I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Pretty much. As previously stated -- I intend to take something of an abbreviated look. I really don't think it will count much towards adding to any Trump/RNC number overall.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited August 2020

    I intend to watch as much as I can stomach. I can't wait to hear Rudy Giuliani and Larry Kudlow speak. I want to compare those two cadavers to the speeches by Bernie and Warren. I'm betting Melania won't be speaking. I wonder if Trump will have his sister say a few words. For those who are boycotting, here are some clips of what Maryanne Trump Barry has to say about her brother.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2020

    I’ll read on my phone, like I do anything else. But don’t want to waste too much time or battery.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Conservatives... "They're Bedsores on the ass of Humanity..." STOP BEING THE STUPID PARTY'

    The Reps. party has changed so much and it is one time when change is definitely not good.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Trump it is said has plans ( I bet a lot of Reps are not overjoyed by this ) to speak all 4 nights of the convention -- and I think may have something going got tonight -- just heard a sm. snippet so I could be wrong about that.

    That said, there are soooo many people that have heard far too much of Trump and are aching for the day ( can't come soon enough ) that he is gone from the office -- hopefully to jail asap. He exposes himself at every opportunity because he thinks it is enhancing his chances of winning. He is heavily over-exposed with a rotten message to go along with his rotten actions which should almost guarantee a loss. Of course, thanks to Putin and aggressive stances on cheating, voter suppressions, wrecking mail in voting and intimidations we have to worry greatly. I have fears, but I also recall being just as worried ( yes it is different than a presidential election ) in 2018 and that turned out just as fine as could be.

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'OPERATION #JUSTLETHIMSPEAK When your opponent is making a false move. itis it is wise not to disturb him'

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Ugh. Another car rally for Trump was held this weekend in a couple towns just a little further down the river. They said last week 75 vehicles joined and this week it’s 300, much better than they expected. Apparently, without his rallies, Trump supporters have devised this way to congregate and even do it safely. I also think because the lack of sports, some Americans have to find something to cheer on. The asshats refuse to blame Trump for the pandemic or make the connection that he’s the reason there’s so little to do that they must resort to cheering on a president who resides most of the time in his Florida resort,. To me, the car rallies are unsettling. On the other hand, I think the rally goers are such a bunch of losers. Totally fried brains.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Chevyboy, i take the pandemic seriously. John Tesch who apparently had cancer (not sure what, I'll have to look it up) said he doesn't fear the coronavirus but her does respect it. That's how I feel. My county currently has low numbers. Almost everyone in the area wears a mask. I do grocery pickup and dh runs short store errands if necessary. We are cautious, as is ds and his girlfriend.

    My next door neighbor had Covid. He, along with four other members of his church that he was so anxious to get back to and told me in May he didn't like being told what to do (stay home, wear a mask if you must go out). He's about 67. He minimized having the virus. Quarantined with his wife for 14 days and she said they slept in the same bed but she did not get it nor did she test positive and she wasn't asymptomatic. Not sure why she slept in the same bed! They have plenty of other bedrooms in their house! The other church members also recovered tho one man in his 70s with preexisting conditions was hospitalized and said it got so bad he truly thought he was a goner. Their church is back to viral services for the next couple weeks. Doesn't sound like it phased gun happy religious neighbor one bit.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2020

    Yeah Divine... I not only fear cancer, I also fear getting the virus... For my Husband AND me! That's why we do take the mask, and distancing seriously.

    We also only shop once in awhile, and go early, like at 9 to miss the waiting in line just to get in! My youngest Daughter works in a King Soopers, and so far so good... She wears a mask over to our house, but if we stay outdoors, she takes it off... I only hug her from the back... but we talk a few times a day, and she DOES pick up stuff for us that we need, and we either go pick it up from her in the parking lot, or she brings it over.

    Is it just Trump supporters who refuse to wear masks, and take this seriously? Our older Daughters neighbors ARE Trumpers, and love to go on cruises, and driving trips, and don't wear masks unless told to do so! But they live in Florida, but Spookie probably knows a lot more than I do...miss you girl!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    The Food and Drug Administration will issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a coronavirus treatment, according to three administration officials.

    The agency held off on the decision over concerns from government scientists that evidence for the treatment's effectiveness is thin — prompting President Donald Trump to accuse the FDA of slow-walking the therapy to harm his reelection chances.

    Trump will announce the emergency authorization during a Sunday evening press conference with HHS Secretary Alex Azar and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn.

    Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/23/plasma-treatment-coronavirus-fda-trump-400390

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    From the sound of the above -- Trump threw a fit and is now going to politicize this NEW, not really so new way to treat covid. From what I heard on the t.v. and reading here -- no one is sure how well it works at all. They just seem to know very little other than it isn't hurting people like some of Trump's other miracles -- chloroquine, bleach, light etc., not to mention even poison plants. I think they are hoping it sparks immune response in those with covid.

    So grand-standing to a degree and getting to tout a 'win' of a sorts although it is a VERY thin one. It sounds like the FDA was not adverse but really wanted to know more before making any sort of announcement -- so Trump who seems to get a lot of breaks gets another one. I think his people will be happy but I'm not sure it will move any appreciable degree over to him. His sins are pretty mighty not to mention we are in horrific need of cures/vaccines, therapeutics because he listened to his ignorant SIL who said only blue states were being affected by Covid 19. Kushner, like in FIL is dumb as and outhouse door.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Divine, we here in our little town seem to ( clasping my hands as we speak ) not have to worry quite so much as places that are much larger. Dh and I wear masks whenever we are out. We try to distance but ( maybe due to what appears to be relative safety ) many people don't. Also there are a number of people that don't bother with masks. I have yet to see customers at Walmart sent away for not having masks. I really think some of the stores should back up not letting people in, but then what do I know of what it would take to be able to successfully back that up here.

    I find it irritating to say the least. You can't tell much from looks, but it seems to me they just flat don't want to put up with any discomforts or inconvenience what-so-ever. I don't think it is real protest. I worry that in an off moment. We could call orders into the store, but I have this thing about others picking out my groceries for me. I really prefer to choose items I want -- and pass some up if the price has gone up. I can do this for right now I think since we seem to be not having any REAL serious outbreak. I do worry though. The only good thing for us is that we have lots of separation between ourselves and out neighbors -- in some cases as much as five acres or more, so we can walk our neighborhood quite safely.

    Chevy, you know I am glad you do things as you do. Our age itself makes us vulnerable never mind having had cancer etc. We wash often around here and while I don't wash everything that comes into the house -- it does usually sit for several days before it is used. I buy ahead so that things don't have to be used immediately unless it is a carton of eggs or something. Those never stay in the carton. Sp. container in the fridge.

    Divine, I'm amazed at the church people. What don't they believe about God helps those that help themselves. I mean God created scientists, libraries, and all sorts of ways that it can be determined how to behave if a calamity exists like Covid 19. Lastly, don't they realize your God is in your heart, mind, and soul -- and the darn Church is just a building. It's only claim to fame is it is given a special designation. If they are true believers they should know God is hanging around inside of them -- . not some fancy building with a sign out front saying it is the " Church of What's Happening Now" or whatever name or denomination is being represented. People just get nuts about this having to be together for something like church. It is nice -- when it is SAFE. If it is not even God would not expect you to act the fool and show up.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2020

    Some store employees do try to enforce the rules, and have gotten hurt, or shot. I don’t like wearing them, but I do. It’s the law, and I’m not a law breaker. Well, maybe 5 mph over occasionally 😂😂. Different law enforcement officers have different views on it too. The anti maskers are the same as anti vaxcers I think. Stupid

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Fucking Trump. Listening to him now talking about how he "broke a logjam" re the use of convalescent plasma to help covid patients....blaming the "deep state" for the holdup--or whatever it is/was---chastising, saying it's not about politics but about "life and death"!!


    Donald, it's a little late for you to be giving a shit about "life and death" (but you don't really give a damn about either--except your own)!!

    OF COURSE it's political--but it's YOU who's using politics--now--on the eve of your convention (I'm not listening to one second of it.) You want to be the Lone Ranger riding in on Silver with a vial of plasma. It's suddenly, conveniently "life and death" to you after you've handled a killer like a common cold that will "pass," just "one day go away."

    YOU'RE the virus that needs to go away.....

    Who again is being political? YOU, that's who!!! You make me ill.....

    (I'd love to hear Maryanne Trump's whole spiel....)(She's the first time I've typed the name "Trump" in 3+ years and not had a GERD attack...)

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    My friend who voted for Trump and will do so again in an email last night was talking about online dating sites and her experiences with them.... humorous stuff...she said she's really looking to meet someone ....

    Then she wrote "I need someone to take care of me."

