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March 2020 Surgery Group



  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 344

    Hello to all, I’m so glad most of you are doing well. PMML, I hope your pain is better now. Thanks to everyone for posting. It has been a blessing and reassurance to me before I had my surgery.

    Here’s my story so far: I had a successful BMX surgery yesterday with only 3 lymph nodes removed under my left arm. (All negative, PTL!) Due to COVID-19 they sent me home around 7:30 pm so I didn’t need the small bag I had packed for the planned overnight.

    I had nerve blocks in my back so I had no pain when I woke up from the general anesthesia. My throat was a little sore, but sucking on a lozenge made it feel better. I was very sleepy and went to bed at home almost immediately.

    I didn’t buy any special pillows, but I had a small seatbelt cushion for the ride home. I have an adjustable bed so I was able to sleep at about a 45 degree angle with two regular pillows by my side for my arms and a regular pillow behind my head. When I woke up the second time, I put a small V-shaped pillow behind my neck that someone made and gave to me for use under my arm. I think a regular neck pillow that people buy for air travel might have been better for my neck but I’m fine with this.

    I started to feel pain around 1 amso I took an oxy. At 4:30 I started to feel pain again so I took Ibuprofen. The pain is very manageable so far and I had no trouble walking to the bathroom and washing my hands. My drains only need to be done every 6 hours so that is next.

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 344

    Hi abc54321, I hope you get some help today for your pain. Thinking of you and praying that the doctors can help you sleep better.

  • quinnie
    quinnie Posts: 113

    I finally got my surgery date. March 30 for lumpectomy and some minor breast reconstruction. I had DCIS 12 years ago on the R and this time is a new diagnosis on the L (IDC). This waiting has been painful to say the least. My husband is not allowed in the hospital so he will drop me off and when all is done will pick me up. Thankfully my son is a PA at the hospital so he can stop by. Kinda feel like a dog going to the vet!!!!! Its never a good time to have cancer but this is really not a good time. Good luck to all.

  • I GOT A DATE! (Well not a hot date like I would much rather have with my hubby! LOL)

    Surgery date, March 24th. Confirmed today! 5 days to prepare!

    What do I need? Any essentials you found while you were there that would make things easier?

    I'll only have one night stay, so not an extended stay.

    I did book a hotel room with a Jacuzzi tub for the night before surgery. One last hoorah with the real, saggy ladies before they get replaced with the perky stand-ins. LOL

  • maryjv
    maryjv Posts: 269

    Hello!! Just had my taxol treatments cut short last week 3/9 and am set to have double mastectomy with immediate diep flap reconstitution next Friday 3/27...feel like everything is happening so fast! I am glad we are able to proceed with surgery but yikes! Three day hospital admission, 6 week recovery and lots to do to prepare! I just started feeling better this week as the chemo wears out..praying for everyone who is having current treatment 🙏❤️
  • Hello,

    I’ve come across this site while looking for some answers after my lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy on the 9th. The surgery went smoothly(just got the results, clear margins and lymph nodes negative for cancer). My problem started about 4 days post-op. I had great deal of burning, numbness, and PAIN on my arm! During my post-op visit my surgeon pressed into my armpit and I almost jumped out of my seat from pain. She referred me to LE PT. I’ve looked and looked but I don’t find anyone that seems to have had this much problem right after surgery.. I’m just afraid if this problem is here to stay. This has been really tough. On top of that I was told that my initial diagnosis of IDC was incorrect. The findings from the tissue after lumpectomy actually showed DCIS, which means they did not need to remove any lymph nodes! So all this pain could’ve been avoided had the right diagnosis had been made initially. I’m really bummed about it...but what can I do.. What’s done is done. If anyone has had similar experience I would love the help

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,839

    Hi there, lovetoberestored. We want to welcome you to our community! We're so sorry you find yourself here, but we hope you find support in these boards.

