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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Mike Pence is preparing for his debate with Kamala Harris by sparring with Scott Walker. That's like training for a heavyweight boxing match by punching a sock full of mayonnaise.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'REPORTER: "What is something you believe the president has done well?" esan TRUMP SUPPORTER: "Hmm....I am notreally sure. I just support him." This is what we are up against!'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Who would you take medical advice from? An infectious disease expert with years of experience; or, the guy who thinks windmills cause cancer and told you to mainline Clorox? American News X'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'If you see a place of business displaying a Trump sign or flag do the patriotic thing and spend your money some place else.'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'WHIT THE OUSE WITE HOUSE What a question! "Kayleigh, if Trump is a "Law and Order" president, why does he keep breaking the law!" -Brian J. Karem, Reporter CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Just read a very depressing e-mail from Greg Palast's listserv as to how Trump plans to use the 12th Amendment to stay in office. Scenario is after Nov. 3, with mailed ballots not yet fully counted, to stage riots that damage Federal offices & courthouses in the blue cities of states he needs to hold on to or flip--in hopes those states' GOP Govs. &/or Secys. of State will declare that under the circumstances, they can't possibly count mailed ballots. The goal is not for him to get to 270, but to prevent ANYONE from getting 270 electoral votes. In that event, the election goes to the House....but not one vote per Representative, rather, one vote per state. Yup--Wyoming and California each get ONE vote. So guess who wins.....

    Only way to prevent this is to make sure that Dems. in red states (especially the blue cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, Miami, Phila., etc.) vote in-person, early, heavily COVID-protected, during off-hours. Get the word out!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020

    Jackie, your meme with the ball cap dude saying he 's not sure what Trump's done well, he just supports him, points out one type of Trump supporters: those who go along with what they think is the popular crowd to feel like they are “winning". They get caught up in the hoopla. They're the people who don't think things through, they let others do their thinking and just jump on the bandwagons that look like the ones everyone else is supporting. They are afraid to go out on a limb and/or haven't developed their own perspective. I do believe there is a certain percentage of them at Trump rallies who fall into this category. I wonder how many of this type are registered to vote. I think the party atmosphere with all the flags and over the top clothing and car/truck/boat rallies is designed specifically to attract these no-brain people. A very targetted approach, “Don’t know what to think? No worries! Just wear this ballcap and we’ll do your thinking for you!”

    Sandy, dh and I will be going to our board of elections to vote early. What's weird is in mid-August, we sent in forms to get early ballots but never got them. We should have had them by now; (we did request and get ballots in the mail for the spring primaries). I'm not calling to ask about it, we will just go any time starting Oct 6, asap.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited September 2020

    "There is no literature or poetry in this
    White House. No music.
    No Kennedy Center award celebrations.
    There are no pets in this White House.
    No loyal man's best friend. No Socks the family cat.
    No kids' science fairs.
    No times when this president takes off his
    blue suit-red tie uniform and becomes human, except when he puts on his white shirt-khaki pants
    uniform and hides from Americans to
    play golf.
    There are no images of the first family
    enjoying themselves together in a moment
    of relaxation.
    No Obamas on the beach in Hawaii
    moments, or Bushes fishing in Kennebunkport, no Reagans on horseback, no Kennedys playing touch football on the Cape.
    I was thinking the other day of the summer
    when George H couldn't catch a fish
    and all the grandkids made signs and
    counted the fish-less days.
    And somehow, even if you didn't even like GHB, you got caught up in the joy of a family that loved each other and had fun.
    Where did that country go? Where did all
    of the fun and joy and expressions of love and happiness go? We used to be a country that did the ice bucket challenge and raised millions for charity.
    We used to have a president that calmed and
    soothed the nation instead dividing it.
    And a First Lady that planted a garden
    instead of ripping one out.
    We are rudderless and joyless.
    We have lost the cultural aspects of
    society that make America great.
    We have lost our mojo, our fun, our happiness.
    The cheering on of others. Gone.
    The shared experiences of humanity that makes it all worth it. Gone.
    The challenges AND the triumphs that we shared and celebrated.
    The unique can-do spirit Americans
    have always been known for. Gone.
    We have lost so much
    In so short a time."
    ~Elayne Griffin Baker

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    I have always disliked the idea that we are being "tested" by God when something awful happens to us. Bad things happen, and none of us are exempt from the possibility that they will come to us as well. I have pondered a different possibility inherent in crisis that in no way changes the fact that it is a genuine disaster: perhaps the events that devastate us carry within them seeds of spiritual "initiation" into a level of knowing we would not otherwise achieve. -Sallirae Henderson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    Ruth -- that is perfect for how so many people feel. We always hope the top person in the U.S. can be just like us in so many important ways but so much so just daily living and experiences. An example of the comfort and peace that we should be able to feel. I'm stealing it. Bet you knew that when you put it in though. It has a wonderful hope written it -- that we could have that again.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020

    Ruth: ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    I just reposted that exact same thing on Facebook less than a minute ago, Ruth. It speaks to me about what we've lost in the last four years. Joy. It's not just the Pandemic. It's the Trump persona, filled with grievance and spite, that seems to suck every good thing out of life. I'm tired. I just want it over.

