I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Hi guys.... I'm kinda sorry I posted that about wanting to be Rip Van Winkle....now feel ashamed of myself for my wimp-mindedness......I just have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...I don't trust the Reps to not do anything in their considerable power--and the power of those many who are mentally deficient or deranged or willfully blind who still salivate over Trump--to upset things.....and now these conspiracy folks and far-righters--and worse--coming out of the woodwork. Lunatic fringe..... They freak me out.....My friend who voted for DT and will do so again wrote me the other day saying her cousin has this blog and she's reading up on new conspiracy theories her cuz posts there and how they are all true....ugh.....What is WITH these people? Sometimes I think it's just boredom and the craving of sensationalistic ideas....I'm so disappointed in my friend....she writes about her life as very ho-hum and blah.....maybe she gets a thrill believing in this crap....I dunno....I have to hold my tongue but I so want to shout at her "FRAN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???"

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    I think you could be so right about your friend Trill. I'm amazed that more people are not AMAZED at life. Just look what has been discovered since my birthdate in 1945. If we all looked up our birthdates and the wondrous discoveries that have come since then -- who could be bored. But yes, I think some people do not know why they are alive. They have no idea what their purpose is and frankly -- if you are going to start living in conspiracies you likely will never find out. We are here to grow ourselves and our fellow man -- like the saying that men/women plant trees they will never sit under. They do it for mankind and those who come after. They want life -- theirs and other people's to be happy and they want to help others find satisfaction in something as pleasant as sitting under a beautiful shade tree with a soft breeze blowing where you can dream of great things, fantastic improvements, medical contributions and whatever enriches others and so therefore yourself.

    We have so much even when some people may say we have very little -- if we have love and care for each other -- if we have dreams, and if we can all plant our trees/or give aways smiles/or help someone who is struggling, life will not be so boring that we need a horrid old fat useless conspiracy to prove to ourselves we are alive. Rant now over til' the next one.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730
    edited August 2020


    What's wrong with Fran is that she drank the kool-aid and once drunk, there is no going back. Sorry that your friend is so blind to his faults but then my DS and DDIL are also in awe of him. I blame it on the fundamentalist church they attend which we went to once for a service and to me, it smacked of being a cult. Big on prayer, singing, misinterpretation of the Bible and collecting money.

    I did not raise my DS to be a racist, a bigot, nor judgmental of others that are different than him and will correct him if he utters words to this effect. I do not permit him to discuss fallacies with me, correct him when he dismisses science (I am a nurse) and overlook some behaviors I find repugnant because I do not want to lose access to him nor my grandchildren. I do tell him I vote to cancel his vote. Both of his GF were union members and would be appalled by his way of thinking. I can only hope that he will eventually see the light.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Trill, embrace all your feelings and do not apologize for them. The grappling of issues is what part of what life is about. We all have moments of wanting to escape the times we live in and yet also want to stay in the moment so as not to miss out. I can totally understand your complete and utter amazement at the idiocy of Trump fans. Those we at one time considered sane, decent people now seem to have a flawed way of seeing things and apparently believe anything coming out of Trump's mouth. I get discouraged, too, because in my neck of the woods, each day I see one or two more Trump signs or flags go up. Or get roped into a conversation about how the other person still thinks Covid is a hoax. Or see an educated relative endorsing Trump on social media.

    Imo, many people went around in a funk before Trump came along. They never questioned the media. Then as he hollered about fake news, they thought, oh, maybe I ought to pay attention here. So they go from never questioning anything to questioning everything and it's unbelievable how many people don't do homework on the resources they get their news from. How it may be slanted. So many people cannot think for themselves.

