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  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited November 2020


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,344
    edited November 2020

    Brava, Ruth

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020

    Trill, I hope we got the final word on that one. I think it was ruled as legal. It is stressful though to know that every thing is up for grabs as far as the other side is concerned -- no matter how LEGAL it may be. I'm clinging to the fact that if there are enough D votes you won't be able to cheat enough to get Trump over. The numbers will be way, way too far off I think. I'm not sure that side has enough brains to cheat carefully enough not to throw the numbers totally out of reasonable balance.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited November 2020

    Jackie, my thinking too!

    A laugh--much needed---from The New Yorker......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    I unwittingly started a flame war on FB when I compared letting the virus spread unchecked till the vaccine comes to save us to a morbidly obese patient who, when told by their doctor to make some lifestyle changes, replies, "nah, just write me a diet pill prescription." A pen-collecting buddy of mine (who weighs >400 lbs.), whom I've met in real life, accused me of fat-shaming. I told her to read the ENTIRE post--and if she did she'd discover that it was the hypothetical patient who was fat-shaming themself (I'm reluctantly using grammatically incorrect non-binary pronouns lest I be further flamed) by the combination of wanting to lose weight the easy way and also not being "positive" about their body. She told me "well, that's not the way it sounds," "many people can't lose weight," and demanded I take down the post. Another FB "friend" (whom I found out is morbidly obese and awaiting open-heart surgery) agreed with her. I futilely pointed out that I was not criticizing those who can't lose weight nor even refuse to lose weight--only those who want to get slim and do it without lifting a finger. I even pointed out that I used to be seriously obese (37.5 BMI) and had been fat-shamed myself, and was lucky to be able to make the lifestyle changes that changed my BMI to just a hair between "normal" and "overweight," since I know many people who can't exercise and for whom it's too late for diet to make a difference. They both replied I'm digging myself a deeper hole. Well, a dozen people so far have agreed with me.

    This underscores one of the chief problems of social media/online-only communication: because we are unable to see facial expressions or hear vocal inflections, many who are "on the spectrum" are incapable of understanding nuance, context or irony--and when the context is explained to them, get even more defensive and reactive because we won't accept their misinterpretations as truths. I am really, really growing to detest social media for not only that reason but for all the trolls that (not "who," because a bot is not a person) deliberately sow discord. On my local pages of, we even have a few trolls defending the Proud Boys as "not racist because one of their chapter leaders is Latino." (This came up when Proud Boys fliers showed up on cars and lampposts in a formerly majority-German but now highly-diverse neighborhood a couple of miles south).

    Then there are those who give less credence to legacy journalism sources on the one hand, than on the other to the digital equivalent of street-corner lunatics' bullhorns/supermarket-entrance bulletin boards/speakers'-corner soapboxes. Anyone else here driven up the wall when they hear someone say "I don't trust the media" but instead unquestioningly swallow shared unsubstantiated Tweets and memes? "Media" are plural-- they are numerous, diverse, some of them over a century old. The "Mainstream Media" is not a monolithic cabal of like-minded entities plotting to further a truth-suppressing agenda. Whoever invented the "persona" of "Q" is probably laughing his (almost certainly male) fool head off. But the fact that so many people take QAnon's pronouncements--or those spread by followers--as gospel and broadcast networks and venerable newspapers as suspect is no laughing matter. (I wouldn't be surprised if the original "Q" turns out to be the guy who first published the Pizzagate rumor, and when called on it, admitted that even though it wasn't true he had a right to spread it in order to profit from the online "eyeballs" it garnered him).

    Troll alert: If you are on, and encounter an incoherent and often contrarian post, click on "show profile." You won't find one, nor will you find any avatar other than the first initial of the first name. And many of them list "joined 2020." Funny how none of those "whom" I've ID'ed as trolls have responded nor even "reacted."

    I don't use Instagram, nor What'sApp for that reason either. I have a husband and pets, not trolls, to feed. Only reason I remain on FB is Messenger (for those of my friends who don't otherwise text, and for my voice lessons via video chat--my teacher can't get FaceTime, Skype or Zoom to work),

  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited November 2020

    The obese person who is not interested in lifestyle changes is not hurting anyone else however, whereas letting COVID run free is killing hundreds of thousands in this country alone.

  • erento
    erento Member Posts: 187
    edited November 2020

    Is it too early to start drinking? Not for celebratory reasons, but for nerve-calming? :)Happy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited November 2020

    I am going to limit my media time the next couple days.....too stressful!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Yeah, I know, Yeslama--but it was the closest analogy I could find. What I really feel about the "maskholes," and those who insist on congregating close together in bars, churches, and rallies, and then going out into the community? Not sure I can use the kind of language I want to, even on this thread.

