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Starting Chemo December 2019



  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269
    Way to go Eigna! You got this!!! Glad we are all battling through! Feels like I woke up with allergies-mountain cedar high here in San Antonio! Inspired by you all and grateful to have found such a wonderful support group 🙏❤️
  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    just checking in.... glad everyone seems to be hanging in there. Keep on keeping on!

    I admire all you ladies who are working thru chemo. I retired a year ago from nursing. I do miss it but glad I don’t have to work thru this.

    I am on Day 17 after second TC treatment. This cycle I have been more nauseated at times( not constant), had diarrhea and have developed a dry hacky cough which is worse when I move around. Not sure what’s up with this but will definitely mention to my MO on Monday( 3 rd treatment day).

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    oh no Margo! Remember you can always call them to ask if you don’t want to wait til your next apt...hope you feel better soon❤️

  • gearup52
    gearup52 Member Posts: 12

    Hello ladies, glad to see everyone making it through. I am day 3 past my 3rd cycle of DDAC and doing ok. Fatigue is the main SE right now. I swear I have been sleep since getting home on monday. I was not this bad after the first two rounds but I will take it over what could be. I am cold capping and it is going surprisingly well. When I hit day 21 with a full head of hair I was elated. I do have one spot in the back that apparently did not get good coverage and I did lose some hair their. Walking has been the best thing I have done for me, will be glad when the fatigue let up so I can get back at it. Keep you head up ladies, we will get through this.

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Hi ladies, hope everyone is hanging in there. Just wanted to share a bright moment. (I'm on day 17 of my first TC cycle). Yesterday I felt kind of got out of the house and went for a lovely walk with my sister and then lunch with my family and then even a little shopping. WOW....It honestly felt so good to just do normal things. I feel like I've been so immersed in everything BC & chemo related and my Neutropenic state on days 5-14 literally had me going stir crazy.

    Does anyone else find just getting out and doing little normal things such a welcome gift? I know we won't necessarily feel up to that every day, so I'm just trying to appreciate the little rainbows as they come. And of course remind myself that when the dark clouds come, there will be rainbows to follow:)

    Gearup52, that's great so hear. How many cycles total do you have? I am cold capping too and I have shed SO much hair but just hoping enough stays. I'm just accepting it is what it is. Any tips on how you've been caring for your hair? I just bought a snood on Amazon to try at night per someone else's recommendation.

  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    Anyone ever fast before chemo? Would love to know your experiences

  • jrnj
    jrnj Member Posts: 408

    havefaithtoday what does the snood do to save hair?

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Margo-I have only had my first round of AC but I did try an intermittent fast for 16 hours prior to chemo and then 4 hours post chemo...I have heard that it helps minimize side effects...the only side effect I felt on day 1 was a disoriented feeling but not sure if it was due to Benadryl, taking all my meds at the same time I finally ate (then the feeling kicked in) or chemo. I am considering doing the partial fast again but I’m not sure!!!
  • Bejeweled
    Bejeweled Member Posts: 22

    Hi everyone,

    I am just checking in - I hope everyone is well and pushing through. I am still really struggling with nausea. We've tried changing and rotating meds and nothing seems to really kick it. Up next... my oncologist thinks I should go for an acupuncture consultation. I did some research and it looks like there is at least some evidence to support its use. Anyone have any experience with that? At this point I am willing to try just above anything, but I am pretty much tired of the pharmaceutical interventions... they don't seem to fix it, and then cause other side effects. I have one more round of AC to go on 1/15 (I've done 3 so far) and then on to 12 of Taxol and Herceptin. Hoping those are better for me.

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Hey ladies. Today day 3 of Round 2 TC. Feeling so so today. More tired, less nauseous but some mild body ache has kicked in so I am debating if I should take Tylenol. Just waiting to see if it gets worse.

  • gearup52
    gearup52 Member Posts: 12

    Havefa... I am AA and have Sisterlocks. Not a lot of experiece to help me with the process so made adjustments to what worked for others. Because my hair is so thick I spray rosewater, plastic cap to hold moisture in and no sticking of caps. I arrive super early and start capping 2hrs before, during and 2hrs after. After is hard because I am extremely sleepy by the end of infusion. One thing that helps is that Sisterlock is a hairstyle that does not need to be combed or brushed. I literally maintain it with my fingers daily. BTW I am using Arctic system. This picture is after my 3rd cycle and AC so I am encouraged.


