I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
I hope all of this is true, but I've heard it both ways. I would think some have had to be called back.
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It's amazing how fast you can tank a booming economy when you are stupid and suffer from diarrhea of the mouth……..
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So not only destabilizing jobs but doing the same to Nato and anything else that aides others —- push them all down so you can be great traitor Trump.
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There is a ripping up of the Constitution.
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How to show Reps. that they are boot-lickers for DOGE.
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Plain to see their private schools didn't help them much.
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I do believe there has been progress, but it hasn't been easy to see.
It does seem to me that both Trump and Musk (proving two heads are definitely not better) are making huge messes, and in fact, causing a lot of stress and distress to their own. How easy to wield a cutting edge when you yourself are insulated. Also, when you are stupid and refuse to learn because you are so convinced that you don't personally need to.
The destruction is so painful but because it heavily includes all the Reps. who thought they were un-touchable is likely necessary to finally get people to realize that they were told for four long months (by Kamala Harris) what they were buying into if they voted for Trump. So while we have to wait for the courts — for the most part the worst is not fully happening and may not ever. The Trump loyalists put in office only know that they are to tear up — but since they don't know how anything REALLY works and didn't care they can't tear up either. Who would have thought — you have to know how and why something works before you can know how to dismantle it.
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Anonymous Declares Cyber War on Donald Trump
- Anonymous Declares Cyber War on Donald Trump
“We need you to shut down his websites, research and expose what he doesn’t want the public to know.” This was the main message that came from the three-minute long YouTube video released on March 4 by the hacking group, Anonymous, with the aim to destroy Donald Trump. The group pressed their followers to join forces in a number of cyberattacks on to take place on April 1. The video showed a figure presenting a faux newscast, disguised in the groups trademark Guy Fawkes mask. “We need you to dismantle his campaign and sabotage his brand.” In a separate written statement, specific websites were listed as targets including, donaldjtrump.com, trump.com and trumphotelcollection.com as well as releasing the alleged cellphone and social security number of the Republican presidential front-runner as way of helping hackers to harass and shame him.
Anonymous is known for its high profile cyber campaigns against groups including the Islamic State and the Ku Klux Klan. It was after Trump proposed to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. last December, and “shocked the entire planet with [his] appalling actions and ideals,” that the rebel group decided to take action and declare a digital war. Their fury clearly hadn’t subsided in this clip where they planned to relaunch the cyber-attacks on a larger scale. “This is a call to protect our future, our freedom and our very way of life.” Even though they have allegedly exposed KKK members and helped to remove Islamic State related Twitter accounts, there has been criticism that the group over-promises and under delivers. Operation Trump, or #OpTrump, is described by the group as, “a declaration of total war.” The video signs off, “Operation Trump engaged.”
I had almost forgotten about this group. For a time (I think after Trump in his first time around banned Muslins) there was a lot of activity from this group. Also, they are largely people who don't have anyone actually claiming leadership. The whole structure (seemingly quite loose) seems to work just because it does tend to make them just as Anonymous as their name. They do seem quite invested though in the political arena and that would be the part they see as un-just — and that would in this case certainly be Trump and a great many who go along with everything he is and does.
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Trump meltdown after Ontario implements a 25% surcharge on electricity in retaliation for his tariffs — whines that "your not even allowed to do that" and announces a "National Emergency on Electricity."
President Deals is really circling the drain now...
"Despite the fact that Canada is charging the USA from 250% to 390% Tariffs on many of our farm products, Ontario just announced a 25% surcharge on 'electricity,' of all things, and your not even allowed to do that," Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Apparently, he thinks that there are rules of fair play to a trade war and that Canada should simply take their licks without hitting back.
The surcharge was implemented under Ontario's Premier Doug Ford, who called Trump's tariffs a "disaster for the U.S. economy" that are "making life more expensive for American families and businesses."
"Until the threat of tariffs is gone for good, Ontario won’t back down. We’ll stand strong, use every tool in our toolkit and do whatever it takes to protect Ontario," said Ford.
The surcharge affects some 1.5 million homes and businesses in Michigan, Minnesota, and New York and will cost roughly $400,000 a day.
"Because our Tariffs are reciprocal, we’ll just get it all back on April 2," Trump continued in his post, once again displaying a profound ignorance as to how tariffs work.
"Canada is a Tariff abuser, and always has been, but the United States is not going to be subsidizing Canada any longer," he added. "We don’t need your Cars, we don’t need your Lumber, we don’t your Energy, and very soon, you will find that out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"
Of course, if the United States really didn't need Canada's electricity, Trump wouldn't be throwing a fit over the new surcharge. The fact that he's this upset about it proves that we do need that electricity.
