Bone Mets and Told I Need Hip Replacement

I am in the ER and being told I need a hip replacement due to the bone mets. The ER is at my local hospital not the cancer center in Pittsburgh I go to. I came here due to hip and leg pain. The ER doc has a call into my oncologist in Pittsburgh. I want to hear what she says. I am very shocked and surprised by this turn of events and hope anyone who’s been in this situation can offer advice and insight.



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368


    I have no advice or experience in that area, sorry. I can only offer you my hopes for a successful resolution to your pain. Please let us know how you’re doing when you have more info and time 💗

  • mkestrel
    mkestrel Posts: 182

    If it's not an emergency about to fracture maybe you have time to get some opinions. I know it's very overwhelming and I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I do know several friends who have had hip replacements for other reasons. There have been a lot of advancements in orthopedic surgery. I hope you get answers and feel better soon.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Thanks exbrnxgrl and mkestrel. I’m still in local ER waiting for a room in the Pittsburgh hospital. I am glad to be going there as it’s where the cancer center and my onc are. I have no idea when this transport will happen but I hope soon.. All I can do is wait. I guess I won’t have any answers till later.

    Dh and I went on a train tour at the end of September and my thigh began hurting then. I thought it may have been from the hard train seats so I babied it for a week or so hoping it would improve. I managed to get to Columbus over the weekend to see the new house my stepson and his family bought. This morning I knew I needed to seek medical attention for my leg. I am not happy but I kept myself out of the hospital long enough to enjoy the summer and the beginning of dh’s retirement. Now I need to tend to myself. So I guess theres some acceptance of where I am currently tho it is frustrating. Thanks for listening.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Posts: 616
    edited October 2023

    @divinemrsm I'm unable to offer personal input as I'm still fairly new to MBC. However, I can offer my brother's experience of getting two new hips. He needed to loose some weight, and there were concerns of borderline diabetes. So he lost the weight, fixed the diabetes and replaced one hip and then a few months later the other hip. Rehab took a little bit of time, but he now walks without pain. He said he really should have gone sooner. I realize yours is related to cancer, but I know they have made incredible progress in these surgeries. Hoping and praying for the best for you.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,903

    Divine - So sorry to hear about your current situation! Like others have said, I have no real knowledge about any of this, but I do agree that you should probably get several opinions. It should be good once you get to the Pittsburgh hospital. You can have some time to think and talk with those you feel have the expertise. Good luck with all of this and please continue to let us know how things go.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Posts: 634

    Divine, sending you much love and support. One of my peers in my local MBC support group recently had a hip replacement, she had to be off her meds for a while, but she is recovering really well and planning on traveling again soon. I hope if you do actually need a replacement that it goes well. Hoping you get some answers soon and that you can get out of the hospital!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    Devine, sorry you’re in pain, and hospital!! I don’t have any wise words, just hope you get it resolved and feel better soon.

  • Divine, what a shock . I'm sorry you're in pain . Hoping you are tucked in to the hospital in Pittsburg and your onc coordinates with a good orthopedic oncologist or surgeon to figure this out asap .

  • gailmary
    gailmary Posts: 550

    Yikes! I have no experience either except this:

    My MO thought I should replace my shoulder after cancer was first found in humerus with 6cm lesion. The cancer board did not agree with him. I did not have the surgery. I would have needed to treat the cancer for life even though it was my first and only met. My RO said it is now the strongest bone in my body.


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Thanks again for the responses. I finally got to Pittsburgh hospital about 2 am. Am in the cancer unit. Have seen a couple doctors and they want to get more imaging. Was told they often insert a rod rather than do a hip replacement but that’s to be determined after more tests/scans. I am not in pain, its more discomfort when I move certain ways. Am glad to be here getting this assessed. Will keep you posted.

  • olma61
    olma61 Posts: 1,033

    sorry to hear this, divine, I hope you get a good resolution that keeps you pain free and mobile <3

  • Hopefully you will get the right diagnosis and be back on your feet again soon.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Posts: 1,127

    I don't have any insight but am shocked by how quickly this all happened. Hope that you have excellent care and a resolution to this problem. (((hugs)))

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2023

    So it looks like the best option is to have a rod placed in the femur. I met with the orthopedic oncologist who said the bone has somewhat eroded due to the mbc and the rod would be a preventative measure, in other words to prevent a fracture which would be more problematic to repair. Aside from this one area, things appear to be stable everywhere else.

    About a year ago I had some trouble with the same thigh and had radiation to it. So that seemed to be effective for almost a year but has now flared up again.