    I was shocked to read on the "over 60" thread that one person (in WI) was actually contemplating going to Mass in person but decided against it not because it was unsafe but because it was too cold to ride her scooter over there and one of the priests had come down with COVID. Here in Chicago, both my temple and Bob's parish church have been worshipping entirely online since mid-March. Over the past four days IL has seen record new case numbers. Wonder why....hmmm....can it be because every state bordering us too-fully and too-early "opened" and had much higher case numbers all summer long? The first counties in IL with spikes were those bordering WI, IA, and MO. Chicago has a mandatory quarantine law for anyone coming here from any of those states (heck, most of the country), but unlimited travel between counties and "mitigation regions" (of which we have 11). Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it best: artificial interstate travel restrictions are about as effective as roping off a "no-peeing" section in a swimming pool.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020

    I'm thinking of Antifa. Trump and his followers make it out to be a group/army/outfit/ that is bent on doing him and his followers in, but it is more of an idea than an organization. Has no true leader, bylaws or directors. I think Yeslama is correct. The obese person is not harming anyone else, but I do feel for those who become so tender they cannot see their wt. issues realistically enough to not feel they are challenged by others. My sister was terribly overwt. and it finally helped bring on her demise at an early age I'm sure. I finally realized it was something she could not confront well enough to exercise the control needed to change it. It is a problem with the Internet and taking things back seems often not to work at all. Maybe that is why I'm not a major poster too much on anything else but here on these blogs. I've had my feelings hurt a couple of times and so just mainly stay away. I only go to Facebook for a couple of people who will no longer use email since Facebook showed up. I don't want to lose them, nor some family members that I want to keep up with ( they refuse email now as well ) but if not for that I'd ditch FB in a heartbeat.

    I only read what to me have turned out to be media sources I feel are trustworthy and I try to stick to memes that are accurate although I've had a couple of misses there that were embarrassing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020

    You know this one really needs help, but I can't get too excited. The Trump children have been heavy into the grifting cycles right along, but as they say: " If you want to dance, you have to pay the fiddler ". It is now close to time to pay the fiddler through an election and this youngster ( oldest of the Trump children ) has a whole lot to lose. It must leave a lot of feelings in the pit of your stomach to realize that not only might you not receive an inheritance that will no longer be there, but there may be a small, cold place for you where you will have to live for a fair amt. of time and have nothing when you get out of that place. Maybe I would use a "spoon" to drown my fears and sorrow too.


  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited November 2020

    I have been avoiding ALL news (except COVID which I need to track closely for work) since RBG died, and I haven't been on Book of Faces for many, many months. I have already voted, we have donated in every direction we could. I just cannot handle the stress if there is not more I can do.

    Especially since my current treatment is knocking me every-which-way so my energy is limited.

    But I have sure enjoyed this thread and I thank you all and whatever Goddess or energy or whatever caused me to for some unknown reason click on the topic!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020


  • yesiamadragon
    yesiamadragon Member Posts: 343
    edited November 2020

    I hate to burden anyone else with my deepest fear of what he might do after the election (and presumably coming off very high dose steroids).

    I just can't imagine any place he would be safe.... He owes his "friends" around the world lots of money he has no way of paying back.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,849
    edited November 2020

    Oops, He Did It Again: Trump Reportedly Leaves Supporters Stranded In PA Cold After Rally

    It is being reported that Trump turned thousands of his supporters out into the cold Pennsylvania night with no shuttles after his rally.

    Read more »

    Well this is just more instance of Trump not giving a rat's tail what happens to people after he uses them for his ego. He is not getting votes out of this. Why people go through this torture just to say they went to one of his ignorant rallies is beyond me. Did they even think about this. And as someone said -- why are heated tents needed if busses/shuttles or whatever they are using don't show up when they should. Trump is not in-convenience in any way and goes on his merry way and leaves these people to fend for themselves.

    I don't know if any of these people even considered this as a possibility, but I'd be thinking about it if I had tickets for any of the rallies that will take place after this. Some people seem in-capable of learning that this man will not and cannot care about them. It is not in him -- never was.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited November 2020

    The tweet about Trump’s Omaha rally and his followers being stranded because the bus company had not been paid was apparently satire.

    We all know however that it was highly plausible because he is known for not paying his bills!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited November 2020


  • jkl2017
    jkl2017 Member Posts: 279
    edited November 2020

    Another interesting story involves Australia's latest Covid numbers, Ruth. I listened to a JAMA network conversation with Dr. Fauci a few days ago and he discussed Melbourne's recent accomplishment of two Covid-free days in a row. After seeing a large, escalating number of cases in June, Melbourne went into a strict lockdown with $1000 fines for individuals who didn't wear masks in public. Four months later, they have really gotten the virus under control. Fauci was very impressed and stressed that Melbourne is - like many American cities - large (population of nearly five million) and very urban. With the right leadership, maybe the US could have similar success!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited November 2020

