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Starting Radiation February 2020



  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Member Posts: 71

    Happy I found this thread. I have breast cancer on the other side (ya, I'm that girl no one wants to show up in the support groups because you have to look recurrence in the face). It's a much happier type and only .8 cm--with NO chemooooo--woop woop. I have a lumpectomy scheduled on Thursday, a couple weeks to recover and then on to radiation. I read about the Makemerry bra that I'll be ordering based on the messages here. What about camisoles or undershirts or tanks? I want really soft and perfect for radiated skin. Ideas? It's all about ME this second time so I'll be spending whatever I think I need to.

  • OrWhat
    OrWhat Member Posts: 1

    Hi all. My lumpectomy was on December 6th and today was #13 of 20 radiation treatments, my last 4 will be boosts. The fatigue has really set in starting this past Sunday, I turned pink after my second treatment (I am fair skinned) and had a rash start after my 5th, I used hydrocortisone for about 4 days with Benadryl then asked my Doctor for something stronger and he prescribed Triamcinolone Cream and that stuff has been wonderful. My bc was in the left breast so I do my treatments in the prone position. I can't wear a bra comfortably so I bought some men's cotton tank tops,they are comfy and I wear them over a cotton diaper I drape over my chest area to keep the Eucerin and Aquaphor from ruining my clothes. I've enjoyed finding this site and reading all the posts. Good luck to all and don't forget to keep very very hydrated and walk or do some type of exercise to help keep up your stamina.

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Member Posts: 71

    kikind and RhodyGirl55, thanks for the mention of Makemerry. I'll start radiation in early March and will now be ready. I almost ordered one or two bras from them last night but called our "store" at the hospital today and they carry them. PLUS, bonus, it'll be covered by my insurance! That may mean only one but at $55 or so, I'm happy about that. Thanks for mentioning them.

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Member Posts: 71

    Has anyone heard of using green tea topically for radiation? I did that for my first radiation stint in 2017 but I can't find too much info on it on the Internet. I found a couple research articles, but there wasn't much data included so can't really figure out if there's true data behind it or not. Anyone? I don't remember using lotions as liberally as I was supposed to and still the skin on my radiated side (I was going to say "my radiated boob" but reconsidered) is almost the same as the other side. Who knows if that's due to green tea or not, but can't hurt--plus it's cheap and easy. I remember bringing strong tea bags to radiation and using them right after. Anyone have a site or know more?

  • Debiiii
    Debiiii Member Posts: 7


    Starting next month was wondering if a mastectomy for dcis would have bypassed the radiation

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    Day 5 done. Met with RO. The place I go does not offer Deep Breath Hold; they angle the radiation so it misses my heart. My lungs will be hit as well as my thyroid- she was very caviler about just having to take a pill if that happens. (I hate pills.) I am exhausted all the time. I am getting outside and walking 2 miles a day and doing yoga, stretches, etc. Is anyone taking any vitamins? Every day is a bit closer to March 25.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Welcome JLB and Debiii! Hopefully someone will have input for your questions. Sorry, but I don’t. 😊

    AZNative, Yay for day 5, I’m there too. I see my RO tomorrow and will be shown my plan, which the nurse said is very interesting to see. I’m not sure what that means but I guess I’ll find out. I’ve been tired too, especially on the way home from treatment. (Thankfully DH is driving.). I’ll make myself get out for a walk today. It’s sunny but chilly here.

    Or what, You’re moving right along! I hope your skin is doing ok with the help from the Tri cream.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi OrWhat! Sounds like you're getting close to being done! Glad the new cream is working.

    Hi JLB! The green tea sounds interesting. Post if you find out anything.

    Hi Debii! No answer for your question. Sorry!

    AZNative, glad you are well, minus the exhaustion. I take vitamins with approval from RO and MO. Mainly calcium, magnesium, biotin, and D3. I also take turmeric. I plan to start fish oil soon for my joints.

    Rosie, glad you checked in.

    All is well with me. I am 81.25% done (13 out of 16). My skin is very dry and turning tan. I have decent energy, so I feel lucky. I am trying to stay busy. So glad to be almost done. I'm so ready to rest and heal.

  • TeriJ
    TeriJ Member Posts: 44

    Aznative: I have heard good things about the mepitel but I did not use it myself.

    I'm sorry I missed this group. I joined a group that was about 4 wks ahead of me which was extremely helpful. I get to ring the bell tomorrow as it is my last day of rads! Yay! Best of luck to all of you. I did work through my 19 sessions of rads, but was able to leave early (I planned it that way and requested a 2:15 daily appt. Work didn't know I could have done 4:45 and I don't feel bad one bit). Most days I had great aspirations to go home and workout, but usually I went home and napped so I could then go play tennis. 😊
    I had good help from the Jason's aloe lotion (however once it's gone I'll never be able to smell it again!). My RO wanted me to use that lotion specifically. Now, I have terrible itching and bumps and am using lidocaine/prilocaine cream as the hydrocortisone doesn't help me a bit. I got the itching and bumps just after treatment #14 (conveniently over the weekend).
    Im wishing all of you an easy road with rads. Keep marking the days off on your countdown.


