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Starting Radiation February 2020

Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

I haven’t seen a thread for those of us starting in February. Anyone else starting this month? I don’t have my start date yet but expect it to be soon!



  • moxie32
    moxie32 Member Posts: 51

    I have my initial appointment (with the RO’s NP) on Feb 19 - my 60th birthday!

    Still waiting for Oncotype to determine if chemo would be beneficial. If so, will do that before radiation

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30

    Hi there, glad you started this thread, I was going to start this today since I hadn't seen one yet.

    I start tomorrow, 25x . I'll let you know how it goes

    Moxie32 hoping your onco score comes back low! Mine was 14 thankfully

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Hi Moxie, Sending good wishes for no chemo to be needed. If not, it looks like you could start by the end of this month? I had trouble deciding whether or not to go ahead with rads so things have taken some extra time with me. I’m mentally ready to go now, 25 sessions for me.

    RhodyGirl, Anxious to hear how it goes for you. Did you have any specific moisturizer recommended to you? Good luck tomorrow!

  • moxie32
    moxie32 Member Posts: 51

    Thanks Rosie! I assume I could start this month but not sure of the timeline for setup.

    I would like to see if I’m a candidate for brachytherapy - will be discussing that on the 19th. If not - I will be doing 20 days.

    All these decisions - I was so ignorant of this entire process.

    Good luck Rhodygirl

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi all!

    I had my mapping session on January 21st. I just had my first treatment today. I'm having 16 sessions total. They are doing my right chest, scar line and my lymph node chain.

    I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. I only had one lymph node involved, but it was very large, so the radiation oncologist calls this my "insurance policy".

    I really didn't want to do this after going through surgery and chemo, plus I've started hormonal therapy, but I've decided to throw everything at it and hope something works to keep it from coming back! I'm also trying to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

    Good luck today, Rhodygirl!

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30


    First session took a little longer than a regular day because they check everything and I met with the doctor to review. Looks like it will be about 15 minutes a day. The worst part so far is holding my arms over my head.

    I’m with you LMS- I was in a ‘gray area’ for getting radiation but I decided to go ahead for my own peace of mind. And it helps knowing that I’m doing everything I can to reduce the chance of recurrence.

    They gave me Aveeno intense relief lotion, but also recommended Aquaphor, Lubriderm and calendula cream.

    I’m told the fatigue starts to set in after a couple of weeks and peaks the week after the last season.

    8% done!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    I am already feeling some fatigue after just 2 sessions. My skin is already feeling irritated. No redness, but I feel tender on the inside and sore on my skin. I am wondering how I'm going to get through this if I'm already so uncomfortable!

    My RO said Aquaphor is good. He also recommends Cerave, Miaderm, calendula cream, and aloe vera. He even suggested a bit of coconut oil first, then seal it in with something thicker at night, like Aquaphor. I'm doing that combo at night with calendula during the day. I ordered Miaderm to try because I really want to be as comfortable as possible.

    I've been hydrating a lot and eating extra protein (nuts, lentils, organic Greek yogurt). I've been trying to get an extra hour of sleep each night, too.

    Hope everyone else is doing well....

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Oh, Rhodygirl55, I'm counting down the same way! 12.5% done!


  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30

    LMS, I thought it was in my head when I was exhausted last night and in bed early, on day 2! I’m also getting over a cold so I’m not sure of what’s causing what...

    Any feedback on anastrozole? I’ll be starting after radiation is done.

    I also had ordered bras from MakeMerry after surgery because I was so uncomfortable, someone in my surgery chat suggested them.they are made for radiation patients and are super soft and comfortable, kind of pricey, but at this point if it helps me feel better it’s worth it!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    RhodyGirl, I think everyone deals with it differently. It's "trauma" to part of the body, so it makes sense to be extra tired. I'm just going to go with it, even if it's annoying to be in bed early or fall asleep sitting up in the middle of the afternoon!

    No feedback on anastrozole because I actually haven't started it yet. I've only had one Zoladex (goserelin) implant (on Jan. 23rd). I think they will test my blood in March to make sure I'm in menopause and then start me on the anastrozole (Arimadex). So far, just hot flashes.

    Thanks for the bra info. I'll check it out. I haven't found anything I like, except for the Amoena Valetta camisole. I need something else for summer. I have no breasts anymore, but I wear foam inserts 'cause it makes my clothes look better, so I need comfy bras!

  • Flnana2
    Flnana2 Member Posts: 102


    I am starting radiation, 25 sessions, on Feb. 17th. I went for my planning CT and got my tattoos yesterday. I'm starting to prepare the area with lots of lotions now. Just wanted to say Hi..Hope this won't be too much of a pain!

  • HeartShapedBox
    HeartShapedBox Member Posts: 117

    Hi everyone, I'm scheduled for my simulation Feb 21, so I assume I'll start radiation shortly after/ at the end of this month sometime? I had to delay radiation for physical therapy, to regain enough mobility for radiation positioning. My surgery (single mastectomy with 8 nodes removed) caused axillary web syndrome from armpit to wrist.

    I'll get 30 sessions, 25 of chest wall, axiallary nodes, and upper breast bone nodes, plus 5 boosts for scarline.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Ok, I got my start date. Dry run is next Weds, real thing with 25 treatments starts Thurs. I hope you all that have started, Rhody and LMS, are doing ok. Enjoy your weekend off 😊

  • kikind
    kikind Member Posts: 16

    RhodyGirl, I just received my 2 bras from MakeMerry and they are sooooo soft and comfortable! They are pricey but I think they will be worth it going through rads.