    Here's the thing about "Fran". She doesn't realize all the Republicans want from her as a woman is her vote. They don't want her opinions. Her life is marginalized by the Republicans, thought less of and devalued, and that's the reason for her discontent. She's swallowed the propaganda hook, line and sinker. Actually, she's been conditioned from birth to support the patriarchy, the men who control so much in the world. Fran has no power and thinks the only way to get it is to hook her star to men who have power. She feels safe that way. The Republicans bank on women feeling this way. It's centuries old societal conditioning. To challenge her own beliefs would throw Fran into a tailspin and she'd be worried she'd lose family and friends if she made her own choices. It's easier for her to just go along.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Thanks, guys, so much for your feedback....

    Jackie, you are always eloquent and insightful! I so appreciate your perspective.

    Betrayal, thanks also.....Last time I asked my older brother--whom I see seldom--was sounding pro-Trump, although there was something so noticeably sheepish about the way he said it I doubted it....it still made me feel sick.....the disbelief.....And how anyone could be a science-denier is as astonishing to me as someone being a Holocaust-denier--though there are THOSE folks out there also....I surely understand how you have to let go or ignore the things that are so upsetting in order to keep things ok with your grandchildren....I agree that fundamentalism has influenced a lot of these people..

    Divine Mrs M, yeah--go along to get along....!!! What a horror THAT one is in a case like this! I want to ask Fran what she sees in DT and his ilk....last time she mentioned it she was railing against the George Floyd protesters and those who were looting and rioting in LA...I sent her a news clip that stated clearly that those looting we're found to be for-hire protesters, not legitimate protesters but opportunists....she acknowledged that she'd also heard that but didn't take back her hateful words....

    I think Fran had something happen to her that soured her to the left....don't know what....

    For DT to win again would give me permanent nausea....

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Well, I had eight hours of sleep and can now step back far enough that I can gain control of my anger at my friend, who will nonetheless always astonish me with her knock-down, drag-out stupid belief in Donald Trump and Co...

    But well-rested I located my old theory that the fall of ancient taboos and institutions that used to--albeit in disguise--control millions, leading them as to what to believe and how to think or act or not act, has frustrated and angered many.

    Forms of religion that used to dominate, suppress, and ordain don't work any longer--and lots of folks are angry about that.

    The suppressed and oppressed can't be manipulated as they used to be and good old reliable no-no's concerning abortion and who can love and marry whom--those also have withered.

    Then you have The Pill, that frees women of the ultimate controller: FEAR.

    Women can now have sex whenever and with whomever...

    Even that last-ditch suppressor THE GUN is under fire.

    At the same time all of this is going down long-suppressed and oppressed women and black and brown people have RISEN higher and higher--and that angers many, too.......

    Meanwhile scientists are busy digging up evidence that it took a few days longer than six for all we see and know to be created.

    The frustrated and demoted think: "Gotta find SOME WAY to keep 'em down and out....."

    So along comes hate-filled, hate-fueled law and order Donald Trump, who mirrors and echoes their fears and their anger......

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730
    edited August 2020

    My BF's father was having an affair. His children were aware of it and I am not sure if his wife was as well but no one said anything to him. However, the kids decided to let him know that they were aware of his cheating. While he was visiting with his "paramour" they put "Vote for George Wallace" bumper stickers on his car. He got the message loud and clear, never said a word to his kids but definitely knew they were responsible for the "decorations" and soon after that the affair ended. So the joke has always been if you intend to cheat on your spouse, look out. You never know what will be on your bumper.

    As Hillary said, they are "despicables" as are their leaders. Not much difference between George Wallace and DJT except how can this type of thinking/behavior (racist/bigot/moronic/chauvinistic/etc) persist so many years later? Some recognize now that George Wallace was wrong, will it take the same time period to recognize the same of DJT? Some women will never recognize their power, no matter how you try to make them see it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Speaking of which to my utter amazement, one of the best friends I had/made while I was in the Army is a Trumper through and through. She retired from the Guards a few yrs. ago as a Lt. Col. Her last duty station was in Desert Storm. We spent many happy hours ( as good friends ) on a duty post we had together in the early yrs. . She went on to go overseas and then to get out of active duty and enlist in the Guards and take advantage of joining the Guards by first being sent to school to become a nurse.

