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January 2020 Surgery Group

sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

I will be having surgery in January 2020. I thought it would be great to start a thread for all ladies having surgery this month. Looking forward to connecting with others going through it in the same time frame.



  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    I’ll start. I’m having a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders. I’m awaiting my surgery date to be confirmed. A new primary was discovered in my right breast 10 years after I had a lumpectomy and radiation. As a result I must have a mastectomy because it can’t be radiated twice. I’ve opted to have a prophylactic left mastectomy done at the same time. My tumour 10 years ago was triple negative. This time, the biopsy report showed it’s ER+ PR+ (Her2 unknown at this point). So the world of hormone positive is new for me.

  • Lecoll
    Lecoll Member Posts: 8

    I will be having double masectomy on January 16th. After 8 biopsies this year with two right side there are two tumors in left breast. Previous tissue results showed highest level of precancerous before it turned to the real thing. When they discovered even more suspicious spots on left after only 3 months since last mammogram I knew needed to do.

    I am crazy nervous and then found out I have to have nuclear mapping called lymphoscintigraphy which I hear is very painful.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Hi Lecoll, sorry to hear about all your breast tests and scares. I'm wondering if the lymphoscintigraphy you mention is also called is a sentinel node biopsy (where they inject blue dye, which goes to these nodes). Does this sound familiar? If it is, I had it done 10 years ago. I was pretty freaked out from what I remember but it wasn't as bad as i anticipated. Then my surgeon took two nodes during my lumpectomy. It's good that you have your surgery date.

    I'm awaiting to hear when mine will be. I had hoped they would call me today. The plastic surgeon is lined up but his office is presently trying to confirm which of his available dates the general surgeon will also be available. Now with Christmas, I probably won't hear till early next week.

  • Fairydragonfly
    Fairydragonfly Member Posts: 132

    I will be having a prophylactic double mastectomy without reconstruction on January 20. Trying not to think about it too much, but am as prepared as I can be.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Hi Fairydragonfly, sounds like you’re on the right track being prepared. I’m sure there are things I haven’t got yet. I did buy a new recliner last night. I justified the splurge because I plan to sleep in it after surgery.

  • Lecoll
    Lecoll Member Posts: 8

    Sugar77 yes it's the blue dye. They are taking at least one side Lymph nodes. The wait for a date is brutal. I had to wait 4 weeks to ge ta date and three weeks once they finally found a date. I was told the scheduling of two doctors and OR is difficult at best. I will pray for you and quickly finding out a date so at least you can begin planning.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284

    I'm scheduled for a BMX on 1/6/20. The plan is to go straight to implants for immediatereconstruction. As of right now I have a large area of DCIS in my left breast, but the BS feels that there could possibly be something more hidden within. I guess I'll know more with the post surgery pathology. My second biopsy that was done on an auxiliary lymph node came back clear. The waiting for “official" answers is so hard. Especially with 3 kids under 5...I just want to know I'm going to be around for them.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    ajminn3 - welcome to the January surgery club. The waiting is the worst part because it’s out of our hands. I’m awaiting my surgery date so I know how it feels. It’s good that you can go direct to implants. My PS said I had to do tissue expanders but I had radiation 10 years ago on the same breast as this time I’m opting to have both removed and be done with it.

  • squatchmama
    squatchmama Member Posts: 16

    Hi all,

    I will be having BMX sometime in January. Waiting on scheduler to call back with date. I agree with you all about the waiting. The whole thing has been a hurry up and wait situation but reading your experiences made me realize that this is just the way it is. I, too, will be having the node mapping prior to the surgery. I am concerned with healing as I have an autoimmune condition and have been on meds to suppress immune system for over 10 years.

    Thank you Sugar77 for starting this thread. I feel not so alone. Prayers going out for all the ladies here for successful and easy masectomy and quick healing ahead. 💖

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    I'll be having hysterectomy w/ oophorectomy on January 20th, 2020. I'm totally unprepared at this moment. I should probably get on that.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    I splurged and bought a recliner from La-Z-Boy and it was delivered today. Yay! I'll be spending a lot of time on it once I have my surgery.

    squatchmama - hope you learn when your surgery is soon. I'm guessing I won't hear until next week.

    Brillee76 - how are you doing after your mastectomies? I see in your signature that you've had reconstruction. That's what I'm having done. Getting nervous and curious how your recovery is. Are you having exchange surgery?

  • squatchmama
    squatchmama Member Posts: 16

    ajminn3 - Looks like I will be joining you on 1-6-20 in surgery. I will be thinking about you!

    Sugar77 - I am following your lead and looking for a chair tomorrow!

    I am not having reconstruction and this is my first surgery. I also have no kids at home to worry about. Seeing how much you are all going through...well if you can do it so can I. I am glad to have a date to work forward to. Have a good night everyone.


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Sugar77- I'm doing pretty good since my mastectomies. I see why they say "new normal" now. Implants aren't very comfortable in comparison to your own breasts. I went straight to implant during my mastectomy surgeries so no exchange for me. After I've healed from my hysterectomy I'll be having some fat grafting and stitches to create symmetry and a more natural look.

    Drains were the worst part of the mastectomies. Once they came out the healing process and my range of motion skyrocketed.

    Good luck ladies! I'm praying for you.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    I did a 'test run' by sleeping in my new recliner last night. Hmmm, I lasted about four or five hours and then headed to the nearest sofa so I could sleep on my side. Though the recliner was super comfortable, I've got my work cut out for me using it as home base when I recover from my surgery.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284

    squatchmama- I’ll be thinking about you too!

    Sugar77- I may also need to invest in a recliner...I’m such a side sleeper. This is going to be a struggle for me

  • squatchmama
    squatchmama Member Posts: 16

    I think you will be grateful for the chair Sugar77.

