IDC Grade 3

jodis1015 Posts: 16
edited June 2023 in Just Diagnosed

Hi everyone, I’m new and just beginning this journey. Had a callback from mammogram, and then biopsy after. Got pathology report today and it’s IDC, Grade 3. Mass is 6.5mm. The report says lymph nodes not identified but is that because they haven’t checked yet? Will I find out more on that later?

I have to call an oncologist tomorrow to set an appointment and will get more info soon (I hope), but can anyone give me some positive stories if they had a similar diagnosis to start because everything I’m reading is terrible. And my primary care doctor is really not the best.

This site seems to be a wealth of information and lots of very cool women. I’d be grateful for anything you can tell me about next steps.



  • hi @jodis1015 !!! I’m so sorry you are going through this. It sucks, especially the beginning when you don’t have all the answers. The lymph nodes are usually biopsied when you have surgery to remove the cancer. I’ve had 2 lumpectomy’s and with the second one my lymph node was biopsied. Unfortunately I had cancer in there and ended up doing a double mastectomy. This forum was very helpful, especially when I first started this journey. It’s great to have such a wonderful support system of woman who are going through the same thing! Don’t assume the worst,there are many woman on here who are years out from their diagnosis/ treatment and doing fine. I myself have had my surgery, will be starting chemo next week, followed by radiation and hormone therapy. When all this is done I have a 95% survival rate. Does it suck to have to go through this…. Absolutely yes!!! Try to think positive, you got this!!! There are a bunch of us going through this and we are here for you! Hang in there! Hugs!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856

    @jodis1015, We are really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but glad that you found us. Please know that you're not alone in this journey. As you can already see, we're all here for you.

    If there's anything specific you need help with, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. For now, we would suggest you take a look at our Resources for the Newly Diagnosed, where you'll find some good info to help you understand pathology reports, treatment options, and deal with the stress that comes with a breast cancer diagnosis.

    We hope this helps! Let us know how you're doing!

    The Mods

  • jodis1015
    jodis1015 Posts: 16

    Thank you so much for your responses, it’s nice to feel less alone. I meet with the Surgical Oncologist on Wednesday and will learn more. My sister in law, who is a radiologist, thinks they will move quickly to surgery since it’s Grade 3. Hoping for the best!

    Best of luck to you on your journey flowergirl.


  • I had an IDC grade 3. Mine was both estrogen and progesterone positive, HER2 negative. Even at grade 3 they didn't consider treatment an immediate emergency if the tumor is hormone positive. Those types of tumors tend to be slower than the others even at a higher grade. I went into surgery within 40 days, lymph nodes were clear, no LVI, but being under 50 and a grade 3 my oncotype score came back intermediate. That meant chemo was recommended and I had 4 T/C sessions. Since I had a double mastectomy, there was no radiation. After chemo I went straight to endocrine therapy and a year later feel just as good as new. Maybe even a little better since I am now exercising regularly. So in saying all that I'm not sure what you're reading but with a tumor as small as your's there's absolutely no reason not to assume the best possible outcome.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Posts: 985

    Jodi, I will preface this with everyone's situation is different. I was diagnosed with idc 6mm grade 3. A significant decision making issue is also ki67 score, and whether you are post or premenopausal. Also are you lymphodema positive. I chose to go for a second opinion from a different faciliy before making a treatment decision. The benifit of doing that is they will take more time answering the questions and give explain things that your regular oncologist might not have explained as clearly. It is a stressful scary time right now. I was diagnossed in 2015. Also remember that many of the people on here are here because they have issues. People who are doing well tend not to be here. I am here because my cancer came back this January in a distant metastasis. With the new meds they have I am doing well.

  • jodis1015
    jodis1015 Posts: 16

    Thank you, Kay. That gives me a lot of comfort. I haven’t gotten info back yet on hormone status but, of course, hoping for the most treatable and trying to stay as positive as possible. Thank you!

  • jodis1015
    jodis1015 Posts: 16

    Thank you so much brutersmom, I so appreciate your input. My last period was 9 months ago so I’m pretty much menopausal. I just got more pathology updated and it appears to be triple negative ki67 40% which seems like all very very bad news. Just totally gutted as cancer until this point has not run in my family. But within two weeks of each other my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer and now this.

    I have a meeting on weds with a surgical oncologist who will tell me more, and like you, I am also getting a second opinion with another top doctor to be safe but wow, feel like I just keep getting the worst news possible.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856

    @jodis1015 Here's some info on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer you might find helpful. In addition, you may want to introduce yourself on the Triple Negative forum, where others can weigh in with their experiences. We're all here for you as you navigate your care!

    —The Mods

  • Jodi, you haven't been given the worst news possible! It's a small tumor and yes it's triple negative which stinks because the chemo tends to be more involved but they've got the immunotherapy drug keytruda now which is fantastic. Also, triple negative tumors respond beautifully to chemo. Don't read up on it right now because on-line articles and info are always lagging behind what is really happening in treatment. Your tumor is small and seems to be caught very early. There is every reason to be hopeful for the best results. In saying that though I know very well how frightened and scared you are right now. This is the worst time for everyone who is diagnosed. It does tend to get quite a bit better once all the information is in and treatment starts. If you have questions or just need support don't hesitate to ask but this is a very treatable cancer now. Truly.

  • jodis1015
    jodis1015 Posts: 16

    Thank you Kay! I’m feeling much better after a few days to process. I mean, it definitely sucks but there’s a lot of support and positive stories out there (and on here). So, onward and upward. Wouldn’t have asked to be dealth this hand but now that I’ve got it I’m going to fight to the best of my abilities.

    I have two consults coming up, tomorrow and Friday. I feel fortunate to be in NYC and have access to some amazing hospitals. So I’ll see which doctor makes the most sense to me and hopefully get going ASAP with treatment.