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March 2020 Surgery Group

pjb61 Member Posts: 38

Hello. I'm new here so I hope it's okay to start this thread. I didn't see one for March. I have a lumpectomy with SNB scheduled for March 4. And I have radioactive seed placement in two days (2/27) and I'm a bit nervous about that. I don't like the idea of a radioactive substance hanging out in my body for 6 days.

Who else is having surgery in March? I'd love to compare notes as we progress.



  • Badluckbdaygirl
    Badluckbdaygirl Member Posts: 55

    Hi pjb61,

    I had a BMX in December, but will have my second (reconstruction after tissue expanders) surgery March 6th. I wish you well! I’m about to start Tamoxifen after being scared to start it for the last two months. I really want to try to find some normalcy. I feel like I’ve been in a bubble since September. Thank you for starting this group

  • sage
    sage Member Posts: 24

    I am right there with you. If I could give you each a huge hug I would! And I am not really a hugger.

    I was diagnosed in 2011 with an aggressive tumor and had 3 lumpectomies, lymph node removal plus all the chemo and radiation and Tamoxifen and reconstruction, etc... was tested for BRCA1&2 at the time and these came back negative. Managed it all well enough. Two years ago I did some new additional genetic screening and it came back positive for PALB2. My surgery has been scheduled out almost 2 years because I needed to have foot surgery last February (completely unrelated) and then salpingo-oophorectomy plus monitoring pancreas with MRI/ultrasound and colonoscopy in December. Now it's time for my BMX on March 13th (yep... that is Friday the 13th) with two-stage reconstruction (tissue expanders), several months of saline fills and hopefully my final exchange in the fall followed by any additional “touch-ups."

    Not really excited but waiting 2 years can make you anxious. Will be glad to get past this and move onward in life. I have too much fun stuff to do! My thoughts are with you both!

  • PMML
    PMML Member Posts: 18


    I was told I have IDC on 12 Feb and am scheduled for lumpectomy on 9 March. I have to drive 1.5hours each way to have the radioactive seed the morning of my surgery so either I’ll be in full blown road rage when I get to the hospital or I’ll have kept myself busy so I haven’t worried.

    My mother had a mastectomy in January so I have a fair idea what to expect.

  • PMML
    PMML Member Posts: 18

    You guys might get this! I get my underarms waxed every three weeks as I get terrible ingrown hairs from shaving. Just went and realised this will be the last time for awhile as I wait for the scarring to heal after my surgery. Didn't expect to feel so emotional about it!

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    44 yo mom of three and self employed, just got diagnosed a couple weeks ago and has been a crazy ride ever since! No history of breast cancer in my family at all. I'm the first.

    Met with my surgeon yesterday and got my options for removal. He said I have small breasts and the amount he would have to take out for lumpectomy would leave me very disfigured and then with radiation would shrink even more. I am not comfortable with just one breast implant or implants at all, so now I am considering a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. But then I was reading about using your own tissue for reconstruction.

    What do you consider when making the choice? I'm not talking about the health risks, those are pretty cut and dry, I am talking about image, sex appeal etc. I am not in love with my breasts, not stuck on them being there really, so I don't think I have a fear of them being gone.

    I am waiting for my consult with the plastic surgeon next week to gather more info for the reconstruction.

    So far I have met with oncology, surgery and radiation, had gene testing (which was negative).

    So glad I found this forum so I can vent and use some support from my fellow boob-sisters.

