Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I am talking more about people like Dr Block, who practice integrative oncology, or the COC-friendly docs... Integrative Oncologists are a bunch of Jane McClellands themselves -- AND they know about the specific chemo drugs. They know what can pair with what. They think outside the box. Most MO are very "by the book" .... in which case you get the same standard practice, and that WOEFUL 30% result.

    Dr Block is $1800 (as of 2018) to review your case and get a comprehensive 4 hour consult on all aspects of care and health. Thereafter a 15 min phone consult is $150. He gives things NOBODY gives, such as IV curcumin. He has VERY innovative ways of delivering chemo. For example, he will have the patient wear a fanny pack with a pump that drips the chemo in in a "pulsed" way that matches up with the patient's, and the cancer's, circadian rhythms (every organism including cancer has it's own wake/sleep/eat cycles). This is way less harsh to the system and has more uptake because the drug goes in when the cancer is 'awake/eating' and the healthy cells are more quiescent.

    He sees a ton of stage 4 people who are too weak for chemo and is able to treat them and bring their health up, so they CAN receive treatment. His results for people who come to him in stage four are roughly twice as good as national stats. And these people often come initially as very sick/untreatable.

    Having a medical ally like this is priceless. A VERY experienced Naturopathic physician with a cancer support practice can also be this kind of help. We need both outside the box and inside the box knowledge to chart the best course.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Frisky, you make me laugh with your "second coming...FDA study it for 20 years.." comment.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Santa, holistic doctors are priceless, completely agree! I was unaware their success rate is twice that of conventional hospitals...I was initially looking for doctors that could cure me, but it didn't work out that way for me in the end.

    I was ready to fly to Dallas to see MD Burzynski when his people made me aware that I could no longer count on the therapies he is famous for. After years of persecution, he had finally acquiesced to the FDA and HAD to subject patients to chemotherapy....but all the costs would come out my pocket, he didn't accept any insurance...initial costs estimate around $50,000

    I then convinced MD Nicholas Gonzales to see me, after paying him something like $6,000 for the first consultationand a few thousand @ month insupplements. He did provide a powerful and comprehensive protocol that I still use today to a certain extent, but he also insisted I should take the Letrozole which I did with immediate success, but disastrous results to my once strong and beautiful unbreakable bones. Then 3 months later he goes and dies on me suddenly of an heart attack...He was 56 year old....

    Other Manhattan complimentary oncologist died suddenly one after another, and what's left is a Asian Practicioner that charges by THE MINUTE! I kid you not....I can't be treated by someone that is that mercenary, so I end up going to MSK and being treated by their best doctors against my core beliefs.
    I'm very grateful for how they patched me up after letrazole took me down a few inches and left me an invalid..

    MSK doctors are very professional and caring but, as we know, best intentions in these matters never helped anyone...and thus I progressed and continue to progress under the best of both types of care...

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    husband...it's true...look at MD Lisanti, he first discovered doxycycline could be an effective treatment at least 10 years ago and the research is still going on...now it's two antibiotics and vitamin C, but it's not approved yet...

    I think he is still working with cell lines and maybe mice...so it will take a while before it becomes reality for us patients...if it's not too effective...if it is than it will never be approved

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Frisky, I read in several articles that Dr Nicholas was suicided when he refused to shut down his practice. Of course, we'll never know. But it's totally believeable.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I was only citing Dr Block's results. Not all NPs get those results!! Dr B is NOT a garden variety "holistic doc" - he is an oncologist. He prescribes chemos. But he ALSO has the natural knowledge, and combines the two. Hence "Integrative Oncologist"

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Santa, the oncologists I mentioned used PROPRIETARY effective therapies against most cancers. They were not extending survival time, they were curing cancer PERMANENTLY. Burzynski is known for CURING the most deadly forms of brain cancers....without SE!! The problem? He won't give away the rights to his invention to the US Gov.

    Mo Gonzales was at MSK doing bone marrow transplant when he was instructed by Dr. Robert A. Good, the head of the oncology department to go research and debunk the work of DrKelley. But Kelley kept impeccable medical records, from major hospitals, of stage 4 cancer patients that had been told to put their affairs in order...all of them still alive. When they had to publish that the therapies used by William Donald Kelley had an exceedingly high cure rate, without SE, all hell broke loose, regardless of the testimony of the survivors at the hearings. Most of them career military personnel.

    Unfortunately it's really a long, sad, and sordid story that i don't have energy to relay...let me just tell you how it ends...Dr. Robert A. Good, the lead oncologist at MSK was transferred to the Children Hospital in Florida and Gonzales went rogue...FDA removed the active ingredients from the pancreatic enzymes used which put an end to competition and an effective cancer therapy. End of story. Back to poison, slash, and burn....