    Everyone recovers differently, and we're so sorry to hear you're struggling! We're sure members will chime in with their experiences, many of our members here have had setbacks with their respective recoveries. It could be very helpful to follow-up with that LE PT, there are definitely ways they can help!

    The Mods

  • @doggielover I asked my doc about this (2 weeks post surgery) and he said loudly YES! It takes the immune system months to recover from anesthesia, skin cuts, blood loss, and healing. Hope that helps!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    I have to have my drains in for another week! I’m about to end week three tomorrow! Ugh! It’s my fault for doing too much.

    I got my first fill today and it was not bad at all. It actually made my expanders feel more comfortable.

  • Cat029
    Cat029 Posts: 24

    My double mastectomy is tomorrow. I'll have tissue expanders put in and then I'll have about 6 months to decide whether or not I want implants or the DIEP surgery. Because of Covid-19, my husband can't wait at the hospital during my surgery or visit me in the hospital after surgery. I'm really scared and him not being there makes it all worse

  • maryjv
    maryjv Posts: 269

    I’m so sorry Cat...I will be having DMX with diep on Friday. They are allowing him to stay for the 8 hr surgery but not sure for the hospitalization...praying for you and everyone else going through breast cancer treatment during this time of uncertainty 🙏

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    Ugh, cat - so sorry they won’t let your husband be there. All will go well and you will get some good rest after the surgery. Good luck!!

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 344

    Welcome, Lovetoberestored. Day 3 - 4 postop was the hardest for me thus far. On Sat night I woke up with a massive, searing headache that even oxy didn’t diminish. I had a low grade fever as well. Most likely, the headache was a result of the nerve block. The happens when there is a change in pressure on the spinal column. During the day on Sunday, the pain and fever reduced but I lost my breakfast after I washed my hair and had a shower. I think the combination of the pain and being “up” longer was too much for me. I rested the rest of the day and felt better by supper time.

    I saw the PS PA yesterday. She said everything looked good but I got a bit lightheaded when she removed the binder. Maybe from the shock of seeing the scars?

    I also had a home PT guy check me out. He said my movement was good and said to continue with the exercises 3x a day. How is everyone else doing with their exercises

  • PMML
    PMML Posts: 18

    I'm three weeks post lumpectomy and off to see the doctor tomorrow to get my results. I've found that my breast hurts by the end of the day (whether I wear a bra or not) and my nipple is particularly sore. I'm sure it's normal but I'm sick of the ache. And NZ goes into lockdown tomorrow which has been very stressful as a business owner

  • pjb61
    pjb61 Posts: 38

    Hi all. I'll be three weeks post lumpectomy and node removal tomorrow. I developed a large lump under my arm that was discolored and tender. Made it difficult to rest my arm against my side. Felt like there was a ball under there! I think it is finally shrinking. I've also had a lot of pain in the entire underarm area and extending down the underside of my arm and down my side. It feels like razor burn or something along those lines but my skin looks perfectly normal. It's weird. Today is the first day that it seems like it might be getting a little better. Other than those annoyances, I'm doing pretty well. Still need to keep my bra on. Was clearly unrealistic in thinking I'd be back to normal in two weeks.

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Posts: 71

    Hi pjb61. I don't know if this is helpful but I had a lumpectomy in 2017 and had exactly what you described. It's likely lymphedema--no, I'm not a medical doctor--but that's what mine was. I even had a doc visit at about three or four weeks out saying "I didn't expect this tennis ball to still be under my arm at this point." She assured me it's go down as the fluid was distributed/circulated/removed to other parts of my body. She was right; poco a poco (little by little) it diminished and all was well.

    This new breast cancer and a second lumpectomy on the other side created a lot of numbness where the lymph nodes were removed but not tennis balls. The numbness is better but after five weeks, it's still there. I keep in mind that if something like either of these two things is improving slightly every day or two or three days, it's probably on the right track. Best to you!

