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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519
    1. Hi All

    I can't believe it's been 2 years since we all started chemo. I'm doing well, had my (hopefully) last fat grafting, looking forward to nipple tattoos to finish my reconstruction. I just graduated to quarterly visits to my oncologist today woot woot. I stopped Zoladex in March, and today I'm switching from Letrozole to Anastrozole to see if it'll help with the joint and body aches. I also just had my 3rd Prolia shot today to strengthen my bones. Overall, even with side effects from the AI I am doing well and grateful to be two years out

    I think of you all often, I wish all of you happiness and continued great health.


    P.S. Ange743, prayers and positive thoughts for your mom. I hope her treatment plan is what she wants.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi all!

    So nice to see the updates.

    Congrats, Tracy, on your masters!

    Ange743, sorry to hear about your mom. I'll say a prayer that she gets through treatment easily and is cancer-free soon!

    All is well here. I'm still on monthly Zoladex and daily anastrazole. My oncologist has me on 6 month appointments now. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, but I try to remind myself that I'm in there monthly for shots, so I can let them know if something's not right. I see my surgeon and radiation oncologist every 6 months, too, and the visits are staggered, so I'm seeing someone every couple of months.

    I still haven't lost the 12 or so pounds I need to lose. But, I'm eating fairly healthy most of the time, and I do exercise a few times a week.

    Sending you all lots of hugs and wishes for continued health and healing.


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hello to all you lovely ladies...

    I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and wonderful holidays to every one with different kinds of holidays.. I am doing good.. managed to lose 20 pounds in the past 2 years and kept it off.. need to lose at least 15 more.. I am forever thankful to each of you and I think of you all often. So on ward and upward, one day at a time.

    Peace to all


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Hi all, just checking in to wish everyone Happy Holidays!

    Everything here is quiet on the cancer front. I'm checking in with my oncologist quarterly, and just taking my Letrozole everyday. My oldest just finished his first semester of college, and my youngest just finished his fist semester of 7th grade. My oldest also has a job and is loving having his own money. He's been paying us for his car insurance and he's paying his gas and for things he wants or needs and no longer asks us for money - it's like getting a pay raise 🤣

    I'm still working from home, and it appears this will be a permanent arrangement. Since I'm home, my family decided to do something we've wanted to do for years. So my sons and I went to our local shelter and adopted a dog.

    This is Benny, he's quickly wormed his way into our hearts and is a part of our family. He's the sweetest, goofiest, loving boy. I didn't realize how much I needed him being isolated at home, he brings cheer and laughs to my days. The jury is still out with the cats, Benny wants so bad to play with them but he's to excited and they aren't sure 🤣

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year every


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Happy Holidays, Tracy and to all of you!!

    Benny is adorable and I know the best company. So glad you get to continue to work from home. Also glad to hear all is quiet on the cancer front.

    I have nothing to report either and that feels good. My oncologist switched clinics and I followed him. My original center was out teaching hospital here and they were all amazing but my separation anxiety from my oncologist would have been too great. Fortunately, my insurance was okay with the switch.

    I’ve been living life with mindfulness and gratitude. Our only child is in the middle of her sophomore year in college and loves it.

    I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year! ❤️

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    I can't explain how happy my heart is when I see there's a new post here. Followed closely by being so grateful we don't need to come here much.

    Great to hear updates! Life here is good. I am enjoying life, back to work, have a ponytail and just loving life. My youngest daughter graduated high school in June and is in her first year of college. College is local so still lives at home! She plays college volleyball and I'm loving watching her again. Middle daughter is in her second year at the same college so is still home as well. We got a dog a few months back so she keeps me busy as well.

    My Mom had breast cancer 10 years ago and it's back and badder than last time. So I'm helping her with a lot of appointments and things.

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and nothing but happiness and good health in the coming year. 🥰

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi ladies!

    I went in today for my monthly Zoladex injection. One of the ladies there was having her last infusion and her entire family (about 16 people) were allowed to go back to the treatment area to see her ring the bell and cheer for her. Brought back a lot of memories and few tears. It made me think of you all and everything we went through.

    I am feeling well. I've managed to lose 6 pounds. I plan to do another push to lose 6 more before summer, if I can. I see my oncologist next month for a checkup and blood tests. Fingers crossed for good results.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life as much as possible! Take care.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Hello wonderful ladies!

    Just checking in to see how we’re all doing. My 3 year diagnosis anniversary was 5/31, I forgot about it… I can’t believe it’s been 3 years (and almost 23 since my first Dx). I’m doing well cancer wise… no worries, normal checkups, etc. I’m still on Letrozole, and living with the side effects 😖. So yay for normal.

    I’m still working from home, and it’s become permanent. I’m struggling. While I’m not a social butterfly, I need face to face adult interaction. I literally spend 90% of my time in my bedroom (my office is in the sitting room of my bedroom). I have my rescue dog Benny to play with and walk, but I’m recognizing that my anxiety is getting worse and I’m depressed. I don’t sleep well (even with anxiety meds, it takes me hours to fall asleep). I have lost my passion for my job, and I’m struggling with what direction to take.