  • sage
    sage Member Posts: 24

    The choice for reconstruction is different for everyone and there are lots of options. You could also delay reconstruction until after you go through treatment, especially since you have so much other crap to think about and research. I ended up having three lumpectomies and my bc breast ended up much smaller and misshapen. After I completed all my treatment and my skin healed from radiation, I ended up having reconstruction with fat grafting on my bc breast and a lift on the other to get them matched and they look fricking awesome. So I am sad that I have to have the BMX but am anxious to see what my skilled plastic surgeon can do. I know it will be at least one more surgery with final silicone implant exchange in the fall and I know there will be one or two more after that to get everything evened up (plus nipple tattoos). The fat grafting made a huge difference in my breasts and I am sure my surgeon will want to do that again (taken from thighs). So yep... that’s a lot of surgery to anticipate (plus the saline fills and months with expanders) but in the end I know it will be worth it for me. And I will have perky breasts for the rest of my life and that isn’t so bad. Plus I want to still feel sexy and I love the beach and being in bathing suits. For me, I am choosing to go with silicone implants as I like the final look after reconstruction and I wanted to limit the scarring. I know women are very satisfied with using their own tissue as well. That is a longer, tougher surgery but there is immediate reconstruction and not the two-step approach that I am taking (and a lengthy procedure to get to that point). It helps to look at before and after pictures of each procedure to have an idea of what to realistically expect.

    Since I went through most of the cancer treatment procedures I can tell you that your skin will suffer from the radiation but it can come back looking perfectly normal. The lumpectomy surgery wasn’t too bad. You couldn’t even tell I had surgery after my first lumpectomy. The subsequent 2 surgeries were tougher on my breast and left scarring. The SNB wasn’t too bad but the axillary lymph node removal pretty much sucked. But what are you going to do? You have to get that cancer removed entirely. So for everyone here, just remember that they push your body to the edge to kill all of the cancer cells so that you can all go on forward with your lives. Trust your body because it can take it. Just remember to love yourself and take especially good care of yourself during this time (healthy diet, good skin care, stay hydrated, get proper sleep, meditate...). I would also say that if you are experiencing significant anxiety and/or depression, talk to your Doctor as they can prescribe something to help. Going through this can cause PTSD and immense stress so don’t be embarrassed to ask for something.

    Hang in there!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, 2girlz1boy. We're so sorry you find yourself here, but we hope you find this community to be a source of support and encouragement! We know how overwhelming it can all be, and how many decisions need to be made. It sounds like you're on the right track, and you're definitely in the right place to ask questions and hear from others on what and how they made their surgery decisions. Please keep us posted on everything, we're all here for you!

    The Mods

  • cyathea
    cyathea Member Posts: 340

    Hi everyone, I’m scheduled for a BMX with a “flat reconstruction” and a free nipple graft.

    My mother has a BMX and she did not have the benefit of a plastic surgeon. Her mastectomies were 30 years apart. The first surgeon did a fairly nice job with the scar but the second doesn’t look as good. So, I’m insisting on a plastic surgeon to work on me after the oncologist surgeon does her thing to remove all my cancer.

    I decided against implants or DIEP, but I really want to keep my nipples so that I feel more feminine. I dream of having a breast like a beautiful long distance runner, but I realize that’s probably just a dream. 😄 I do plan to wear prostheses when I’m at work since I want my clothes to fit well and I want my co-workers to treat me like everything is normal.

    it is very rare for women to get a free nipple graft so I’ll let everyone know how things turn out after March 18.

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    In doing research on mastectomy without reconstruction does anyone (or has anyone seen) some of the beautiful tattoo work being done on women with no breasts?

    I have several tats and I can see myself doing that type of thing.

  • PMML
    PMML Member Posts: 18

    I’m very keen for a tattoo to cover my scarring. At this stage I’m having a lumpectomy but I get keloid scars so I know it’ll be dark and raised. I think the tattoos are beautiful and could definitely see myself getting one

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    So glad someone started a March surgery group! I’m scheduled for a BMX on Tuesday 3/2. I’m a little nervous but more anxious to get this part over

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    hi girls,

    add me to the march surgery list please - im going for a bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders to then be replaced by implants in a few months. my surgery is march 19.

    in 2017, i had right dcis and had lumpectomy and bilateral breast reduction, so i can help any of you stressed about that. i also had partial breast xrt. the hardest part was the waiting and the mental game, but the surgery and xrt were an easy recovery for me.

    now im back with a tiny 6mm nodule on the same side as before that they picked up on my routine yearly mammo, but there was 1mm of invasion on the biopsy. so this time, im taking both off. i was really tempted to go flat and just have tiny nipple mounds, but surgeon suggested i start with implants. if i dont like, i can always then go flat, but its harder to go flat and then change your mind.

    so, here i am, waiting til march 19. i look forward to hearing about everyone's experiences and i wish you all well as you navigate through this life change.