  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Beautiful Gearup!!! I am about to go back for round 2 of AC and last night in the shower in notice my hair is starting to fall out!! I am not saddened, I look at it as a sign the chemo is not only killing my good cells but also the B**** cancer cells! Will probably braid and chop my hair off soon and donate of course since its so long! This weekend will def have to go and grab a wig (although, not sure if i will use). Hoping and praying you feel better bejeweled!!! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, we got this warriors!

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Hi Ladies, happy Friday. I just LOVE the encouragement you all provide! I have to go for an ultrasound today of my stomach because of all the stomach pain I experienced from the first round of chemo. It's subsided a bit since my Gastroenterologist put me on Protonix (a PPI) but I'm also on day 19 now so far from the initial chemo dose. Just praying it doesn't get really bad again with Cycle 2 next week.

    Margo53, how are you feeling now?

    JRNJ, someone else on here had recommended a snood, so I just ordered it on Amazon. It's like a hair net bonnet. I think it's supposed to hold your hair in place while you're sleeping so that it doesn't get all tangled and matted.

    Bejeweled, sorry to hear the nausea is really taking a toll. That's no fun. Have you tried ginger tea or ginger chews? Also, my friend got a patch prescription that she said was very helpful with her nausea. Maybe that might work better for you? Praying that it subsides and you feel better sooner.

    Eigna, do you think the body ache is from the Neulasta or just general body aches. I am going to try taking the Claritin the day before chemo this time as well as for 5 days after. Although I'm not 100% sure it helped, but worth a try. Prayers for you that you start feeling better soon.

    Gearup52, you look fantastic and healthy!!! How many more cycles do you have? I'm doing the Penguin Cold Caps and they have to stay on for 4 1/2 hours after and changed every 25 min. It's definitely a project, but will keep

    Maryjv, I was telling myself the same thing, if the hair is falling out we know the chemo is working. Prayers for a smooth round 2 for you. I go for round 2 on Tuesday.

    Remember ladies WE'VE GOT THIS!!!!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    I am afraid that even after the constant mouth rinses, brushing of the teeth after every meal, flossing and keeping my mouth clean I am developing a mouth sore!!! I have reached out to my MO, they prescribed the magic mouthwash. the nurse explained that it can happen, especially with the "red devil" just going to try and do what i can to help it. Whomp Whomp...

  • amyhey
    amyhey Member Posts: 42

    Hi everyone. I actually started my chemo the end of November. I just had my third round of TC two days ago. They had to lower the dose of my Taxotere this time because my liver enzymes were high when I went in. If they don’t come down, we might have to stop chemo all together. I’m supposed to have 6 rounds, so I hope I can at least get one more in. I had a reaction to the Taxotere yesterday and broke all out in a itchy rash! Benadryl seemed to help, but it freaked me out! Is anyone on here taking steroids in the days after infusion? I didn’t the first 2 rounds but I am now. Hope I don’t gain too much weight! I look forward to getting to know everyone

  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    hi amyhey.... well I know that had to be scary! So sorry you had to go thru that. I haven’t taken any stern after my TC but the morning after chemo I always wake up with red red cheeks. By end of the day it’s gone. Hope you are feeling better today

  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    maryjv.... sorry about your mouth sore... I know that has to hurt! I have a friend who had sores in her mouth and throat after red devil... the MM helped her, also I have heard of rinsing with a little coconut oil.... I hope you find relief soon

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Hello ladies - I'm doing a bit better today. Day 3 and 4 I felt very tired and some body aches. I finally took a Tylenol yesterday night before going to bed. Feel a bit better this morning. Checking my temperature every now and then. I'm so paranoid from last time Round. So far so good. Hoping to keep it this way.

    Gearup52 - you look amazing! Keep it going!

    Maryjv - don't forget hair loss is temporary. We are all in this together.

    Amyhey- I had a rash on my face on day 9 and 10 with the first round. Don't know if it's going to repeat itself this time around. I'll keep you posted. It cleared up by itself.