    And to your point, ChiSandy, I believe Trump might try something like that. But he won't get away with it. I know I will head straight for DC, most likely accompanied by thirty or so million of my fellow citizens, and remove him from the people's house. We've put our trust in the system to correct the Trump error, but our willingness to accept his behavior does have limits. He'd be wise not to push those limits any further. Just ask Benito about making that particular mistake.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020


  • AMP47
    AMP47 Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2020

    Ruthbru - Elayne depictIon of current administration is obvious in Elaynes posting. Many if not all statements were created by Prior administration. The current administration has brought the economy up to the point that the public can enjoy all that was listed negatively listed in Elyne’s commentary - including a dog.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,698
    edited September 2020

    I haven't had any time yet today to really review today's news other than to note the polls still don't favor Trump much at all. I would suspect any dirty trick that happened to have Trump's prints all over it, but I do think there are limits. On the way here I noticed that Barr may be looked into rather quickly for his recent missteps and behaviors as he is shining Trump's nose every chance he gets. I think some of it is desperation. There was always a fear of Biden -- but after Jim Clyburn's ( S. Carolina ) blessing Biden pretty much took off like a rocket and is still going. Some states will be close, but the more desperate maneuvers the Trump people come up with, the more that might change for the better for Biden. We are getting pretty close -- there is not really going to be a vaccine, but people are still dying from covid, the poor are definitely not getting wealthy, and Biden looks and sounds highly presidential w/o one dirty trick to be had. He has been a truth teller and for that reason will continue to look formidable to the Trump people who will wonder why and so therefore come up with even more off the wall answers. I did read that people were leaving Trump's last rally about 30 to 40 mins. before he wound it down. Even his people are tired of it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2020

    I just found a way to post this to my FB page also Ruth.... It IS really sad.... I mean everything that is going on! Each night I hope and pray that tomorrow will be a better day.... that hopefully the orange menace will be out of our lives.... him and all his house-mates!

    I also hope that Republican's will vote for someone worthwhile, whether in their party, or coming to their senses and vote for somebody with a brain.! That they will realize that we in America can't get much worse. Trump didn't make America great, he tore it apart. Republicans who follow this man must think he is the second coming of God! Their Savior! They will follow this man right over the cliff... just like the sheep they are.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited September 2020

    They belong in the White House.


  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    Anyone else having trouble deciphering AMP47's post? I'm not sure, but it seems as if she's blaming all of Trump's shortcomings on Obama, and lauding Trump's economy? I hope I'm wrong, but if not, wow. Just wow. Delusional doesn't even come close.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020

    I'm assuming the same thing as you, Trish. I don't think Amp realizes the blue nature of this thread.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2020

    I just didn't understand it.... Hoping she meant to be on the Mirror thread....

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,334
    edited September 2020


    You may have posted in the wrong thread. Many moons ago the moderators created two threads; on for Democrats/Liberals and one for Republicans/Conservatives. They requested that we not cross post to avoid arguments and neither thread appears on active topics. We hope that you will respect their wishes. Please find the Conservative thread if you wish to support the current administration

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,334
    edited September 2020

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away! This is not the Shana Tova that anyone wanted. May her memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved her

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    I weep for our democracy. Mitch McConnell is such scum that he will try to push an appointment through, regardless of what he said/did in the past. I hope it costs him his Senate seat.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    There goes our democracy--the Senate will certainly ram through and confirm whatever doctrinaire conservative Trump appoints, and in plenty of time to tilt the Court far-rightward enough to decide his way in the election challenge that will certainly ensue--and enshrine him & his family in the WH for decades. Even if he loses (and by dint of miracle, leaves the WH when this term is up) and the Senate flips blue, there is ample time before Jan. 20 for much damage to be done.

    2020 doesn't just suck, it vacuums.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2020

    I literally screamed "NOOO" at the TV when I heard the news on CNN. Definitely not the Erev Rosh Hashannah we desired. Her memory is a blessing. She was amazing.

    I just hope they find a way to block appointing a new Justice until after the election. Or something,,,, Delay!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited September 2020

    My heart is absolutely broken 💔

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957
    edited September 2020

    A real giant among women is gone. I'm heartbroken.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    I screamed too. Hope the Dems find a way to block anyone.

    The mirro thread has been dark for ages. Think they went to fb.