    We were talking here about why people go for Trump and it was mentioned that sometimes with women it's those who depend on men, look up to them uncritically, etc. and I wasn't sure if this applied to my friend.

    I see now how much it does.


    Double UGH.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2020

    Righteous rant Trill! ThumbsUp

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020

    Well, IF I wanted someone to take care of me; it wouldn't be someone who openly bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, and an affair with his second wife while married to the first, and with the third while married to the second. I wouldn't want someone who paid for sex with porn stars. And I wouldn't want someone who made everyone associated with him, including his own family, sign non-disclosure agreements, or who kept kids in cages. Or who mocked handicapped people, bullied people, was racist, and who used profanity on the public stage. But that's just me......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Ruth, yes, yes, and yes again!

    I am so so close to opening up the big guns and letting this friend have it. Really. I don't think I can take much more.....

    But she knows how I feel....and it would end the good things we share--and they ARE sincerely fun and lighthearted.

    She just better not talk about DT to me....

    Just now when I write to her and hear from her I'll be thinking I have a pen pal who's in a mental hospital.....

    Because right now I'm thinking that every single person who is going to vote for DT after almost four years of him--well, lots more than that as The Donald's been around a long time--knowing full well who he is

    is mentally ill.

    I know that each of us is a bit neurotic but I mean MORE than everyday neurosis.

    A kind of fear....

    Oh, I am terrified of the afraid.

    They are so dangerous.

    Fear blinds them.

    Fear blinds them and binds them in a straightjacket.

    For that sense of security, false though it is?


    Children afraid of the dark,

    thinking that the lightning won't strike them because they're under the bed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Divine, did you mean the church services are "viral" as in contagion-events, or "virtual," as in online? Our temple could meet outdoors along the lake adjacent to the building, but chooses to livestream it all online--YouTube & Zoom.

    Drumpf's base will believe he is saving them from the "slow-walking" FDA and the virus, because they refuse to pay attention to anything outside their alt-right bubble. His opinion is that anyone who doesn't bow down to him is trying to screw him over politically, and they swallow it hook, line and stinker.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020


    Oh Lord.....now it's "We are the storm."

    Why does "Sturmtruppen" come to mind--the German Stormtroopers of WWI (NOT of Star Wars fame and NOT the Abba Super Troopers)?

    If these aren't dog whistles I don't know what they are.....

    Nothing--the GOP will stop at NOTHING.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Heard that long and clear Ruth. Old orange puss makes all those put upon people ( not sure just what we put on them ) feel like he can do away with it and give them standing. Yes, maybe he can people but I'd be a heck of a lot more worried that he was going to kill me and if he cared one whit which he does not, call it an accident. I guess it just annoys me to see people slobbering over this hunk of fetid person just barely human. You definitely have had to run out of brain cells some time ago to believe 'only he ' can fix it. He has had four yrs. to fix it and it is more broken than ever.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    It is always amazing to me that anyone for any reason can allow Trump to willfully let well over 170,000 people lose their lives and it is said they we are way over that due to under/un-reported deaths. It is not for the economy because that is mainly only great for the super rich and corporations. So how can they just forget that Trump aspect. It is not like Trump has done anything. If people wanted a news junkie who adores golf I'm sure we/someone could have found someone far smarter with at least a touch here and there of class. Instead we have a fat, orange cheese burger eating yo-yo who hasn't an ounce of class and so stupid that people are dying right and left while he does nothing -- unless you call cheating in every way possible to win the 2020 election something.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'White House trade advisor Peter Navarro predicted that American voters would choose Trump over Biden because: "The people of America will always choose a tough guy in the White House over a nice guy because they know the world's a dangerous place." Yeah, a tough guy. One who's weathered adversities and emerged stronger. Not one who blames others for his failures hides in a bunker and rolls ouer for dictators. Left American News'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'What a Horrible Pathetic Nasty ShitHole Loser You must be to have Your Older Sister and Niece Support Your Opponent!!!'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'α7000 Question for women who support Trump When did you lose your DIGNITY and SELF RESPECT as a woman'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Travis Allen @TravisAllen02 RNC 2020 Slogan: "If you ain't indicted, you ain't invited"'

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Yep, Peter Navarro, the world IS a dangerous place--made even MORE dangerous thanks to your guy!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Hahaha! Sandy, yes, I meant neighbor’s church services are virtual not viral. Thanks for clearing that up. This pandemic is frying my own brains, lol!

    Love the RNC slogan!