    I don't argue with her anymore. I tried for several months and it nearly destroyed a 50 yr. friendship. I honestly feel she is jaded by some sort of life events although I don't know all of what they are. Her relationships with men never went well ( note to myself -- it is possible there are sides to her I've never witnessed or heard about ) so she had her first child out of wedlock, and divorced the father of her second child. She moved to Illinois to live near her son. He got an opportunity after yrs. to move to Texas which likely came as a shock to her so she moved back to Wisc. She was BIG on Trump though long before that took place. I have not shut her out totally because I can walk away if need be, and not support her choice to be a Trumper. It is more important to me to honor the yrs. when politics were not a part of who we were. Just in case she one day wakes up from the Trump stupor I'd like to be there to encourage the decent, loving, giving person I always knew her to be.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    Betrayal: Some women will never recognize their power, no matter how you try to make them see it.

    Just wrote a long post about one of my Guard friends. We were both enlisted when we first became friends -- but she resigned her enlistment and re-upped in the Guards. First taking time out courtesy of the Guards to become a Nurse. Last assignment -- Desert Storm and that gave her a Lt. Col. after her name. Her issues that may have helped her become a Trumper -- not sure. First child ( male ) relationship failed before the baby was born. Second relationship produced a marriage and a daughter but ended in divorce. In her pictures she looks old and sorta harpy. I'm not sure she ever found contentment. Sometimes I think the secret is not to look to hard. Contentment, like happiness is something of a choice. Nothing is perfect and maybe if you search to long -- someone like Trump seems to hold out a promise. Maybe you have go far afield looking for something that is right inside yourself. YOU really do have the power. All you have to do is claim your own presence in time and space and fully accept you are there.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Betrayal, I love your bumper-sticker "lesson"!!! So clever! I recently saw a photo of a note left on a car's windshield by a passer-by, saying that he was sorry but someone had defaced the man's car.....(I THINK I have this recollection's details right...then again my own is as funny to me as the real thing---if I do say so myself!) Turns out he was referring to the Trump sticker on the guy's car...

    You're so right--the blind will stay blind--the willfully blind. What's the expression: none so blind as he (or she) who will not see.

    Do the women see in DT a strong male figure a la the dad they had and lost or the dad they never had or the hubby they wish they had or the son they wish they had? I love it when they defend their belief in him with "He tells it like it is!" when in fact for DT there IS no "it"....as he has no core beliefs and never has had, except in his own cravings......

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    It’s true, many women have been conditioned from birth to defer to the man or men in their lives. As women and young girls, we are taught not to take up too much space, let others go first, don’t be loud, to take care of others and put their needs before ours. That is how society grooms women to accept the “less than” position in the world. A majority of religions reinforce this order. It’s still a world where females are taught to be “good girls” and respect authority.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Jackie, I'm drawn to the idea that we don't find contentment but create it. Folks who sit around waiting to be made happy--never are. It takes work and effort and patience and commitment to find lasting contentment, I think. It's not something that falls on you like an apple. And love isn't a noun in my book--it's an active verb....

    Your mention of your friend looking "harpy" made me laugh. I follow slavishly several eagle cams and learned from a fellow chatter about the harpy eagle. When I first saw pix of it it freaked me out! Now, after studying them, I love the creatures and think them beautiful in their own way.....(but they still are kinda scary!)



  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    Divine--Absolutely! And the men of course reinforce this...and love it. Slowly that is changing but it's like grease on a cold morning---sluggish.....

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    This is the kind of crapola getting into Congress...or wanting to....


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020

    I'm glad we can still give our funny bone a shake and have it respond......


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020

    Steve Bannon charged with fraud over crowdfunding campaign for border wall

    He and three others were charged with diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fundraising effort.

    Bannon was arrested by US Postal InspectionService agents while aboard a yacht off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut, according to NBC. The charges were filed by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York. Bannon pleaded not guilty on all charges Thursday afternoon, and was released on $5 million bond, secured by $1.75 million in assets.