  • Hi all, I was diagnosed on Valentine’s Day, about a month after losing my job. Luckily, I got a severance and have health insurance, so there is a guardian angel out there. DCIS in my left breast, three areas totaling 3.8 cm. With a history of pericardial effusion of my heart, I was hoping to avoid radiation and thus opted for a total mastectomy of my left breast. MSK in NYC was able to get me in on Friday March 20 and my surgeon and the entire team were just wonderful. I am now 4 days post surgery and waiting on pins and needles for the surgical path report. Sure hoping no micro invasions are found so I am free and clear with just the surgical treatment. Breast and these discussion boards were invaluable to me in making my decision and preparing for my surgery. Thank you! If I can pay it forward and help someone else, please feel free to give a shout.

  • it’s encouraging to see I am not alone in this journey... I thought I won’t make it through the pain but it’s already been 2 weeks since my surgery and I am indeed recovering. My first visit to PT yesterday was the worst, it was so painful but I felt better for the first time! Now I’m looking forward to it even though I know it will hurt. Thank God for physical therapists! I have 5 sessions scheduled to fix my cording and hopefully will be cleared to start radiation. Crossing my fingers that that experience will be a smoother one. Best wishes on everyone’s surgery and recovery!

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 344

    Hi cakeBicing, so sorry to hear that you lost your job, but happy that you have health insurance. I’m waiting right there with you on that path report!

    Does anyone else have sporadic, intense itches near the incisions? This is driving me CRAZY! I want to scratch but know I can’t. I still have the binder on so I can’t touch the skin directly

  • Hi Cyathea, sending prayers up for both of us on the path report!! Regarding your itching sensation:don’t have itches but on the first part of my back, lower shoulder blade, just past the edge of my armpit, I get a feeling like my cat is poking me with his claw!! My doc tells me all sorts of strange sensations are the norm. Fun times!

  • sage
    sage Posts: 24

    Hey everyone. Thought I would send positive thoughts to you all and an update since surgery. My BMX was 3/13 and everything was progressing well but the evening of 3/19, I noticed blood soaking through my cami near my left breast drain exit. My drain bulb was full of blood and a huge clot. My breast started swelling (filling with blood) and was super tight and I felt like the stitches were being pulled tight. Immediately went to emergency room and had to undergo a second emergency surgery for a hematoma. So that was super scary.

    I am back to recovery mode again and slowly moving forward. First couple days were really tough because I was beat down from the first surgery. Finally starting to feel better today and was able to get decent sleep last night. I did have swelling of arm and hand on left side the day after surgery. Put on hand and arm compression garnet to get swelling down. That took care of it. In the last 3 days I have been having swelling in my calves and ankles/feet. Must wear compression socks 24/7 to keep it at bay.

    So I am in Michigan and everything is in lockdown. I will need to wear drains until next week and then, with assistance through tele-health call in with plastic surgeon, my husband and I will need to take the drains out ourselves (they have closed the plastic surgery clinic as it is non-emergency service and Doctor is now at the U of M hospital). I could go to hospital but would be risking direct exposure to Covid-19. So, guess I will be doing it at home. All saline TE fills cancelled until the lockdown is eased/lifted. Also no PT so I will need to figure that out on my own as well. Wow this sucks on so many levels

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 344

    Sage, the hematoma sounded very painful. I’m glad you are back to recovery mode. You are very brave to remove your drains at home, but take courage that my Mom says it was not bad for both her mastectomies (30 years apart). Although we would both rather not have had cancer, I do take comfort in the fact that Mom and I will be “flat twins” once I heal.

  • maryjv
    maryjv Posts: 269

    My plastic surgeon just called, all reconstructions are on hold here in San Antonio, on Friday I will have mastectomy and delayed reconstruction tbd.

  • Well, cancer is out! That's about the only good thing I can say after the double mastectomy!

    The rest sucks , No sugar coating! LOL Drains, stiffness, stitches, pressure and disfigured from the fillers. Pain is manageable right now with tylenol, so that is good. I have heavier pain meds I'll use if I need to.

