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Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

I'm starting this combo next week. Anyone else? I know of a few who have been posting on other threads. I'll post here with information and how it affects me.

I'll be on a 21 day cycle. Day 1, day 8 off on Day 15. Both drugs given each time. The pharmacist told me she doesn't expect hair loss. They do load you up w anti nausea IV meds. And she wants to give me 10mg dexamethasone in IV. Against my better judgement I said OK. I do not like steroids and the SE. I hoping this dose won't make me too crazy.💞



  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    I found out yesterday that I will have my dye study/port revision on Tuesday by my own IR. Then first TX on Wednesday. I hope my port I'd healed enough.

    I hope Liwi will post here, she's one cycle ahead of me.💞

  • Liwi
    Liwi Member Posts: 249

    found it thanks for setting this up Grannax.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    I hope we can keep it going. I was told that this combo causes low platelets. Mine have always run high. I hope I have good reserves, so low won't happen.

    I'm getting nervous today, apprehensive of starting this chemo. I've been plugging along, getting everything in order but now I'm nervous.I do have a friend coming with me, to hold my hand, literally. But, I still feel nervous, like something unforeseen might happen. Don't, know what's causing me to feel this way today. 💞

  • Leee
    Leee Member Posts: 115


    I'm on the 5th cycle and doing well. Scans coming up & hoping the liver mets will finally respond to a tx.

    I was told to expect a blood transfusion at some point but have never needed one.

    The ALT/AST numbers increased after first cycle but reducing the dose took care of that.

    Also, added Neupogen shots after the first infusion due to low WBC delaying tx one wk.

    I lost my hair on Taxol and was told it wouldn't grow back on G/C but it has!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    leee. Good to hear. No transfusion and no hair loss. Yay. What about any other SE, like nausea, etc? I hope your scan shows improvement. 💞

  • Leee
    Leee Member Posts: 115

    Zero nausea. I do have 20 min of premeds of Aloxi and Decadron before G/C. Gemzar 30min/Carbo 30min.

    Not sure if you take anything like Ativan but it does help for sleep at least the first night. The steroid makes it hard to sleep which makes the fatigue even worse.

    I keep an RX of Zofran & Compazine (tablet & topical) on hand if needed.

    Only se has really been fatigue that kicks in after infusion on day 2 that slowly gets better by day 4.

    I still work (part-time) and do everything I did before but just with less energy.

    My MO started me out on a note that G/C would mean a “really bad summer". Based on that I was I petrified of it but have been pleasantly surprised it wasn't and as been very do-able.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Grannax, I am not on this combo, but I am popping in to let you know that I will be thinking about you this week as you have the procedure for the port and as you start your first round of gem/carbo. It is natural to be nervous. It is also normal to think of everything that could possibly go wrong. I think it's our way of preparing for something that is new and unknown to us. I am glad that you will have a friend with you. You know that I am praying that all goes well and that this combo will knock down all those cancer cells while treating you gently with no SEs.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721


    You are having normal fears of the unknown. You know that you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

    I had a Ct scan on Friday, the area they radiated in the spring did not work. The pain had been bad. So tomorrow I meet with MO and will be going back on treatment. She wants to try Exemestane/Aromasan, I'm not sold on that yet. We are going to radiate the Iliac one more time and see how it goes.

    I will keep up with you on this thread.


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Thanks, BigB and 50's. I need all the encouragement I can get.

    I hate to hear about the failed radiation. As you know, AA was not kind to me. But I know several who have seen a good response on it. I think it's especially hard on Diabetics. If you are not, that should help.

    Leee, 'm getting all the same pre meds you are. They want to use 10 mg of dex, I'm not happy about that. I have adverse effects from steroids. I'm glad for no SE for you. I hope I get that, too.

    Tomorrow, surgery, Wednesday first GC. 💞

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387

    Grannax2..tracked you down on this thread!

    Happy you got your onward to this chemo.

    You have been thru so much, but know you have many, many cyber friends to give you support.


  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Hi Grannax, I have been thinking about you and hoping that your first day of chemo was as uneventful as it could be. I look forward to reading an update soon. In the meantime, take it easy, be kind to yourself, and allow yourself time to adjust to all these changes. Let your body and that chemo destroy those ugly cancer cells.

    Hugs and prayers from, Lynne

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Thank you 50''s. My port worked beautifully on only one stick. I did wear myself out too much ion Tuesday and Wednesday. I didn't realize I have three incisions in my chest, one by my neck. Plus I pushed a heavy grocery cart put to my car, too much. Even though everything's took longer than expected, it went well. No SE so far. We did manage to get the dexamethasone reduced, so I'm not, hyper, I did sleep and did not have roid rage. I call that a good day. 💞

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Anyone have sharp lower back pain on Day 2 after infusion? I think I'm having steroids crash day one day early. Hope tomorrow will be better.💞

  • Leee
    Leee Member Posts: 115


    So glad you’re doing well

    What is the reduced steroid dose?

    Lee 💕

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Hi Leee 5mg dexamethasone, it was going to be 10mg..

    This week they said they would reduce the antiemetic drugs if I got constipated and I did. I didn't have any vomiting or nausea so I know I don't need as much as they gave me. They used aloxi and another one in the IV. Misery for me.

    The lower back pain must have been from twisting wrong getting out of my bed. It's finally gone after two miserable days and nights. I felt like a normal person yesterday, almost. I've got a full day today that I hope I am able to complain, then Wednesday chemo day 2 cycle 1, then off week.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    bigb. Any news from your MO about TX?