And he wasn't done there. Trump followed up the post hours later—
"Based on Ontario, Canada, placing a 25% Tariff on 'Electricity' coming into the United States, I have instructed my Secretary of Commerce to add an ADDITIONAL 25% Tariff, to 50%, on all STEEL and ALUMINUM COMING INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM CANADA, ONE OF THE HIGHEST TARIFFING NATIONS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD," he wrote on Truth Social. "This will go into effect TOMORROW MORNING, March 12th."
The stock market is already cratering thanks to Trump's disastrous tariffs. Imagine how bad it's going to get if he implements more...
"Also, Canada must immediately drop their Anti-American Farmer Tariff of 250% to 390% on various U.S. dairy products, which has long been considered outrageous," he continued.
"I will shortly be declaring a National Emergency on Electricity within the threatened area. This will allow the U.S to quickly do what has to be done to alleviate this abusive threat from Canada," Trump added.
It's unclear what this "National Emergency" declaration will actually entail but it's worth noting that we never required anything like this under President Biden. We took it for granted that when we flipped a switch in our living room, the lights would turn on.
"If other egregious, long time Tariffs are not likewise dropped by Canada, I will substantially increase, on April 2nd, the Tariffs on Cars coming into the U.S. which will, essentially, permanently shut down the automobile manufacturing business in Canada," Trump went on. "Those cars can easily be made in the USA!"
"Also, Canada pays very little for National Security, relying on the United States for military protection. We are subsidizing Canada to the tune of more than 200 Billion Dollars a year. WHY???" he added "This cannot continue."
It was then that Trump pivoted to his favorite, idiotic idea: the United States annexing our neighbor to the north.
"The only thing that makes sense is for Canada to become our cherished Fifty First State. This would make all Tariffs, and everything else, totally disappear," he wrote. "Canadians’ taxes will be very substantially reduced, they will be more secure, militarily and otherwise, than ever before, there would no longer be a Northern Border problem, and the greatest and most powerful nation in the World will be bigger, better and stronger than ever — And Canada will be a big part of that."
"The artificial line of separation drawn many years ago will finally disappear, and we will have the safest and most beautiful Nation anywhere in the World — And your brilliant anthem, 'O Canada,' will continue to play, but now representing a GREAT and POWERFUL STATE within the greatest Nation that the World has ever seen!" he continued.
This insane demand is proof positive that Trump is suffering from egregious delusions of grandeur. He pictures himself as an emperor overseeing an ever-expanding American empire
In reality, Canada has zero interest in joining the United States. They are their own nation, with a proud history, culture, and civic structure. Why would they want to become part of a country overseen by a doddering, ignorant old man?
Donald Trump is one of the worst leaders in world history. Canadians are lucky that they don't have to suffer his leadership.
This is so absolutely true. Who in their right mind would want to join with the U.S. for anything as long as long as this dementia riddled excuse for a person is in charge. Not just Canada, but any other country as well.
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Doesn't have a clue and only knows best how to have tantrums and use vengeance as punishments for supposed grievances.It gets harder to bear on a daily basis.
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Occupy Democrats:
BREAKING: The conservative Wall Street Journal enrages MAGA world by warning that we are crashing straight into a full-blown "Trump recession" thanks to his disastrous tariffs.
When a Republican president loses the WSJ you know things are getting bad...
"Recession fears are roiling markets, as tech stocks and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell sharply again on Monday. Stock prices have been richly valued for some time, and this may be merely a market correction. But there are also signs of a slowing economy that should have the Trump Administration on alert," the Journal's editorial board wrote in a piece entitled "Will There Be a Trump Recession?"
The board went on to criticize Trump, saying that he "didn’t help the mood" over the weekend when he refused to rule out the possibility of an economic slowdown and said instead that "there is a period of transition, because what we’re doing is very big."
What exactly Trump hopes to gain from his harebrained tariffs — beyond some nebulous demands about immigration and fentanyl smuggling — is still unclear.
"Mr. Trump was right to note that a President shouldn’t be preoccupied with short-term investor reactions to economic policies that will boost long-term growth. But there are flashing signs that the U.S. economy is slowing," the Journal wrote.
Specifically, the right-wing newspaper pointed to recent disappointing jobs reports, the escalating trade wars with our close allies Canada and Mexico, as well as the general chaos and uncertainty caused by this administration.