    So, let's see what happens to FZ and the COC next...let's all pay attention....

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Gonzales did not suicide, Kelley went mad and retired. They couldn't shut Gonzales practice down, they just made sure his therapy became toothless to us patients.

    He had to have all supplements manufactured to his specifications, the enzymes came from New Zealand. You could not buy his supplements from Amazon. Had to go see him and had to order from a private company.

    He was the oncologist to the stars, his protocol is mentioned in several books...he specialized in pancreatic cancer, which has now proven him correct as being caused by a fungus infestation!! So Snooky, you’re not that far off with your hypothesis...

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Frisky, I don't mean that he committed suicide. I mean his heart attack wasn't it appeared to be. He was taken out. I've read that on so many sites.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    I've read that too, and a bunch of other oncologists did all die at the same time...I don't know what to think...surely it's an amazing fortuitous coincidence for our garden variety genius type Mos....I can't find any complimentary oncologist...just mercenaries ready to make a buck without any meaningful statistics to speak of...and I'm not ready to travel anywhere to be told what I already know...

    OMG I just read this headline...and all of the sudden all my cancer problems don’t seem as important as to what's going to happen next...buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride!

    China tells government offices to remove all foreign computer equipment

    and they are rolling out 6G as we speak....hummm....

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I agree there is a lot of top-down control squashing good ideas and promising therapies that cannot make a fortune because they are cheap.

    Also, I think it is weird they only assess the validity of cancer therapies with very sick people in clinical trials. What about drugs that might be powerful and effective, if they were used against less of a disease burden? Those will never make it through if only tested when people are late stage. I think some of the people who do not respond to COC or FenBen might simply be too sick when they begin. That's why I am so interested in these therapies -- I would begin immediately upon recurrence.

    Last, the pre-conditions of cancer are another thing we must look at. Until everyone has a clean organic produce-heavy diet, an active lifestyle, no smoking, no nitrites and other additives and colors, a safe nurtured childhood (ACEs), clean air and water, and decent preventative care, we will keep producing people who get cancer. Cancer (and the inflammation that incubates it) is very attributable to Coke, Kellogg, C&H, Hamburger Helper, Dominos, and all the middle-aisle-of-market foodstuffs Americans eat.

    Gut microbiome is huge so we need to question antibiotics in food supply and for un-needed minor afflictions. Also, having been breastfed is likely to be important if microbiome is important.

    My point being it is not just the medical industrial complex we need to question The food industrial complex is causing the problem that medicine is not solving.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Santa I couldn't agree with you more about the food industrial complex, and that aspect of cancer prevention...that's why just about every complimentary therapy includes a diet modification and supplements....

    As far as FZ is concerned, no one was sicker than Joe. The way he tells the story, his deadly lung cancer had spread everywhere...

    I think it works quickly in certain types, like pancreatic cancer and not so fast in others...the reasons yet tbd...maybe the P53 gene has something to do with it..l

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Gotta disagree with you Santa..my mom is perfect example she eats cookies and cakes for breakfast lunch and dinner...and smokes a pack a day for over 60 years...Shes gonna be 80 years old in 3 months.....Everyones diet affects everyones body differently. Now don't got to extremes on me...I am not saying we should eat like that...but I am saying not everyone that does gets cancer..its a fact.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Nicole, you need to think of it in groups, not individuals-- to get an accurate idea. Put 100,000 Vegan yoga teachers up against 100,000 smokers addicted to sugar, and you will see RADICAL differences in the health of the two groups. Yes there will be some healthy people in the second group. And there will be some sick people in the vegan group. But there will be many, ,many more sick people in the bad diet group. I am glad your Mom is dodging the bullet but it's not an argument for what she does.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    BOY, I could use a Dunhill Blue, or a Rothman Red right now..SillyHeartKIDDING!

    Don't get me going with the cigarettes and dry martinis you two...it's been over twenty years of clean living...

    Almost tempted to take a healthy walk, all the way to 9th ave, and get myself a delicious MilleFuille from the only authentic French patisserie left in Manhattan....Nerdy KIDDING!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Santa.you see it your way...I see it mine..agree to disagree...thats all.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    "everyone's diet /everyone's body"-- I disagree, because i believe excess sugar, fat, nitrites, calories and sedentary life cause EXACTLY the same thing to happen in everyone... inflammation. Not every inflamed system bursts into cancer, but everyone/anyone with your moms health habits will be affected by it and have some inflammation.