  • Mamags
    Mamags Member Posts: 12

    Hello ladies...I had a BMX on Feb 25 and I am having TE placed on March 4. My PS prefers to wait a week between to give the skin a chance to heal a bit. I am doing surprisingly well after the MX but now I am anxious for how I will feel after the expanders are put in. I have heard they are very uncomfortable. I have thought about going flat, but I just don't think I am ready for that.

    For those of you deciding on reconstruction, there are FB groups that have pictures and a lot of info and support. There is a mastectomy group as well as a DIEP flap group and a going flat group.

  • scaredmominmi
    scaredmominmi Member Posts: 14

    Good morning, all. I am seeing a surgeon tomorrow for a consult after the discovery of an architectural distortion on my first ever mammogram at 40 last month. They did another series of mammograms and an ultrasound, then I got referred out to a better hospital where they did more mammograms and ultrasounds. They did a needle core biopsy two weeks ago, and that came back benign but with the finding of a complex sclerosing lesion (CSL) of approximately 1.3cm in size. They want this removed asap.

    Does anyone have tips for questions to ask the surgeon tomorrow? I know CSLs are considered markers for cancer in the future if not cancer right now. Will they want me to do a mastectomy eventually? Will I be put on preventive drugs? Will I be monitored more often in the future?

    Also, what is a lumpectomy like? How much of my breast will they remove? Is it a painful recovery? The biopsy, though not the most pleasant experience for me, was pretty much a walk in the park for me compared to other procedures. I am hoping the lumpectomy isn't as difficult as I'm imagining.

    Thinking of all of you.

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    I am a tattooed girl and I am loving some of the artwork they are doing on 'flat' women.

    Has anyone talked to their dr about this, how long you should wait after healing?

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    MRI is scheduled for this Fri. Then I have a second opinion for breast surgery next week. Still waiting for plastic surgery to call me for an appt.

    I am getting frustrated this is taking so long for all these appointments and meetings. I just want to make a plan and get it over with with!

  • PMML
    PMML Member Posts: 18

    Is anyone else distracted and exhausted from not sleeping well in the lead up to surgery? I'm shattered! I'm finding it very hard to concentrate at work but have so much to do before I take some time off for surgery. Its just under a week away now and I really just want it over and done with so I can get back to "normal" - bearing in mind that normal isn't going to be what it was for some time to come!

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    I'm right there with yah!

    I am self employed and both me and my husband both run my shop with 1 employee.

    I'm really struggling trying to get everything done before surgery and waking up all hours of the night thinking about it!

    Are you taking any sleep aids?

    I never have and am learning, but this no sleeping thing is killing me!

  • 2girlz1boy
    2girlz1boy Member Posts: 22

    What are you looking at for pain management?

    I never take anything stronger than ibuprofen so I am not looking forward to any pain meds like oxi etc

    Anyone look into marijuana? It's legal with a card in our state and in April it will be legal to buy for recreation.

  • Mamags
    Mamags Member Posts: 12

    Good morning scaredmominmi..I'm so sorry I don't have an answer to your questions. I can tell you that researching and asking questions on this site is extremely helpful. I also think family history may be a consideration in what your doctor will recommend for treatment, but again, I'm not sure. Good luck at your appointment today and I hope you get the answers you are looking for!

