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I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    I tried a c and p that fizzled but seems a character (Reps. by the way) was arrested trying to get into the venue where Loon was having a rally. He had weaponry and seems to actually be pretty much far right. In any case, it is being treated as a possible assassination attempt. Not sure since the guy seems himself as a sovereign so to him nothing he does is wrong.

    Just why (at least for now) he was going to a Loon rally well armed who knows for sure, but he is in custody. I say for some reason (publicity), or God only knows, but one would be led to believe lately that there are people who would just like Loon to disappear from the scene. Well, many of us wish that too but are waiting for the election praying that his total exit comes then.

    That said, if I were Loon I would be starting to sweat profusely about now. I do think he is sweating for a lot of other reasons, but this would find its way high up that list. As to these attempts, possible attempts, alleged attempts, I am left wondering — not that anyone, even a Reps. would want him gone. We have all wished it fervently for a long time now, but it truly does seem to me that this dude, the Loon, had a really long run of not facing super serious threat for all the crap he has loaded people up with and that would be many that are on his side for the most part. Obviously he now is having serious issue with winning friends and influencing people.

    Interesting to see what may come of this at this point and if Loon will use it. He has asked for special things not generally given to candidates, like government planes to fly around, and the big beast SUV's when he is on the ground. I don't think this incident should change the fact that he is a civilian campaigner and is not afforded the types of security he is asking for. He already has a ton of protection other candidates do not receive — even if they are Senators etc.

    I'm positive Loon would like nothing more than to goad someone into giving him even more privilege. The dimwit has managed one way or other to fall heir to so much that he shouldn't have and I'm going to tell you, I for one would be really up in arms if my tax dollars (although I don't pay federal taxes now at my age) went for any of the courtesies and or help that those like a VP running would be afforded. He can take his chances like everyone else must.

    That said, I don't think the man is going to like his END very well anyway.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,605

    Still dealing with health issues but wanted to pop in and share this newsletter Michael Moore sent out on Sunday. He seems to believe Kamala Harris will be elected President, and while I certainly hope he is right, I am too cautious, heck—too scared, to claim victory beforehand.

    I watched this Stevie Nicks performance on YouTube and the comments are massively praising her for what her performance stands for, what it means. Can it influence the election in Harris’s favor?

    Stevie Nicks Lights a Fire

    One More Sign that Trump is (Burnt) Toast

    Michael Moore

    Last night on Saturday Night Live, there was that rare moment when a performer chose to give voice to the 200 million or so of us Americans who, for over two years, have been in a rage that the Supreme Leader in America (aka, the “Supreme Court,” that group of 5 or 6 religious right-wing nutters who rule over what women can and cannot do with their bodies in this country), overturned Roe v. Wade. 

    The great Stevie Nicks, in her own rage over this injustice, sang for the first time live on national television her new song about those who have committed this atrocity against women. It’s called “The Lighthouse” — and my jaw dropped as she belted out one fiercely brutal lyric after another aimed squarely at the Court, at Trump, at MAGA Nation — and imploring all women to take a stand, to fight back now, it’s not too late. 

    The audience at the end exploded with cheers and applause, so much so it felt like the roof was going to fly off the top of 30 Rock. It was a moment to behold and a reminder that DJT, the “Justices”, the Republicans, the Bishops and misogynists everywhere are just 23 days away from having their bigoted, hateful asses handed to them on a golden platter we still call “Democracy.”

    On the night of June 24, 2022, I sat with friends commiserating over how a specific group of citizens were singled out to have their long-standing human rights REMOVED from them en masse. Millions upon millions were told, should you get pregnant, the Government will force you, for a full nine months, to bring that fertilized egg to term and birth that fetus against your will if necessary. It was not only heartbreaking that day two years ago, it was literally breathtaking in its scope and reach and cruelty wherein the minority gender (men, 49%) were once again ordering the majority gender (women, 51%) what they could and could not do. That system of government is called “apartheid” (see “Nelson Mandela,” see “Likud Party”), and what we now had confirmed by the Supreme Court was that the fascist principle of Gender Apartheid was still the law of the land.

    Stevie Nicks, now a ferocious 76, said “I wrote this song after Roe v. Wade was overturned. It seemed like overnight, people were saying, ‘What can we, as a collective force, do about this’… This may be the most important thing I ever do. To stand up for the women of the United States and their daughters and granddaughters — and the men that love them. This is an anthem.”

