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Vaccine booster

finallyoverit Member Posts: 134

Hi everyone,

I saw my MO yesterday for a normal, check-in visit and to get results of a recent scan (all stable! 😁). I asked him if I was offered a booster vaccine (received the Pfizer vaccine many months ago and had no ill effects) should I take it. He said yes, even though I’m not considered immunocompromised, he said it wouldn’t be a bad thing to take it.

Just throwing it out there for anyone that might be wondering the same thing. This is just my MOs take on it, but I will say he trained at MD Anderson and teaches the fellows at John’s Hopkins. The 3rd or booster shot isn’t a “thing” yet, but I wanted to get his opinion in the event that I’m offered it. I was really on the fence. I don’t have any strong feeling about not taking it, but wanted to make sure that it would be something that would benefit me before accepting it.

Take care, all!



  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100
    I asked my MO this question today at my every six month appt. I had mentioned I was waiting patiently for the booster to become available (received 2nd shot of Pfizer Feb 10) so six months ago. She said jump on it as soon as available to immuno compromised. I’m in NY and anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis any time in their lifetime was considered to be in the immuno compromised category as far as eligibility.
  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I'll be starting back on ibrance Sunday, so my white cells will go down a little. I'll get the booster if CDC says for me.

  • finallyoverit
    finallyoverit Member Posts: 134

    @spookiesmom ~ I’m on Ibrance as well

  • sunshinegal
    sunshinegal Member Posts: 68

    Dana Farber just sent a mass email saying CDC is now recommending the booster for anyone in active treatment for cancer. I'm interested in getting it, but a little concerned about reacting to Moderna #3 the way I reacted to Moderna #2 (flu-like symptoms for 30 hours). I gotta plan ahead for that kind of down time! LOL

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Not everyone in active cancer treatment is immunocompromised, so please check with your MO. I recently had dose 2 of Moderna so I can wait. I hope to get the reduced dose as a booster to minimize risk of side effects.


  • nopink2019
    nopink2019 Member Posts: 384

    I had already scheduled a booster before messaging MO to ask if I should get it. Her reply, "Absolutely!" So tomorrow it is.

  • tinkerbell107
    tinkerbell107 Member Posts: 293

    Just wondering if anyone is going to request having antibodies tested before the booster shot? I recognize timing is everything when you had the vaccine. I plan to ask my MO about being tested.

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 557

    where we should get the booster shot? I got vaccines through our county, registered and waited for a long time until my turn, which was age group, not my condition, now there is no way I register on the country website again, it says “you are fully vaccinated, thanks!” The cancer clinic, closed registration for vaccine on mychart too!

  • tinkerbell107
    tinkerbell107 Member Posts: 293

    Hi Snow-drop. I’m trying to obtain information as well. I emailed my MO. MO’s nurse responded and their facility is working out the details. More or less they don’t know if they should scratch their watch or wind their head.

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 557

    thank you Tinkerbell, good idea I’ll message my MO’s office.

  • star2017
    star2017 Member Posts: 370

    I spoke to my NP who said they met recently and are still determining the exact guidelines. However, she did say that I'd likely be eligible (on Verzenio) and probably would not need a doctor's note. She thought we'd be able to go into any vaccination site and get the booster, but she said I could wait for now.

  • teedoff
    teedoff Member Posts: 63

    Got my Moderna booster today 6 months after my second shot. Took an antibody test last month which came back negative. No reaction from shot thus far, whereas I did have low grade fever on and off after second shot. My white count hangs around low normal to slightly below depending on where I am in the Taxol cycle. While I understand antibody tests have not been fine tuned, I did find out some other interesting things. Lymphocytes are the white count component that is the virus fighter. Neutrophils fight bacterial infection. My lymphocytes always low. Supposedly suppressed by steroids. Hmmm, Taxol premeds? Just wild guessing since only 3 times a month. Who knows? This whole thing is a crapshoot. Back to the bunker.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    My self contained HMO notified me that I am eligible so I have an appointment for my booster on Monday. I just want Covid19 to end!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Covid booster for me today. #1 was in January, #2 in February-- Moderna. I asked my MO and she agreed that I should get it. I am on Ibrance and my white blood cells stay between 1.0 - 2.0 all the time with ANC 800-1000. Going today to a local pharmacy for the booster.

  • teedoff
    teedoff Member Posts: 63

    I spoke too soon. Moderna booster side effects kicked in the following day. Mostly fatigue and low grade fever for 24 hours. Gone now but wiped me out. Resting today. Still very glad I got the shot.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Teedoff - It's a crapshoot, but you've loaded the die in your favor. 👍

  • teedoff
    teedoff Member Posts: 63

    Thanks, Serenity. No regrets! Onward.

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 557

    I got my shots April, I guess it is a little early for me (less than 6 months) to get a booster, but confirmed cases with delta variant is quite high in our county and state, plus my family do not wear masks since they are fully vaccinated. On the other hand, if I wait -to fill 6 months- until October, I mighlose immunocompromise priority, booster will open to public September 20(I guess), I don’t know what to do...

