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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Leah - glad to hear day 3 is going relatively well for you!

    Snaffle, glad you're on the mend. I'm sorry you had such a trial with constipation, but want to thank you for sharing. I've adjusted my own approach to it based on your experience. I'm glad we all have each other to share with.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Day 5 of TC

    I feel like I’m turning a corner today. I woke up with a sinus headache this morning around 6:00am and took inbuprofen + sudafed. Went back to sleep for a couple of hours and have been up reading and moving around since.

    My headache is finally gone (after 5 days), I have a little energy, and I’m hungry. My sense of taste is still off, but I’m going to try to eat a normal meal and see how it goes.

    I’m definitely not up to running a marathon or anything, but feeling better. Let’s hope this is the start of the bounce back between treatments.

    I hope all of you are doing well.

    Turkeypoult and Juniebird good luck with your first treatments tomorrow!


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    I'm so glad to hear you're doing better today, Tracy. Any improvement is a good thing! I hope you find some food that tastes good to you.

    I had a rough night and morning. The constipation got painful. Things finally got moving after some Milk of Magnesia and tons of water. I'm a bit achy, so I'm trying to stay near the bathroom and rest. I haven't eaten much today, but starting to feel a little hungry. I hope I turn the corner tomorrow, too!

  • msmarie
    msmarie Member Posts: 72

    Hi Sept Ladies! I'm from the Apr 19 chemo thread. I did AC-T for 20 weeks and finished in August. I'm about a month out now and will be starting radiation next week.

    Just wanted to offer support and a few tips. I was relatively SE- free.

    AC tips: hydrate hydrate hydrate. If plain water is yucky, flavor w fruit or drops or buy flavored water. I would take several bottles of Hint water to chemo. You want those toxins out of your system ASAP. Yes, after the red devil, my pee was pinkish/orangish.

    For Mouth sores, I tried to ice my mouth during AC. I couldn't do it the whole time, too cold. But I also used a mouthwash called closys for sensitive mouth, and I made up the saltwater baking soda homemade version. I think I got one mild canker sore the whole time.

    I had extremely low WBC/Neutrophils, especially the first week after AC. Warning about Neulasta OnPro, mine would go off as designed, but it wouldn't make it into my bones for a week or so. I'd have to adjust my Claritin. I was the only one that seemed to have such a delayed stimulus, so I like to mention it in case others experience the same.

    I took Colace, a combined stool softener and laxative. Worked pretty well but I did have one cycle with some vicious constipation. So sorry to hear some of you had some unpleasant experiences. It can be a balancing act.

    I took my meds as directed for AC through 2 cycles. I didn't need them though and stopped them for AC 3 and 4. All I ever needed was ginger ale to settle any nausea issues. I know I was lucky.

    I did a version of the fast mimicking on AC only and I do believe it helped.

    Re: Losing nose hairs and runny nose. I would put neosporin or aquaphor on a qtip and rub it around my lower nostrils. It helped contain the runny nose some.

    Taxol tips: I iced my hands and feet for all 12 cycles. I took B6,B12, L-glutamine and Alpha Lipoic Acid 2 days before and 2 days after infusion. I had no neuropathy, very little aches, no nail issues. Please check w your MO about supplements, some don't want you taking them.

    Taxol for me was way easier than DDAC, but I did single dose.

    Post taxol: I had edema in my legs and ankles for 2-3 weeks.

    Other weird things: I had some mild tinnitus during AC, but resolved without issue. My eyes watered constantly all through chemo and I still have eyelid edema. By the end of Taxol, all my lashes and brows were gone, and slow to return 😞. Some ladies have a lot better luck and keep at least some of theirs.

    Best of luck to you all! You will get through this, you are stronger than you think and it will be over soon enough, even if it seems like it is never ending. 😘MM

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Thanks for the tips, MsMarie!

    Feeling a little better today, but still very tired and achy. My only goals for today are to take a walk, take a shower, and eat more than yesterday. Food is unappetizing, so it's a chore to eat. Luckily, water tastes okay, so I'm staying hydrated.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Eating is a definite struggle as nothing tastes good. I’m having to add flavoring to water to make it worth drinking too.

    I went back to work today. Still tired and a bit achy, but I need to get out. My boss is understanding and says I can go home at any time if needed. I think my lingering aches are from the Neulasta.

    I did have a real meal yesterday but didn’t enjoy it because my taste buds aren’t cooperating. I’m sticking to soups and bland foods today.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Turkeypoult and Juniebird, I hope today’s treatment goes well for you.


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I think today’s the day I’m going to shave my hair off. Last night I was a bit itchy in my pubic area. Just to see, I grabbed a pinch of hair and gave it a pull. Out it came. Then gobs more. I think the handwriting is on the wall. My head hair probably going to start falling out Wednesday after 2nd cycle. Well, I just want to get it off while I feel pretty good. Predict 3 to 5 days of Yuck after chemo Wednesday. I don’t want to look like moths got to me.

    My Gastroenterologist ‘s pre-chemo protocol has me running to the bathroom again. I’m eating vegetables and fruit and yogurt and protein shakes. I’m determined not to have a constipation nightmare again. Not fasting pre chemo. But eating very lightly. I have got to do better this go around!!

    Best wishes and good luck to those having treatment this week

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I’m hoping for few GI issues for you this time around. My oncologist said to expect hair loss to start between 14-21 days, not looking forward to that. Do you have a wig, or are you just using caps or going without?