    Is your mom arthritic, or diabetic? Does she take pills for a chronic condition? Does she have pain? Is she obese? How mobile? Memory? COPD? etc? Does she cough or hack? It is not always cancer that happens. Other things also arise from inflammation and carcinogens that are also serious effects.

    If not-- someone should study HER gene mutations!!!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    You sound very agitated..you should relax...my mom weighs 100lbs...one more thing...my mom IS 80 of course she has inflammation and joints hurt she's 80!!!! and here's some good reading for you

    This was on janes page... btw..I am done with that discussion with you...I didn't want to argue I said Lets agree to disagree but you couldn't let it rest...have a nice day.


    Since my 'terminal' diagnosis in 2014 I have been to several complementary health clinics and consulted numerous practitioners. I have learned masses and gleaned profound insights about health and wellbeing. I am grateful for them all.

    AND. They almost always have one thing in common. Let's call it 'This Way is THE Way'. There may be some flexibility but each health clinic I've been to has a fixed diet for all patients: raw food, vegan, ketogenic, juicing, pescatarian etc. Same situation for various other protocols.

    But here's the thing. If these things aren't personalised then they can do more harm than good. For example, ketogenic starves some cancers and FEEDS others. Jane McLelland is the authority on this subject. Buy her book!

    The other authority/angel I recommend with all my heart is Catherine Rolt. She is a Chinese Medical Practitioner who diagnoses issues and nuances most Western practitioners ignore. Like is your constitution hot or cold? She came with me to the clinic I've just visited in Turkey (more on that another time). There were several diet options, which was one of the reasons I chose it, but they all turned out to be raw, vegan and cold. In winter. Think seasons peeps.

    By the second week, my lower back became so painful I couldn't sleep. Paracetamol didn't touch it. It was excruciating. I feared a spinal tumour (which I can't rule out obvs). So Catherine took charge and gave me a treatment. My constitution is cold and it is hard for me to digest raw food. She put acupuncture needles in my back and said the cold had stagnated in that part of my body to a serious degree.

    Long story short, she got the doctor to give me stronger drugs just to give me a night's sleep. Then she advocated for me to be given hot food (shock horror at this place). And when I was given a mug of hot (cooked) beetroot soup I burst into tears with sheer relief. After four days of simple vegetarian hot food the pain has gone. Gone. This was a visceral experience of being given the wrong diet for my constitution and the current state of my strained kidneys.

    I am not the expert here. Catherine is. She is one of the five people who has helped saved my life and frequently diagnoses issues everyone else is missing. She lives vibrantly with a brutal disease, but is worth her weight in gold if you want to book her for a session. FYI. Link in comments.

    And here's my point. One. Size. Does. Not. Fit. All. If you are receiving generic advice (nutritional or otherwise) from someone who has not spent time with you or, worse, doesn't even know you, BE VIGILANT. Especially if you have a serious illness. We are each unique.

    And one more thing. The two nutritional peeps who have made the most generic sense to me are Dr Rupy Aujla #thedoctorskitchen and Stephanie Moore. But still stay vigilant dear ones. Says she who lost the entire nutritional plot when dealing with brain tumours this summer! Just to keep it human and not about me.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    I agree with everything that you have said Santa. But there's one more important element. Stress. Emotional, physical, and environmental. Our world has gotten too techy. Every day out bodies are zapped with EMF's. Right now I'm sitting within 8ft of my microwave, my tv and the computer, the refrigerator, and the stove. Even if they are not turned on, unless you unplug them, we're getting hit with emf's . Our bodies are not meant to handle all of this. There has been studies out (which no one pays any attention to) that cell phones are cardigans. (sp) And now they are coming out with 5g which many people have spoken out against.

    I've wondered if there's more cancer patients in the big cities since there are so many electrical devices. (Sorry Frisky)

    All the good things in our soil has been depleted. Even if all farmers quit pesticides and herbicides if would take YEARS to get their top soil back in good condition. Our food is only as good as the soil that it is grown in.

    Some holist doctors say the latest laws which pretty much make it impractical to keep a dog outside, therefore our pets live in our houses is unhealthy. Every pet that pet goes out to do his business he's bringing back who knows what on his feet.

    Drs only know how to prescribe meds. In the 1970's I started having panic attacks. Instead of good old fashioned talk therapy they immediately put me on Valium.. It didn't work so anti-depressants was the next step. They never really worked either. Since the 70's I've constantly have been on anti depressants one type after another. Since 2000 I've been on Zoloft. And I can't get off. I've tried. The physical signs of withdrawal (which are horrendous) linger for months. Not to mention it sent me into a constant manic state. Now I've read that Zoloft might possibly cause cancer.

    And on it goes.....but doctors are clueless. At what age was your first child? How many children did you have? What was your age of your first child and blah blah blah.