    It may feel strange now because you can still sleep on your side but when you need to be in your back the chair will cradle you and it won't be such a strange flat on your back feeling. It will also help you get up easier. I am hoping anyway!

    I am very nervous about surgery. Not even so much about losing my breast but the surgery itself. I have no reason to feel this way. The only surgery I ever had was a csection once and it went just fine. Definitely DO NOT Google surgery! 😉


  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Squachmama - I’m nervous about surgery too. Now I’m getting freaked about reconstruction on my irradiated breast. It’s been 10 years and hasn’t caused me any long term skin issues but I’m praying the implant takes.

  • redhead403
    redhead403 Member Posts: 65

    many docs are using radioactive marker instead of the blue dye.

  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 134

    I'm gong to see my breast surgeon on new year's eve. I anticipate I will have surgery in January. If not, I might have to change groups ;-). Although its unfortunate that we are on this journey together, it's comforting to know there are others that can understand. My friends and family listen to me yammer about tests and options but they don't really understand so thank goodness for this community!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Hi Dysonsphere, you've found the right place! On here we can all relate to discussions about tests and options. You are meeting the surgeon soon and I suppose then you'll know if you're having a lumpectomy and radiation or a mastectomy. I had a lumpectomy 10 years ago and radiation so am happy to provide any insights from my experience if that's the surgery that's recommended for you.

    I actually don't have my surgery date either but am assuming it's going to be in January. Maybe I'll hear from someone tomorrow.

  • squatchmama
    squatchmama Member Posts: 16

    Sugar77 - I hope you get your date this week. Waiting for that was frustrating for me. At least the date sets the next goal. Although you are organized and proactive so that is probably helpful for you while waiting. I looked for a chair today and couldn't find anything that "fit". I think I am going to get pillows to bolster myself instead. I am already a back sleeper so hope this will help.

    Anyone else find while shopping for mastectomy shirts or helpful items that they seem to be far and few between and all a bit pricey?

    dysonsphere- There are so many choices based on so many factors that my people don't seem to understand my thought processes while telling them what is going on either. I am glad you found this forum because it is definitely helpful. And whether or not you get surgery this month or not you will find help by hearing what the others are going through before you! I hope you get a date soon so you have something definite to wait for!


  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Squatchmama, I found a number of button up shirts the other day. A current style is the soft flannel oversized tops so I scooped up three on sale. I also bought a few Chaps no iron blouses in case I need to wear to work after. The flannel shirts aren't my style but they are comfortable and will serve the need. The blouses, on the other hand, are nice and will work for this purpose and beyond. Good luck shopping.

  • Via
    Via Member Posts: 5

    you are going to be fine! I had DCSI too and they said that is stage 0 I did have one that came out of the milk pockets and that was stage 1. But am cancer free now! Your journey will be hard am not going to lie but you can and will do it! I have kids too and it is incredible the strength we get for them! They need us and we need them! Recovery is a long journey but it’s also an amazing one

    here is my YouTube channel this my help and some info you will need as you recover


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190
  • Lecoll
    Lecoll Member Posts: 8

    thanks for sharing the links. Trying to prepare for my sx on 16th. Feel like I'm over and under prepared. Anyone have to do nuclear resting before sx.

    Not ready to say tara to the tatas and the waiting and anticipation is killing me..

  • Craftylife61
    Craftylife61 Member Posts: 34

    Hello! Thank you so much, Sugar77, for starting this group. I will have a lumpectomy on my left breast on January 2nd. I know mostly what to expect because I had a lumpectomy on my right breast in May of 2014. Both are/were triple negative.

    I’ve got my zip up in the front sports bras and button up shirts ready to go. I used a wedge pillow last time which helped me stay on my back (which I hate because I’m a tummy’s sleeper). Fortunately my husband and I bought an adjustable bed six months ago.

    Good luck to everyone. I’ll post an update later.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328

    Craftylife61 - welcome to the group. Sounds like you are well prepared. Sorry to hear you are going through it again. I also had triple negative in my right breast 10 years ago. There’s a group on here called Calling all TNs, which was started when I was going through it. I see it’s still active now and has been so for a decade. I’d also take a look at it. Mine is a new hormone positive tumour in the same breast so it has to come off as I’ve had radiation to it already. I’m opting to have both remove and have themreconstructed.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284

    thanks for the links! It’s helpful to know what others who have been through this surgery felt were beneficial to have for recovery :

  • squatchmama
    squatchmama Member Posts: 16

    Brilee76 Thanks for the links. I ordered that same shirt. Honestly my budget isn't great after the holidays and although I saw some beautiful clothes for this occasion I couldn't "splurge" on the higher priced items. Glad to hear that shirt worked for you.

    Sugar77 Thanks for the suggestions on clothing. I work from home so I could work in my robe but I promise I don't! 😉 How long is recovery? I hear anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. Is uni going to be shorter than bi? I guess everyone is different but I would be interested in how much time you are aiming for off before going back to work? anxiety is high high high. Will they juice me up when getting ready for surgery? I have my node mapping 3 hours prior to surgery. I hope I don't have an anxiety attack on the table and hop off and run for the hills. mom had breast cancer and reoccurring cancer for 15 years. I so wish I had known more about what she is going through and had been a better helper. I will never look at a pink hat or ribbon the same way again!


  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 134

    I had my breast surgeon consultation today. From what I gathered, she was really against a mastectomy unless my genetic testing or additional biopsy show lymph node involvement. She recommended a simple lumpectomy and radiation plus hormone therapy. That may change but I find it interesting that everything else is left up to us. I have to contact a PS to research further and I'm under a time crunch. Yikes!