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Snow-drop-- Yes, it opens to the public Sept 20. But how will they roll it out? Who knows. Like the initial roll out? Nurses, front line workers, nursing home residents. Those that got it early at first will get first dibs at the booster? They all got their shots in what Dec, Jan, Feb so they are 6-8 months out now. So do they need boosters first? I wonder if this #3 shot will last as long. Will we be looking at a #4 shot 6 months from now? No one knows. This is all so new to everyone.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    Snow-Drop - Can you get tested for antibodies? I don't know where you are, but even fully-vaccinated people can get infected by the delta variant. The vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms. My family and I wear masks as an additional layer to prevent infection.

    Candy - Some other vaccines require multiple shots to take full effect. A vaccine expert did expect a 3rd shot when the first 2 doses were given close together (3-4 weeks). The optimal dose interval is somewhere between 8-12 weeks. We may need annual boosters.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175

    I'm in California & got my third Moderna booster yesterday. I registered via the CVS scheduling & got right in. I also got my flu shot at the same time. I'm kind of puny today but not bad. My husband had his third Pfizer yesterday as well although he was at a different CVS.

  • racheldog
    racheldog Member Posts: 209

    I am glad someone started this thread about the 3rd booster. I am currently on Herceptin infusions and have two more to go. I would consider myself after Kadcyla, recent radiation to breast and now the monoclonal antibody infusion that I am immunocompromised ----even though labs have been OK. You cannot go through all these modalities and think that your immune system is back to normal. My NP and surgeons agreed. My issue is the timing of getting this third booster when you are in treatment? I plan to dig into this and ask the oncs (followed by two, one at University). I had started Kadcyla when I got my 2nd Moderna injection, had a raging 104 fever during the night and ended up in the ER. Having a port central line in is always a worry. All was fine after a million tests .

    I do worry about going through the Herceptin and getting the 3rd dose. Have two infusions left. On the other hand, all should be aware that if you are having mammography imaging that these vaccines can cause false reads because of lymphadenopathy. I am due for my first diagnostic bilateral mammos since my diagnosis and already have scan-anxiety about that! A dilemma in when to give the 3rd dose while in treatment with infusions?

  • raymondaz
    raymondaz Member Posts: 3

    I just got the booster on Monday. I was going on vacation to Hawaii and wanted to beat the rush before I returned

    I was in the Pfizer trial so my first two vaccines were sept 2020

    They did not offer a booster at trial so I withdrew from trial

    I walked into Walgreens it's available as a walk in nationwide to anyone immucompromised. My levels were good at 7 month blood test but has slightly diminished at 11 months I self tested at Labcorp to check antibody levels

    Same side effects for me as second shot sore arm a bit tired the next day that's it!

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    I'll get my 3rd shot on Tuesday. I had a PCP appt today and the check-out sheet said I qualify, so I signed up right away. Silver lining to having needed to go to the doc today!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Oops, had to move my booster to Tuesday. I forgot that I pick my grandson up from school on Mondays. Bad grandmother! 🤦🏻♀️

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    So I had my Booster on Friday afternoon. By Friday night I developed a fever. Fever for 24 hours straight--- as high as 103.1 !!!!!! Headache, nausea. Took Tylenol (maxed dose 4000mg in 24 hours) and even put ice packs on armpits. Today, Sunday, better.

    So I thought that with the vaccine that the body thinks it is under attack and mounts an immune response. Boy did I !!!! But, if I would really get Covid how could I be asymptomatic????!!!! Wouldn't I get the fever, etc while the body is fighting the Covid infection??? I would think I would be pretty sick if I got Covid, if I was that sick with the vaccine.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I think it’s not possible at this time (as far as I know) to use ones reaction to the vaccine to predict how sick one might get if they contracted Covid19. I am not a doctor nor do I have any medical training so I am always uncomfortable about medical speculation. I am very glad you’re feeling better!

  • ohionana1605
    ohionana1605 Member Posts: 67

    I am looking for a Moderna booster and wondered why you said having a port line might be a problem? Th

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Ohio nana,

    It’s unclear who you are addressing. When you reply to a post it just adds it to the end of the whole thread, not after the comment you’re responding to.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I got my Pfizer booster today. I had gotten my first two at a mass vaccination site in early March when vaccines were difficult to come by. My self contained HMO was holding COVID vaccinations in a very large tent sheltered outdoor area that was in an area of the campus I didn’t even know existed! After I passed through the initial paperwork process, I was directed toward the side of the tent where Pfizer vaccines were being given. Oddly, I noticed that the line on the Moderna side was much longer. Since Pfizer got full FDA approval yesterday, I would have thought more people would have opted for Pfizer. This vaccination site was not just for boosters so I would have thought more people, first jabs, would have gone for Pfizer.