The board also cited specific instances where the tariffs are crushing businesses. One transportation equipment manufacturer stated that "customers are pausing on new orders as a result of uncertainty regarding tariffs."
Similarly, a machinery manufacturer revealed that "the incoming tariffs are causing our products to increase in price" as "sweeping price increases are incoming from suppliers."
"When tariffs cause steel prices to rise, steel-using companies raise prices," the Journal explained, debunking Trump's false claim that the cost of tariffs are born by foreign countries rather than domestic consumers.
The editorial concluded by stating that all of the aforementioned factors suggest "slower growth ahead even if the economy dodges recession."
"If Mr. Trump wants to quiet recession alarm, he would be wise to put his tariff plans on the shelf," the board wrote.
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This traitor should be sent back where he came from so fast his head wouldn't stop spinning for at least a month.
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Trump is upset because “the leftists” are illegally boycotting Tesla. Maybe people just don’t want to buy a car to support a piece of sh*t.
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BREAKING: Donald Trump's nuclear meltdown over Ontario's crushing retaliatory 25% surcharge on electricity to the United States worsens in humiliating fashion as he accidentally insults himself.
This angry old man is coming apart at the seams...
"Why would our Country allow another Country to supply us with electricity, even for a small area? Who made these decisions, and why?" Trump raged on Truth Social.
The "who" in this scenario is Trump himself. Electricity exports from Canada to the United States were covered in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that he signed in 2019.
Either Trump forgot, never read the details of the deal, or simply believes that his supporters are too stupid to look it up.
And he wasn't done there—
"And can you imagine Canada stooping so low as to use ELECTRICITY, that so affects the life of innocent people, as a bargaining chip and threat?" whined Trump. "They will pay a financial price for this so big that it will be read about in History Books for many years to come!"
This outburst is as pathetic as they come. For Trump to play the victim and pretend to care about "innocent people" when he was the one who started this disastrous trade war in the first place is the height of hypocrisy.
Canada didn't want this trade war. Trump chose to stab them in the back for no good reason. Beyond some ill-defined demands about fentanyl smuggling and illegal immigration he's really just trying to look tough to his xenophobic base.
Now that the tariffs are backfiring and the economy is hurtling towards a recession Trump's ego is once again rearing its ugly head.
A reasonable leader would rescind these tariffs before the economy is totally destroyed. Unfortunately, Donald Trump is the furthest thing from a reasonable man.
We so need to be rid of this dunderhead, but then, he should not have even been allowed to run after his J-6 production on his first time out. No way in the world should he have ever been allowed to walk around free for four yrs. (no thanks to Merritt Garland) so that he could continue to influence how we live and thrive in the U.S. which assuredly is not happening in any way right now. What ruination.
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If this doesn't scare you , nothing will.
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Always been this way.
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Well, boy howdy, can you say that again….
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Water World's Quiet Trump freak-out.
The past quarter century of drought has driven water levels at Lake Mead — the massive reservoir supplying Arizona, California and Nevada — toward precarious lows.© John Locher/AP
A Native American tribe with a powerful water claim had an ultimatum for the Trump administration: Release money to protect the Colorado River — or fight over the future of the most important river in the West.
Uncharacteristically, the Trump administration backed down.
The Interior Department released $105 million eight days later to repay the tribe for work it had done to line leaky canals and take other measures to protect a waterway that supports farms and cities in seven states.
It was a victory for Arizona’s Gila River Indian Community — and a rare success in cities, farmers and tribes' ongoing fight over drought funding from Democrats' signature climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act.
But the episode last month, previously unreported, underscores the alarm that Western officials are feeling over the Trump administration’s freeze of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding for the waterway, which supports 40 million people and a $1.4 trillion economy but has been gripped by megadrought for more than two decades.
The Gila River tribe is still one of the few entities to have its funding freed up. Most entities with federal contracts for water-saving work are still waiting to find out if they’ll be paid.
And the freeze is just one of a series of unprecedented moves the Trump administration has made that are worrying the officials charged with keeping taps running and irrigation water flowing across a region that spans a broad swath of the West, including the cities of Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Diego.
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When did he ever, really. He is too busy kissing Musky and Putin and taking care of them — and so what if he totally wrecks the U.S. doing it. Just so what !!!
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Oh do tell.
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To lighten it up for a moment __________________ with a whole lot of truth.
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The truth.
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The sign for today:
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And hopefully losing even more as we speak. So much for throwing your money at Trump before election — bet you didn't think it would end up being sooooo much more. My heart bleeds not at all for you.
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Because he is as evil as a person can be — such a waste of oxygen and food.