    There has to be research on why 1 in 5 women get cancer. Some say it's 1 in 3. But no one is looking for the reason.

    Even though most of us on this thread have figured out the "why" we're powerless to do anything about it.

    I look at my 4 beautiful grand daughters and I hurt for their future.

    Cancer is our modern plague.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Well said Snooky, I was ready to leave the city even before Sept 11 happened. By 2007 I had totally wound down my business and was planning my return to Europe when a disastrous relationship kept me here for the next six years...soon after I was diagnosed...

    I am certain that the constant stress of that relationship in combination with constantly dining out, albeit at the best restaurants, wreaked my health...and set the stage for breast cancer... that's why now I hardly ever eat out and love the peace and quiet of my 3 bedroom monastery.

    Emotionally speaking I've never felt better because I no longer put up with anyone's dysfunctional childhood traumas...and my beautiful and wise Inner Child is my best friend!!

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Nicole - we cross posted. I was not trying to go at you.

    But it might surprise you to know not everyone who is 80 has aches and pains. That's **inflammation**. Maybe it's "normal" in our society - aka typical- because that kind of diet is pretty typical in our society. But when you see Indian yogis in the 80s they are pretty spry.

    I do Pilates twice a week with a woman who I thought was about 70.... turns out, she is 96!!! She looks incredible and moves beautifully. So there's nothing per se about being older that means disintegration.

    I had a "bad knee" and a "bad hip" before treatment (inflammation). Getting off simple carbs/booze/crap and on curcumin and fish oil etc, I am now pain free. The achy knee that was about 40 years old (skiing accident in my teens) and the hip that had bugged me for about 8 years (I attributed it to aging)-- both feel perfectly fine with no pain now that I have radically reduced my inflammation.

    Your Mom is lucky. I am VERY glad she is doing well despite her poor health habits. I certainly wish no problems on anyone! I meant what I said she must have some very *good* genetic protection to have so few problems. Of course, anyone who wants to be healthier would follow very different habits.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Ladies, check out the work of this great architect and see the future.
    .Unfortunately, a year ago, she contracted bronchitis and suffered a sudden heart attack while being treated in a Florida hospital...the world lost a genius...

    she's one of my heros....but Jane Mc Lelland is still my number one!

    I wish I could see this building with my own eyes...Currently her office boasts 400 staff and 950 projects in 44 countries.

    Zaha Hadid Architects Completes China's Newest Cultural Center
    The futuristic complex is located in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, and is part of a massive $130 billion infrastructure plan for the area

    Read in Architectural Digest: https://apple.news/AbtsNbeOsTHy9RsG-6imMww

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311


  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,038

    Dear All, I want to chime in on diet and inflammation. First of all, "inflammation" is a very popular word these days but it is not correctly used, as inflammation is body's protective reaction to pathogens that neutralizes them, so inflammation IS A GOOD THING, and it really makes me mad when all sorts of practitioners who never had a look into any medical book (old Chinese and India's medical books included) talk about inflammation and have their "theories". So let's not confuse inflammation with weakened immune system. Constant inflammation can weaken immune system, as our bodies have limited resources for leukocyte production, but as long as there's inflammation and it is well supported, body is fighting. Far worse is when there's no protective inflammation, this is when diseases happen.

    Diet... when I was in India, one smart man told me: "do you think we did not eat meat for centuries because we found health in eating veg food? Nooo... we simply did not have enough meat". Was India healthy? With average lifespan almost lowest in the world through ages? There's almost no entire culture that is based on pure vegan diet (just small communities in "new ages") because in the most part of the world it was never possible. We, let's say, have snow for 6-7 months annually, so how could we eat vegetarian/vegan? Or Evenks, Inuits, Maasai - by the way, 100 % meat and milk eaters, and almost healthiest human beings out there (again with quite low average lifespan but mostly due to harsh environment and tribal-wars). So we must eat what we genetically have been programmed to eat, period. Make tiger to become vegetarian...

    Sugar. In a broad sense, it is the only source of energy for our cells (hydro-carbons, CxHyOHz). Not building blocks but source of energy. And so, we all know that any other source, as fats and proteins are converted into hydro-carbons for the energy part. Also fruits and vegetables, breads are huge sources of sugar. And there's nothing bad in it. Simply, if your insulin and glucose levels in blood are balanced, everything is okay. Eat candies as much as you want and as long as your body metabolizes sugar well, i.e. you use it for energy, everything is fine. Actually vegans are the people who eat most sugar in that sense. So again, to say "sugar is not healthy" is like saying "water is not healthy".

