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March 2020 Surgery Group



  • pjb61
    pjb61 Posts: 38

    Well, ladies, I'm home and surgery went well. My pain is minimal for which I'm very grateful. The biggest annoyance is the tight wrap that is wrapped all around my chest and makes deep breaths difficult. They also said to sleep semi-upright for the next several nights (like in a recliner) which could prove challenging since I've never been able to sleep in a chair. We shall see how that goes! But overall, I'm feeling better than I expected and hope that continues!

    The sentinel node injection was a piece of cake. I worried for nothing. Putting the IV in hurt worse! Took them 3 tries...first two in the hand (dang, those hurt!), and then they moved to the elbow bend and no problem. They said I probably have scar tissue in my hand because they could hit the vein but then couldn't get it to thread into the vein. The next time I need an IV I'm going to tell them....NOT IN THE HAND!!!

    I'm a little annoyed because I don't know how many lymph nodes were removed and I don't know if I have one incision or two. I asked the nurse who cared for me in recovery but she didn't know. When I take this wrap off in 3 days I'll know about the incision(s) but guess I'll have to wait until my appointment next week to find out about the lymph nodes. Oh well. All in due time, I suppose.

    annoyingboob...I'll check out those podcasts and that app. Didn't see your post until after surgery but I'm always looking for good ones. I love your user name, by the way. Haha!

    PMML, I'm sending you a virtual hug and wish it could be a real one. So sorry you have to go through breast cancer while you have so much other stress in your life. That just sucks. I'll keep you and your kids in my thoughts and prayers.

  • pjb61 - i was thinking about you all day!!! thank you for checking in! im pleased you are feeling ok - take it slow as those pain meds wear off and dont push yourself. my other group said def sleep in recliner a few days and if not, consider one of those huge pregnancy u-pillows you can find on amazon and kinda prop yourself up. they also recommended a grabber for when you start doing laundry and household tasks.

    continued healing!!!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    Good morning! I am Day 2 post operation and it’s not been bad at all! I’ve only been using Tylenol and Ibuprofen for the soreness. It’s like someone hitting me in the chest.

    The hardest part for me is getting clear of all of the anesthesia they give you plus all the meds. The drains don’t hurt and it’s not that bad of an ordeal to go through.

    Another person in suggested this pillow (it’s actually a pregnancy pillow) that has been a dream! I’m a side sleeper which is a no-no with drains but I was perfectly comfortable

  • Hi ladies,

    My mom was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she has a lumpectomy scheduled for March 23rd. We are hopeful they caught it early and will be back to 100% in no time. I'm grateful I found this forum!! Any advice for me as her daughter to help make her more comfortable? Must haves after the surgery to help make life easier? Thanks in advance. :-)

  • @angieb92 whats the pillow? there wasn't a link.... I was wondering about a boppy pillow for after surgery.

    @pjb61 so glad to hear it went well and you're home recovering.....

    I am still playing the waiting game for consults! grrrrrr.

    I have an MRI tomorrow morning and then 2nd opinion for surgery next Wed. I am still waiting for the plastic surgery consult to come through!

    I just want this to be done with already!

    I cancelled on going to a concert tonight because I didn't dare be around all the people and germs and didn't want to take any chances of getting sick and delaying surgery. Sadly one of the many times I will have cancel going to events. :(

  • kendrajo, so nice of you to help your mom out! If you want to help her put together a bag for the hospital or recovery at home, I would include a cozy hat so she doesn’t have to deal with her hair, or a tiny travel brush, chapstick, a throat lozenge to suck on after anesthesia, and maybe a lavender eye pillow as something extra to help her relax and sleep. Just knowing you are there will be great comfort to her, and help around the house with chores, laundry, or walking the dog I’m sure will be appreciated!

    angieb, amazing you are just on Tylenol postop day 2!! Did they do a node dissection too? I’ve heard those big pregnancy u pillows are great - I might get one, although I have zillions of pillows I can prolly rearrange to do the trick.