    I was doing really well in the stock market and was on track for early retirement, but the economy and the markets are in free fall, so that’s delayed things for the foreseeable future.

    On a positive note, my kids are doing great. My oldest is in college, has a job, and has already been promoted in less than a year. My youngest is going into 8th grade and making wonderful progress with his autism therapy and independence. He made A/B honor role all year.

    I hope you ladies are all doing well!

    Ange743, how’s your mom?

    I think of you all often!


  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Hi all! Nice to her from you Tracy! I'm sorry you're struggling but recognizing it is the first step to making changes to improve your mental health.

    My Mom had a double masectomy in December and has had a slow recovery but doing ok. She is 72. She has spots on her lungs but they've decided just to monitor that and so far they are stable and not proven cancerous so they could be just from being a smoker for 50 years. She recently found another lump in the same place as her last one and has had a CT scan last week. No word about that yet but my inkling is that it's back again, or wasn't completely gone from surgery. They recommended radiation for her last year as they didn't get clear margins but she decided against it.

    I'm doing well. Living life, check ups are good. Still taking Exemestane every day, Zoladex injection every 3 months, and Zometa infusions every 6 months. Just grateful to be otherwise healthy.

    My middle daughter is 20 and moving out on her own at the end of the month. I'm not ready, I don't think she is ready, but I will support her anyways. My youngest is 18 and starting her nursing this fall and playing college volleyball but will still live at home as the college is in our town She has scoliosis so she has extra challenges and I'm super proud of her. Later this week hubby and I are heading to Alberta to spend a few days with oldest daughter so I'm looking forward to that as well.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life! 🙂

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey All..

    Just thought I would drop by and say howdy...Life has been good.. no setbacks.. Living one day at time and enjoying all my kids and grandkids. Hope everyone is fine.. Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays.

  • eveldon
    eveldon Member Posts: 31

    Happy Thanksgiving ladies! I often think of my year of chemo during this season and am grateful to see posts on here. I am doing well, just planning trips with my fam and working a bit more. Truly thankful for every healthy day. Best wishes for the upcoming holidays to each and every one of you Heart

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    I'm just checking in. I can't believe it's been over 3 years since we were going through chemo together. I'm doing well, still cancer free and down to seeing my oncologist every 6 months. I started a diet a couple of weeks ago, and have actually lost 10.5 pounds. I hope I can stick to it and get rid of the 50 pounds I've gained from treatment and the pandemic.

    I hope each of you are doing well and living your best lives cancer free, I think of you all often.


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi everyone! Reading everyone's updates makes me smile.

    All is well here. My checkups have been good so far. I'm still on Zoladex and Anastrazole and tolerating them pretty well. I have a part time job and I'm on the PTSA at my kid's school, so I'm staying busy. I got Covid for the first time a few weeks ago, but I got through it. I still have a little healing to do, but I'm about 80% normal at this point. Just taking things one day at a time.

    Hugs everyone and I hope you all have a happy, HEALTHY 2023!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2023

    Hi everyone, just checking in!

    My checkups are every 6 months now and have been going great. I’m still taking Letrozole, and I am having to get Prolia injections to strengthen my bones, but it’s well tolerated so no biggie. I’ve also found a diet plan that works for me, and I’ve lost 38 pounds and counting wahoo!! My blood pressure has dropped with the weight so I hope I can get rid of the BP meds soon

    I hope each and every one of you are doing well!


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in as the five-year mark of my initial diagnosis approaches.

    I'm hanging in here! I'm still getting Zoladex shots monthly and taking Anastrazole daily. My last checkup was good and I'm still on the every 6 months schedule. I am supposed to lose about 10 pounds, which has been tough for me, but I've figured out how NOT to gain weight, so that's a good start. I'm exercising 3-4 times a week and it really helps my mood and energy level.

    I hope all of you are doing well. I hope the rest of 2024 brings you lots of health and happiness!


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    My 5 year mark for dx was 5/31. I’m still on 6 month check ins with my oncologist, and all is going well. I’m still on Letrozole and will continue it for another 6 years (which I’m fine with, it’s my safety net).

    I was doing great with weight loss until December, when I lost my dad suddenly. I’ve gained back 20 pounds of the 45 I had lost. I’m getting back on track now.

    I was able to get my BP under control, so I’m off my BP meds. My doctor also put me on a vitamin D3 supplement which had helped with my bone density so I’m not taking Prolia any longer. (My last bone scan actually showed improvement in my osteopenia). My stamina has definitely improved, and I’m back to long walks, being able to mow the lawn, etc.

    Leah - great to “see” you, and that you are doing well! I hope everyone else is doing well too and out enjoying life.