  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    TeriJ, How encouraging for the rest of us that you are doing so well.

    I was hoping to have less treatments, but my RO loves the phrase, "standard of care." Seriously, I think she said it six or seven times Wednesday when I saw her for less than five total minutes (she left the room twice during our session.)

    I went straight to implants during my initial surgery, so I'm concerned about the effects of radiation on those as well. Anyone else?

    I did have a gal suggest green tea with olive oil and she messaged me the recipe. Let me find it and I'll post it. I'm using only Pure aloe (fresh from my garden) immediately after treatment and four times a day and aquaphor at night.

    Day 7 of 30 today.

  • Sjbell1001
    Sjbell1001 Member Posts: 2

    March 25 is my last day also! But I’m just on day 2! I thought I was crazy when I was already feeling tired and sore from the treatment. Everything you read makes you think it takes awhile. I hate feeling weak. :( But I am going to try and get out and about!

    Glad you are exercising it inspires me to want to also!

  • rhodygirl55
    rhodygirl55 Member Posts: 30


    Congratulations Terij! You must be thrilled to be finished!

    14/25 treatments are in the past for me. I'm finding that Fridays are the worst for fatigue, so glad it's the weekend to get some rest, exercise and fresh air.

    I'd be interested in the green tea recipe, the hydrocortisone and creams aren't helping my itchy red bumps. I also have some that look like little blisters in the center of my chest. I may also take your advice AZnative and buy some aloe plants to see if it helps

    Debiii I don't have an answer either, but I think They look at different factors to decide if you will benefit from it.

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend break!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,612

    Welcome, Sjbell1001! We're sorry you find yourself here, but hope this place can be a source of support and encouragement for you. We're all here for you!

    The Mods

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Welcome sjbell! I hope you can adjust to the fatigue, either with naps or trying exercise to counteract it.

    I crashed on the couch a couple days ago, which I haven’t done for ages. I just knew I couldn’t make it the rest of the day, so I slept for maybe an hour and a half. It made a world of difference, until at bedtime I couldn’t sleep. Yesterday there was another appointment for me afterwards, then lunch and several errands before getting home. I was tired but made it till bedtime. We have some nice weather days coming here, so I’m planning to get out for some walking.

    And it’s the weekend!! No treatment 😊. I’m only on 7 of 25 but I sure do appreciate the break.

    Rhodygirl, You're past the halfway point, yay!

    Teri, Congrats on finishing! I have some red dots developing but no itching yet. I bet that’s coming.

  • TeriJ
    TeriJ Member Posts: 44

    OMG I want to scratch my skin off!!!!! The itching is driving me CrAzY 😝. In the middle of dinner out I’m putting cream on my chest. I wake up scratching. Ugh. I am certain I can’t use this whole tube of cortisone cream and lidocaine cream in four days!! Have you ladies tried the green tea recipe? I think this gets worse before it gets better. I didn’t have this issue until after #14.

    ..... heading for the cream.. Again!

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18

    Here's the link for the green tea for burns. I really can't find much more on it and it was difficult to find in the first place. I'm unsure if I will try it. It does make sense that Aquaphor does have mineral oil in it and that would exacerbate the burning if it wasn't completely washed off before radiation. The gal who messaged me the website did say she knows two people that followed it and did not burn.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Thanks, AZNative.

    I've been having good luck with Miaderm, so I'm going to continue with it, even though it's a bit pricey.

    I am 93.75% done. Tomorrow is my last rads treatment!!! My skin is still very dry and looks tan, but it's doing okay overall. I am kind of uncomfortable. Not too tired, not too itchy, but I just feel weird. Nerves, muscles and skin are mad at me! LOL

  • birdsndognow
    birdsndognow Member Posts: 16


    Hi all!

    I've done 8 days now of RADS and really have no harsh effects to speak of except a little skin dryness, and some intermittant hoarseness but maybe that was from that deep breathing to push the heart away from the beams.

    It's full breast treatments, and it's going all the way up to my collar bone, one area the treatments are being shot from the back. I just hope this works to eliminate all cancer cells.

    Hi Rosie24, hope your fatigue is better.

    LMS458412, congrats on you last treatment!

    AZNative, thx for the report on the lavender, calendula, and green tea treatments. I got a small tube of that Jeans Cream, someone spoke of; after that runs out, I might try those others. Like you, I stop on March 25th.

    Sjbell1001, hello to you, I hope you're feeling better. I stop on the 25th of March also! That's I think, three of us!

  • Sjbell1001
    Sjbell1001 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you! So far so good!

  • marinochka
    marinochka Member Posts: 90

    Hello, ladies

    I would like to ask a question. I will be starting radiation next monday. They told me only to use Calendula lotion.