    Pjb hope you are continuing to do well and can take deep breaths despite being wrapped up so tight.

    2girlz, I’m waiting with you, so we can be the cheerleaders while the other girls beat us to the OR. The waiting is torture, but I’m glad to read everyone has been doing ok so far

    Continued healing to all of my March sisters!!! Keep us posted with tips on drain management and comfort!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    I bought it from Amazon. It’s called the Leachco Back and Body pillow

  • PMML
    PMML Posts: 18

    pjb61 - glad to hear you're out and doing ok. Keep us updated on how you progress! Its a pity they weren't able to tell you more after the surgery - waiting is hard!

    AngieB92 - nice to hear you're out the other side and doing well too!

    kendrajo24 - my mother had a mastectomy in January and I was her support person so I'm lucky to know what I'll need! She was two nights in hospital and then I was with her for another week. By the end of that time she was pretty much able to do most things. She had started physio by then so was even allowed to hang washing on the clothes line (not heavy stuff though).

    The best thing she had was a small pillow shaped like a C with a ribbon to tie it at the top that she was given in hospital. You put it under the arm so that you don't press on the incisions or move too suddenly. She raved about it. I've seen heart shaped ones and U shaped ones and have recently sewed my own for after my surgery. Mum definitely needed more than one so we could wash and rotate them so I'd suggest getting those. In the end I used a large sock and stuffed it with an old pillow so I could wash the other one and it did the trick but wasn't quite as comfy as the one with the ribbon to hold it on the shoulder.

    The worst thing for her was trying to get up to go to the toilet after her surgery. She looked at the drains and nearly fainted (she's not good with blood) going all hot and sweaty at once. I saw immediately what was happening so grabbed my sister's hairtie out of her hair to tie mum's back and then used the sheet to dip into her water to sponge off her forehead. So take hairties or a headband and grab a flannel before getting up if you might come over a bit faint! And DON'T look at the drains if you don't like that stuff! Have the nurse put them into a bag so you can't see them. don't know why they don't do that o

    She complained mightily that the hospital bathroom was dirty so take jandals/thongs to shower without standing in gross stuff!

    It took us about four car trips before I stopped getting in the drivers seat only to have to get out again to help her with her seatbelt! She had the left breast removed (and as a passenger sits on the left in NZ) so she couldn't reach up to grab the belt to put it on. She is a big girl though so her range of motion is probably a little limited by her weight too but do think about that! She never wanted to ask for help so I just had to be alert.

    Once we got home, she struggled a LOT in the shower but wouldn't let me help her. A lanyard to hold the drains would have been good but I hadn't thought of that so by the third day we tied them to a long ribbon around her neck! I think a long handled brush would have been nice to be able to wash the "good side" too but we hadn't thought of that then!

    She used multiple towels after each shower. One around her, one she would sit on the bed on and one that I was allowed to use to dry her off.

    I can see that a grabber would be helpful for getting underwear on. My Mum is a LARGE lady and wouldn't let me help with much so I'd pretty much drop her underwear at her feet and she would struggle to pull them up one handed. Loose underwear was better! And button up shirts are a must! She bought HUGE mens shirts at an op shop. We pinned the drains to them and it didn't matter that the pins made small holes because she will just throw them away. Knowing what I know I've also sewed little pockets (from the bits I cut out of the U shaped pillows) and sewed them into the seams of my tops so that my drains can sit in there. I've also got several safety pins to pin them closed if they are threatening to fall.

    I think the lists you see in this forum are great. I wish I'd done more research before Mum's surgery!

    My update - the surgeon was meant to call me after the full team meeting on Wednesday to confirm that it was "just" a lumpectomy or if they had decided to do more but I haven't heard from him. I'm really not too worried though as I figure they'll do what they need to on the day and I'll be out cold so it won't make any difference to me! I've scheduled massages for me and the kids for tomorrow late morning (so we can have a sleep in!) so I'm looking forward to doing something to relax. We've all been stressed and not sleeping well so we needed a treat. My two sisters arrive tonight ready to be on babysitting on Monday. I think its a PJ weekend!