    2girlz1boy...I have been alternating ibuprofen and Tylenol and that has been working well for me to control my pain. I have oxy but haven't felt like I needed it. I would absolutely use medical marijuana if I could and if I felt like I needed it. MM is legal in my state also, but it's a process to get a card. My biggest complaint is getting comfortable for sleep and I was really nauseous for 2 days after surgery and marijuana may have helped with both of those things.

  • sage
    sage Member Posts: 24

    Sleep is critical to healthy recovery and mental health. Marijuana works great for sleep. Primarily look for indica strains for the relaxation and sedation. You can buy it in gummy or pill form if you do not want to smoke it. All natural and non-habit forming. I have stocked up on gummies and plan to use them for pain control and sleep after my surgery next week.

    If you want something prescribed, I had lorazepam prescribed when I was first diagnosed 9 years ago. Took it for a couple months. Did not seem habit forming. Definitely helped with sleep but also makes you drowsy so would only take it before bed (1 mg). A tiny little pill that made a big difference for me

    Good luck to everyone having surgery this week!

  • sage
    sage Member Posts: 24

    scaredmominmi - lumpectomy was not bad. You couldn’t even tell I had anything done after my first one. I ended up switching doctors/hospitals and had 2 more to get clear margins. One year after all treatment had plastic surgeon do fat grafting (from hips) and lift on opposite breast and they look amazing. Hope that helps ease your mind

  • pjb61
    pjb61 Member Posts: 38

    PMML - I am right there with you. My surgery is tomorrow and I've been awake since 2am. And that's after only sleeping 5-6 hours a night for the last two weeks. I don't even want to think about what tonight will be like. At least they will knock me out for the surgery. Lol.

    I had a big list of things to get done and I did a lot of them but today I had to just prioritize the most important items and let go of the rest. There are only so many hours in a day and I only have a certain amount of energy. Life will go on...

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    good luck tomorrow pjb61!!! you will get some much needed rest during the surgery and hopefully wake up with a profound sense of relief that this step is over.. take a big breath in and out - you will do great!! pop in after surgery so we know you are ok


  • Doggielover73
    Doggielover73 Member Posts: 15

    Hi everyone! I am currently scheduled to have my surgery on 3/18. I say currently because it may be delayed due to delayed wound healing from my first surgery on 1/29. I will be devastated if that happens, as I just want to have this process move along. I had a lumpectomy with bilateral oncoplastic reduction in January and the plan is to have a bilateral nipple and skin sparing mastectomy on the 18th. Fingers crossed... never thought I’d be saying that regarding surgery!

  • pjb61
    pjb61 Member Posts: 38

    annoyingboob - Thank you! I actually slept pretty well last night. Might have been the Gabapentin they had me take. Winking

    I'll try to update when I am feeling up to it. Surgery is scheduled for 1:30 but I have to get there by 8 so I can get the sentinel node injection. Not really looking forward to that. Or to the 5+hours of waiting in a little room. And I'm already thirsty and hungry. I'll likely be grumpy. Lol. My poor husband.Shocked

  • striveforhealth
    striveforhealth Member Posts: 59

    pjb61, Whatever works to help you keep calm is a good idea. Ask about options when you get there. Best wishes for keeping positive and for good results today.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    I download podcasts to listen for the wait. When really stressed, I like an app called DARE - diffuse, accept and allow, run towards, engage - the app has lots of audios to help you calm down. Or I listen to the golden ratio, which is always upbeat about a lady and her 5 golden retrievers .

    I wish we had a list of everyone and the dates of their surgery, but just chime in when it’s your turn and we will send good thoughts out into the universe for you!!


  • PMML
    PMML Member Posts: 18

    2girlz1boy, I take an early stage anti-depressant for sleeping. Taken it since my husband left our family 15 months ago and usually it’s great but it’s just not cutting it right now. Two work days left and then the weekend! I own a business too but am trusting that my staff can deal with anything in my absence. They’re pretty good. I’ve just posted elsewhere asking for mother’s to chime in with tips to help my two kids as they’re both a complete mess right now. They’ve had more stress in the last 15 months then most teens and are struggling