    Hope all you ladies have a great weekend!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Thank you ladies for your continued support, hoping this round is easier for you Eigna...I also got a rash on my face around day 10...very sensitive skin I just applied some cortisone cream and all gone! Cleaning and getting ready for round two on Monday! I also start taking the Claritin and prevacid on Sunday and take for 5 days to minimize bone pain...hope this continues to help..

  • kat333
    kat333 Member Posts: 38

    Sending good thoughts for a restful, restorative, weekend.

    Maryjv I hope MM gets right after the mouth sore. And that you find the perfect wig should you venture out to do so. Having had the last couple weeks to work with mine... am so happy to have it as an option.

    amyhey I was prescribed steroids, taken day before and after infusion, and think they have helped a good deal with SE. Have also, day following chemo, went in for hydration which is something that might be helpful. Hopefully they can work around liver enzymes if it continues to be an issue. My understanding is they can be all over the place and change frequently. Drink as much water as you can.

    Gearup52 Thank you for sharing your experience with cold capping. The great results have, no doubt, made the extra time and effort required, to do it, more than worth it.

    margo53 you're always so sweet and supportive.

    Thank you all for the caring and sharing of experiences.

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Morning beautiful ladies. How's everyone feeling today? I'm heading in for cycle 2 of TC. Praying all goes well and with minimal side effects.

  • havefaithtoday
    havefaithtoday Member Posts: 88

    Morning beautiful ladies. How's everyone feeling today? I'm heading in for cycle 2 of TC. Praying all goes well and with minimal side effects.

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Good morning Havingfaithtoday! Wishing you good luck with your 2nd round! You can do this! 😘.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269
    Good morning everyone!!! Have faith you got this!!! Had my second round yesterday and did get a headache in the evening but now I’m thinking it’s from the zofran!! Gonna stop taking and see if the headaches stop!
  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    Hi y’all! Havefaithtoday... hoping your infusion goes well today! And hope everyone else is doing well with minimal SE.

    So I had my third round of TC yesterday. A weird thing happened when they were drawing blood from my port. It flushed well but no blood would come out. They had me looking up, arm up in air, etc and I said. “ I feel really dizzy” and out I went! And Just like that I opened my eyes to 5 personnel standing over me saying “ take some deep breaths.”... I’ve never passed out before but my blood pressure was low for me 90/60. So they wheeled me back to the chemo room, gave me a bag of fluids and got the blood... said sometimes the end of the port can collapse... Great!! So my blood work came back good and I was able to get infusion! Yeah!! One more!

    Off to take a nap and waiting for the Neulasta to start

  • Eigna
    Eigna Member Posts: 256

    Wow Margo! What an interesting 3rd round of TC you had.

    I'm doing okay. Day 8 of 2nd round TC. I feel great. I Try to do some cardio every day. I have n fever which is great. Oh Margo do you still have that cough? I have a dry cough but no other symptoms. It's not constant though so I don't know what that is. It's weird cuz I feel fine.

    Tomorrow i have a hospital appointment for an allergy test to Penicillin. Doctors wanted to confirm I cannot take Penicillin if ever I get sick.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    Oh Margo! Glad you were able to have you treatment..were they able to use the port??

  • margo53
    margo53 Member Posts: 131

    Eigna...glad you are feeling good.... yes I do still have the cough, dry and hacky . I told my MO about it yesterday ..he asked if I was coughing up anything which I am not. So I dunno, he didn’t offer any other explanation, so will re-address in next appt if still lingering. I personally think it’s the chemo irritating my throat or bronchial. My nose runs a lot it seems.

    Maryjv....they were able to use the port. The nurse, not the lab tech was able to get blood , they are just qwirky sometimes and the end collapses..... that sounds like a manufacturer’s issue to me, but what do I know. I might just call the company tomorrow and see what they say

  • Bejeweled
    Bejeweled Member Posts: 22

    Hi friends, hope everyone is doing well today and that it's been a good day for all. My win for the day was that I did my 4th and final AC. My recovery from them has been rough each cycle, so I am not sad to see it go. 12 more cycles to go, but no more AC.

    I am adding acupuncture this round to see if it help with the nausea, on the advice of my oncologist.

    Anyway - moving forward. Have a wonderful evening!

  • maryjv
    maryjv Member Posts: 269

    congrats bejeweled! 4 rounds down! Feeling really bad today just fatigue and crummy! Counting down each day and treatment..