  • annoyingboob, I’ll be waiting with you until the end of the month. Surgery is currently scheduled for 3/18 and I have a follow up with the PS next Friday to see if they have to push it back or not.

    2girlz, I know how hard it can be waiting to have everything scheduled. If you are anything like me, once I have a plan in place I can move forward. It’s so difficult with uncertainly. Hang in there, you’ll be on the road soon enough and feel more confident in your path forward when you feel that you’ve covered all of your bases

  • Hi Everyone! I hope all the March surgery ladies are doing well. I had my exchange surgery this morning (thank god as I battled a respiratory infection last week and was hoping I was well enough). It took 4 hours! Geez, it was almost as long as my 6 hour BMX. It seemed to have gone well. The pain is bearable so far and definitely not as bad as the mastectomy. I was wayyyyy more emotional for this one and I have no idea why. Crying to the kids this morning, crying to the nurses. Weird? I hope everyone is doing okay

  • quick question... did anyone have insurance deny an overnight stay with BMX with reconstruction? I’m REALLY confused about this. How can their be any chance of going home the day of surgery

  • doggielover - last time I had a lumpectomy they made it an afternoon surgery just so I could spend the night - perhaps ask surgeon if this could be an option???

  • I went home after lumpectomy, but BMX? I’ve never heard of that before. Anyone I know who has (unfortunately) had this has stayed one night at least

  • another question... are we considered “Immouno compromised” just by default of our diagnoses? I am not currently in treatment but had surgery 6 weeks ago and will be having another surgery next week. Trying to figure out how careful. I need to be, normal precautions or extended precautions? I know a lot of companies have cancelled travel and meetings but mine has not and I have a meeting on Monday morning. Ugh, so much to think about

  • pjb61
    pjb61 Posts: 38

    Good morning, ladies. I'm on day 4 of recovery. I've had minimal pain...haven't taken any pain meds for two days. I only took 3 total doses of Gabapentin 100mg ... the evening after surgery, the next morning, and then again that next evening. Nothing since then. I've had more discomfort from the wrap that was placed around my mid section. I was instructed to leave it there for 3 days. They said it would help reduce bruising and swelling. It was so tight and then I started itching underneath it. I was so happy to finally remove it yesterday morning. 24 hours later, my skin still looks sunburned where the wrap was. Clearly it irritated my skin. Showering didn't help. Hoping the itching goes away soon.

    My boob looks like a hot mess. Judging from where the steri strips are placed, I have an incision that goes all around the nipple and then there is an incision line going from that circle on the outer side up towards my armpit for access to the sentinel lymph nodes. And the skin is all kinds of colors. Lol. I'm amazed it doesn't hurt more than it does. It's tender, but not really painful as long as I don't move too fast or stretch too far.

    I also haven't had a good night's sleep since the surgery. Probably because I've been sleeping in a recliner. I'm going to try moving to the bed tonight and using lots of pillows to prop myself up. I tend to have sleep issues anyway, and when my routines are disrupted, it makes things worse. Going to try to get outside for a bit today as it's supposed to hit 60 degrees here in central IL. Some fresh air and sunshine along with a little more movement just might help.

    I have an appt on Thursday with the surgeon and will hopefully get the pathology report. Hoping and praying for clean margins and clean lymph nodes.

    @Badluckbdaygirl, how did your reconstruction surgery go? Hope you are doing well.

    @PMML, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Send an update when you are feeling up to it.

  • Pjb61,

    It sounds as though your surgery went well. I’m going to try to get out of the house. It’s finally sunny here (Georgia) as we have had a ton of rain lately. I will pray for clear margins and nodes for you.

    My pain is much better today and have my follow up tomorrow afternoon. I started thinking that my surgery might have taken longer because I decided at the last minute to get nipple reconstruction to avoid another surgery and he indicated I probably had a lot of scar tissue going into it. I’m glad I made it out without a drain.