    They have scheduled the surgery for this afternoon.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368

    I will be thinking the absolute best thoughts for you today 💗

  • mkestrel
    mkestrel Posts: 182

    Bee better soon

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Posts: 1,127

    Thinking of you Divine. Hope that the surgery went well and that you are not in too much pain. Update us when you feel able.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,903

    Divine - Wishing you all the luck in the world with your surgery this afternoon! I'll be thinking of you.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Good evening. I had my surgery yesterday,; they placed a pin in the femur, a preventive thing to prevent fracture; the bone had softened due to mets. Apparently the surgeon is very good and highly recommended so I’m happy about that. I was in some pain today, but they did get me up out of bed and I walked a few feet and then sat in a chair for a while. No idea when I will be discharged. Thank you everyone for all of your goodwill; it really means a lot.

    I only have my iPhone with me and even figuring out how to log onto this website is exceedingly frustrating because usually I use my iPad. and iim all thumbs when it comes to texting on the smaller phone keypad, But I wanted to check in and let y’all know that I’m hanging in there and if you don’t hear from me for a few days I’m ok. Mostly, I am tired and sleeping on and off. Although when you’re in the hospital, there are so many interruptions all day long. It’s hard to get rest!

  • I’m thinking of you- I didn’t enjoy having that done!

    Are you also having the monthly bone injections?

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,903

    Glad to hear that things went well and that your were able to be up and around a little bit today. I can totally relate to the phone thing and having to try and type on the smaller screen, etc. Have a good night, take care, and continue to improve - rapidly (smile).

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Posts: 634

    Thank you for checking in, we're all pulling for you to recover very well! The hospital is great for many things, but sleeping definitely not one of them. Sending you love ❤️

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368

    So happy to read your update when I checked this thread. May you continue to have an easy path as you heal 💗

  • weninwi
    weninwi Posts: 824


    Lovely photo of the bee and zinnia (I believe). I printed it off to give to a relative who was just Dx with breast cancer and will be having surgery. Thank you.

  • seeq
    seeq Posts: 1,193

    DivineMrsM- I just now read what you have been going through. It sounds like you've been toughing it out for awhile. Sendingprayers for quick healing.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Posts: 1,127


    How are you doing? Are you in rehab? Been thinking about you and hope that you are ok.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2023

    chicagoan, thanks for asking. I’m on the mend. I ended up seven days in the hospital as it was determined after surgery but before I was released that I had a pulmonary embolism. That meant getting an iv blood thinner with numerous blood draws to determine dosage for pill form of blood thinner. I came home with oxygen I was supposed to use while active (not needed when sitting); thank goodness my lungs improved in a couple days—the oxygen tank was friggin cumbersome!

    I’ve been home nine days. Home health care sends a nurse once a week and a physical therapist twice a week for now. The PT is great with instructions and exercises to strengthen leg and hip. I use a walker for balance. The goal is for me to walk without a limp. My pain level is low, it is soreness more than pain. I had a follow up yesterday with surgeon. The staples were removed (4 inch incision and two smaller ones) and xray showed things are good. She said I will need radiation to the femur, so I have an appt with the radiologist next week.

    I can do stairs and got around okay yesterday riding in the car for an hour to get to doctor, then dh and I visited with our son who's ten minutes from cancer center. I was totally worn out when I got home but happy to have gotten out for awhile.

    The other event happening during all this was my 95 year old mother in law had entered hospice after two months in and out of the hospital. She lived with her daughter the past five years, but dh and I had looked after her until she was 90. Two days after I was home from the hospital, she passed away. Dh’s other sister seems to have botched plans for a funeral service, going in a totally different direction than was previously decided on. It’s been frustrating and sad. I feel a bit down due all that’s going on but still hanging in there.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368


    It was good to read your update and doubly good to hear that the pulmonary embolism is resolving. May you continue to heal well and condolences on the loss of your mother in law. 💗

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Posts: 1,127


    You have certainly been through a lot these past weeks. You sound good though and I hope that you steadily continue to recover your strength and mobility. I remember being cooped up for a few weeks after my broken leg. Even going to the doctor was a treat b/c it got me out of the house but it was also so exhausting at first. My condolences on the death of your MIL. I hope that the funeral plans get straightened out and honor your MIL's wishes.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Posts: 616

    @divinemrsm Hope you continue to recovery nicely. I'm sending my deepest sympathy on the passing of your MIL. I'm sorry that her wishes are mixed up at this time and hope that things can be smoothed out. No one needs that extra stress as such a vulnerable time.