    That it is. I often wonder how things slip through the cracks and make it on network television, a system owned by a few multinational conglomerates whose interests don’t often line up with mine. I think they let me on for two reasons: 1) I make them money, and that is their primary reason for existence; and 2) Though some of them may disagree with me politically, they are not worried that those millions who see or read my works will ever seriously get off the couch and do anything about it. They are certain that the populace has been sufficiently distracted, dumbed down, or stupefyingly numbed to the horrors they must survive in their daily lives. The wealthy help us get by with opioids, with fear of foreclosure or abject hunger, always just one or two paychecks away from being tossed out onto the curb and that will be that. They’re convinced that you simply don’t have the time or energy or wits to fight them, let alone beat them. They are safe. They have spaceships! Here — watch another episode of The Real Housewives of Boise!

    Of course what they don’t know is I’m convinced they are wrong, that you will indeed claim the rights you were endowed with: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s self-evident, right?

    So it was with a sudden sense of trepidation when, 40 minutes later as the SNL host was welcoming Stevie Nicks back to perform a second song, the show’s live feed suddenly went dead — literally just 3 seconds before Stevie was to start singing. The network put up a card on the screen for a full minute, then they began running a number of minutes of commercials, then they threw on a previously-taped skit and then a short film they clearly weren’t planning to show. Yup, I thought, somebody pulled the plug on Stevie. That call of hers in the previous song crossed the line. We don’t need another Sìnead O’Connor moment! But within 9 minutes or so there she was, back on the air live, singing one of her classic hits. All was well in land! After all, there was more shit to sell! Let’s remember why we are here!

    Here is her performance of “The Lighthouse” from last night:

    Let’s heed her call. Here are the groups working to pass ballot propositions supporting women’s reproductive rights on November 5th. Do something. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    This is the true joy in life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no “brief candle” to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.     -George Bernard Shaw

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Good to hear from you Divine and loving that you shared Stevie Nicks with us.

    My take on our current political situation is about the same. I read several times that the push will be on soooo strong to spread lies and fears. I also think we are not even getting ALL truth from some of the Left-wing news sites. They have the same burden — to keep you tuning in and turning THEM on rather than not, or going elsewhere.

    So, in that vein I'm trying not to get too distracted by the lies, misinformation and suppressive tactics that are and will be continued on for sure at this late date. I have that little part of me that frankly trembles a bit, but I'm also keeping in mind all the angry women (so many of them) and all the Reps. who have plainly stated they are done with the Loon. Also, I allow the awareness that almost every time the Loon goes out he makes a big mess. He is being sent to a lot of 'safe' places where it won't have such an impact when he screws up. Calling Reno names while he is right there just the same as he did in Detroit.

    The loyal will vote for him no matter what — they are firmly and deeply into the cult mentality. I don't even consider them as they are hopeless. Others — who are Reps. and have gone for the Loon once or twice before — well, I do think some of those who aren't totally sucked in maybe won't vote period because they may still like the Loon somewhat but just can't face the chaos and other losses that pop up around Loon.

    A bit disturbed at the idea that things continue to happen around the Loon (read on the way here that some Fema workers had to evacuate because they were being 'hunted' by groups bent on harm to them) and people who need help are themselves afraid to trust those that come to help. I'm super disgusted that in this day and age ANYONE is allowed to put out messages/lies about the agencies that are adjugated to assist in efforts to citizens affected by horrendous storms. This should be a highly punishable offense (felonious) in fact.

    Thinking we are vulnerable (they know it) so we can expect they will be relentless in their suppressions and all the tactics they will use to make us afraid, and hopeless if possible. I am afraid — but I am not hopeless. Not after all I've seen — and even more so not after all I've heard and seen of the media behaviors. We have all kinds of positive signposts along with having two former Presidents (very good orators for sure) stumping for Harris while she isn't letting up one moment.

    The Loon is getting more demented daily and barely knows where he is. Amazing that the media is ah, is that sane washing his condition of not even being able to do his weave very well now. They are going to pull his insane behind across the finish come hell or high water.

    Will we see a lot of 2020 take place — maybe some, but Loon is not directing things from the WH this time. He's ordinary citizen, so not so easy. We may have incidents, but they will truly be the not quite right kind of people since anyone with brain cells will not start much trouble. After all if the Loon loses for sure their chances of seeing a jail cell go way way up. Those in jail already will not get their 'promised' help — so why would anyone not give that lots of weight.

    We can be scared, we can be nervous, but we need to examine things carefully. In the end, I have thought VP Harris will win and in large numbers. My concern (while my nerves take a bit of a beating) is that we are able to take the House and the Senate for sure.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Hoping is not this time, next. These people have no place in government.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Lying as easily as they open and close their eyes.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,842
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Ah, what to do, laugh or cry. It's not just the loon which is the abomination of the millennium. It is also the stupid or terrorist types who are now a part of our government. I long for those days we older people look back to and remember as the good ole' days. Well, they weren't all good but put up against today they had a whole lot going for them.