    One of my friend's daughter lives in Australia. If she were to come back to the States to visit; when she got back to Australia, she would be driven straight to a hotel and would have to quarantine there for two weeks before she could go back to her apartment and job. If my friend were to visit Australia, she'd be driven to the hotel and would have to do the same before she could roam about the country. No exceptions.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Culture trumps (small & capital T) common sense and compassion. East Asian countries--even Taiwan, which tries to maintain as much economic and ideological distance as it can from Beijing (without being punished)--have an ethos of venerating elders and sacrificing convenience for the common good. And China's urban citizens have long been wearing masks outside their homes as a matter of course: we visited Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin, Guangzhou and Hong Kong back in 1994 (albeit when HK was still British). Wearing a mask when one has a cold or respiratory allergies has always been a routine courtesy there--as much so as covering sneezes or coughs and not farting in public. (This was explained to us by our tour guides). And in smoggy conditions, everyone wore masks outdoors to protect themselves from the pollutants. Our visit was in late Feb., and most people we saw on the street in Beijing and Xi'an (one of the most polluted cities on earth due to its dependence on coal for energy) were masked. In Xi'an, I wished I had a mask too.

    Yeslama, sorry if I said anything that offended you. I, too, have been taking a vacation from all non-COVID TV news except my local network news (for weather, traffic, sports, etc.). But I do subscribe to BlockClubChicago (the online heir to DNA Info, which in turn was the heir to the venerable City News Bureau, where all my journalist friends of a certain age got their starts after graduating from J-school), whose reporters are dedicated, neutral and tenacious. (I say "neutral" even though there are no pro-Trump stories because first, BCC has no opinion section; and second, because facts fall where they may--if they fall on one side of the line or the other, it isn't by design). I won't use the word "truth" because these days it is loaded and subjective: I prefer "fact." I used to watch MSNBC assiduously in prime time; but lately I'm finding Hayes a bit snarky (and his little giggle when he gets nervous about a set of facts is a distressing "tell"), O'Brien exaggerative (makes mountains out of anthills), and Maddow--as much as I love her--is increasingly depressing and scaring the hell out of me nightly (justifiably so, I know, but I already am plenty worried). So I'm watching stuff I've DVRed, PBS, even commercial dramas & sitcoms (up to a point). I do, however, keep tuned to MSNBC & CNN during the daytime, when the opinionators are off-duty; and I do read the NYTimes assiduously. I also subscribe to WaPo and the Boston Globe, as well as both Chicago papers (even the Trib, which in earlier, gentler times infuriated me because it leaned rightward). I must confess, though, I also subscribe to the WSJ...but only for the crosswords. (Yeah, I sound like someone who claimed to read Playboy "for the articles").

    (I keep hearing an earworm from Joni Mitchell's 1970-71 song "California:" "Sittin' in a park in Paris, France; reading the news and it all looks bad...")

    I don't read HuffPo, Politicus, Palmer Report, or Drudge Retort (or is it Grudge Report, I forget)--I'm already "in the choir" and therefore preaching-averse. I do, however, occasionally watch Axios or VICE when there's something juicy.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited November 2020

    The news about Trumpers stranded after a Butler, PA rally doesn't mean much, imo. The day was beautiful, sunny, 41 degrees. It's close enough to Pittsburgh that most of the rally-goers have been in plenty of large crowds that move at a snail's pace at football/hockey/baseball/concert venues in all kinds of weather (I have), not to mention Pittsburgh traffic which has memes of its own. To them, Trump is the rock star they were thrilled to see and didn't even have to shell out for an overpriced ticket. Any inconvenience was nil.

    My son has lived with his girlfriend for 5 years. We love her. Her parents were at the Butler PA rally, the mom posted a FB photo of them there. She didn't mention Trump's name, but I could see some patriotic gear behind her; a few comments asked was she “at the rally" and she replied, yes and how beautiful the day was. This couple is middle age, upper middle class, college educated, have a beautiful home.

    The sad part is their devotion to Trump causes friction with their daughter, who I know they love. But she and my son follow covid guidelines and it sounds like they get angry at her about it. The parents go lots of places wearing no masks, like the rally and church and weddings.

    The kids are making Thanksgiving plans to see both sets of parents. Ds wants to come here first. Now I know why. He doesn't want to risk getting covid from them, then possibly giving it to me and dh.

    I also worry it may be something of a power play with the parents vs ds for their daughter's loyalty. I hope not, but my mind does roll stuff like that over.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Ruth, NYC is doing the same thing for anyone arriving from a hot-spot: immediate rapid COVID test; if negative, another 5 days later. If that one's negative and no symptoms, only then can they roam the city freely. But there's nothing there for a tourist to do. (We have museums here in Chicago, and I've been to the Met, MOMA and Museum of Natural History a zillion times anyway). And even 5 days cooped up in a hotel room eating pizza delivery, w/o even being allowed to walk through Central Park or go to the Duane Reade on the corner, would be not only boring but too expensive. (And certainly not worth being trapped inside a flying test tube for 2 hrs. at a time).

    Driving vacations are out of the question now, even if weather permitted and Bob had the time off. Nowhere to go except in IL, and to a "hotter spot" mitigation region than Chicago anyway. I also am terrified of using a public restroom--not of sitting on the toilet but of toilets w/o lids. At least the ones in hospitals & medical offices are disinfected & well-vented.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    edited November 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited November 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited November 2020