    I went to shop for that and found calendula ointment and calendula cream.

    is it the same? or it should be "lotion" -this is what it says in brochure i was given.

    Also if you start to put lotion in advance i will start today, how many times i should do it?

    and during treatment : how many times you do it?

    in brochure it says: 2 times per day, but i heard some people do it 4 times per day. what would you recommend?

    thank you! and I wish you all to go thru the treatment with no issues...or at least some minor ones only.

  • marinochka
    marinochka Member Posts: 90

    i see here green tea. But i was told today not to drink green tea ...because it has a lot of antioxidants. may be it is different for skin...just thought i would mention it.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Thanks, Birdndognow!

    I had my last treatment today...16 of 16 done. My team gave me hugs and a completion certificate. I am very uncomfortable, but skin is holding up well so far. Just need to get through the next week before the real healing kicks in.

    Marinochka, my RO gave me several options for lotion. I'm surprised yours said only 1 kind. I would call and ask them for clarification on the type and maybe other options. I used lotion that contained a little calendula for the first few days, then switched to Miaderm, which has worked well for me.

    As for green tea, my RO said a cup every now and then is fine. He said you need to drink a lot of it (or consume a lot of any food with antioxidants) to counteract the radiation in any way. I'm not saying you shouldn't do what your RO said, it's just weird that people get such differing advice!!!!

  • moxie32
    moxie32 Member Posts: 51

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    I finally got my Oncotype score yesterday. The insurance company (Tricare Healthnet) was awful. They dropped the ball on the first request and “needed more info” on the second request - even though my dr had sent them everything. Who needs that anxiety when you’re already dealing with cancer? Anyway - it was good news. My score is 15 so I don’t need chemo.

    My rad appointment is currently on March 11 but I left a message to see if they can get me in sooner. Either way, it’s going to be March before I get going so I’ll jump over to that group.

    I would just like to get this over with and on to my new normal

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Good luck, Moxie!!!

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Moxie, Great news on the no chemo!

    LMS, congrats on finishing up rads! Hoping for a quick return to normal for you.

    Marinchoka, sorry, I’m no help on the calendula question, maybe others know more? I have been using Miaderm right after treatments and Aloe Vesta (given by my RO team) before bed. I’m on day 10 of 25 (40% done, woohoo!) and my skin is holding up well. I do have reddening on my clavicle where I didn’t moisturize for the first few days.

    Yesterday I had my treatment at 6:45 pm instead of my usual time of around noon. They had a part being replaced and shifted all the morning people. It all went fine but it felt strange to be there with hardly anyone else around. Hoping for normal times the rest of the way.

    Wishing smooth sailing to everyone mid-treatment or getting started.

  • AZNative2020
    AZNative2020 Member Posts: 18


    Day 10 of 30. I saw my plastic surgeon today to see how my implants are handling radiation. She says I look good, but I have to continue to massage them as I am still swollen. My techs are very nice, but I still do not like radiation. I am using Aloe (from my garden, I let the resin drip out and then take the "meat" out and use my immersion blender. I was using Aquaphor at night and may start that again, but I don't like that it has alcohol and other ingredients. My PS suggested CeraVe and I asked my RO on Monday about it and she said absolutely not. I just don't get all the conflicting advice.

    I was exhausted all week last week and when I brought them up to my RO, she of course said that it couldn't be from radiation already. (her favorite phrase) She blamed it on my anxiety- I don't have anxiety. I didn't have any other questions since I feel she never listens to me and just responds with "standard of care."

    Looking forward to a break for the weekend. Two more to go this week.

    How's everyone else doing? My skin looks fine, but I do have pain in my sternum and I get pangs of pain under my left breast and on my left side.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    AZNative, I was exhausted after my first treatment and at various times throughout. I'm exhausted today and took a nap. My RO said it's totally normal and I should feel much better 2-3 weeks after my final treatment.

  • NGCPeach
    NGCPeach Member Posts: 4

    I’m so glad I found this thread! I just started 33 rounds of radiation on February 18th. I will have 28 rounds of radiation and 5 boosts. This is after a Stage 3 diagnosis, 16 rounds of ACT chemo and a partial mastectomy on my left side. So far, it has been going ok until yesterday. I had a checkup with my oncologist and she found two red spots that looked like acne cysts. She’s sending me back to my surgeon tomorrow to have her check them out. Needless to say, I’m very nervous. I hope they are nothing serious. I look forward to getting through radiation and back to my regular routine!

  • marinochka
    marinochka Member Posts: 90

    thank you so much for your responses. Getting ready to start on Monday, I use calendula cream already every day

  • Flnana2
    Flnana2 Member Posts: 102


    I started yesterday. I’m having 25 sessions which means I’m through March 30th. It all went well but I do have a rash from the aquafor blocking my pores. I’m switching to alba unpetroleum jelly based on RO suggestion. Also using calendula. Good luck to all and congrats to those that have finished.