    Doggie lover,

    I can’t imagine they would send someone home after a BMX. That’s a long surgery. I actually opted for a second night and I have a high pain tolerance. I’m not sure about the differences in insurances. My bills are starting to pour in🙄

  • sage
    sage Posts: 24

    angieb92; Mamags, Badluckbdaygirl; pjb61 - glad to hear you all made it through surgery remarkably well and are now on your way towards recovery. My surgery is scheduled for Friday the 13th and after waiting a year and a half for it, I am getting very nervous as I get closer. It's so hard to go from feeling perfectly fine to being housebound for recovery.

    One question I have for you all is if you used ice packs for recovery. I have an old Iceman Machine I was thinking of setting up but didn't know if it would just be annoying. Thought it might feel good with swelling but not sure.

    PMML - good luck tomorrow!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Posts: 291

    I’m 5 days past surgery and I’ve really started getting o struggle. This is such a mental game! I know once ai get my drains out and am given the okay to move freer it will be better but this just sitting and feeling all of the swelling and tightness really gets to me.

    Everything looks good, it just feels weird and that will take some getting used to. Some of my other cancer sisters referred to it as the Iron Bra and that’s no joke. I guess I’m just getting down on the dumps.

  • Regarding sleeping in an electric recliner: I've been doing that since my surgery for lumpectomy and bilateral oncoplastic mammoplasty. I've been able to sleep comfortably and even though I had my drains removed a few days ago I continue to use it. I have mild discomfort and don't want to sleep on my sides just yet. I recommend a recliner for those thinking about it.

  • congrats to all you girls who have made it through - thank you sooo much for continuing to post - i have another 2 weeks to wait, and it really helps me reading what you are going through to mentally prepare. thank you and continued healing to all!!

    re:recliner - is it bc when you lie down on a bed you cant get up? is a recliner better than just propping a zillion pillows on a bed?

  • Cat029
    Cat029 Posts: 24

    I have a double scheduled for March 24th. I’ll be flying from AR to MN to have the surgery and then flying home a few days later. Anyone have tips for traveling (especially through and airport and on a plane) after surgery?

  • Annoyingboob and PMML,

    Thank yall for the advice. I will be getting a care package together for her and those items y'all talked about sound like terrific ideas! Thank you

  • PMML
    PMML Posts: 18

    Surgery is done! I woke up feeling dreadful which is to be expected. They gave me a lemonade ice block but it was too sweet (I’ve had a gastric bypass so sweet things can make me very sick) so I was very relieved to have brought my tub of peppermints! I needed more anti-nausea but that was probably the ice block. It took longer than I expected - I went in at 2,40pm and wasn’t human enough to text the family until 5.40.

    I don’t have any drains but am stained pink everywhere! It’s not painful unless I stretch too far. I have two wounds - one under the breast where the lump was and one closer to the armpit for the sentinel node. My throat hurts more which I guess is scratching from the breathing tube. I probably could have gone home yesterday but it seemed sensible to stay in and be monitored. Looking forward to going home today though

  • PMML so glad you are finished and on your road to recovery! Not a bad idea to stay over an be taken care of a bit. Wishing you comfort and a good nights sleep!!

  • sage
    sage Posts: 24

    PMML - so glad you made it through and best wishes for your continued recovery.

    AngieB92 - hang in there. I hope that each day gets easier and easier. Be kind to yourself as you made it this far!

    Striveforhealth - just moved my recliner up from the basement. Glad it worked for you and I hope I have similar results. Most worried about getting some decent sleep.

    Cat029 - I bought a pillow for recovery from Pink Pepper Company. It is for cushioning your breasts from seatbelt but also for cushioning your chest/armpit/sides during recovery. Looks comforting and might be nice for the flight home.

    I just had all my hair cut off today so it will be easier for my hubby to wash. It's pretty darn short but oh well.