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    No wig. I’m just going to wear baseball caps or a buff when I’m out. Naked at home

  • aln82
    aln82 Member Posts: 6

    Joining in as well! TC 4 cycles starting on Monday. Just found out today. I'm a hot mess but determined to push through it for my 3 year old son! Good luck to all!!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    welcome Anna

    I'm on day 6 of my first TC, and while it's not been a walk in the park, it hasn't been as bad as I imagined either.

    We can all get through this together!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    bryna1212, Eveldon, & Dottybird

    Good luck with your first treatments tomorrow


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi Anna! I just posted about cold caps for you. I'm one day behind Tracy, so Day 5 of my first TC, and I feel like it's going better than I expected. The exhaustion, aching, and gastrointestinal issues are no fun, but it has been doable so far. Just one day where I was totally useless and needed to rest.

    You'll get through this. We all will!!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Good luck tomorrow, bryna1212, Eveldon and Dottybird! You've got this.

  • eveldon
    eveldon Member Posts: 31

    Thanks I spent $100 at CVS buying everything I could think of to take care of every possible side effect. I am actually happy to get started. Nothing worse than sitting around worrying about cancer spreading everywhere. I'm ready for my “red devil" to get to work. ThumbsUp

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Welcome Anna!! We’re all in this together!

    Eveldon - I just made my proactive list tonight. First treatment is a week from tomorrow. My “cancer order” from Amazon came in today: ginger chews, ginger tea, scarves, and my cold booties with extra gel packs. I meet with a hairstylist tomorrow to order a wig to wear to work. My port gets placed Thursday and I have a heart test and CT the same day. Bone test a week from check today and maybe first treatment the day after that. Reading about you ladies who have already started is so helpful!!

    Snaffle - I hope your GI issues are in the rear view for the rest of your treatments!

    Good night, all! YOU. ARE.AMAZING

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27

    Hello to all you Septemberites!

    I am 68 and have osteoarthritis as well as this new adventure. I was to have a total knee replacement until hit with this, so mobility is difficult until next year.

    I started TCHP yesterday, at our center from 8:30 - 3:30. A bit sleepy all day from Benadryl. I ate small amounts of middle-of-the road foods - somewhat bland with some fiber. I felt ok until minor aches at 7:30, then feet started hurting some. Wrapping my feet in a cool, sopping towel for about 30 minutes helped a lot. Slept well. Expecting more SEs to kick in today. More news as it happens

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Eveldon, I did the same thing and bought all kinds of stuff to deal with side effects. I set up one area in the house with all my stuff. It was nice to just be able to grab what I needed and not wait any longer than necessary for relief.

    AngieB92, I picked up some ginger lozenges from Target that also have spearmint and B6. They have been super helpful when my tummy felt a bit "off", but not really nauseous. Hope the chews work for you, too. I'm also doing the cold booties during treatment. The packs stayed cold for me for almost 30 minutes before I switched them, but I might get another set and switch them sooner to be safe.

    Thanks for checking in, Turkeypoult. I'm so sorry you are dealing with so much at once. I hope you are able to rest and get whatever help you need to get through this. We are always here if you need to vent!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I also shopped ahead of chemo to prepare. I have a whole tote of “chemo” supplies and it’s been nice to have it there when needed.

    I’m on day 7 of TC now, and I have to say I think Neulasta is the devil LOL. I’m still so achy. I’ve been taking Claritin and ibuprofen. I’ve switched to Claritin and excedrin which is better, but today I’m adding a second antihistamine. I’m rotating Claritin and Zyrtec every 12 hours to see if that helps the aches. Don’t try this without talking to your doctor though.

    Other than aches, I’m definitely on the upswing of things. I think the next milestone is hair loss in the next 2 weeks.

    We’ve got this ladies


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Neulasta is definitely a product of the devil. I am still achy, too. It is very uncomfortable. But, my energy is coming back along with my appetite. Trying to focus on the positives....

  • Juniebird
    Juniebird Member Posts: 5

    Had first treatment yesterday, it was a looong day! I am doing Taxol/Carbo every week for 18 weeks and Herceptin/Perjeta every three weeks. So yesterday was TCHP, with 2 hrs tacked on to the end for scalp cooling. I was the last one there 🙂 Changing to Tuesdays from here on out.

    I slept well last night, only SE so far is slight fatigue. I am armed for what may come.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay this week!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, I will be starting chemo a.c. Sept 12th 2019, anxious scared and ready

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    welcome Gamb!

    I think the anxiety leading up to treatment is nerve wracking. I will say that I’m 7 days post my first treatment and what I imagined was worse than what reality has been. It isn’t a walk in the park, but it’s doable.

    We’re here with you


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    snaffle have you tried Epsom salt and warm water, or magnesium pills, usually produces bowel movement, but check with you Dr first.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Thanks, it's good to talk with people going thru similar or same things

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Has anyone had to start on antianxiety meds or depression meds? After my double mastectomy, I started on anxiety meds and it's low dose, but it helps me greatly. I have triple negative breast cancer with Chek2 genetic mutation, all diagnosed this past July,summer was ruined

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I’ve been on an antidepressant and an anti-anxiety med for several years. I started having panic attacks during my first diagnosis and my MO suggested I see a psychiatrist about starting meds. I refused back then, and I wish I hadn’t.

    This time has been easier to deal with having the medication to help

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    i don't think I could do this with out the meds, it has all happened so fast .

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    i did learn real quick to stay the hell off Google, scared myself plenty trying to find information

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    Google is not our friend at all - it'll just terrify the crap out of us