    The charges relate to a GoFundMe campaign started in December 2018 that went viral among conservatives, eventually raising $25 million. The campaign was started by veteran Brian Kolfage, and Bannon got involved when money started pouring in.

    Kolfage and others involved in the fundraising effort repeatedly promised that "100%" of the money raised would be used to build a wall, and none would be paid to Kolfage himself or other board members. Prosecutors allege they violated these promises, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to outside groups or companies that were then steered to Kolfage.


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited August 2020



    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited August 2020

    pupmom...love the Goodyear post!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Bob last night said something that sent a chill through my spine: Trump will accept no election result other than both an Electoral College & popular vote win. And if he does decisively lose (even if SCOTUS rules against him), whether he leaves will depend on the military--i.e., whether he has the Generals on his side. The rank & file may have a plurality of Black & Latinx members, who might conceivably refuse to carry out any orders supporting Trump; but there are probably enough rednecks (and the "rough people" he boasts of "having") to obey his orders (given through "his" Generals) to prevent his removal from the WH come Jan. 20.

    Anyone who believes that the brass would have the military "do the right thing" obviously never learned about the Nazi army.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2020

    Think Junior was indicted about the Bannon thing? Could be wrong, just skimmed the article. Definitely implicated

    Years ago, overheard part of DH convo with his partner. DH say, they don’t need us any more. Not really, we’re finally getting smart.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited August 2020

    While I think there are some in the military who would support a coup by DJT, the overwhelming majority would not. They take an oath to the Constitution, not DJT. And I think, if anything, those highly educated, eminently honorable senior officers actually despise Trump.

    The retired military I've seen speaking, including Ret. General Barry McCaffrey, Colin Powell, Jim Mattis, and so many others, have all been sounding the alarm about him. From what I can see, Michael Flynn is pretty much the only former high ranking officer to openly support him. Yes, many of them are extremely conservative. Honor and duty are everything to them. But Donald Trump isn't a conservative. He a reactionary populist who honors nothing but himself. And they're smart enough to realize it.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited August 2020






  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653
    edited August 2020

    As long as they say they like Trump they are in. He will soon find out if they are loyal and if it seems to be the case he will start firing some of those around him and give them the jobs. Then again, this is one of the reasons so many things Trump does become failures. He thinks loyalty equates to a person who can get things done. I think several of the speakers at the convention alluded to either before the convention or during it that Trump has run the WH just like his business.

    I always wonder why these people come aboard the train for Trump. How many times have they seen people ruined by their association with Trump. Not sure why they think they can succeed when the two before them or maybe in some cases three, were not able to. Well, for some they may make it this time. Time is running out for the Trump first term -- so if they make it just a little farther they can boast of their checkered resume that they worked for Trump and won't have to own up to "leaving " in need of spending time with family. At least Brad Parscale didn't get the complete heave-ho. Still I'm darn if I'd want to suddenly become the coffee boy of the outfit. I presume the hope maybe was that he would get disgusted and quit. Not hardly -- he is one of the ones who should not have hired on with Trump past what he was doing when found. But, he made quite a run til' the press finally decided to point out his scams on Trump. Any REAL CEO would know what a manager was doing for him and Parscale would have bit the dust long ago. Two big users. They and all the enablers need to go down to the rock bottom with Trump.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2020

    Aaaand....the winner of the 2020 "Shonda Fur de Goyim*" Award (previous winners have included Sheldon Adelson, Roy Cohn, Ivan Boesky, Jared Kushner, Bernie Madoff and Amy Fisher) is....Stephen Miller.

    *"Embarrassment in front of the Gentiles"

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,856
    edited August 2020

    Glennie, we had planned to go to Blowing Rocks Nature Preserve last February but the weather didn't cooperate. I have been to the top of the lighthouse in Jupiter & also up and down the waterway in a yacht! There were four of us, and for $50 a piece we could spend an afternoon on the water with all the sights being pointed out to us.