  • I just has surgery last week. Pain post-op has been treatable with one dose of Percocet first night home- otherwise just Tylenol. I have found the small ice packs to be just as helpful as medication. Problem is I only have 2 and they warm up faster than I can re-freeze them.

    PLEASE read my post about the Lymphoscintigraphy injections. Make sure your mom has AT LEAST a very good local anesthetic and her nipple is totally numb before they start. From the research articles I found, the best pain relief is to mix lidocaine with the colloid that's injected or wait and give the injections in the surgical arena after you are asleep.

    I had nothing and I thought I was going to die (literally). Surgery was a breeze compared to the injections.

  • jb61- my surgery was last Wednesday, 3/4. Lymphoscintigraphy injections the day before was the ABSOLUTE MOST PAINFUL thing I have ever endured. Surgery went well- lumpectomy and 2 lymph nodes. Ice pack under my arm and Extra Strength Tylenol. I have been sleeping in a recliner- easier to keep the arm in position and the ice pack in place.

    Still waiting on final pathologies. Hoped to hear today, but no call. Like everyone else, hoping for clear margins and clear lymph nodes. I did end up staying overnight in the recovery room after the surgery- didn't wake up enough to keep my oxygen level up so had to have supplemental O2 overnight.

    I have been having hot-flashes since I woke up from the surgery- sweating terribly for the first 48 hours. Last 2 days it has just been at night. bothersome- at first I blamed the anesthesia, now I am not so sure, since it is still happening. Making it hard to sleep too- since I feel HOT and can't get comfortable.

  • I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy Thursday the 12th. Mentally, I find myself in a strange place. This has happened too fast for me to fully absorb, I guess. I’m afraid I’m going to totally fall apart on Thursday. I saw my dr on 2/19 because I found some dimpling on my left breast and the shape was different. Now here I am less than a month later scheduled for surgery! My husband seems to be doing ok but he’s pretty quiet. I’m not sure what to say to him. He’s not one to talk about how he is feeling. My daughter is 30 and is a tremendous support. I hope all of you are doing well, at least as well as expected. ❤️

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Posts: 71

    2girlz1boy, your first post in this thread is nearly my own story--just a little older and no kids in the house. But I, too, am fairly small, not overly attached to my breasts, and had considered all options. I had triple negative in 2017 and had a lumpectomy--not too bad and I could've actually, probably, have taught the next day, but I took it off. This new primary is in the other breast and isn't--thankfully--triple negative. I had three options--lumpectomy and probably a reduction and lift on the non-cancer side so they'd match; one-side mastectomy; or double mast. I chose a lumpectomy because rates of survival are no different as well as recurrance rates are hardly different. A lumpectomy was the best answer by all involved.

    The challenge has been on the reduction side. The lumpectomy was easy--one scar that's healed well. The area of lymph node removal has been slow healing but day-by-day, it's better. The challenge has been the reduction and lift. Frankly, he lifted the nipple too high and they're now really off balance. Plus, the scar isn't as nice and it's across my boob. I'm not happy with it. I had two opinions from two plastic surgeons of how to do the reduction/lift. I think I choose wrong. That being said, I do still have boobs and I'll get used to the scars. I think a lumpectomy and reduction/lift was the right thing, it's just not as good as I'd hoped. Nipple placement isn't good, but I am the same size and it works for under clothes. Just stuff we have to deal with, right. I'm glad I opted out of a mastectomy when all thought it was more than needed. Just some thoughts.

  • JLBinPDX
    JLBinPDX Posts: 71

    One thought about surgery. I had a lumpectomy in 2017 and came home the same night. I live alone and I, literally, asked my neighbor to text me a couple times to make sure I was still alive. This new primary invoked a new lumpectomy on the other side. Since I was having reduction and lift on the non-lump side, they had me stay the night in the hospital. Great idea and great experience. I left the next day in SUCH a better place than I was after surgery. Stay the night, if possible.