    Surgery went well, tumor is out, doc said it didn't look like it had spread beyond it's barrier, she took two nodes, but didn't need to make a second incision since my reconstructive surgeon did a nipple sparing mastectomy. I could still loose my nipples though since they reduced the blood supply dramatically to them. I had one snufu in the OR, apparently I was allergic to the antibiotic they started before I went into the OR, so they had stop it, give me benadryl and a different antibiotic. Thankfully it was only a case of hives and not worse.

    My husband was allowed in pre-op and recovery and then they booted him, would not allow him to stay and visit when I was in my room for the night. I was so upset he couldn't be with me, he's my rock, keeps me calm, picks me up when I faint. He's been changing my drains, getting my meds, helping me with getting dressed..... we're celebrating 20 years married in a couple months... he really got a dose of sickness and in health this year! I can't imagine doing it without him. Shout out to the spouses and significant others who help you get thru this!

    I have vasovagal syndrome so I pass out at even the anticipation of pain... so changing dressings, adjusting my bra, pulling stitches, etc. all of these stupid little things cause anxiety, my blood pressure drops and I faint!

    Hoping the days get better and better and getting used to the quirky things my body is doing.

  • Augustkm
    Augustkm Posts: 7

    Had lumpectomy 2/24/20. Took about 1/4 of a pound. Unless radiation starting next week shrinks this breast, I should look normal when dressed. 4 weeks of radiation and 5 years of estrogen suppressants. I am about 74 so I probably will have a "normal" lifespan.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    2girlz1boy - glad your BMX is done! You are correct, it’s the most uncomfortable feeling but I’ve read that once you have the exchange it is so much better so hang in there

  • Cat029
    Cat029 Posts: 24

    After mastectomy, did anyone have a foam padding around their breasts? If so, How long did it stay on and how did you handle it getting wet in the shower

  • @sage wow that sounds scary! You sound like you handled it well! I cannot imagine taking these drains out at home! I don't even want to have it done by a professional! I'll be passing out!

  • Here we are day 5 post op.... day 4 was my roughest so far... I skimped on my nap, took a sponge bath and a short walk up the driveway.... apparently that was enough to completely exhaust me and pain was creeping up by 6 pm.

    I am just taking tylenol for the pain every 7-8 hours and keeping pain at 2/3 levels. But last night I had a cannabis tincture. That helped relax my mind and body and I got a good nights sleep.

    Good news..... the pathology came back a day early.... Dr. ofc called and said my nodes were clear! The tumor was 2.2 mm and not 1.8 as the images had measured, but it had not gone outside it's area. And they biopsied my right breast as well and said that there were abnormal cell divisions taking place that didn't look right, they weren't cancer but could have been at any time down the road so the BMX was a great choice I made! Phew... that's reassuring.... I know some people were saying it was crazy to take a breast off that wasn't cancerous just because.... but seriously no scans showed anything on the right and who knows, 6 months, 6 years, 15 years, whenever, the cancer could have popped up in the other one.

    Anyone else having crazy hormones and emotional rollercoaster? I'm crying on a daily basis, happy, sad, mad all the things got me like a yo-yo!

    Of course, it didn't help that mother nature came for a visit the night before surgery and left the day after. Just couldn't resist showing up to the party. Oh what a joy that was trying to keep the lady parts changed, and boobs aching like mad, cramps, back ache, the full brunt of it!

  • @cyathea... my incisions are driving me insane too! under my boob where the bra sits is intense pain and I have to keep adjusting my bra down and off of them!

    The drain tube sites started itching as well, and I have an rash in the center of my sternum where the bra is irritating my skin. Oh these annoying little things ......

    Funny (not funny) story though, I was sitting in my recliner resting and all of a sudden my foot got a cramp in it... I screamed in pain, hubs came running thinking something was drastically wrong.... I just couldn't get up out of the chair fast enough to stand up on my foot to relieve the cramp! LOL
    I was crying and laughing and in pain all at once.... that was an intense 5 minutes!