    My radiation start date has been pushed back a few weeks because I have a small section of lumpectomy incision that won't close. And last week, the MO decided that he wants to order Oncotype and Dexa Scan (bone density x-ray) before he decides if I need chemo or not. If I need chemo, that would happen before radiation. So, I see MO on 2/24 and RO on 2/28. Hoping for low Oncotype and no chemo. If all goes well, they will do rads simulation on 2/28 and start rads the next week. RO is saying I will need 33 sessions with 5 boosts. I just want to get it over with.

  • birdsndognow
    birdsndognow Member Posts: 16

    Hi Rosie24!

    Sounds like your start is exactly when mine is, Wednesday 2-12-20.

    It's going to be to the full breast, and the LN crop, left side. I'll be pitching a tent downtown (j/k) for the next 6 weeks, 5 days per week.

    It's all got me worried, I'm thin skinned, .. skin's real friable. Take care, luk how it goes, and I'll do the same.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Hi Birdsndog, Glad to have you as a rads partner! I actually have my dry run on Weds. I’m not sure if that’s done everywhere but I’m pretty sure I’ll have to do breath holds so maybe because of that. I’ll start for real on Thurs. I’m nervous about the skin issues too but it seems people who moisturize a lot do ok for the most part.

    How’s it going Rhody and LMS?

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30


    So far so good- no skin issues after 5 sessions. I’m also very susceptible to sunburn and have fair, sensitive skin so I’m nervous about the reaction as it goes along.

    I’ve been using Aveeno 3x day and now I’ve added calendula cream too. Hope it helps!

    I am going to bed early again as it seems I’m a little more tired than usual, not too bad though.

    20% done

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    I'm doing okay, too. No skin redness or rash. Just a general feeling of discomfort and irritation, as though my nerves are annoyed with what's going on. I wear a soft tee shirt under my clothes, but it still feels weird against my skin.

    I napped after my first session, but after that my energy level was great until today - first session back after the weekend. I napped again today.

    I am 31.25% done! (5 out of 16 sessions)

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Saw the RO today. Skin looks the same. Still having irritation and weird sensations, plus some tightness, but that's all.

    I am 43.75% done (7 out of 16)!!!

  • moxie32
    moxie32 Member Posts: 51

    I am probably not going to start until March unless oncotype comes back soon and they move up my MO and rad appts

    Right now scheduled for MO on March 6 and first rad appt March 11. CT for rads planning on March 12.

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    Thank you for this thread. I start 30 treatments tomorrow. This is a great community and happy to have found it. I am 9 weeks out of surgery straight to implants (nipple sparing, skin sparing.) Very concerned about what radiation will do to implants as well as other long term side effects. I was on Anastrozole for 4 1/2 weeks- stopped that and PS prescribed Singulair to take with radiation. Will restart Anastrozole 2 weeks after radiation. Hoping that pure aloe (from plants) and Aquaphor will work wonders.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Good luck tomorrow, AZNative2020!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,793

    Welcome, AZNative2020, and best of luck on your treatment! We're here for support as you continue down this road.

    The Mods

  • redhead403
    redhead403 Member Posts: 65

    Hi aznative2020. Are you in Phoenix?   I just completed 25 Treatments. Had bilateral mastectomy nipple and skin sparing direct to implants.  I have tightness in my underarm an on my scar. Won't know the extent of side effects yet

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    redhead403, I'm in Chandler. Tightness from your lymph node scar? How are the other side effects so far? Will you have five boosts now? Did your plastic surgeon recommend Singulair during radiation? How do your implants feel (sorry if that's too personal?) I am very fair complected and get rashes often- got one from the biopsy and surgery- not sure if it was from the tape, or the surgical cleanse or the pain pills. What are you using on your skin after radiation? Thank you and good luck to you.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Ok, my first treatment is history! 24 more to go. 😳 It was fairly easy today with a very helpful tech who explained more about the breath holds I have to do (left sided bc) with this snorkel contraption. It’s supposed to protect the heart & lungs from getting radiated.

    Redhead, congrats on being done!! Hoping no side effects for you.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    I hope everyone is still doing alright!

    I am 56.25% done (9 out of 16). I am having more tightness. The skin on my chest was just slightly pink last night, but faded this morning. I'm feeling sore after this morning's treatment, so expecting more pink skin this weekend.

    Enjoy the 2 days off! I am so happy for the break.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    How’s it going for those that have started?

    Finana, I think today was your first day?

    AZ and Birdsndog, We’re start day pals. Day 3 for me, 12% done, lol.

    Rhody and LMS, Hope you’re doing ok and the countdowns to your finishes are getting close!

    My team gave me Aquafor and another super thick ointment to use when I noticed skin issues. I had read about Miaderm being really good and had already got some from Amazon. It’s pretty expensive but more like lotion, and much nicer to apply. That one says to start using it right away (or even before). I may end up using all of them at some point.

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30


    Checking in after my 10th of 25 treatments- almost halfway done.

    I’ve been having skin tightness and the center of my chest is super itchy. I was given hydrocortisone cream for the itchiness and told that that’s normal, so get ready:/

    Is anyone else working through their treatments? I’m trying to work half time in the mornings but I’m quite scattered so I’m wondering if it’s worth it. Well a long weekend of sleeping in definitely helped

    Stay strong and have a great week !

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    Day 3 done. Was supposed to meet with RO today but she was on vacation. They told me Friday that I’d meet with her Mondays so had my husband come with me. This just adds to my frustration with her so far. Thankfully, my techs are nice but I still hate it. I have a slight cold and am exhausted. I hope that I can start sleeping again. I’m using real aloe from plants, Aquaphor and CeraVe. I have weird sensations in my sternum and my outer breast. Has anyone used Mepetiel film? I may have spelled that wrong.