    At the same time here, we are once again, just like in 2020, fighting to retain the democracy we cherish. Over and over we cover the same territory — that the Loon is indeed a lunatic rapidly becoming totally overtaken by dementia. Tiresome, but it must be done.

    I'm sure we are all very nervous because there is so much to this. In addition to hoping for a trifecta of great proportion, it is a hope that the Reps. party will have to all but dis-band and maybe even go under a different name trying to re-make a party — when practicing to deceive, they allowed a con-artist loser business-man to lead their party. I hope they see it as the evil, rotten thing it has become and I hope they will all know that the majority of the citizens do not want them nor their demented leader. Who knows, but we don't dare quit now with so little time to go.

    I am in fact convinced that media people are cherry-picking a number of polls and articles (yes there is some truth there) but clever arrangement is leading things to sound like the Democrats are or should feel hopeless. Whatever is going to happen, I'm not going to give up my enthusiasm, hope, and the inspiration that is coming from people like Stevie Nicks, Bruce Springsteen and all the others - Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler and all those great people like Michele Obana that are keeping their foot on the gas. I'm just going to have to keep mine there too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    The above is what I'm talking about. It should be a stone-cold felony for anyone to spread these kinds of lies and to do so in my opinion when it is a presidential campaign — should be not only a felony but instant dis-qualifier.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    And I note the smile and the thrill of getting away with it all. You dumbass people should wake up and see what he is making you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Hmmm, perhaps some of them are upset enough with you to arm themselves — just look how you behave with them. You're not waiting for anything as you sit back and relax in the comfort of your Trump One plane. Likely having your McD cheeseburger and diet coke.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    BREAKING: Senator Raphael Warnock dumps cold water all over the desperate MAGA hope that Black men are going to save Donald Trump’s campaign.

    This is the brutal truth…

    Listen, let me tell you something this morning, Black men are not going to vote for Donald Trump in any significant numbers,” Warnock said during an appearance on CNN.“There’ll be some. We’re not a monolith,” he continued. “But as Black folk in general — and Black men in particular — consider who Donald Trump is, as they consider the fact that this is the man who literally took out a full page ad in The New York Times saying that these young teenagers back in the 1980s who were accused of a horrific crime should receive the death penalty.”

    “And then when it was proven that the exonerated five, the Central Park five, were actually innocent, Donald Trump has shown no deal of concern for what they went through, no deal of contrition about it,” Warnock went on.“He’s doubled down on his position,” Warnock continued. “This is who he is and Black men know that as they watch him deal with his own criminal problems and concerns that the criminal justice system certainly doesn’t handle them the way it handles him.”

    “On the other hand you’ve got Kamala Harris who in her work as a prosecutor found ways to give people a path towards a better life, who has spent her whole life as a lawyer, as a senator, and now as vice president, centering the concerns of ordinary people,” he said.“Again, we’re not a monolith but this idea that large numbers of Black men are going to vote for Donald Trump, it’s not gonna happen,” concluded Warnock.

    Made the picture small. You know who the Loon is and hopefully everyone here knows the wonderful Sen. Warnock who is my idea of a first class citizen.

    This is much of the way I've felt — those cherry-picked tidbits (and it is because they are tidbits that it can be said they are true) are often snippets to keep the media chugging along getting their clicks. We have learned not to be too certain of anything — but the one thing I am certain about is that Sen. Warnock knows what he is talking about and I can trust him.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    I hope all of those people who did support the Loon at one time are standing up every day for VP Harris since they saw the light. If you want to make it up — you need to make your voice heard in every way you can.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Mr. Reich — I hope soon we can all get on the page and understand this — those people on top have only managed to get greedier — trickle-down is a fallacy dreamed up by the Reaganites.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Super-fear and if you start out not conning and telling the truth (a total impossibility for Loon) you do not have to HIDE.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Projecting, although the orange guy is a lunatic and demented and grows more so by the minute.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Not that any of those diddle-squats will care but I will feel enormous satisfaction.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    If you put that orange tan on yourself, shame on you. If you hired someone, boy did you get took.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    This by the way is not the first time this has happened, although it is likely a different group. Still, many of these people have lost the ability to walk away from their misfit leader no matter what he does to them.

    I say to that people — better you than me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    Looking at those faces and thinking no the f*** thank you. These people deserve a Loon like FG who has no idea how to enjoy a good laugh, a beautiful sunny day, and the antics of a couple of kittens or puppies.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,891

    No wonder your son is wrecked — just look at you. Maybe you and he should go back where you came from.