    And I disagree that yoga teachers are something super-duper - there are many examples there when they get cancer and die of it very quickly, although their whole life they were teaching us how not to get cancer. There's a graffiti under one of the bridges in Vilnius "Let's stand up for the minute of silence for those who sit in a traffic jam in their cars on their way to the gym to ride their stationary bicycles". I think this sentence says it all what we have become. Let's move, let's get out gathering, hunting, growing our own food, let's go to forests, seas and lakes... The problem is that we only sit and everything is delivered. If we'd move and work hard physically like our ancestors did, I 100 % guarantee we could eat a pound of sugar a day and everything would be fine. And let's stop blaming the world and others for what happens around - we are same as guilty, we take part, we all use all the "commodities" of our civilization.

    Your Saulius

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,038

    Sorry, misspelled carbo-hydrades, CxHyOz...

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Saulius...once again you are sooo right here.... couple of things I LOVED that you said and I have read and watched videos about this:

    So we must eat what we genetically have been programmed to eat, period. Make tiger to become vegetarian...

    Also your whole paragraph on sugar...on the money...

    There was people talking the other day on FB on either Janes site or Joes (I can't remember) but one person said they were a vegetarian for 30 years and here they were stage 4...another (chimed in) vegan, worked out ran marathons...etc...Stage 4..then all these people started commenting how healthy they were physically and how clean they ate...and here they were ...Stage 4.... yup... I mean if someone is totally totally toxic prior to cancer like drinking soda and sugary drinks every day eating boxed mac and cheese etc..then they get cancer and eat 100% clean they usually always see their cancer stop or go into remission..however it does tend to come back...but for people that are healthy to start with do not have a diet like what I just mentioned and they get cancer..generally changing diet to become almost vegan etc..doesn't do a darn thing for them and I have talked to A LOT of people on FB about this so I am seeing it first hand. Also in my thread on here about sugar low carbs...there are women more than a few that eat WHATEVER THEY WANT!!!! They have been NED for over 5 years!!!

    So I am 100% on board with everything you said.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    You make a good point about sedentary people-- but that's not enough to overcome a pound of sugar a day.

    Processed foods are NOT what we were designed to eat. Organic grass fed meat is very different than hormone laced, antibiotic laced, cured meat. White table sugar is not what anyone ever ate naturally. Sure, natural sugars like honey and berries were normal to eat, potato, etc was normal... but those foods are in forms (with fiber) that the body knows how to digest. And, fruit was around seasonally, not daily. In a state of nature fruit was meant to fatten us up in summer so we could ovulate, get pregnant and survive the winter. ALSO (in a state of nature) we did not eat 3 square meals per day. We ate less food and had many meager meals or skipped meals. We went hungry intermittently. And yes, we moved around a great deal and walked and climbed and we were lean.

    And we were all breastfed in terms of years, and women all breastfed their babies in terms of decades, and women would have begun having babes at 15 and not spent very much time having the hormone exposures of periods (would have been pregnant or breastfeeding and anovulatory). We would have used no electric lights or over-heated houses and thus we would have had perfect circadian rhythms.

    Trans fats, Nitrites, wheat stripped of its bran and bleached, preservatives.... these are not what any people were designed to eat.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    unfortunately, nutrition is only one aspect of the worldwide cancer epidemic, environmental factors play a huge role as well...our bodies and minds are being attacked on every front...

    according to the DEP there are 8 cancerogens in the NYC water, and we have some of the best drinking water in this country...that doesn't take into account the chlorine and the fluoride!!!!

    Many years later, you mix the constant exposure to those chemicals, to the many boxes of processed Mac and cheese with the numbers, 2,5,6 dyes—Nicole mentioned—and the Entennemans cakes enjoyed over a lifetime, the asbestos and pollutants released in the air by non-stop construction around here, throw in a toxic relationship that brings on a mid- life crisis and voilà...cancer starts growing and spreading undetected for years...

    It takes 10 years to grow a one centimeter tumor...and our technology is not good enough to detect and protect us...I was undergoing mammograms and sonograms every year before being diagnosed stage four!!!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    Santa he never said we were designed to eat processed crap food trans fats or (Edited for pound of sugar) which I am only editing because it I knew how he meant it......Don't know where you got that from? You should stop being so offensive and re read his post.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    B Sandra said: If we'd move and work hard physically like our ancestors did, I 100 % guarantee we could eat a pound of sugar a day and everything would be fine.

    Why does it always come down to this? Santa is not being offensive. She simply "knows what she knows"

    Santa is a great contributor to this thread, lets not chase her away.

    Saulius…I'm thinking about your post....wrapping my mind around some of your concepts. Thank you very thought provoking.