    Leee it's so good we can compare notes. I will be so glad to have one complete cycle under my belt. After I addressed the two odd issues, back pain and constipation, I know next time won't be as bad.

    50's. At one point, I thought. Am I going to be able to tolerate this TX? I got discouraged. Now, I'm much better, knowing with changes, I can do this.💞

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Now, I'm day 6 post infusion. I now know I did not have any SE from these two drugs, only from pre meds. I'm requesting that all of them be reduced or eliminated. Hopefully,my MO will get the orders changed before I go in tomorrow for my second infusion. 💞

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721

    Grannax, I knew you would do well! I'm so glad that you are tolerating this combo!

    I am supposed to start Aromasin today, but I can't seem to get the pill in my mouth. I have had over 3 months of no treatment(my choice) and it has been nice. I have enough joint pain with the bone mets and degenerative bone disease, I don't want anymore. I feel like such a wimp compared to you. The Ct scan showed that the previous radiation did absolutely nothing. I can't believe it! Normally, radiation had worked exceptionally well for me. Ugh

    I'm supposed to start radiation again next week. We will see.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday,


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    I understand completely. Who would want more joint and muscle pain? Nobody I know. We do so many things we don't want to do during TX.. 💞

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Today I have to self advocate to my highest level. After numerous messages on my portal the answer from the Pharacist was NO, I won't reduce the antiemtic meds. So, my MO nurse told me to refuse TX today. She said then she would take care of it.

    Evidently, the Pharmacist is not a team player. She is supposed to work with my MO. She is acting like she's the boss of my MO. This team approach can get out of hand and become a power play among specialists. And how does that approach make the patient feel? Caught in the middle Hey, guys, I'm the one fighting my cancer. Are you going to help? If not, get out of the way.

    You know, this is a piece of information you may not know. Doctors are not allowed to touch patients unless we give our permission. My son, the doctor, told me this. He is 100% behind me and gave me several ideas about how to handle this situation if it gets worse. He said. It's just wrong for them to refuse to give your potentially life extending drugs unless you take the pre meds. They do not have the right to do that.

    So here I go, I'll let you know what happens. 💞

  • Liwi
    Liwi Member Posts: 249

    Tomorrow will be my 2nd infusion in my 2nd G/C treatment cycle. Last week my hemoglobin was up slightly from the prior week but still but still low. They were waiting for my insurance approval to give me Procrit. I sure hope it’s approved if I need it for this treatment cycle. My main side effect has been fatigue and that could be mostly because of the hemoglobin. Also my thyroid is low and being treated by my primary care doctor. We just changed my thyroid medicine this week it will take at least a month for it to work.

    Grannax i’m sorry you had to refuse your treatment in order to get your premeds adjusted. That just doesn’t seem right. And it seems strange that the pharmacist is dictating what you take rather than the MO.
  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    I did it. Way out of my comfort zone but it's done and I have to say I'm proud of myself. The only hitch was that it's an all or nothing thing. My antiemetics are in a drip bag that does not come in smaller sizes. So, I am going cold turkey. So far, no nausea or vomiting, and NO constipation. I did accept the 5mg of Dexamethasone.

    Liwi. My labs looked pretty good, not nearly as bad as from previous TX, especially Ibrance. I was very pleased with that. I don't go back for two weeks this time. I am anemic but it didn't drop much either.

    Glad to have two whole weeks of no TX. 💞

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721

    You rock, Grannax! I never doubted for a moment that you would handle it!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Thanks. Did you take that first pill?💞

  • Liwi
    Liwi Member Posts: 249

    I’m at my infusion now. My Procrit was approved and I just got the shot as my hemoglobin was still low but had not dropped lower than last week, which is good.

    This time my neutrophils were a bit low, 1.4, so they lowered my Gemzar dose to 75% of what I had last round. They’ve been this low and lower before, especially when I took Ibrance but I think they want to be sure I don’t drop below 1.0 after this 2nd dose this cycle.

    I woke up feeling pretty good today. Hoping to not get as much fatigue once steroids wear off this time.

    Way to go on getting what you want for your premeds Grannax!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Liwi. That's good news. I usually have my crash from steroids on Day three post infusion. After that I felt good.

    So, I guess this TX is causing my lower back pain. I started feeling it on Day 2, yesterday, just like last week. It reminds me of the pain I had from Taxotere as it was attacking my bone marrow. I will tell my MO about it when I see her on August 20. I'm hoping it's just an unmentioned SE and nothing to worry about.

  • Leee
    Leee Member Posts: 115

    Good news from PET/CT after 3mo of tx

    No SUV activity and 50% decrease in size of measurable liver lesion. The diffuse hypodensities throughout both lobes are gone.

    I’m continuing another 3 months since the response was good. It’s the first tx that has worked on the liver mets.

  • Liwi
    Liwi Member Posts: 249

    Hooray for you great response Leee. Hoping for many more months Of this working for you.

    Got a bit of my post steroid crash. Need to rally for a Sly and the Family Stone tribute band concert tonight!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Leee. That's what I want my 3 month PET to say. It's so encouraging to hear your news. Yay Gem/Carb.💞

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387

    Liwi. I did not get as much of the streroid crash this time.

    Leee have you had any lower back pain on Day 2 and 3 post infusion? Mine was even worse this time but only lasted 2 days instead of 3 like last the first one. Wish I knew why.