wife's BC is not liver mets and she is grade 2.

    Any info/thoughts would be great.

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited September 2019

    Cross posted on Ringworm, etc. thread:

    For those of you who haven't seen this, Dr. Ralph Moss (the Moss Reports) has posted on you tube an interview with Jane. Some parts of it are very technical, but it's quite interesting.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373
    edited September 2019

    I am curious for anyone with Stage 4 BC on conventional treatments and also on the COC protocol - have you had issues with your liver enzymes elevating? I am considering starting the protocol pretty soon and am wondering how taxing it will be on my liver. I already had my phone call consult with the COC and passed along the research materials to my MO. I will see what my MO has to say at my next appointment. However, I will likely proceed even if he is not on board, unless I am worried about liver issues.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    JFL this was exactly my question. I asked it on Janes facebook group page or it may have been on Joes Fenben page that I asked. It was a mixed batch because:

    1. Not every one has mets in there liver so they said there liver numbers never raised.

    2. Some people saw a raise and some did not (that had mets in liver)

    A lot of people said the numbers were all over the place for a while. The one thing most said though is to take the Milk Thistle if they get high. I think I will try the ALA if they go up and see if it helps.

    Bev thank you for the video I just watched it. I notice she said that the COC doesn't address the autophagy element. The only drugs I have seen to address that is the ones for malaria which I have heard they are pretty toxic and you need a script any thoughts anyone?

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555
    edited September 2019

    dipiridamole as well. My complementary doctor is pretty insistent I should take them. I already ordered them and paid for them , just waiting for them to be delivered.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Anotherone..I looked up that says it prevents blood clots from forming. Are you taking that as a blood thinner? What is the reason for it, which pathway in the metro map are you blocking?

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555
    edited September 2019

    as mentioned before , autophagy.

    I am not taling it yet , waiting for delivery.

    I have not looked into it myself- I follow insistent recommendation of my complementary therapy doctor, she stressed autophagy passway particularly for metastatic tumours.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Ok sorry I didn't realize it was a anti blood clotting med...I must have forgot I have never heard of that being used for autophagy..... I only heard of the anti malaria one. I know I posted somewhere the other day the trial about using the malaria drug for autophagy...I can't remember which thread that was in I have to go look because I did if from my phone..I wasn't home so if that was with you I forgot.

    So there are no trials or research you have read about using dipiridamole for autophagy just that that is what your doctor recommended for it? I hope to be able to find something about that.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited September 2019

    Anotherone...thanks for the links :)

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555
    edited September 2019

    Y r w

    I am getting them through clinic58 (dixon pharmacy) in the UK ; they are not related to my complementary doctor and they have a well trodden path for its prescription for cancer patients so obviously many people know about it/use it.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited October 2019

    Can someone please tell me if Tumor Markers are the same thing as blood antigen levels??

    In Jane's book it said her husband made a spread sheet to start charting her blood antigen levels to be able to see what is working and what isn't...but if that is tumor markers then it wont work for me as my tumor markers have never changed???

    Any advice?